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Vampire Princess of New York (Arnhem Knights of New York)

Page 25

by Susan Hanniford Crowley

  He had wanted to go through every position in that vampire sex book, but today he just wanted to see her lovely face and gaze into those green eyes.

  “You are mine, Sha. Bébé is mine.”

  “Sometimes I think you’re proud of the fact you got me pregnant when you were still human and without the aid of Shuma.”

  Donovan’s smile widened. “Yes, Sha, I am. It means we were meant to be together.” He pushed deeper. Her eyelashes fluttered.

  Fire coursed through his body with her every grind against him, her every wiggle and her eyes asking for more. Every time he drove into her, it was not the force but how he moved. Her every moan and gasp told him of her enjoyment. Her ragged breath whimpered his name. He smiled with her every tremor of pleasure.

  Wave after wave of orgasm thundered through her into him. Donovan could barely breathe. When the air felt light against their skin and they drifted into a mellow state, he laughed to himself. “You’ve gotten your second wind, Sha. Now I’m not sure I can keep up with you.”

  She climbed on top of him. “No, not my great prince.” Noble giggled.

  He growled and flipped her on her back. With great caution, he touched the tip of one of his fangs to one of her nipples.

  Noble nearly jumped but he had her pinned. “Oooh,” she moaned. “You’re starting up again.”

  Donovan withdrew his fangs and bent to kiss each nipple and then plant a kiss on her lower abdomen. “You are sacred to me, Noble. I love you more than my own life.”

  She lay her head against his neck and a tear slipped down her face. This is love, the love she had waited for over two hundred years. Every moment with him was paradise. He would be the father of her children and when the time came, rule by her side.

  “You are mine, Donovan Dupre,” she whispered.

  As she fell asleep, he hugged her close and pulled the blanket over them.

  Chapter 29

  Noble leapt out of bed with excitement. Today they would go to the cemetery. Donovan caught up with her in the shower. He reached around her, soaping her along the way.

  “Are you being bad?”

  “No, Sha, just trying to distract you from disappointment.”

  “What disappointment?”

  “It’s a dark day and pouring rain. We shouldn’t be . . .”

  She soaped up his chest. “I know it’s not the best conditions to be in a cemetery. It’s a shame that Laura isn’t here. She could use her Telkhine powers to dissolve the rain storm.”

  “I called her. She said her powers don’t reach this far.”

  “Is it supposed to rain all day?” Noble reached around his waist and soaped his rear.

  Donovan laughed.

  “Well,” she giggled, and he loved it when she giggled. “We could just stay here and amuse ourselves all day and night.”

  He soaped her breasts paying particular attention to the nipples. “Even though nothing would appeal to me more, Lasalle has already arranged for a private tour of the Louvre for us. Apparently Max has a private balcony at Moulin Rouge that is always reserved, so we’re there for the evening.”

  Noble twirled under the warm water. “Such a shame. Just when I was thinking of modeling the black cut-out thing for you.”

  Donovan groaned as he rinsed off the soap and hurried after her. “I think we still have an hour before we eat.”

  “Really?” The black lingerie with the cutout panels appeared on her body as she crawled up the bed. She turned. He wasn’t there.

  “Missing someone?” He had teleported under the covers.

  As she lifted up one blanket, Donovan pulled her underneath until they were both enclosed in their own private night.

  They spooned; he held her close against him fondling all her parts not covered by a black lace panel. She sighed and wiggled, and he slid into her hot wet sheath. They both stilled, breathless. Waves of pleasure rolled through one to the other.

  “You make me feel so wonderful. Let’s stay like this forever,” he whispered in her ear.

  Three hours later, they were in a limo headed for the Louvre. Lasalle was briefing them on the itinerary. “Apparently Max gave a significant donation to the Louvre. You will be officially greeted, and a special guide will give you a tour designed per your request to see the Mona Lisa but also Aphrodite. They are very aware that the Princess is Max’s heir, and one of the wealthiest women in the world, so of course they have made allowances for our security team.”

  “I would like to go to the gift shop too.”

  “We’ve planned for that as well.”

  Noble was a bit nervous. Donovan held her trembling hands. They had dressed for the weather as humans do with coats, hats, and gloves. Donovan hugged her closer.

  The young vampiress sitting next to Lasalle fidgeted. She was new to their entourage.

  “Princess Noble and Prince Donovan, I would like to present Jeanne to you. She normally assists Alaire in the kitchen, but she is one of the accomplished warriors with all the traits you required.”

  “You work with Alaire?” Noble asked.

  “He’s teaching me to cook. If I may speak boldly, Your Highness?”

  “Of course.”

  “You said you were going into a cemetery but not the catacombs. Both are the territories of the Parisian vampires. They will see it as an intrusion from an outsider. I was born in the catacombs. My parents were vampires that lived there and abided by that community. They died two years ago. My father first was slain by a slayer.”

  “What happened to your mother?”

  “She just died a few weeks after my father. There appeared no reason for it but grief.”

  Donovan nodded. “They must have been lifemates with synchronized heart beats.”

  She sniffed. “I wouldn’t know about that.”

  “Do you hunt humans?” Noble asked.

