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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

Page 6

by Ainsley Cole

  “Nope. I am dead Mars, remember? I can walk away from a crash.”

  “Yeah, but I can't! So, stop it!” Rhayden sighed and the Alpha slowed, allowing Marley to let out her breath. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you Mars.” The vampire whispered, looking over to her.

  Her head turned to the window, “So, we have Intel on the mated killer?”

  Rhayden groaned.

  She had to keep his mind off her and what he obviously wanted to do to her.

  Once they killed the person who was slaughtering the Mated couples, then she would concentrate on them being together.

  “Yeah, while we were being attacked at the Safe-house, one of the other Coven Lords gave Abe some info. He had heard word of who was doing it and who they were working for,” Rhayden turned off onto the main highway and soon they were travelling towards their target. “The file is in the bag.”

  Marley turned and put her hand behind Rhayden's chair, opening the pack, pulling the file free. She pulled it onto her lap and opened it.

  The photos of the couples were first, including the pair she had found. Next were photos of the arrows used to pierce them, their flights missing, just like the ones she had seen pierced through the pair.

  “What would have caused them to ignite, but not turn to ash? Vampires turn to ash when they are set alight,” She said, looking up to Rhayden, he frowned.

  “Marlon found traces of both Sodium and Potassium Bicarbonate.”

  “A fire extinguisher?”

  “Yes. He believes whoever did this, was close enough to put them out, before they went up in flames completely. Leaving only their corpses to be found,” Rhayden's knuckles were white on the steering wheel and Marley looked at him. “Someone wanted us to find them. Want us to know they are doing it.”

  “To be that close; you'd have to have known the victims.” She muttered, looking back down at the photos.

  This was huge.

  For someone to be killing Mated pairs—that was one thing. But for someone to know and then kill them?

  This could cause such big waves in such a tight, little pool of already suspicious creatures.

  Rhayden growled, the sound sending shivers down Marley’s spine. “Yes.”

  She flipped to the next page and stared at the photo.

  An image of her past; one she’d been hunting; one she thought she’d never see again, stared back at her.

  Bile rose to her throat, “Rhayden…”

  The vampire looked over to her, and slammed on the brakes. The car fish-tailed and he quickly pulled it onto the hard shoulder of the road. He leaned over, cool hand coming to her face, “Mars…?”

  Marley slapped his hand away, shoving the folder to the ground. Fumbling for the door handle, she scrambled out, falling to her knees as she heaved up everything in her stomach.

  “Marley!” Rhayden was by her side in an instant, his hand going to her back. He soothed her as she was sick on the ground, his hand holding back her hair. “What is it?”

  Marley groaned as her stomach contracted, cramping with pain. She spat out the vomit filled saliva, wiping the back of her hand over her mouth, “The one who’s has been doing it—the killings—”

  Rhayden turned, retrieving the photo and looked down at it, before looking at her, “It's Johann.”

  Marley looked up at him, tears in her eyes, “Rhayden, he's the one that killed Linda.”


  “I don't want her jeopardizing her life for this Absinthe,” Rhayden's tone was angry at his brother and Marley wondered if Abe would stand for it. “You didn't know? Didn't know Johann was the one who killed Linda? Have you even asked her who did it? Shown her photos? Anything?”

  Marley shivered.

  Rhayden had sat her back in the car, covering her with his jacket. Her feet were drawn up, curled into the fetal position in the passenger seat, trying to make the shivering stop.

  “I can't. We are almost there Abe,” She looked out the window, watching as Rhayden paced. One hand was shoved into his pale hair in frustration, the other holding the phone to his ear. “I’ll drop her at a motel, and pick her up when I'm—”

  “No!” Marley climbed out of the car, side-stepping the puddle of vomit and stalked over to Rhayden.

  Taking the cell from his hand, the look of shock on his features didn’t register. The phone went to her ear as she tried to control her voice.

  She had to take control of the situation.

