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Vampire Princess of New York (Arnhem Knights of New York)

Page 23

by Susan Hanniford Crowley

  You’ve been talking with Father a lot about this?

  Yes, Sha, I have. I didn’t want to waste our time going over old ground. You and Max have spent a fortune over the many years hiring researchers to look for her. If we don’t find her this time, will you let her go?

  Noble bit her lower lip, her eyes clouded with tears. No. I will never stop looking for her. I need to know, to give my heart rest. A tear escaped.

  Donovan reached for the tissue box on the nightstand and to dab her eyes. It would not do for the princess to arrive with a bloodstained face. Then I will not stop looking for her either.

  Noble kissed him. Merci, mon chéri. Reaching up to him, Noble pulled him down on top of her like a warm, comforting blanket.

  He whispered in her ear, “Remember, Noble, this is our honeymoon. Until we have the information from the researchers, I intend on making our time in Paris fun.” He rubbed his fangs against her cheek, and she jumped except he was holding her down.

  “Oh, I like that reaction.”

  “You are really getting comfortable with being a vampire, aren’t you?”

  “Oh, yes. I learned so many things before we left. I can’t wait to show you some of them. And I have a book that Skyler gave me. He said I should have had a bachelor’s party but there was no time.”

  “What’s the book about?”

  “Vampire sex.” Donovan winked at her. “The pilot has just informed me that we have a delay of twenty minutes before we land. Let’s have some fun.”

  Noble smiled with her fangs. “Show me.”

  Donovan smiled back showing his fangs and she shivered. He gazed down at his bride as her sheer nightgown disappeared. “Noble, notre amour survivra aux étoiles.”

  She shivered with delight. Our love will outlast the stars. What a romantic thing to say.

  His lips brushed hers so tenderly she cried.

  Aw, Sha. He kissed her again, but this time his fangs rested on her bottom lip. Her tongue reached out to caress his fangs. Donovan closed his eyes. Her touch was ecstasy.

  Reluctantly, he ever so softly grazed his fangs across the skin of her neck. Noble squirmed beneath him. He nuzzled her breasts with his face, fondled her with his hands, then his fangs touched the sensitive skin of her nipple.

  She jumped. In a blur, he pulled away.

  Panting helplessly, Noble looked up. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want to really bite you and hurt you.”

  Noble smiled and touched his face, her fingers gently stroking his jaw. “A lot of vampire couples bite each other. It’s not a big deal.”

  “It is to me. I don’t want to bite any part of you that the baby will need.”

  She giggled and slipped into his mind. He loved her giggle. It was part of Noble’s temporary abandonment of the strictly business attitude she maintained at her office. He’d seen the difference in her. The moment they were alone or she was away from the office, Noble was free to be herself and he loved that most of all.

  Noble reached up to him and pulled him down so his face pressed against hers in a kiss. His arms completely engulfed her, his body covering hers.

  “It’s just a lot of the book has biting it in. I really want to try everything and just not bite.”

  She inched up pulling him with her until they were sitting facing each other. “Why don’t you want to bite me?”

  “You’re going to think I’m foolish or worse holding onto my humanity, but it’s not that.”

  Noble kissed him. “Donovan, you’re important to me. Please, tell me why. Some vampire couples never bite, and it’s ok.”

  “You’re sacred to me, my love.”

  His words thrilled her more than any orgasm they could share. Heat poured into her body from those words and his kiss until every part of her was flaming hot. Noble couldn’t stop kissing him. Donovan eased her down to the mattress and blanketed her with his body, careful that he wasn’t too heavy on top of her. He returned every kiss. The energy poured from her, the desire, the love, the sheer happiness. Touching him everywhere sent messages to his brain of endless delight. She loved knowing Donovan so intimately.

  “Not now!” He moaned. “The pilot says we’re starting our descent and to prepare for landing.”

  Noble giggled and bit her lower lip. “Sounds like fun.”

  Donovan shook his head. “I’m so glad I married you.” Licking her lower lip, he asked, “Are you prepared?”

  “Not at all. I’m going to need your help.” She winked.

  Noble was completely unprepared for the surge that went from the ground through the building right into her body. French soil. Home soil.

  I’m in France again. She didn’t know if she was giddy with happiness or shivering in terror. The New York knights made a defensive circle around them, as the French knights came to greet them.

  Donovan gave her hand a squeeze. I know, Sha. Hold onto me when you’re unsure of anything.

  She nodded then smiled. The French knights all went down on one knee.

  “Welcome, Your Royal Highness Princess Noble and Prince Donovan to France. We, your Arnhem Knights, are dedicated to serving you and keeping you safe during your visit. I am Lasalle Charpentier, Captain of the Guard.”

  In French, Noble said, “Thank you for your warm welcome. Prince Donovan and I are grateful to be in your care while in France.”

  “Pardon, Your Highness, you are a New Yorker but your French is beautiful.”

  “I was born in France, and I was made a vampire in Paris.”

  “When were you last here?” Lasalle asked.

  “14 July 1789,” Noble said.

  “My Princess,” Donovan said, “was a patriot that fell at the storming of the Bastille. King Max was so impressed by her courage that he made her his daughter.”

