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Welterweight (Hallow Brothers Book 1)

Page 16

by Tricia Andersen

  “What the fuck was that, Meg?” Austin demanded.

  She gave him a cold, even glare as she settled back in her seat. Caleb ascended the steps and entered the cage.

  The announcer strode to the center of the cage with the official. “This is the fight you’ve been waiting for, ladies and gentlemen. In the red corner, the champion Austin Graves. And in the blue corner, the challenger Caleb Hallow.”

  The referee motioned Caleb and Austin to the center of the mat as the announcer and cameramen left, locking the door behind them. He talked to them, his words only able to be understood by the two fighters. He brought his hands together for them to shake. Neither man moved. They just stared at each other. The referee sent them to their corners. He glanced at each of them and then dropped his arm. “Fight.”

  Caleb and Austin raced out of their corners at each other with punches flying. Caleb connected with a jab, but Austin ducked the cross. Austin countered with a kick in Caleb’s gut. Caleb staggered back, but then attacked with another series of punches.

  It was easy to tell that there was no strategy to their fight. They were fueled by hate, passion, and a sheer will to win. Austin dropped to his knee and plowed his shoulder and head into Caleb’s ribs for a takedown. Caleb twisted to lock Austin in his guard. Austin rained down punches on his opponent mercilessly. Caleb blocked as many as he could and then pushed away to scramble to his feet. By the time Austin rose to confront him, the round was over.

  Meg bit her lip nervously as she watched the minute pass inside the steel structure. Caleb slumped on the stool, exhausted. Micah laid an ice pack between his shoulder blades as Josiah shouted at him over the noise. Caleb just nodded. Caleb stood in time for his brothers to grab the stool and their other items and escape before round two started.

  The two men stalked each other for several long moments. Austin lunged forward and jabbed. Caleb ducked it and then fired his fist into Austin’s rib cage. Meg watched her mate’s eyes widen as Austin doubled in pain and fell to the floor. Caleb didn’t miss a beat as he dropped with his opponent, pounding Austin relentlessly. Austin’s arms dropped to the mat as his eyes rolled shut. The referee grabbed a hold of Caleb and shoved him off the unconscious fighter. He sat gaping in the middle of the cage as the referee and doctor on hand tried to revive Austin.

  Each thug on either side of her leaped to their feet, shouting obscenities in protest of their fighter’s apparent loss. Over the roar of the crowd, Meg could hear Josiah shout, “Caleb, corner.” His younger brother obeyed quickly. With the chaos all around, Meg slowly stood and crept away from the two men. She held her breath. She was almost free.

  She cried out as a hand grabbed her elbow and ripped her back. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” the goon demanded as he shook her violently.

  “Ms. Riley is coming with us,” a voice informed.

  They spun around to find the two men in the vests who had followed Caleb to the cage. The fighter holding onto Meg puffed his chest out. “And who the fuck are you?”

  The taller of the two men brushed back the vest. Meg gasped. An intricately decorated pistol was strapped securely to his hip. “Security is much too relaxed in the back, isn’t it? These poor saps around us had to go through metal detectors and here are we fully armed. And believe me, friend. I can gut you like a deer before your fingers touch your gun. So kindly let Ms. Riley go.”

  The fighter’s chest deflated as he released Meg. The crowd around them was oblivious to the exchange beside the cage. They were too tied up with what was happening inside the metal structure. Meg glanced inside the cage with them. Josiah, Micah, Joshua, and Littlefoot were in the cage, hugging and celebrating. Austin was just coming to. Despite Carl and the officials flocked around him, he turned to his side. He glared at her. He spit as he spoke. “You fucking bitch. You’re dead. You’re both dead.”

  Meg’s heart slammed in her chest. She felt her knees buckle, making her wobbly in her heels. One of Littlefoot’s kin grabbed her to support her. He slapped a paper bracelet around her wrist and sealed it. “Come with us, Ms. Riley.”

  They hurried away toward the back. She stole one last look as the crowd erupted. Caleb’s hand was raised in victory as Leroy fastened the champion belt around his waist.