  “You listen to me Absinthe Raynes. I will find and kill this asshole for taking my sister. You cannot stop me,” her tone was strong, forceful and she could only imagine the unimpressed look on her lover’s face. “You cannot have Rhayden dump me at some cheap motel, because you don't want any damage happening to the woman you—”

  “Marlene,” Absinthe interjected, his tone just as firm. “You’re on loudspeaker.”

  She blinked, her gaze dropping to the ground, “Well take me off loud-speaker god-dammit!”

  A beep and muttering and the phone clicked. Doors closed in the background. He’d emptied the library so he could speak with her in private. His voice was cold as he spoke to her, “I don't appreciate you speaking to me like that Marlene.”

  “I don't care. I don't want to be left out of a fight I have been wanting to get into for the last two years! Why the hell pay me so much if you’re just going to put me in a motel and not let me hunt!?”

  “I don't want you hurt. Johann is old, powerful. He used to own his own Coven Marlene. You have to be strong to own a Coven,” Absinthe's voice was quiet. She could hear the worry in his voice and sighed. Putting her hand to her head in frustration, she closed her eyes.

  “I can do this Abe. I have Rhayden here, he will protect me,” Rhayden's hand came to her shoulder and she turned to him. Even in the darkness, she could see the worry etched on his features.

  “I know he will Marley. But even Rhayden can only protect you to a certain point and I can't be there to help him. I don't want to lose you.”

  “Abe…,” Marley closed her eyes, emotion seeding her voice, stomach flipping.

  “I'm sorry Marlene. I thought you would just be a phase. A human hunter I could use. Have some fun with… But I can't deny it any longer,” Absinthe’s voice was soft, and Marley closed her eyes, bottom lip trembling. “I’m in love with you. If I lose you, it’ll kill me.”

  “Not just you.” She whispered, looking back to Rhayden.

  The vampire dropped his hand, walking over to the car and bought out the maps. Opening it across the bonnet, he shone a small torch over it. His eyes were slowly fading to silver and she knew he was emotionally shot.

  Had he heard Absinthe? She knew vampires had amazing hearing. How could he not have just heard his brother confess his love to the woman he was also in love with?

  “Have you told him?” Abe asked, his voice quiet.

  “About what? Our conversation?”


  “No. I haven't I really had a chance and now I don't think it is the time.”

  “Fair enough. Look, please, be careful. Make sure you carry serum with you. I made sure Rhayden packed at least three syringes. And Marlene…”

  “What Abe?”

  “You know that dumb idiot will do anything to keep you safe… don't get Rhayden killed.”


  Marley leaned over the map, looking at it as Rhayden slid his long finger over the surface, tracing the lines which were the roads leading to the house Johann was holed up in.

  “I don't know what kind of security Johann will have. I'm guessing he has at least a dozen Rogues working for him and maybe some Lycan.”

  “You think he is the one who set the Lycan onto us last night?” Marley asked. Rhayden’s hair had fallen over his eyes again and she turned her head.

  Not wanting to reach out and brush it aside, for the fear of what would happen. They might not make it to their target.

  “Would be my guess, it could hav
e been someone else. But my gut tells me it was him,” Rhayden leaned forward, pushing his finger across the paper and Marley felt her face flush with the thoughts of where those fingers had been.

  The vampire turned his head to the side, his blue eyes staring, mouth turning up in a smirk. No doubt he could smell the arousal which seeped from her. Hear the way her heart pumped blood through her veins when she thought of what had happened between them.

  “So, what is the best way of entering?” Marley asked, making Rhayden grin and she groaned, putting her hand to her face.

  “I don't know about Abe, but what I like to do—”


  “Okay, okay. You’re no fun,” He huffed, turning his gaze back to the map. “I think the northern Gate will be the most heavily fortified. When the team gets here, they will take the East fence—”

  “Wait. What? A team is coming with us?”

  Rhayden stood straight, looking at her, “Of course. You think Abe would send us in without backup? He might not be able to help us himself, but it doesn't mean he will let only us two go in there. So, he is sending one of the hunting teams.”