  The knights cheered, until Noble raised her hand and their voices were silenced. Just like Max had trained them.

  “My husband Prince Donovan is also of French blood. He is from the Louisiana French on both sides of his family.”

  They applauded. Donovan smiled and nodded. “Thank you for your welcome. Though Princess Noble and I are also Arnhem Knights, I ask you now to promise that no matter what the Princess must be secure at all times.”

  “I promise,” Lasalle said.

  “I promise,” the other knights said bowing.

  “Thank you,” Donovan said. “Now let us continue to La Maison Rose.”

  The French knights led them through customs and then the transportation, and Lasalle joined them in the limo beside Hatcher and Cassandra. Other cars were in front and behind them.

  The cars formed a convoy. Donovan held Noble close. Through the moon roof, she watched the night sky.

  “If Your Highnesses would enjoy it, I could arrange outings as I did for the king and queen.”

  “What kind of outings?” Noble asked.

  “Private showings at some of the fashion houses. A private balcony at the Moulin Rouge. Private tours of the attractions of Paris.”

  “The Princess and I will make a list and give it to you.”

  “I would like to go to Notre Dame,” she said.

  “Notre Dame? But vampires don’t . . .”

  “Prince Donovan and I were married in a Catholic Church in New York. Many of the city’s vampires were in attendance.”

  Lasalle sat open-mouthed for several minutes. Noble knew this information was a shocker for him. When he recovered, he asked, “So vampires entered a church and didn’t burst into flames?”

  “Imagine a church filled with vampires,” Noble said. “There was that small group that simply could not enter. The door was even opened for them, and they couldn’t come in.”

  Lasalle’s expression was priceless
, and Noble enjoyed telling the tale. Donovan suppressed a laugh.

  “Something about killing so many people. They were, of course, not from New York.”

  The four New York vampires laughed. Lasalle joined them but Noble knew he didn’t get the joke. An ever so slight movement in her body reminded her that she was hungry.

  “Is there any Shuma Moot in that bar?”

  “Oh, yes, my Princess.” Lasalle reached over, opened the elixir bottle, poured the glass, and handed it to her. “His Majesty told us you would need it so we prepared. It’s a gift to have two in the royal family expecting a child.”

  “Yes, and thank you.” Noble drank down the Shuma Moot and in a few minutes she felt perfect again. In the scenery that sped by, she marveled at how much Paris has changed.

  “Our chef would like to know what to prepare for you arrival.”

  “I’m still hungry. Tell him to surprise me.”

  “And for the prince?”

  “Blood is fine for me.”

  Lasalle did a double take. “Your Highness is not as old as the Princess?”

  Donovan chuckled. “No.”

  Noble intervened. “My husband is just over a month old.”

  “He is an Arnhem Knight?”

  “I finished my final examination the night before last. The king personally completed my training and tested me.”

  “Then you had your celebration party.”

  “No, we didn’t have time.”

  Lasalle laughed. “We will have it here.”

  The cars pulled off into a smaller street and then through a guarded gate. Passing, several smaller houses, gardens spread out and encircled La Maison Rose. When the limo stopped, the guards got out first, and then Donovan. He extended his hand to help her out.

  The knights had her completely surrounded. She even spotted some on the roof.

  “Lasalle, on the roof . . .?”

  “Ours, your Highness.”

  Noble took Donovan’s arm, and the procession began again into the house. They were ushered through the foyer into a grand ballroom. There the Arnhem Knights of New York met more of the Arnhem Knights of Paris. They bowed down on one knee and stayed not daring to glance at the royal couple.

  Lasalle announced, “Her Royal Highness and Heir to the King of New York, Princess Noble Vander Meer Dupre and His Royal Highness the Prince Consort Donovan Dupre.”

  “Please, rise,” Noble asked.

  They did as she asked, standing at attention.

  “I’m grateful to be here at La Maison Rose. I hope all the knights, including myself and Prince Donovan will learn from one another. Thank you.”

  “You are dismissed to your duties.” Lasalle gave them the grand tour which ended at their chambers. Off the entry way were the bodyguards’ rooms, then a formal parlor, guest bath, dining room, a more private sitting room, and the master bedroom and bath.

  “Lasalle, please have the chef bring something up,” Noble said.

  “This way.” He led them back into the dining room where the chef and his helpers were setting up the table.

  “Princess Noble and Prince Donovan, may I present Chef Alaire.”

  “Your Highnesses, I have prepared a Duck à l’Orange, as I’ve been told that the Princess has a fondness for duck. Also with asparagus lightly steamed and creamed potatoes with sweet butter. The latter was a favorite of Queen Evelyn. She told me my potatoes helped settle her stomach. I know the meal is plain but . . .”

  “It’s perfect. Merci beaucoup.”

  “For the Prince, I have a fine blood wine called Vin de Sang de Boeuf, a very strong and powerful bouquet.” He poured some into a goblet and offered it to the prince.

  Donovan swirled it in the goblet, breathed its tantalizing bouquet, then sipped. “Perfect. Merci, Alaire.”

  Lasalle asked, “Do you wish any of the staff to remain throughout the meal?”

