Book Read Free

Wanna Bet?

Page 14

by R. S Burnett

  “Sophie’s here!” I scream and run up to give her a hug but I’m stopped by someone lifting me up in the air and spinning me around.

  “It’s your turn!” Dave shouts carrying me back to the table, Sophie follows laughing.

  “What are we doing?” Sophie asks taking the seat next to me at the table.

  “We are playing ‘Liar’ you have to say something about yourself it can be true or false but if someone catches you out on a lie then you have to take a shot, if anyone says you’re lying when your telling the truth they have to take a shot” I explain handing her a shot.

  “I can do the splits” I announce and grin when no one at the table calls me on it.

  “Liar” Sophie declares looking smug.

  “Fuck” I mutter and throw my shot back.

  “I’ve had a boob job” she smirks.

  “Liar!” both Dave and Jack shout at the same time and she takes her shot.

  The game continues and Sophie looses badly not able to call anyone out on a lie but me and being caught in them herself.

  “How are we getting home?” I ask Sophie hiccupping.

  “I have no idea, ring Matt” she laughs dancing on the coffee table as Dave sings one of the bands songs.

  I squint at the phone and dial Matt.


  I frown at the phone to make sure I dialed the right number. “Uh.. is Matt there please?” I ask but laugh as my s’s sound more like sh’s and Sophie starts cheering when Jack joins her on the table.

  “Brooke?” Tucker asks.

  “Can I speak to Matt” I ask again slowly this time.

  “I thought you were calling Matt, who has his phone?” Sophie shouts over to me.

  “Oooh lover boy’s playing away, want us to kick his ass?” Jack says loud enough to be heard on the phone.

  “Who’s that?” I hear in my ear.

  “Jesus” I rub my forehead trying to work out who to answer first.

  “Brooke have you got my boxers?” Dave calls out from the kitchen and I cant help but laughing at that.

  “Yeah she’s wearing them” Sophie calls back laughing after checking my outfit.

  “I won them fair and square buddy!” I shout.

  “Brooke” He’s shouting at me now.

  “What?” I snap into the phone not happy with him shouting at me.

  “Where the hell are you?”

  “Can I speak to Matt please, we need to be picked up”

  “Hello?” Matt is finally on the phone.

  “At last! Sophie asked me to ask you if you could pick us up please, we can’t drive”

  “Sure where are you and what about your cars?” he asks.

  “Umm hold on” I say into the phone “What about our cars Soph, mines still over at the bar?” I call across the room.

  “I’ll give you a lift to yours tomorrow Brooke and then you can drive Soph to hers” Jack says and Sophie cheers and hi-fives him.

  “We got it covered” I say into the phone.

  “Who is that?” Matt demands.

  “Why don’t you both stay here and then Sophie can drive you to your car?” Dave calls from the kitchen.

  “Where the fuck are you Brooke?” Matt shouts through the phone.

  “Umm Jack’s house, I’ll text you the address now” I say then hang up before he can shout at me anymore. I send him the address then give Sophie her phone back.

  “You’re in trouble” I sing tauntingly at her.

  “Who cares” she rolls her eyes then pulls me up on the coffee table to dance with her, the guys all surround us and start spraying us with champagne so we start singing a drunken version of ‘it’s raining men’ The doorbell rings and we all fall silent a freeze one of the guys open the door and we all watch as Matt and Tucker take a step forward but they also freeze as they take in the scene in front of them.

  There are bottles and glasses on every surface, Furniture has been moved around and rearrange randomly, four guys are stood around the coffee table holding empty champagne bottles and me and Sophie are stood on that coffee table with our hands still above our heads, soaking wet. Sophie has someone’s top on over her dress and I’ve lost my top but now am wearing a tea towel as a boob tube which Sophie fastened at the back with a safety pin and a pair of yellow boxers over my own underwear.

  “Looks like we missed one hell of a party” Tucker notes quietly but it’s so silent we all hear him. His voice seems to bring us all back to the moment and everyone starts moving away and the party starts back up as if it was never interrupted.