  “Right,” Of course Abe wouldn't. His brother and the human woman he loved. It was a risk he wasn't willing to take. They would get slaughtered on their own. He had to make sure they were safe, “How long will it take for them to get here?”

  “No more than fifteen minutes, probably less. You want to… you know?” He raised his eyebrows a couple times and Marley rolled her eyes, face heating at the way his eyes quickly faded to silver, “While we wait.”

  “No,” She spat, and his eyes faded back to blue instantly. “How many is in a team?”

  “Usually about twenty.”

  “Great. Twenty vampires that would happily eat me.”

  Why couldn’t she just have ignored the email, asking her to the mansion? Why did she have to have a target painted on her back, from the moment she had said no and walked out? It had seen her sister, her beautiful Linda killed. It had seen her thrust into a world she wasn’t prepared for and she was starting to regret it.

  “Well you are very tasty.” He replied. His gaze dropped to her chest, eyes fading to silver as he licked his lips.

  “Hey, quit it.” Marley spat, slapping his arm and Rhayden chuckled.

  “You started it.”

  “Well I'm finishing it. Now, get your mind back on the mission and out of the gutter.”

  Leaning over the bonnet, she hoped he’d be able to keep his hands to himself.

  Pouring over the maps, she noticed that Rhayden was right. The only logical way in was from the east. The place was well fenced, but the east side of the property was closest to the trees. A huge expanse of woodland area, boggy, but accessible.

  “As I said earlier, I think the East is going to be the easiest way of getting in,” Rhayden said, pointing it out. “More cover. Easier access to the perimeter of the house, letting us get into the property without too much trouble.”

  “Yes. I think your right.”

  The rumble of a V8 had her head turning, as a huge van pulled up behind the Alpha. She turned to it, as the huge hulking figure of Vince climbed out of the passenger seat.

  No… not him… anyone but him.

  “Rhayden.” The huge vampire nodded to the man at her side.

  “Vince? Absinthe sent you?” Rhayden sounded perplexed but continued as Vince nodded. “Okay, well any help will come in handy. Got the team?”

  “Yeah, Absinthe made us bring every damned gun we could carry,” Vince said, looking at Marley, but he didn't say a word with the sight of the human woman; instead, turning to the van and banging on the side. “Out!”

  The back doors opened, and eleven vampires climbed out of the van, stretching their legs.

  “Like sardines,” Marley whispered and Rhayden chuckled, earning a glare from Vince. “Where are the others?”

  Vince and turned to her, his eyes narrowing, “I will not answer to you… food.”

  Marley glared, reaching for the dagger on her hip, voice taut, “You will answer me. I am the one in charge.”

  Vince's eyes paled, shining red with anger. A growl came from behind Marley and Vince's gaze moved to Rhayden. His head lifted a little higher, looking at the older vampire.

  Marley repeated the question, knowing the man behind her had her back, “Where are the others?”

  Vince’s gaze dropped to her, before it fell away, “They’re on their way.”

  The big vampire knew he wouldn’t be able to threaten her, without Rhayden stepping in. Everyone knew how good of a fighter the pale vampire was.

  Not to mention who the other vamps would side with—

  A hunter, or their Lord’s little brother?

  “How long?”

  “Two minutes. Tops.” Vince’s voice was almost a whisper and she smirked at him.

  “See, wasn't so hard was it?” Rhayden asked and Marley's hand dropped from the dagger. She could get used to this, bossing big bad vampires around.

  Another van turned up, the remaining vampires climbing out—twenty-three in total. Marley was completely outnumbered…

  Pushing that thought to the back of her mind, she turned to the group.

  “Right, listen to me and listen well. I am the one in charge of this incursion. Under the direct orders of Lord Absinthe Raynes himself, you answer to me,” Her gaze shifted over every vampire, making sure each of them understood. “If you cannot ask me, or don’t like the idea of asking me, then ask Rhayden, he is my second. We are after Johann and that is it. If anyone gets in the way of our target, see it as a threat and take out with extreme prejudice.”

