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Welterweight (Hallow Brothers Book 1)

Page 15

by Tricia Andersen

  “Sure thing, boss.”

  There was a slam of the door. Meg curled up in a ball in the tub as she shook. Austin killed Mike right there in his apartment. If she wasn’t careful, she and Caleb would be next.


  Josiah sucked at holding mitts. He always tried to coach around them. Caleb had already popped him twice in the chin. Not that his big brother objected. He shook it off and told Caleb he hit like a bitch.

  Caleb sighed. He couldn’t believe how supportive Josiah had been through this mess. For riding his ass constantly to grow up and act like a man, the eldest Hallow brother did everything to keep his mind off Meg. He got up for sunrise runs with him. They sat around the bonfire at night and talked shop or cars or sports, or anything else that came to mind.

  But for all of his efforts, it didn’t help at all. His heart was still torn to shreds. He couldn’t get that image on the screen out of his head. He was going to use it as fuel to rip Austin Graves apart.

  Caleb clenched his hands on his hips and cocked his head at Josiah. “Take a break maybe? Your eye is starting to swell.”

  Josiah laughed as he tossed the mitts on the ground. “Fine. I guess I better get ice on it. You still hit like a bitch.”

  “Your eye says otherwise.”


  The door to the gym slammed opened. Micah stood in the doorway, staring at them wide-eyed.

  “Can we help you?” Caleb asked.

  Micah didn’t answer. Josiah frowned. “Micah, what’s up?”

  Micah looked at Caleb. “They just moved your fight to two in the afternoon. It was per Austin Graves’ request.”

  “What the fuck is that psychopath up to?” Josiah questioned.

  “I have no idea,” Micah answered. “But I know he has Leroy in his back pocket and Leroy seemed pretty smug about the whole thing. Somehow I think Austin believes he has an advantage.”

  “There’s no need for the tranquilizers. I’ll be home in plenty of time. That’s one less thing on my mind. So I’m the one with the advantage,” Caleb added.

  Josiah frowned. He looked at Caleb. “Meg.”

  “What the fuck about her?”

  “What if she manipulated Graves into thinking he had the advantage starting early so he would give you plenty of time before the full moon?”

  Caleb stared at him. He fought back the hope filling his heart. “I doubt it. If anything she told him whatever it is to use against me.”

  Josiah cracked a grin at him. “I’m going to believe in the legend if you don’t mind.”

  “Believe in whatever you fucking want. What I know is I’m going to win and bring the belt home. So let’s get back to practice.”

  “Sure thing, hot shot.” Josiah picked up the pads and slipped them back on.

  Micah waved before he headed out the door. “See you guys at dinner.”

  “Put on some fight shorts and roll with me,” Caleb shouted after him.

  His voice faded as he walked away. “We’ll see.”

  Caleb chuckled as he squared up with Josiah and threw a jab. What Micah told him was definitely positive news. Fighting in the afternoon was strange, but he’d take that over getting stabbed with a needle.

  But Meg? He had hoped to forget her. Now all he could wonder was how she was wrapped up in all this. He huffed and threw another punch.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The club was packed for early afternoon. It looked like the entire town had taken the day off just to watch the weigh-ins. The idea that Leroy moved the fight up to two o’clock was bizarre enough. But the weigh-ins too? Caleb shook his head. The promoter must have had a lot on his plate to deal with.

  As he cut through the sea of bodies, he was jeered and laughed at. He kept his composure. Tomorrow night, when he left Austin Graves in a bloody heap in the middle of the cage, they’d all change their tune.

  The past three weeks of training felt like an eternity. Despite the empty feeling he held inside, his game got stronger. He knew he had to credit his brothers for that. Each one of them put in more time than they needed to help him. The whole family grew stronger and closer.

  In fact, Josiah and Joshua came with him to the weigh-in, along with Littlefoot. Micah would be joining all of them the following night when they walked him to the cage.

  He kept his eyes ahead as they wove through the mob toward the stage. He knew Meg was here tucked away in some booth, probably sucking face with Graves. He didn’t want to see her. He didn’t know if he could feel rage and heartbreak at the same time. He was certain if he laid eyes on her he’d experience it.