  Matt and Tucker help us down from the table and grabbing our arms drag us out to Matt’s car. He puts a towel down on the back seat and sits us both in there, we spend the whole car journey home giggling and singing, the boys don’t say anything to us but are talking quietly to each other. They drop us off in our dorm and leave just before we both collapse and pass out on Sophie’s bed.

  “Broke, your phone” Sophie says from somewhere in the room.

  “Make it stop” I all but cry.

  “Answer it” she calls back I lift my head off the pillow to see her sat at the kitchen table with Matt.

  “Hello” I say weakly into the phone that I swear I’m going to throw in the bin.

  “Feeling like death Brooke?” Someone laughs into the phone.

  “Do I know you?” I ask the voice

  “Yes we met yesterday, you were a little drunk but we got to know each other quite well actually if you know what I mean”

  I shoot up of the bed “What?” I screech into the phone horrified.

  “Brooke, we had sex yesterday” the voice says calmly to me

  “No … no … no …” I hang up the phone and throw it on to my bed where it starts ringing again.

  “What was that about?” Sophie asks looking no better than I feel.

  “I have no idea who that was, they didn’t even tell me their name but he said I had sex with him yesterday” I walk over to join them at the table.

  “Aren’t you going to answer it?” Matt asks when my phone starts ringing loudly again.

  “No, make it go away” I wince at the sound of my voice. “Uh … Soph what are you wearing?” I frown at the top she’s wearing that has ‘tits, pussy, ass … who cares as long as it’s in my mouth’ written across her chest.

  “Trust me yours is no better” Matt says dryly averting his eyes. I look down and I have a tea towel across my chest that isn’t quite covering what it should be and a pair of yellow sponge bob boxers on.

  “Oh my god” I whisper and Sophie just nods at me removing her top so I can put it on, thankfully she still has her dress her underneath it. “Please can you answer it?” I beg Matt, rolling his eyes he gets my phone from the bed and answers it.

  “I can remember almost everything apart from having sex, I think I would remember that” I whisper to Sophie who nods at me and then winces.

  “It’s for you” Matt says looking amused holding the phone out to me.

  “You were supposed to get rid of them” I glare at him. “Hello” I grumble into the phone when he starts laughing.

  “Hey Brooke, I take it you didn’t think my joke was funny”

  “Dave I could fucking kill you” I scream when I hear him laughing in my ear.

  “Sophie’s cars gone, did you get yours back too?” he asks still laughing but quietly now.

  “Soph, your cars gone” I tell her frowning, she doesn’t look like she could have driven it.

  “Me and Tucker got both your cars this morning” Matt tells us when she looks worried.

  “Yeah we got them both back” I say into the phone to Dave.

  “Okay, cool I just wanted to check”

  “How are you so happy? I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus” I pout even though he can’t see it through the phone.

  “Easy I have to pick Dave up from school in an hour, I have no choice” he laughs obviously not feeling the effects of last night like I am.
/>   “Well have fun” I mutter back making him laugh harder.

  “I’ll talk to you later” he hangs up on me and I throw my head down on the table.

  “Remind me why I decided to go on a twenty four hour booze binge” I beg the table.

  “That would be because you couldn’t sleep” Sophie reminds me patting my shoulder.

  “Oh yeah … Tucker” I growl his name.

  “What about Tucker?” Matt asks and when I look up he’s frowning at both of us.

  “Nothing” I shrug and shoot Sophie a shut-up look.

  “Oh … he’s coming over here soon” Matt looks at us both when we both frown at him obviously not understanding.

  “Why?” Sophie asks him.

  “Why wouldn’t he? He’s always over here” he frowns back at her.

  “I cannot deal with this right now” I announce and walk into the bathroom ignoring their whispering.

  “Brooke, you really are an idiot” I mutter to the bathroom lowering myself into the hot bubble bath.