  “No. My parents never taught me to, though they did and fed me. It was their wish that I have a better life. My father told me that if anything happened to them, I should leave and go to La Maison Rose and ask sanctuary of King Max and the Arnhem Knights. The day she died, I left the catacombs. I do know my way through them, so if we were to go in, we won’t be lost. I can get you out.”

  “But things could have changed in two years,” Donovan added.

  She shook her head. “My Prince, I go in at least twice a week invisible just to keep my hand in. Just in case.”

  “Welcome aboard.” Noble took off a glove and offered her hand. “I believe you’re the only one in this car who cannot track me. Let’s change that.”

  Jeanne gingerly took Noble’s hand and licked a spot before biting for only a moment. Then she healed the wound. Donovan offered his hand and she did the same.

  “Just remember, Jeanne, call us Monsieur and Madame Dupre. Were you named for the Maid of Orleans?”

  “I was, Madame. My parents wanted me to be brave and strong.”

  The car stopped. They were at the Louvre. The two escort cars of guards emptied first. They made a protective barrier around the couple. Officials from the Louvre and their security guards met them in the small space in front of the private entrance. Quickly they were escorted inside where all the formalities took place.

  “Welcome, Monsieur and Madame Dupre! We were very fortunately to have Monsieur Vander Meer and his wife only a few weeks ago. He is a generous benefactor to the Louvre. Now it is our pleasure to have you here. Please, come this way.”

  With the formalities aside, the Arnhem Knights took up position in front of, beside, and behind Noble and Donovan. As they approached the first room, Noble noticed the Louvre guards making sure the room was empty before they entered.

  The Aphrodite tour began with the Bather, also known as Venus and then Cupid. Thei
r guide, an older man with graying hair, regaled them with the stories of lovers of mythology. Every portrayal of love in stone seemed so alive. The delicate detail of hands in gesture or embrace. The turn of a head. The upturned corners of a shy smile. The tender gaze. Wings looked feathered and poised as if to take flight. She thought she caught a breath in the bodies carved so perfectly in stone, almost warm to the touch. To Noble they seemed frozen in time, as if at any moment, they might awaken and burst through the covering to flesh, blood, and beating hearts. This tour ended with the sublime statue of the lovers Psyche and Cupid.

  “After losing Cupid’s trust,” the guide explained, “Psyche had to accomplish tasks beyond the doing of the average human. Others who felt for her plight helped with advice during her many trials. In the end, she fell into a death-like sleep. Only Cupid’s kiss could awaken her. Jupiter gave Psyche the drink of immortality, so she would become Cupid’s equal. The King of the Gods convened their wedding.”

  Everyone applauded the great ending to the Aphrodite tour.

  She was made immortal so they could be together, Donovan thought to her.

  Noble giggled, her sound so sweet and innocent that he had begun to crave it. So he made her a vampire?

  They both laughed. Donovan quickly covered her mouth with a kiss. This allowed their non-vampire companions to join in the joviality.

  Noble loved the feeling of serenity in the Louvre and didn’t mind the long halls between the galleries. She enjoyed Donovan’s hand in hers. His warm hand in a vampire world of cold.

  The Masterpiece tour began with the Venus de Milo. They were examining the beauty of the sculpture, when Noble noticed the slightest movement behind the art.

  A man, young and dark haired, dressed in contemporary clothing stood holding a sketchpad and pencil. He was not supposed to be there. The guards had checked the room before their entrance. The artist was pale, as in not enough sun and malnourished. A deep silence embraced him as he looked at the statue and sketched. It was more than the silence of an artist engulfed by his art. He was a vampire, and his gaze went beyond the art to Noble and Donovan. In that moment, she wondered what he was sketching.

  Ever so softly in her brain, she heard Jeanne whisper, Vampire. The Arnhem Knights closed formation around them. One of the Louvre’s security guards went over to him. A jovial conversation ensued and the guard and vampire walked out together. Noble quickly influenced two other guards to follow. She didn’t know what that vampire’s intent was, but she didn’t want to see a human death because of her.

  A few minutes later, the three returned unscathed. Donovan entered her mind. Sha, did you just influence two guards? I didn’t know you could do that without having direct contact.

  Father taught me a long time ago. I don’t like to ‘influence’ humans unless absolutely necessary.

  The rest of the tour was insightful and fun. They stayed longest at their next stop, the Mona Lisa.

  I don’t know. There’s something about her, and I can’t put my finger on it. Noble thought to Donovan.

  They peered closer.

  She was a vampire. That’s why no teeth are showing, Jeanne said in the softest mind whisper.

  All the knights turned to Jeanne who giggled.

  Noble smiled and leaned against Donovan. “Let’s continue on.”

  There seemed to be a collective sigh of relief when everyone was back in the cars. The limo pulled out into the traffic and Noble closed her eyes, hiding her face in Donovan’s arms.

  “Are you all right, my Princess?” Jeanne asked.


  “Lasalle,” Donovan asked, “is it normal for a vampire to be sketching in a gallery of the Louvre?”

  “I’ve never seen that before. As I said when King Max was here, we saw only one vampire. We felt the others nearby but they fear the king so they kept their distance.”