  The three men watched each pair of fighters get weighed on the old-fashioned scale in the center of the stage. The doctor administering it looked almost bored as he announced each number. Once they were finished, they squared off for photos. It was a long, mind-numbing process. It was made more uncomfortable by the drunks that shoved and swore at him. Finally, the other three men created a barrier with their bodies between him and the crowd to give him peace.

  “Finally, our main event.” The announcer’s voice echoed off the walls of the bar. “Our welterweight champion, Austin Graves.”

  Austin strutted across the stage with the belt over his shoulder. He handed it to one of the bikini-clad ring girls poised against the stage backdrop. He winked at her as he pulled his T-shirt over his head and dropped his jeans. She giggled at him as she took his things. Dressed only in his fight shorts, he stepped up on the scale. The club went silent.

  “One hundred and seventy point five pounds,” the doctor told the announcer.

  “One hundred and seventy point five pounds,” the announcer called out over the microphone.

  “Like we couldn’t fucking hear him the first time,” Josh muttered.

  “He can be a half pound over,” Josiah reminded Caleb.

  “He’ll need it,” Caleb answered.

  “And the challenger.” The announcer motioned down to Caleb in front of the stage. “Come on up, Caleb Hallow.”

  Caleb smiled to his brothers and Littlefoot and then pushed his way through the crowd to the steps. He made his way to the scale. First he pulled each boot off. Then he tugged his T-shirt over his head. Instead of handing it to one of the ring girls, he dropped it on the floor. At least half of the boos and jeers changed into whistles and catcalls. He grinned at the attention, basking in it for a moment. He looked over the crowd.

  That’s when he saw her. He was right. Meg was tucked away in a booth in the corner, surrounded by Austin’s fighters. She was dressed in a ruby red, tight-fitting satin dress with the bouncy, blonde curls. Her lips matched her dress. From the stage, he could see the dark coloring under her eye. He huffed. If that’s what she’s into, I guess she has the right guy.

  “Caleb,” the announcer prodded.

  “Right.” Caleb unbuttoned the fly of his jeans and shoved them to the floor. Instead of his fight shorts, he only wore boxer briefs. The catcalls grew louder. He glanced at Meg for her reaction. She stared at him as she bit that red-painted lower lip.

  He stepped on the scale. The club went quiet.

  The doctor looked up at him. “One hundred and seventy. Dead on.”

  “One seventy.” The announcer waved his free arm excitedly. “Now, face off gentlemen. Let’s get this started.”

  Caleb flexed his muscles for show. The reaction shook the building. He stepped off the scale and squared off with Austin. A growl escaped his throat. The last time he faced this bastard he was being beaten unconscious with a bat right after changing. He knows my secret. I’ll be sure to knock it out of him.

  The two men dropped into fight stance. Austin smirked. “I know what you are, freak.”

  “Well, this freak is going to take your belt tomorrow night.”

  “I still have your girl.”

  “You can have her. I just want your belt. Let’s be honest. It’s what you truly love anyway. I’ll take good care of it. And you can call me champ.”
  Austin lunged forward as he swung. Caleb took a step back as he laughed. Security jumped in between and separated them.

  “Wow! There are going to be some fireworks tomorrow night. Make sure you get your tickets. And don’t forget the new start time is two o’clock.”

  The security guards shoved the nearly naked Caleb toward the staircase he came from. He turned to demand his clothes. One of the ring girls stood behind him, carrying his things. He took them from her and then jogged down the stairs. Random hands touched him. A couple grabbed his cock. He felt his stomach lurch. He never put his pants on so fast.

  He spun as a hand grabbed his arm. Littlefoot shielded him from a rowdy, drunken woman reaching for him. “Let’s get out of here. Your brothers will meet us outside.”

  Caleb slipped his T-shirt on. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  The two men shoved their way through the crowd until the warm night breeze hit their faces. Caleb gripped his boots as he turned to Littlefoot. “Can you take me back?”

