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Vampire Princess of New York (Arnhem Knights of New York)

Page 24

by Susan Hanniford Crowley

  “Evelyn is very sweet.” Then it dawned on her. “I don’t want to duplicate any of her purchases.”

  “Mimi,” the designer said, “Look up the record of Evelyn Vander Meer so there are no mistakes.”

  They were seated and models came out showing the formal and less formal of the current season. The first gown out was ethereal and pink made as if for an elven queen.

  “Ah, you must have that one, Sha.” Donovan hid his smile of amusement behind his hand.

  “I like it, but did Evelyn buy it?”

  The assistant looked at her tablet and shook her head.

  “Then yes, I want it for Evelyn. I don’t wear pink.”

  Colors whirled around her as the models showed their best. Donovan gave his nod to the gowns in black lace, deep red, and shimmering pale blue. Noble liked him taking command and buying things for her. Of course, everything would have to be fitted for her and delivered later. She went into the dressing room to be measured, and when Donovan tried to follow she insisted he stay outside.

  I think we should visit a lingerie designer next. Can you arrange that, Lasalle? He mindtalked to the head knight of La Maison Rose who burst out laughing and then recovered.

  Donovan raised his eyebrows. “Something wrong?”

  “No, sir. It’s on the list.”

  Before he knew it, Noble was back in his arms in the limo with Lasalle, Cassandra, and Hatcher guarding them.

  “Thank you for all my pretty things.” She hugged him.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Where are we going now?”

  “It’s a surprise.” He felt her tug at his mind trying to uncover the secret, but he managed to keep it hidden. “Noble, you’re being bad. I’m not telling you, and neither is anyone else.”

  She bit her lip and looked at their faces. He knew she was trying; he could feel it.

  Minutes later, they were greeted at the shop and hurried inside. The wind blew colder. Donovan stepped behind her to shield her from the draft. He was very aware that her body felt the cold now that she was pregnant. He felt something else.

  Hatcher signaled the knights. Other vampires are nearby.

  I feel them too, Lasalle confirmed.

  Donovan was grateful for the enclosed décor of the shop. They were escorted to a private showing room where models wore the latest in lingerie and accessories.

  I’m going to get even with you for bringing me here. Noble feigned whispering in his ear.

  “I like the white nightgown with the doves, the purple bra and panties with the stockings, and the black with the cutouts.”

  “The cutouts?” Noble asked. “I’m not sure of that.”

  “If Madame wishes, we can make the room very private. We have that in your size, and you can try it on for your husband,” the shop owner offered.

  Donovan couldn’t stop grinning.

  “No, that won’t be necessary. We’ll take those including the black one with the cutouts and also the bustier with roses and the feather boa.”

  Donovan chuckled to himself. You intend on getting even with me for this, don’t you?

  You are so right.

  When everything was paid for and most packaged with the exception of the few items that had to be fitted for her, they left. The rest would be delivered.

  Rain stung as they made their way to the limo. Donovan held tightly to Noble. She stopped and looked around.

  “Don’t stop, Madame.” Lasalle pushed them toward the open door of the limo. As soon as everyone was in, the car turned into the street, leaving the area in speedy fashion.

  The car with the additional knights that usually followed them was in front this time.

  “Is something wrong, Lasalle?”

  “Only a precaution, my Princess.”

  “I think I saw one across the street, but there were a great deal more, past him. He was looking directly at us,” she said.

  “Noble, don’t worry.”

  “I saw them too. The vampires of Paris are recluses, living primarily in the parts of the catacombs that tourists never see. When night falls or the weather turns bad, they come out.”

  A metal shutter closed over the moon roof with a snap. A click signaled additional locks in the doors. Noble shiver against him.

  “Are you afraid, Lasalle?” she asked.

  “Of course not.”

  “Did you have to do this when Father and Evelyn were here?”

  “No. They are afraid of King Max. I believe they know who he is. Over the years when a few have appeared, he went out to meet them. Before he could say a word, they teleported away.”

  “Do they have a reason to fear King Max?” Donovan asked.

  “Not that I’m aware of. The King has never gone after them, and we do not go into their known territories. His Majesty has made them off limits to the Arnhem Knights.”

  “Which are?” Donovan waited for the answer. Trepidation etched Lasalle’s face with lines.

  “The catacombs and the cemeteries.”

  Donovan sighed and hugged Noble closer to him. “We’re going to be breaking that rule regarding the cemeteries.”

  “May I ask why?

  “We are awaiting word from some researchers that I’ve hired. Then we’ll look for the burial place of Princess Noble’s mother.”

  Lasalle shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “When you find this gravesite, what do you intend?”

  “To put roses on the grave,” Noble said, “And say a few words to my mother.”

  “I know there are daywalkers among the Parisian vampires. If your researchers asked any of them, then your search has gained the attention of the local vampires. What is your mother’s name?”

  “Marie Therese Aquilla. We know she died of consumption in Paris prior to the Revolution.”

  “I hate to say this, my Princess, but that was a time of great disease. Due to the overcrowding of death by plague and fear for the public health, remains were moved to the catacombs.”

