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Vampire Princess of New York (Arnhem Knights of New York)

Page 26

by Susan Hanniford Crowley

  Under umbrellas, they entered their cars again. Noble didn’t feel safe until they were out in the traffic again.

  “Hatcher,” Lasalle said, taking a plastic bag from his pocket and holding it open. “The knife, please.”

  Hatcher put the knife in the bag, and Lasalle sealed it.

  “Our lab will do a complete analysis.”

  “I want to know everything about it, the history, who made it, what it’s made of, what kind of blood has been on it, and if there are any spells on it. There is always residue.”

  “As my Princess commands,” Lasalle applied.

  “Was he sent to kill us?” Cassandra asked.

  “No. He was sent to get a close-up look at me and report back. I saw a face in his mind but could not hear the words.”

  “He’d been mesmerized?” Cassandra asked.

  “Yes. He was also consumed by fear. I was sorry to take his knife, but I didn’t want it buried in the back of an Arnhem Knight at some later date.”

  “Oui. Thank you, my Princess,” Lasalle said.

  “Those who live in the catacombs live in fear,” Jeanne said.

  “Jeanne, I’m going to picture the man who was controlling the waiter in my mind. Tell me if you know him.”

  She nodded. A second later, Jeanne bit her lower lip in concentration. “I think he is an elder. I saw him once, and my parents said to avoid him. They kept me secluded most of the time and distrusted the elders. They were even afraid of the other vampires. They said staying underground too long was bad for the mind.”

  “Thank you for trying, Jeanne. And thank you, Cassandra, for catching the waiter.”

  Noble leaned back into Donovan’s arms.

  Sha, why didn’t Lasalle interrogate the man?

  I am older than Lasalle and Father taught me certain mind tricks to probe deeper.

  Will you teach them to me?

  Noble laughed and as soon as she did, the tension in the limo eased.

  Donovan and Noble walked into La Maison Rose and teleported to their room. As soon as he entered, she disappeared. He could hear her giggling in the bathroom. There was a present on the bed with a little card that read, “Wear me.”

  He studied the blue wrapped box with its scarlet bow with suspicion. Taking off his clothes, Donovan stood eying the box. It was a shame he didn’t have x-ray vision. He didn’t know if some vampires did.

  Donovan opened the box. It was a male thong, black and gold with a red bow. There wasn’t much to it. His mate was seriously wicked in a good way. He chuckled.

  He put it on and stood facing the bathroom door. If Noble wanted a show, he’d give her one.

  The giggle gave her away. She had teleported under the covers of their bed. Donovan turned, his eyes narrowing on her and leapt on the bed.

  “You, vixen!”

  Noble laughed, as he worked his way under the covers toward her. She ducked underneath.

  “Aw, it doesn’t quite cover you. You’re peeking.” She planted a kiss on the head of his cock.

  He groaned and the thong disappeared. “I want more, Sha.”

  Noble licked his shaft from top to bottom.

  Donovan writhed. The moment she slipped her mouth over his cock, she felt the shockwaves go through him.

  Noble blinked, and he was on top of her kissing her mouth. Then he kissed every inch of her face. When his fangs scraped her neck, she jumped. The book said that would make a female wild with desire.

  Where are you hiding the sex book?

  Donovan laughed. I’ll share it after I’m done studying it in detail.

  She giggled. How much detail?

  Donovan moved to nibble then suck her right nipple into his mouth, while fondling her other breast.

  Noble moaned, but in her mind she spoke to him. What is the male fascination with the female breast?

  He stopped. Moving lower, he parted her legs further and stuck his tongue into her wet, warm core. Donovan poked and licked her nub. She whimpered while he sucked. Shaking helplessly, she bit her tongue holding in the scream. Desperately Noble wanted him. She wanted more. He flicked his tongue in and out. Release crashed through her. Seconds later, she needed more and fast.

  Holding her trembling body against his, he thrust his shaft deep inside her. Nested together, he looked into her eyes. Please, forgive me, my Noble.

  What for? Her mind was a little lost in ecstasy.

  I should not have taken my beloved to the Moulin Rouge and looked at other women’s breasts.

  Noble laughed and caressed his jaw before taking his mouth in a long, deep kiss. When I was last in France, the Moulin Rouge did not exist. I did not know how I would feel.

  You are the most beautiful woman in the world.

  Noble laughed. You have to say that. You are my lifemate.

  Lucky me. Donovan drew her closer, so they were completely entwined, his shaft deep and blissfully inside her. All he wanted was to kiss and make love all night.

  She whispered to his mind, Me too.

  Chapter 30

  Donovan woke to the sight of Noble dancing over a line of sunlight on the carpet that streamed through a small crack in the shutters. Without a stitch on, she frolicked with the abandon of a wood nymph. He loved watching her.

  Sitting up he rubbed his eyes, hoping the sight would not vanish.

  She rushed over to him, all smiles. We’re going to the cemetery today. I’ve already spoken to Lasalle about making the preparations.

  “Not undressed like this I hope.”