  Without moving Noble said, “He was a younger vampire than I and no one had taught him to properly shield his mind. For the moment I was in his brain, I saw someone telling him what to do, but I did not get a name. I saw what he was sketching.”

  “What was it, Noble?”

  She moved to gaze into his eyes. “He was sketching us and writing down details on the sketchpad like ebony hair, green eyes, etc.”

  “Lasalle, something is wrong here with all this interest in us. They are not keeping their distance,” Donovan said.

  The rest of the ride back to La Maison Rose was silent. That didn’t mean there wasn’t a lot of discussion going on. Cassandra and Hatcher were developing theories. Lasalle and Jeanne were going over the incident in detail.

  Sha, I didn’t know you could enter the mind of a vampire you didn’t know.

  If the vampire is younger than me and not blocking at all, I can. The trick is to go in unfelt, but this was more difficult. He was sent to look for a group of vampires protecting a couple. He didn’t know who we were. I saw the face that ordered him. Then I looked through the vampire’s eyes at the sketchpad.

  Can any vampire see through the eyes of a vampire they do not have a blood tie with?

  Not usually. I learned it from Father, and I’ll teach you.

  “What’s next for today, Lasalle?” Noble asked.

  “We can do a little shopping before the show at the Moulin Rouge, if you like.”

  “Let’s,” Noble said. “Men’s wear.”

  “I’ll make the call.”

  Donovan was distracted and not paying attention to the clothes. Noble walked around, making several purchases and they were off again.

  When they were back in the limo, Donovan embraced her. Next came the Moulin Rouge. It was mostly curiosity that made him agree to Lasalle’s suggestion. Noble was very quiet. Part of him just wanted to go home.

  Sha, did you buy clothes for me?

  I did. Mostly dignified suits, a few casual things, and a few surprises.

  Surprises? Like what?

  You will see later.

  Are you angry with me, Sha?

  No, but you were somewhere else. You didn’t even see what I bought. Why?

  I’m not psychic or anything, but I’m getting this awful feeling of dread.

  “We are here,” Lasalle announced.

  They exited the car. Donovan held her closer. The Arnhem Knights raised umbrellas over them, ushering them to the guarded private entrance. The guards were minimal, and Donovan was glad to have the Arnhem Knights.

  The manager greeted them and escorted them inside and through secured corridors to their private balcony. Their party of eight were seated and the door closed.

  Donovan looked over the expanse of men below, their eager faces turned toward the stage. He caught glances at Noble. Jealousy steamed through him. His fangs were descending. Catching and quelling his annoyance, he stopped their descent.

  “Lasalle, there are vampires in the audience below,” Noble said.

  “Vampires commonly visit the shows in Paris. They are a part of the nightlife population. It not unusual to see them here, Madame.”

  Hatcher got up and stood with the guards at the rear of the balcony.

  The lights dimmed. Music shimmered and thumped through the theater, as dancers leapt on the stage. Female dancers in ribbons regaled the audience below. Jeanne watched wide-eyed, while Cassandra frowned. Noble watched tight-lipped. The frolicking dancers were nearly naked.

  Donovan’s mouth hung open. Lassalle looked mildly interested as if this happened every day. Noble pinched Donovan’s knee.

  “Ouch.” He turned to her and saw her frown. “Sha, it’s an art form here.”

  Lasalle snickered. “Madame, he is correct.”

  Noble glared at him.

  Cassandra rushed to Noble’s side, pushed her out of the way, and
grabbed the wrist of the waiter that had entered the balcony and made his way to the front. Donovan stood in front of his wife. The group moved as one to the rear of the balcony.

  In the struggle with Cassandra, he dropped his tray. Treats scattered everywhere on the floor. Hatcher took the knife from inside the waiter’s vest.

  With Donovan and her knights tightly around her and the waiter, Noble probed his mind. She saw the same face that directed the artist. She could not hear the words. Perhaps the orders were given under mesmerization.

  Who sent you?

  I work here. This is my job. Please, don’t tell my boss you are unhappy with me. I can’t afford to lose my job. Please, Madame.

  Why the knife?

  I keep it for self-protection. When I leave, the streets are dangerous.

  That’s ridiculous. You are a vampire. Showing your fangs should be enough to frighten anyone.

  Can I have my knife back?


  In a voice so low only a vampire in the balcony could hear, Noble said, “Please, tell your boss, we were sorry to be leaving during the show. It is quite excellent. One of our company isn’t feeling well. We’re sorry about the tray.”

  “It was the food you paid for,” he said.

  “It doesn’t matter.” Then looking straight into his eyes, she added, “Tell the one who sent you, that we are not here to harm anyone. We’re here on personal business. When that’s done, we’re going home. Please, leave us alone.”

  “Madame, I don’t know what you mean.”

  Noble glanced to Lasalle and immediately the knights took their formation around the royal couple. Hatcher and Cassandra brought up the rear to make sure the waiter stayed in the balcony and didn’t follow.

  On the way out, the manager met them. Lasalle explained how one of their party was ill, and how they regretted leaving such an excellent establishment. He used enough praise that it left the manager satisfied.


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