  “Would there be a way to find her in the catacombs?”

  “There would be no way to distinguish her remains from among the millions. For some nobles and artists there are plaques but that doesn’t mean their remains are nearby.”

  “I would not be able to bring flowers there I’m guessing.”


  Donovan felt her sob before she made a sound. “Noble, she isn’t in the catacombs.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “According to the queen’s diary, she hired a man named Jacques LeClerc and his sister to care for her when she became ill. When she died, they buried her. The queen paid the man.”

  Lasalle’s eyes were huge. “You have Marie Antoinette’s diary?”

  “We found a little book hidden in an antique French desk. It was written in the hand of someone calling herself Marie Antoinette. She wrote of a kitchen servant with a talent in healing who she asked to help with Princess Sophie. The child rallied for a short time but then died. Madame Aquilla caught the sickness and died soon after. The queen thought well of her.”

  “Then she is not in the catacombs. Call your researchers. Make them rush,” Lasalle said. “Make them give you whatever information they have. We will go from there.”

  “Why the urgency?” Donovan asked.

  “If the vampires find out and for some reason do not want your search to succeed, their information would be lost.”

  Donovan pulled out his phone and held it to his ear. “Donovan, here. I need whatever you’ve gathered sent to me electronically right now. Yes, I know it’s late. I’ll pay you double.” There was a pause. “I don’t care if it’s incomplete. I need it now. Send it to this phone number. Merci. Au Revoir.” He pushed a button and
then watched his phone as documents and maps came through. “Lasalle, I’ll need to use your office when we arrive.”


  When they got there, they rushed to the office. Donovan hooked his phone up to the computer. Numerous documents and maps printed out about the cemetery of Ste. Marguerite. Lasalle, Noble, and Donovan searched every document. Finally she held two maps in her hand.

  “Is it one of these two gravesites? Neither bears her name,” Noble said.

  “The researcher said that both gravesites were purchased by a man named Jacques LeClerc,” Donovan said.

  “Then I will put roses on both graves.”

  “This could be a delicate matter, as it is a closed cemetery,” Lasalle said. “Give me time to talk to the priest at the church and get us special permission. I will say you are descendants of Monsieur LeClerc. Having the French name of Dupre will help.”

  Just as they finished and put all the papers in a folder, Hatcher came in the door. “The troops have arrived.”

  “What?” Noble asked.

  At that moment, two unknown knights stood in the door. As soon as Noble saw them, she stood up and Donovan beside her. The knights stared then each fell to one knee.

  Hatcher announced, “Her Royal Highness, the Crown Princess Noble of New York and His Royal Highness, the Prince Consort Donovan. May I present Emiel Peeters, Captain of the Guard from the knights in Brussels and Captain of the Swiss Guard Julien Batz from Geneva.”

  “We are honored and will serve you,” they both said.

  Emiel looked a little shocked at Lasalle. “When I received your message, I had no idea the royal couple was here.”

  Noble smiled. “Lasalle, how many more have you called?”

  “Your Highness, the magnitude of this mission required more knights than I have. We are awaiting the arrival of the delegation from Spain and Italy.”

  “How many altogether, Lasalle?” Donovan asked.

  “I want to leave fifty here to guard the house, and two hundred with us in the field.”

  “Can we house that many?” Noble asked.

  “We have many rooms upstairs and several floors beneath the main floor. We could, if we had to, house five hundred.”

  “You are expecting trouble?” Donovan looked at Lasalle and then at the map of the cemetery.

  “I want to plan everything to avoid it.”

  “Avoid what?” a dark haired knight with darker eyes asked.

  Lasalle looked up. “Welcome! Your Highnesses Princess Noble and Prince Donovan, this is Antonio Sanchez of the Spanish Knights from Madrid.”

  “The Princess and her husband are here?” asked a voice behind Antonio. A tall imposing man with brown hair and blue eyes stepped around Antonio. He immediately fell to one knee. “My sword, my loyalty, and my life are yours, as I once pledged them to your father, Princess Noble.”

  Antonio, in a sort of shock, also fell to one knee.

  “What is your name Sir Knight?” she asked.

  Lasalle rushed in front of him. “Your Royal Highness, may I present my father Cassius Aurealias, Captain of the Guard of the Arnhem Knights of Rome?”

  “Please, rise.”

  He did not, instead he knelt on both knees now. “I humbly beg the forgiveness of the Crown Princess of New York and the Prince.” He remained with head bowed.

  Noble looked at Donovan, and then she went down on both knees and took the knight’s hands in hers. “Dear Sir, we hold you blameless for the crimes of your other son.”

  “You know who I am?”

  “Yes, Kaz spoke of you. Father also told me that you were among the judges, as was he, who condemned your son to the underworld on the other side of the mirror. The mirror I foolishly bought, not knowing what it was. The way a child turns when grown is their choice.”

  “The mirror entrusted to others to destroy?” Cassius shook his head.

  “It has been destroyed now,” Donovan said.