  Littlefoot frowned. “Your brothers will be with us anytime now. We’ll get back in plenty of time before the full moon rises.”

  “I’ll text them. I just want to get away from these lunatics.”

  The older man smiled. “I understand. My truck is over here. Do you need a second to put your boots on?”

  “Nope. Let’s go.”

  They hurried to the truck and climbed in. It took a while for Littlefoot to maneuver through the crowd that spilled out onto the street. He surged past the last one and sped toward the highway.

  The ride home was quiet. Caleb stared at the miles of budding fields as they passed by. Anxiety started to hit him. As hard as he tried not to, he wanted Meg. The women screaming at him may have boosted his ego a bit, but it also reminded him how empty he was. He needed time alone and away from everyone.

  He perked up as they passed the forest he’d spent the night in after the last fight. “Littlefoot, stop here.”

  “What for?” Littlefoot questioned. “The sun is about to set.”

  “I’ll change here. There’s a bunch of black bears and probably a moose or two. I want to gorge myself.”

  “It’s not wise.”

  “I’ve changed here before.”

  “And what about human life?”

  Caleb’s voice was weak. “I can control the beast. Meg was right. I did it before in Germany. Anna wasn’t my mate. I didn’t attack her. I just watched and hoped she wouldn’t panic if she saw me. So, stop. Please.”

  Littlefoot studied him a moment and then slowed to pull over. Caleb popped open the door and hopped out. He turned back. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m picking you up at this spot at sunrise. Got it?”

  “I’ll be here. And could you bring a change of clothes in case I don’t get these off in time?”

  “Of course.”

  “Awesome. See you in the morning.”

  “See you then.”

  Caleb slammed the door and then stepped back. He watched as Littlefoot sped away. At least for the moment, he felt free. He smiled as he crossed the road and jogged down the tree-covered rutted road until he disappeared from sight.


  Josiah felt the vibration on his hip as he and Joshua fought their way through the mass of bodies toward the door of the club. He carefully wiggled his cell from his pocket and checked it. He turned toward Josh and shouted over the noise. “Great. Caleb left with Littlefoot.”

  “At least they’re on the way home,” Josh called back.


  They finished weaving their way outside. Josiah took a deep breath of the summer air. Compared to the smell of stale beer and body odor, it was refreshing. He grasped for his bearings. “Two blocks over,” he directed.

  The two brothers strode past the club goers to get to their vehicle. They stopped when they heard a voice. “Hey, you! Fucker!”

  Both Josiah and Joshua turned to see the guy charging toward them. By the logo on his T-shirt, it was easy to tell he was from Austin’s gym. “What the fuck do you want?” Josiah challenged.

  The guy grabbed Josiah by the collar of his T-shirt and slammed him against the wall. When Joshua tried to pull him off his brother, he was shoved to the ground. The man looked at Josiah. “You’re one of those fucking Hallow brothers, aren’t you?”

  Josiah shoved back at the guy to get loose. “Fuck right I am. What about it?”

  The man stared him in the eye as his voice lowered to a near whisper. “Lower right rib. Austin Graves’s lower right rib is broken.”

  “What the fuck?” Josiah demanded.

  “Play the fuck along, man. He killed the guy who did it. He killed the guy whose blood he smeared on Caleb’s truck. He threatened Meg that if she tries to go back to Caleb he’ll kill Caleb and her. Then he proved it. And if he knows I’m talking to you he’ll kill me too.”

  “Who are you?”

  “My name is Damien. Meg and I came to this town together. She’s like a sister to me. It’s my fault she got involved with all these fake fucks. But she’s my old, sweet Meg from home now that she’s been with Caleb. So get her out of there. He kept her in a dark closet in the gym for a week. Now he keeps her in his apartment bathroom. She’s tried to escape but he always catches her. She was the one who suggested that he talk to Leroy about moving up the start time. And then she threw up on him when he tried to have sex with her. Just tell Caleb to hit Austin in the lower right rib. He’ll go down like a pile of bricks.”

  “Fine. What about you?”

  “As soon as I’m done dealing with you, I’m going back to the West Coast. My flight leaves at midnight. Just rescue Meg, please.”