  Their pace didn’t slow as they passed through the curtain separating the backstage area from the arena. They wove around people in the long corridor as they made their way to the locker room. The man holding her up let go of her. Before she could object, another hand took hers captive. Fingers laced between hers. She bit back a sob as she did her best to curl her fingers around the padding of the fingerless glove.

  “Cay, I’ll deal with the media tomorrow,” Micah advised.

  “Whenever. I have Meg. I don’t give a shit about the media right now,” Caleb assured.

  “We’ve got to get the hell out of here,” Josiah warned. “Damien wasn’t bullshitting us. Graves’s men are carrying. How the fuck did they get in with weapons like that?”

  “How’d we get in with our pistols?” Littlefoot countered.

  “Graves has Leroy in his back pocket,” Caleb replied. “He wanted a fucking arsenal here to deal with us. I’m sure Leroy had no problem letting him have it in the building.”

  “Now Leroy has to deal with you.” Josiah chuckled. “Champ.”

  “Fucking straight.”

  The group ducked into the locker room and scattered to gather their things. Meg staggered a step when she was let go. A pair of lips claimed hers in a deep kiss. Her stomach didn’t lurch, but her heart nearly took off from her chest. She melted against the hard, sweaty body she clung to.

  She broke the kiss before it was over. “Austin is going to kill us.”

  “I know, baby,” Caleb consoled. “I heard him.”

  “All the more reason to go now.” Josiah slung his bag over his shoulder. “You two can do that on the way home.”

  “Let’s go.” Caleb grabbed his bag and then took her hand. He led her and the rest of the men out into the corridor toward the propped open door leading outside.

  “The van is at the end of the parking lot.” Joshua pointed as he ducked between two police cars parked beside the arena.

  Caleb picked up his pace as he crossed the driveway. Meg jogged to keep up. She scanned to see each of their group snaking between the parked cars toward the far corner of the lot. The crowd was already spilling from the building. There was shouting and loud laughter as fans celebrated.

  A gunshot silenced the crowd. Meg screamed as she caught a glimpse of the bullet hole in the car beside her. She looked behind her while still trying to keep up with Caleb. For a brief moment, she saw Austin brandishing a gun. Next she saw the naked, inked back of her mate.

  “Leave us the hell alone,” Caleb warned.

  Austin chuckled. “I told her, Hallow. If she fucked with me I’d kill you both. She cost me my belt.”

  “Let her go. You can do whatever you want to me. But let her go.”

  “Can’t do that.”

  Meg saw Caleb’s head turn slightly. “Josiah, get her out of here please.”

  “I’m not leaving you,” Josiah countered.



  Caleb’s voice shattered Meg’s heart. “Please. I’m begging you.”

  The next few moments were a blur for Meg. Her feet left the ground and her body doubled over a firm shoulder. The scene whirled around her in a tornado of color. There was violent shouting and the sounds of many voices as parked cars flew past them.

  Then there were four deafening bangs in quick succession. Meg screamed as she struggled and pounded on Josiah’s back. He never stopped. He didn’t flinch. She was sure she heard him sob.

  Her ass hit the van seat with a thud. Josiah slid in beside her and slammed the door shut. Micah jumped in the driver’s seat while Joshua hopped in the passenger side. Micah threw the van in reverse and sped out of the parking lot.

  Meg felt her
heart swell in rage. She punched Josiah over and over in the chest. “You left him to die! You always hated him! Why? Why did you leave him?”

  He grabbed her wrists and gently shook her. “I love him, Meg. He’s my brother. I didn’t want to leave. But he entrusted me with the only thing he loves in the world, someone he is willing to die for. How was I supposed to say no?”

  Meg stared at him as she sobbed. He pulled her to him and hugged her close. “Stay with us, no matter what,” he murmured against her ear. “You’re part of the Hallow family now.”

  She cried into his chest. He smoothed her hair back gently. She heard whimpers fill the vehicle. Every heart broke as the city of Duluth disappeared behind them.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The ride back home took an eternity. Meg finally pulled out of Josiah’s arms to look out the window. The scene meant nothing. All she could hear in her head were those gunshots. The hole in her heart was starting to consume her.