  “The Princess and I would like to be alone.”

  Lasalle nodded and everyone left.

  In the soft light of the chandelier, Donovan watched Noble take eager bites out of everything on her plate and wash it down with Shuma Moot. He drank his blood wine with the rich taste of beef.

  When she finished, Noble went into the bedroom. Donovan followed. Closing the door to the rest of the world, he walked over to the balcony and shut first the wooden door, before bolting the metal door that pulled out of the wall. He secured the two windows in the room too before joining Noble in the shower.

  Donovan allowed his clothes to disappear from his body knowing they would be folded on a chair near the bed, beside her clothes. When he entered the warm shower, Noble faced him. She poured shampoo on his head and started massaging his scalp.

  “Why were you closing all the metal shutters on the windows and balcony doors?”

  He kissed her tenderly. “I promised Max I would protect you. He was the one that told me about the metal shutters. He threatened to tear me limb from limb if you are killed. I threatened him with the same if anything happened to Evie.”

  Noble couldn’t help but laugh. “I love you. Only you can get away with that with my father.”

  He poured shampoo over her head and started washing. “Max doesn’t threaten me, Sha. If you died, I would be lost with grief.”

  “You mean because our hearts have synchronized?”

  “No, because I’d be here without you.” He scrubbed her hair and neck and kissed her mouth, his fangs rubbing against hers and making her crazy in his arms.

  She moaned. “Oh my God, Donovan. Where did you learn about fang against fang?”

  “In the sex book.” He continued with the kisses while rubbing and moving more closely against her body.

  Noble couldn’t stop touching him, and he loved it. Suds slithered around them. The warm water like a waterfall caressed them urging them on. Noble squirmed when Donovan lifted her up and unto him.

  Je t’aime, Noble. He filled her mind with images of tenderness and play.

  I love you too. She pushed herself onto him, touching and caressing every part of him she could reach.

  I love you more, Donovan said.

  She laughed then moaned with her next breath. Is this a competition of who loves each other the most?

  “Yes.” The sound burst through his lips with a hiss then a kiss. I died and came back for you. My wife. My love eternal.

  The fierce heat of their bodies sent wave after wave crashing through her. Pleasure unrelenting. Mounting in a sweet anguish between them. She felt it in him too. For hours, they pleased each other. Noble admitted to herself that Donovan Dupre was fast besting her in endurance. It was as if the man was a born to become a vampire, his every effort making him exceptional in all the powers, even the sweeter ones. She had fallen hopelessly in love with him. Now she was feeling unsure and hoped it wasn’t all too much for him. Father had told her that Donovan had been an amazing man and would likely be the same as a vampire. Noble just didn’t expect it to happen this fast.

  Donovan was a tour de force that she barely kept up with. As much as she loved the whirlwind of passion and crazed sex between them, she enjoyed the stillness and the delicious aftershocks shuddering through her body. Donovan held her close, kissing, cuddling, and she could feel those aftershocks in him too.

  Time passed unchecked, and she drifted to sleep only to awaken in bed to more pleasure. He held the goblet out to her, each time he woke her. Noble would drink it down fast and then toss it aside. She wanted more of Donovan, and he was happy to give.

  Sleep claimed her, and she sank into nothing. No dreams, just slight visions of a warm dark world where her mate kept her in his arms.

  Donovan watched her sleep. Worry made him wake her at intervals to make sure she had Shuma Moot and bloo
d. He whispered and cooed to the baby within her, caressing her abdomen, feeling its presence. I am your Papa, Bébé. Mama is just a little tired. Don’t mind her. She is the sweetest thing.

  “You’re doing it again. You’re talking to the baby.”

  “And Bébé is listening.” He took her hand and placed it over where the baby was. She didn’t feel movement as much as someone suddenly thinking of her, focusing on her.

  Noble smiled, biting her lower lip. She gazed up at Donovan’s adoring face. I feel like I was dreaming. We were endlessly making love and falling asleep. You woke me up to give me Shuma Moot and blood. I remember eating crepes.

  You did. I had Alaire make them for you, and I brought them in on a tray so you’d have breakfast in bed. I want you to have some human food. You were starting to look pale after sleeping for two days and two nights.

  Noble stretched and sat up. “It’s time to get up and see Paris.”

  “I think so too. Alaire has made a lunch for us, and I gave Lasalle my permission to set up private viewings at some of the fashion houses. I’d love to see more color in your wardrobe.”

  She laughed and climbed out of bed.

  Chapter 28

  November in Paris was cold and blustery and dark with rain. Great vampire weather. Noble leaned against Donovan in the limo as scenes of the city whipped by. Cassandra, Hatcher, and Lasalle accompanied them. There was another car of knights but she pretended not to notice.

  The limo pulled over to a private entrance and immediately there were guards everywhere, their guards and the Arnhem Knights. Lasalle got out first. Donovan helped her out and they were escorted to a room for a private showing. The designer came out personally to greet her.

  As soon as Lasalle mentioned “Maximillion Vander Meer”, the delighted designer said, “Monsieur Vander Meer was here only a few weeks before with his new bride.”


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