  Laughing, she leapt on top of him. “We mindtalked. You, sir, can only think of one thing.”

  He flipped her over unto her back. “Guilty.”

  Noble kissed him. “Right now we have to get dressed. I want to go to the cemetery at St. Marguerite’s and lay bouquets of roses. The roses will be here any moment.”

  “They aren’t being delivered I hope.”

  “No, two vampires went to get them.”

  They got up and went to shower. The warm water rushed over them. Donovan kissed her but her focus was elsewhere.

  “Where are you, Sha? You’re not with me. What are you thinking?”

  “We don’t have our powers in the sun.”

  “It’s better that way. We’ll wear protection, go in with a few knights wearing the same, and get out. On a gray day, we would need an army, because ‘they’ would be there too.”

  “Lasalle said the weather report is sunny all day.”

  Donovan massaged her scalp, as the warm water ran over them.

  “Noble, I want you to do something for me.”

  “Sure.” She giggled. “You want to do a page out of the vampire sex book?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “That is a great idea, and I will take you up on that later, but it’s something else.”

  “What?” Noble looked up at him with those amazing green eyes of hers.

  “I want you to obey my orders when we’re at the cemetery, no questions, no comments, just obey.”

  Noble was silent and looked into his dark blue eyes. She was used to giving orders not taking them. “I can fight you know.”

  “I know that, Sha. You are an Arnhem Knight. Will you obey my orders?”

  This was going to be hard.


  Max’s words came flying back to her. Allow your husband to be your hero.

  “Yes, Donovan.”

  “Even if I command that you go with another Arnhem Knight?”

  Noble shook her head.

  “Sha, understand this. I won’t be parted from you, but my priority is your safety and well-being, not only as your husband but as the General of the Knights of La Maison Rose. Max explained to me
that once I entered France, I would take on that title and responsibility.”

  “I thought I was the General of the Arnhem Knights here.”

  “You cannot be because you are the Crown Princess.”

  “I will give up the crown.”

  “Sha, I know Max sprang it on you, but your brothers all stepped aside. They thought you would be the best to rule after Max or in his absence. You were doing it anyway when he wasn’t in New York.”

  Noble was silent.

  “If I were to command you to leave with another knight, it would be to save your life and our Bébé. My sacred Noble, love is too small a word to encompass what I feel for you.” He lifted her into his arms and kissed her.

  When their lips parted, she said, “I will follow your command, my General.”

  They dressed and went out to talk to the Arnhem Knights.

  Donovan stood before them. “I need six knights with the following qualifications:

  First, you haven’t killed any human for blood since before the French Revolution because you will need to enter a church. Second, I would prefer daywalkers. Third, you must be an expert in hand-to-hand combat. If you meet these qualifications, please, step forward.”

  In the end, the mission included the daywalkers Cassius, Jeanne, and Pierre. Lasalle, Hatcher, and Cassandra, even though not daywalkers met the other qualifications. Most important of all, Donovan needed those he could implicitly trust.

  After thanking all the knights, he asked those chosen to meet with them in Lasalle’s office. Hats, gloves, sun protection, and the customs of entering a church were all discussed. They would all take the name of Dupre. Donovan and Noble would take the lead with Lasalle inside the church in speaking with the priest. Once in the cemetery, they would spread out. The maps were studied and clothes added, especially gloves. Together they departed in sunlight into a limousine carrying two bouquets of roses.

  Nobel’s hands were trembling when they entered the church and met with the priest. He escorted them through to the cemetery and the two gravesites.

  “I am sorry. These are mass graves. Without knowing for certain what name your ancestor was buried under, it’s impossible to ascertain if she is truly there.”

  “Our researchers say she is in one of these two sites,” Donovan said.

  Noble said, “It doesn’t matter, Father. All those buried here deserve roses.”

  The priest smiled. “Yes, my child. I will leave your family to your prayers.”

  Other members of the ‘famille’ spread out, while Noble untied the bouquets and spread the roses out over both graves. Donovan watched over her, at times turning to survey the cemetery. A distant gray cloud marred the otherwise sunny sky.

  Noble knelt in the dirt. “I am here, Mama. Finally I have found you. I want you to know that I am married, and I’m happy. May God keep you! Hail, Mary, full of grace.”

  “Get up quickly, Noble.”

  She turned and stood. The sky had turned a threatening gray, blocking the sun. Donovan was face-to-face with a vampire.

  The thin young man with his chestnut hair pulled back with a leather tie stared at them with blue eyes and fangs extended.

  Her lifemate did the same threatening smile. Noble copied his grimace. The man extended his hand to her, and Donovan stood between them.

  “You are the couple that was seen at the Louvre and the Moulin Rouge.”

  “Perhaps,” Donovan replied. “Who are you?”

  The man bowed. “I am Louis Capet. May I know your names?”

  “I am Donovan Dupre, and this is my lifemate Noble.”

  The man looked first at Donovan and then at her like he was studying them.

  “Why would a vampire kneel in the dirt?”

  “I am kneeling at the grave of my mother who was lost just prior to the revolution.”

  “What was her name?”