  Meg frowned as they got closer. There were green, growing fields on both sides of them. Deep paths down to the dirt were torn through them leading for miles. Trees laid on their side ripped out at the roots. Buildings were reduced to rubble.

  The rest of the Hallow family were waiting for them at Sharky’s. Micah pulled to a stop and turned off the van, but none of them got out. They sat in silence for a long time. Finally, Joshua looked out the window up at the sky. “The sun is going to set soon. We’d better get this over with.”

  They slowly climbed out from the vehicle. Meg accepted the hand Josiah offered to step down. Together they approached the family.

  “How’d it go?” Abraham asked

  “The news said there was a shooting at the arena. Where’s Caleb?” Momma demanded.

  None of them answered. Josiah looked at Sharky. “Take Momma and Meg to my aunts’ house. Get them to Bemidji. We have to go.”

  “Josiah, where’s Caleb?” Momma insisted.

  She glanced at each of them. A wail built from deep inside her. Ezekiel pulled her close and held her tight. The sound set off Meg’s tears again. Micah wrapped an arm around her shoulders and tugged her to him.

  “Littlefoot?” Sharky asked meekly.

  “Littlefoot, his nephew, and Noah are back in town with Cay. I’m sure we’ll find out something soon,” Micah quipped.

  “There’s no phone service at home,” Samuel replied.

  “What do you mean there’s no service at home?”

  “There was a huge storm this morning. At least three or four tornadoes tore through here. It knocked the tower Josiah built over. There’s no internet, no phones, nothing. The server that controls the app programs hasn’t been up since noon.”

  “Shit.” Josiah punched the van. “By now all those cell phone games have crashed. Japan is going to be up our ass. We don’t have time to fix it. We’ll be lucky if we get back before the moon is up. Boys, roll out.” He crossed the lot to Momma and kissed her on the cheek. “Go see your sisters. As soon as we know something and can contact you, we will.”

  Momma nodded and then shuffled to Sharky’s car. Josiah then strode to Meg and kissed her on the cheek. “Go with Momma. I promise I’ll figure out what’s happening. Have faith.”

  She nodded as she bit back a sob. She gave the oldest Hallow brother a quick hug and then scuttled across the lot to the car. She glanced out the window as they pulled away to see the brothers’ vehicles speeding into the woods.


  Momma had forgotten her phone. Meg searched all her bags the second they arrived at Edith and Edna’s to find it. Going without communication with the brothers was unacceptable. Yet in the chaos from the storm and losing the tower, Momma had left it on her bedside table. Of course, the sisters didn’t have a phone or car. They walked each day to church.

  Meg crossed the living room to the mirror the moment she stepped in the house and turned around. She let out a nervous laugh as she examined the tattoo in her reflection. “It’s okay. The tattoo is still here.”

  Momma sighed as tears filled her eyes. She said nothing. Meg turned to face her. “You still have yours.”

  Momma pulled the neckline of her dress away. Meg could see the faint peek of ink. “I do.”

  Edith and Edna scuttled into the living room. “We are going to service. Evelyn?”

  Momma rose from her perch on the sofa. “Yes, of course.”

  Meg stormed to the door. “I’m going too.”

  “Excuse me?” Edith spat.

  “My mate might be dead or injured. Or fine, I don’t know. I want to pray or something. I hate feeling helpless.”

  “You’re not going looking like a dime store hussy. Go change. You left clothes here the last time. We’ll wait.”

  Meg breathed a sigh. “Thank you.” She hurried to her room to find a T-shirt and a pair of jeans folded neatly on the bed. She changed and then wove her way to the living room. The sisters studied her head to toe before nodding in approval. She and Momma followed the spinsters out the door toward the little church on the corner.

  Meg waited for Sharky or Josiah to bring her news. When she wasn’t sitting beside the window watching, she was with the sisters at church. She spent every day dressed in her T-shirt and jeans curled up in her chair watching out the large window. They were the only clothes she had other than a pair of pajamas. She threw the dress away the first chance she got. She was surprised how much the sisters cared for her. Every night, they washed her outfit and every morning her pajamas. The clean clothes were a small comfort.