  “And from what I gathered through the private immortal page on the internet, he blew up the building in New York.”

  “It’s being rebuilt as we speak.” Holding his hands, Noble stood up pulling him with her. “It is my honor to meet Lasalle’s father.”

  Lasalle smiled and looked very relieved.

  “Come now. Let us all go down to the kitchen because I’m starving.” They all followed the Princess downstairs.

  The dining hall was alive with laughter and eating. It all stopped the moment the royal entourage entered the room. The knights rose to their feet and bowed their heads.

  Lasalle announced, “Her Royal Highness, the Crown Princess Noble Vander Meer Dupre and his Highness the Prince Consort Donovan Dupre.”

  The knights cheered.

  After a moment, Donovan took Noble’s hand and walked to the head of a table.

  “The Princess and I would like to thank you for your warm welcome. Please, sit and continue your meal.”

  Another table was added at the end and the royal entourage were seated. Alaire came out with a Vampire Special Pizza as per Prince Donovan’s request. Shuma Moot was poured into a goblet and placed beside the pizza.

  Beef blood was poured into a goblet for Donovan.

  With good companions, the dinner lasted throughout the night as the Arnhem Knights of Paris, Geneva, Brussels, Madrid and Rome got to know the Arnhem Knights of New York. They celebrated Donovan’s knighthood with drink, song, and told tales of adventure.

  It wasn’t until Noble leaned her head against Donovan, that he asked, “Sha, are you sleepy?”

  “No,” she giggled. “Bébé is.”

  “Ah, I see. You need your rest. Pardon us, knights, it’s time we retired for the morning.” He lifted Noble into his arms and carried her out of the room.

  Then Donovan changed his mind and took a seat in the large room meant for gatherings. Lasalle followed him.

  “What do you require, my Prince?”

  “I have much to say to the Arnhem Knights. Please, bring them here.”

  It took only a few minutes for the knights to file in.

  “Please, take seats. I want to discuss the reason we are here.”

  While everyone got seated, he gazed down at his wife sleeping in his arms. He looked out over the knights.

  “We’ve come to Paris not only to honeymoon but to find Princess Noble’s mother’s resting place. Just prior to the revolution, her mother disappeared. Recently we discovered documentation that she was a servant at the palace and died from consumption. Noble’s mother’s name was Marie Therese Aquilla. Her burial was paid for by the queen who was grateful for her service.”

  “Has anyone here ever heard of Madame Aquilla?” Lasalle asked.

  There was only silence.

  “It doesn’t matter. The Princess has searched for her for over two hundred years. Researchers have narrowed it down to one cemetery and one of two graves. Unfortunately, our presence here has stirred the curiosity of the vampires of the catacombs. We don’t know why. Regardless, we will be going into that cemetery, so Noble can place roses on the graves.

  “Here is where you come in. At our last outing, we saw a vampire that stared at us from across the street. There were many others just outside our vision. Lasalle estimated around fifty. We don’t know why we are so interesting to them. While we do not plan on going into the catacombs, we will be going into one of the closed cemeteries. Princess Noble will pay her final respects to her mother. Then we’re out.

  “We’re going to need the knights who are the best in teleportation and taking orders. The best in swift reactions. The best fighters if it comes to that.

  “I need a driver to volunteer, but if I command you to, you abandon the car and teleport immediately to this room. Cars a
re expendable. You are not.

  “We need the best guards to make La Maison Rose an impenetrable fortress.

  “Why do I require all this? To protect Princess Noble who is the heir to the throne of New York and also having my baby. I will protect her with my life.”

  “We will do the same, my Prince.” Lasalle fell to one knee.

  All the knights rose and fell to one knee.

  “Thank you. Now if you will please report to your Captains for your assignments. Tomorrow morning, if the weather is cold but clear, we will go.”

  Donovan rose with Noble in his arms. The knights stood.

  “Thank you.”

  He carried her upstairs and lay her carefully on the bed. Sighing, he lay beside her.

  Noble giggled and he turned to her. “You weren’t asleep, were you?”

  She opened her eyes and caressed his face. “No. I heard every word. Some day in the far future I hope, I will become queen and I will declare you my king.”

  “You mean prince consort.”

  “No, Max told me that you were amazing, and I might consider making you my king. Of course, this is a long way off.”

  “Looks like you’ve already made a decision.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “I think we should wait and see. I don’t mind being your prince consort, as long as I have you forever.”

  “I know I’ve found the right man.” She leaned over and kissed him.

  The lights went off, and her clothes disappeared. Noble took a breath. Donovan returned her kiss. Instead of his tongue touching her fangs, he rubbed his fangs against hers.

  She moaned. “Oh, I want you so badly I could scream.”

  “Oh, Sha, don’t do that. You’ll frighten the newly arrived knights.”

  Laughter was followed by passion. Nibbling. Sucking different parts until those affected cried out for mercy and more. Giggles and chuckles. Caresses and joining.

  Donovan found her eagerly awaiting his tongue in her core. After multiple orgasms kept her whimpering for more, he accommodated, joining to her already trembling body.


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