  “Oh my god” I moan aloud and then freeze when I hear Matt choking on something and Sophie laughing.

  “You okay in there Brooke?” Sophie calls laughing.

  “Yeah I think I’m going to sleep in here from now on” I call back smiling to myself, maybe this is how I cure my nightmares, get myself relaxed enough and I’ll just drift off.

  When I get out of the bath something catches my eye in my mirror, without thinking about it I grab my robe, after I have slipped it on I run out of the bathroom and grab my phone ignoring Sophie, Matt and Tucker that are all watching me as if I’m crazy.

  “You bastard!” I snap into the phone as soon as Dave answers.

  “Let me guess, you fond them” He laughs back.

  “How could you let me do that?” I demand so beyond angry now.

  “You wouldn’t listen to me, It was quite amusing, how do you think you lost your jeans in the first place?”

  I hang up the phone, pissed off and embarrassed.

  “What’s happened?” Matt asks watching me looking slightly worried.

  “Well I guess I know now how I lost my clothes. Soph?” I ask and gesture for her to come and see.

  She walks over to me slowly and I turn my back to the boys. I ignore her frowning at me and open my robe turning slightly to the side.

  “You got a tattoo!” she screams at me.

  I snap my robe shut and throw my hand over her mouth but it’s too late.

  “Yeah laugh it up” I shout at al three of them who are laughing so loud I’m not sure they heard me.

  I walk back to the bathroom and slam the door behind me.

  A few minutes later there a knock on the door.

  “I’m sorry Brooke, let me take a look please” Sophie calls through the door.

  I open the door and glare at Matt who is still laughing, wiping his eyes.

  “Come on” Sophie encourages moving so I can hide it from the boys again.

  “What is it?” I ask closing my eyes not sure I want to see what it is.

  “It’s actually really cute” she tells me and takes a photo of it on her phone.

  “Huh” Looking at the picture I relax completely. It is kind of cute. I have a little pink bow about two inches big tattooed on me, the only downside is that it’s right at the top of my backside.

  “Can we see?” Tuckers asks getting up from the table.

  “Give me a minute” I say before he gets any closer hen grab some clothes. Once I have changed in the bathroom I walk back into the room and stand in front of them where they are sat on the sofa.

  “Well?” Tucker asks.

  I turn around and lift my top up with one hand, with the other I lower my jeans slightly.

  None of them say anything so after a few minutes I turn around to face them they still have their eyes in the same position so I clap my hands because they are no longer staring at my backside.

  “Say something?” I tell them.

  “That’s sexy as hell” Tucker says finally looking up at me, Matt nods and turns to Sophie but she just shakes her head at him laughing.

  Something Dave said earlier makes me stop. I’m pretty sure he asked if I found them and as far as I know I only have one tattoo.

  “What’s wrong?” Sophie asks noticing my expression.

  “There’s more” I frown to myself.

  “Where?” Tucker asks lifting my top higher.

  “I don’t know” I shrug and turn to the bathroom “Soph I need you to help me search” I call over my shoulder.

  “I’ll do it” Tucker offers standing up and closing the bathroom door on Sophie and Matt laughing.

  After a thorough check by myself and Tucker we haven’t found any more I slump down on the floor trying to remember if I did anything else last night, flickers of the tattoo parlor come back to me and I remember seeing that they also did piercing. We didn’t find anything pierce either and there is only one place that we haven’t checked, but I wouldn’t do that, would I?

  “Oh no” I groan as I remember the conversation that Jack and I was having about an exgirlfriend’s of his who had her clit pierced.

  “What’s wrong?” Tucker asks when I stand up again.

  I shake my head at him and return to the room headed straight for Sophie. I pull her up and take her into the kitchen area away from Matt and Tucker.

  “I need something removed” I whisper to her when I’m sure I have her full attention.

  “What?” she frowns at me.

  “I had something pierced last night, can you take me to the emergency room to get it un-pierced?” I ask

  “Brooke you can’t go to the hospital to have a piercing taken out” she tell me not whispering like I am.