  Her mind was filled with memories of Caleb, his touch, his smile, even his shitty temper. She wanted to hold her mate. She couldn’t fathom living without him.

  She jumped out of her chair and stumbled over the coffee table at the sight of Sharky’s car. Once she regained her footing she raced out the door to him. “Do you have any news?” she begged, out of breath.

  Sharky shook his head. “I iz here to take ye back. Dere waz a sliver moon lass night.”

  Meg’s heart plummeted. “Oh. I’ll get my things then.” She shuffled to her room to get the few things she had. She found Momma gone when she came back to the living room. Glancing out the front door, she found the older woman already nestled in the front seat of the car.

  She shrugged as she forced a smile at the aunts. “Thanks.”

  They stared at her quietly. Edith scooted to her and hugged her. Then Edna did the same.

  “Take care, child.” Edna patted her shoulder. “We’ll see you in a couple of weeks.”

  Meg forced a smile on her face. She walked to the car and crawled in the back. She barely got the door closed before Sharky hit the gas and took off down the street.


  The camp was deserted when Sharky parked next to the family building. Meg didn’t wait for him to assist her. She threw open the back door and scrambled out. She searched each building for a sign of life. She sprinted across the camp when she saw Littlefoot. Slowly the Hallow brothers emerged from their cabins.

  “What happened?” she begged from Littlefoot. “Where’s Cay?”

  An unfamiliar noise filled the camp, a dull repetitive thud on wood. Meg turned to see what it was. Caleb hobbled from the cabin, leaning on a pair of crutches. A wide bandage peeked from beneath his shorts.

  She whimpered as she trembled. She ran to him, colliding with him as he reached the grass beneath the step. He didn’t topple from the impact. He steadied himself and then wrapped his arms around her, letting the crutches fall. She sobbed into his chest as she hugged him tight.

  Her voice was muffled as she spoke. “I thought you were dead.”

  He smoothed her hair as he responded. “I thought I was too there for a bit.”

  “What happened? There were four gunshots.”

  “Austin shot my leg. Not a major organ but about a centimeter from my femoral artery. The next two shots he fired were at a cop who came on the scene. The final shot came from the cop’s gun. It was fatal. I�
��m sorry.”

  She looked up at him through tears. “Why are you sorry? That asshole locked me up for three weeks. He put a gun in my side and forced me to lie to you and say that I didn’t love you. I love you more than anything in this world. I am so happy that you’re safe and here and we’re together.”

  She caught his smile just before his lips engulfed hers. The kiss was quickly interrupted by a squeal, growing louder. Caleb broke away from her and pulled her to his side moments before Momma attacked with a bear hug.

  “My little boy,” she cried as she smothered him.

  Caleb hugged her back. “Mom, I’m okay.”

  She stepped back and examined him. “You have a bandage. You’re hurt.”

  “I was shot, yeah.”

  “Shot?” Momma screamed. She let go of Caleb and pressed her hands to her face. She wobbled a bit. Meg reached out for her, sure she was about to go down. Josiah beat her to Momma. Caleb gathered Meg in his arms again.

  “Momma, he’s fine,” Josiah assured.

  “But the change,” Momma insisted.

  Littlefoot joined the group gathering outside Caleb and Meg’s cabin. “In the midst of the chaos, Noah, my nephew, and I stole him away. Noah placed a tourniquet on his leg long enough to get back to his hospital on the reservation. He stabilized Caleb then we sedated him before the change. It kept him human for the surgery. Noah gave him strong pain killers and anti-nausea drugs and sedated him every night so he could heal.”

  “You kept him, my mate, a werewolf, in a hospital?” Meg questioned. “How did you do that without anyone knowing?”

  Littlefoot chuckled. “People tend to steer clear of places marked ‘quarantine.’ Evelyn, how about we go have a cup of tea?”

  Momma scowled at him. “I’m staying with my son.”

  “Let’s give Caleb and Meg some time to get reacquainted. They can join us in a bit.”

  Momma’s gaze shifted from her son to Meg. She smiled. “All right. We’ll see you both in a bit.” She gave them one last smile before she, Littlefoot, and Josiah crossed the camp to her cabin.


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