  The group muttered but nodded.

  Marley’s gaze moved to Vince, narrowing her eyes at him, “I want your cooperation Vince. Am I going to get it? Or should I ring Lord Raynes now and you can hand him your resignation as Head Hunter?”

  His gaze lift to hers, tinged with copper and she raised an eyebrow at him, “Are you willing to comply with a human?”

  Vince narrowed his eyes at her, before dropping his gaze back to the ground, whipped, “Yes. I will comply.”

  “Good. Now,” Marley looked at her watch, seeing the large hand tick over to 11:25pm. “Get ready. We move in five.”


  Marley took the gun that Rhayden offered, cocking it, making sure there was a round in the chamber. She looked down at the thigh holster lying on the bonnet and sighed.

  She’d never been good at putting them on, ever since Absinthe had first strapped one to her, and she picked it up.

  Staring at it, she frowned; usually when she needed this, Absinthe was by her side to help strap it up.

  “Do you want me to do it?”

  Marley looked at Rhayden, seeing the amusement in his gaze. She sighed, holding out the holster, “Sure.”

  Rhayden dropped to one knee, wrapping the leather around her thigh, buckling it and stood without a word; leaving Marley in shock.

  Wasn't he going to comment on how close his fingers were to her? Of what they could be doing if there was no-one around? What his mouth could do to her?

  Rhayden shoved the magazine into the butt of his gun, cocking it, before pushing it into his thigh holster. He looked at her, his blue eyes crisp, glowing slightly in the moonlight, “What?”

  “I have to talk to you.”

  Rhayden crossed his arms over his chest, “About your conversation with Abe?”

  Her face heated and she nodded.

  “Don't worry about it. I can handle the fact you two are going to be a little more permanent. But it doesn't mean I have to like it. And I really don't want to have to talk about it, or be reminded of what I’ve just lost,” Rhayden turned from her and walked to Vince. Leaning in, he started conversing with the bigger vampire.

  Tears sprang to her eyes, stinging.

  Rhayden had no idea what she meant; of what she and Absinthe had spoken of. His brother had given his human lover permission to
sleep with him—he hadn’t lost her.

  Vince nodded, flicking his gaze up to her for a second, before turning. He started to bark orders to the group and Marley’s heart leaped as Rhayden turned, raising an eyebrow to her.

  It was time to go.


  The incursion into the grounds of the property was fairly easy. The fencing was rotted and with a few light slashes of his extended claws, Rhayden had sliced the chain linking, holding it open for her.

  Marley watched as Vince and his team bounced over the fence, like pole vaulters and she felt jealous.

  Why couldn't she jump like that?

  Oh, yeah.

  She was human.

  Slipping through the fence, they crept along the tree line, keeping as low as possible.

  Vince's Beta team skirted the other end, sliding into their positions.

  Marely dropped to the ground, unhooking the assault rifle from her back and brought it down to her lap, checking the magazine as she waited for Rhayden.

  “Beta team is in position,” Rhayden said to her, leaning in close. “Are you ready for this Mars?”

  Marley turned to him and nodded, wanting to be confident, even though she felt sick as hell, “Yes.”

  She turned to the group of vampires she had been left with. Men and women are all quite capable of killing her—now having to answer to her.

  Their black suits covered them from head to toe, concealing their pale skin, but behind the masks they wore; Marley knew they were all watching her, waiting for her orders.

  “You seven. You’re first in, the rest, bring up the rear.”

  She turned to Rhayden, forcing a smile to her lips. He reached out and squeezed her hand.

  It was a simple, friendly gesture, one to instill hope and possibly some courage into human woman completely out of her comfort zone, but to her, it was a lot more.

  It was all Rhayden's feelings in one touch.

  He wouldn't leave her side, he would fight for her and he would make sure she was brought back to Absinthe alive.

  She turned from him as he let go of her hand and brought up the assault rifle.

  “Beta team.”

  “Alpha Leader?” Vince's voice responded quietly, and Marley's heart hammered, knowing there was no going back now.


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