  “Then what the hell am I supposed to do? I want it gone”

  “You’ll have to do it yourself or get someone to do it for you”

  “What now?” Matt asks looking at Tucker who just shrugs.

  “Soph ….”

  “Where is it?” she asks rolling her eyes at me.

  “Ummm…” I move my eyes down to the ground hoping she picks up on it.

  “Nuh uh, no way Brooke, get someone else to do it, that’s too weird” she shakes her head at me laughing.

  “Can we see?” Matt asks

  Sophie shakes her head at him still laughing.

  “Can’t you take a photo and show us?” Tucker asks and Sophie just laughs even harder.

  “I haven’t even seen it” I tell them both over Sophie.

  “Soph, why are you laughing what is it?” Matt asks her looking confused.

  “She’s laughing because I’m a virgin who has her fucking clit pierced” I snap at them both.

  “Oh” Is all he says and Tucker just sits there staring at me open-mouthed.

  “You’re a virgin?” he asks finally.

  “You already know this, I kind of have other things on my mind right now” I say dismissively.

  “But you and Andrew…” he trails of frowning at me.

  “Umm are friends, I told him I had a boyfriend so he wouldn’t try anything on with me”

  “But Sophie said…” he turns to look at Sophie.

  “Don’t look at me like that! You would have done it anyway” she tells him but I have no idea what they are talking about and by the look on his face, neither does Matt.

  “I have a little situation here” I call to them.

  “Shit Soph!” Tucker shouts and walks out of the dorm.

  “What was that all about?” Matt asks her from the sofa.

  “I told him Brooke had sex with Andrew”

  “What?” I ask turning to look at her now.

  “I knew something was going on between you both when we were in the hotel so when we were all in the bar and you were talking to Andrew I told him he would have the room to himself that night because you were going back to Andrews” she says quietly.

  “Why would you do that?” Matt asks her

  “Because he would have done something to hurt her eventually, I wanted her to get out before she had her heart broken” she snaps at him but is looking at me.

  “That wasn’t for you to do!” he snaps back and leaves the room.

  “So that’s why… him and Mel… it was you” I whisper.

  “Brooke, I’m so sorry, I was only trying to help”

  “Yeah and now I have a tattoo, a piercing and a best friend that won’t talk to me” I snap at her then leave her in the dorm alone.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “What does daddy think of the tattoo?” I don’t bother looking behind me when I hear Beth’s voice instead I turn my glare on Tucker.

  “Really?” I don’t bother trying to keep the disgust out of my voice.

  “I heard it basically offers up your ass as a gift” comes from behind me again.

  “Been spreading your legs again Beth?” I ask her but still looking at Tucker.

  “Jealous because I got further than you?” she whispers in me ear taking me by surprise.

  Narrowing my eyes at Tucker I finally stand up and face her.

  “What else did he tell you this time?” I ask her ignoring the few students that are staring at us.

  “Brooke” Sophie warns but I ignore her and pull my hand out of her grip when she attempts to pull me back into my seat.

  “A few interesting things really, nightmares, trips to towns trying to make you remember your poor dead daddy, how busy you get with your mouth, house parties that you get so drunk that you can’t remember getting a tattoo…”

  “Does it not bother you that after sex all you two can think to talk about it me?”

  “See, I’m having a little trouble here because if I remember correctly you were the one who said I could only feel something if I had a dick inside me, but yet it would appear you can’t feel anything at all”

  “Walk away Beth” Matt says from the table.

  “No, I think I’ll stay for a bit longer” she shakes her head at him then looks over to Tucker and back at me with a smirk. “There is no wonder you’re step dad hits you, I would if you were my daughter, can’t you see that you’re an embarrassment? I’d be ashamed of you, I feel sorry for you’re mum. You’re dad’s lucky he’s dead so he doesn’t have to witness what a fuck up you turned out to be”


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