  “Consider it done.”

  Damien slightly nodded. They he hit Josiah as his voice raised to a shout. “Get your fucking face out of my sight. Your whole family needs to get out of this town. Go back to where you belong.”

  “Gladly.” Josiah shoved him away, his entire body bristling. He rammed his shoulder into Damien’s. As he did he muttered, “Travel safe.”

  “Thank you.”

  Josiah and Joshua stalked away from the growing crowd that gathered to watch the altercation. They didn’t say a word until they were inside Josiah’s car with the doors shut.

  “Well, that was interesting,” Joshua commented. “Do you believe him?”

  Josiah paused. “Yes, because no one can refute legend. Damien couldn’t have known of the violent physical effects of trying to transgress the mating ritual. Caleb almost retched tonight coming off the stage when those women touched him. Did you notice?”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “Lower right rib. Huh. Let’s get home and tell Caleb. Maybe we can work some body shots before the full moon rises.” He shifted the car into drive and sped off.

  The entire ride back to the camp was tense. The two brothers tried to talk, but the conversation died quickly. They were relieved when they finally reached the camp. When only four brothers appeared out of the cabins, the tension in Josiah rose again.

  “Where’s Caleb?” he demanded.

  “He’s not here,” Micah reported. “Littlefoot told us he wanted to be alone when we met down at Sharky’s to drop off Momma. He said he dropped Caleb off at those woods he stayed at before and that he’ll get him in the morning.”

  “Not a wise idea. Not at all. That was monumentally stupid.”

  “I agree. But the deed was done. There was nothing we could do.”

  Josiah glanced up at the darkening sky. He understood his little brother’s desire to be alone. But it didn’t stop the worrying from creeping in. “There’s nothing to be done now. Go get ready for the change, boys. We’ll deal with this in the morning.”


  Meg studied the arena around her as the seats filled for the fights. It was early afternoon and people were already toting a beer in each hand. She glanced on either side of her at the goons keeping her in line. Each carried a
gun in the waistband of their jeans, barely concealed under their shirts. She smoothed the satin of her dress with a sad sigh. She missed the comfy clothes she wore at the camp. She missed everything about the camp. She just wanted to go home.

  The lights lowered and the fights started. Her stomach flipped with the conclusion of each battle. Each one brought the main event closer. She wasn’t worried about the outcome. She had all the faith in the world in Caleb. But would she be free? She bit her lips as she straightened her dress again.

  Finally, the main event arrived. Austin strode out with Carl and the rest of his corners. He stopped before he reached the officials and stared at her. She frowned at him, confused. What did he want? For her to get up and give him a good luck kiss? She never had before. The moment took an uncomfortable amount of time. Finally, Carl tugged Austin to himself to apply petroleum jelly to the fighter’s face. Austin gave each of his corners a quick hug and then turned toward the official waiting to examine him. Once they were finished, he jogged up the steps into the cage.

  The arena erupted as the gangsta rap music blasted from the speakers. Meg's heart raced as butterflies took off in her belly. She stared at the entryway, waiting. She knew she wasn’t breathing. The noise got louder as Caleb appeared, striding confidently toward the cage. Behind him was Josiah, Micah, Joshua, and Littlefoot. Two tall, well-built men with long black hair and similar features to Littlefoot followed behind them. Each wore a leather vest over their T-shirt. Meg could only guess they were part of Littlefoot’s tribe.

  When they reached the officials, Caleb turned to Josiah. The oldest Hallow brother gently smoothed petroleum jelly over his face. He was telling the fighter something that the other two Hallow brothers must have agreed with. Caleb answered with a nod and then hugged each of them and Littlefoot. He presented himself to the officials. After a pat down and showing them his mouth guard, he was motioned to the cage.

  He turned, meeting gazes with Meg. Her breath caught in her throat as her heart stampeded. She glanced briefly at Austin, hopping from one toe to the other inside the metal structure. Then she turned and blew a kiss to Caleb.

  A smile cracked across Caleb’s face. She heard the walls of the cage rattle.


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