  “Marie Therese Aquilla.”

  The vampire’s expression didn’t change. “She isn’t there. If you come with me, I can take you to where she is.” He extended his hand in Noble’s direction.

  Donovan maintained his stance between them. Arnhem Knights were at their sides. Cassius had his hand on her shoulder.

  “Tell us where she is,” Donovan said, though it sounded more like a command to Noble’s ear.

  “The catacombs,” Louis said.

  “That’s not possible. We have a document that says she is in one of the two mass graves here.”

  Other vampires started to appear.

  Donovan pulled Noble to his side and inwardly said, “Poof.”

  “Where is our limo driver?” Donovan asked. All of the Arnhem Knights appeared in Lasalle’s office save one.

  Seconds later, the driver appeared. “My Prince, I left the car in the closest hotel parking.”

  “Good. Cars can be replaced.”

  Everyone was silent and looking behind him. Donovan turned to find his wife weeping salt-water tears, another sign of her advancing pregnancy.

  “Did we do all this for nothing? Is she really not there? Is she really in the catacombs?”

  “My Princess, he was trying to trick you into going with him,” Cassius said.

  “Why? Why would the catacomb vampires care about us?” she asked.

  She left the room and Donovan followed her to their bedroom. He caught the door, before she slammed it.

  Noble collapsed on the bed still weeping. Picking her up, he cradled her in his arms.

  “Tonight I’m going to rip out the catacombs with my bare hands,” she growled.

  Donovan hugged her. “No, you’re not. Besides Parisians love their catacombs. It’s history, and remember the vampires there are just afraid.”

  A knock at the door interrupted them. They stood together and went to open it.

  Pierre had his laptop with him. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but you need to see this.” Lasalle was right behind him.

  Donovan showed them to the small desk, and Pierre set up his laptop. “While we were at the church and cemetery, I took photos with one of Sydney Lucente’s spy cameras. Here is a face-on photo of Louis Capet. Now I open up my Unaging program.”

  “Unaging?” Donovan asked.

  “Yes. I invented it. This is the first time I’ve thought of using it. I kept looking at Louis Capet, thinking I’d seen him before.”

  The face changed slowly to that of a ten-year-old boy. Everyone stared wide-eyed.

  Chapter 31

  The moment Noble stepped into Notre Dame, she felt peace. They attended Mass with Lasalle and Cassius beside them.

  As the crowd filed out, Noble and Donovan went to the front to light candles, one for her mother and one to thank St. Jeanne D’Arc for her assistance.

  The two knelt and prayed while Lasalle and Cassius sat in the second row of pews waiting. Donovan got up and talked to the priest, and a few minutes later returned.

  Hand-in-hand, they walked through the cathedral. Noble took in every detail. In her mind, she said “farewell to Notre Dame.” They entered a night shivering in the dark but filled with diamond points of light. She grieved losing her past in a shiny bright new Paris. Many places she remembered were gone but Notre Dame remained.

  Still holding her hand, he whispered, “Invisible.”

  They disappeared.

  He held her around the waist and flew up to the bell tower, reappearing on top of a gargoyle. Donovan embraced her from behind. “I know that part of your anguish, Sha, is that Paris has changed so much. So I give you this view of the City of Light from your church. I give you Paris to thank you for giving me your heart. This is my wedding gift to you.”

  Noble turned in his arms and kissed him. She didn’t feel the chill in the air. All she knew was the w
armth of her lifemate. The world stopped for them. It was magic, and it was all because of him.

  Noble, Lasalle says we must come down right away. Donovan lifted her into his arms and jumped into the air, disappearing. They reappeared on the ground. Lasalle said to their minds, Vampires are here. He indicated the direction.

  Standing at some distance across the street were two male vampires. One she recognized as Louis Capet. The other she had seen as a picture in the minds of the artist and the waiter.

  Donovan put Noble down and offered his arm. She linked her arm in his, placing her hand on his forearm. He nodded to Cassius and Lasalle. “Let’s go and talk to them.” They walked to the street, crossed it, and stopped about two feet from Louis and his friend.

  “Bonsoir, Monsieur Capet.” Donovan continued in French, “Of course, you know my lifemate Noble. These are our friends Lasalle and Cassius. It’s a fine night for a stroll.”

  Louis smiled, but this time not showing fangs. “May I present my father Jacques LeClerc?”

  “Pleasure, sir.” Donovan shook Monsieur LeClerc’s gloved hand.

  “I’ve been doing some reading on the internet, and you two are trending on the private international vampire chat,” Louis said.

  “Really? What does it say?” Noble asked.

  “It’s all about the grand wedding of Prince Noblesse Vander Meer of New York, daughter of King Maximillion, to Donovan Dupre of New Orleans, which would explain your accent.”

  Donovan smirked. “So you know who we are, your Majesty Louis XVII, the uncrowned King of France who supposedly died in prison as a child.”

  “In the flesh,” Louis said.

  “Did you mean it when you said you were not here to harm us?” Jacques LeClerc asked.

  “We did,” Donovan said.


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