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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

Page 7

by Ainsley Cole

  “Beta team. We're going in hot… in three… two… one.”


  The grounds of Johann's estate were deserted, no guard dogs, no vampires, not even a stray Lycan to be seen.

  Marley looked at Rhayden, perplexed, “Where is all his protection?”

  Rhayden's gaze flicked to the house, the one room, on the second floor with a light on and he shrugged, “I don't know Mars. You would have thought he would have this place surrounded with it.”

  “And the fencing Rhayden. It was ruined. I know Absinthe replaces the fencing around the mansion every two years. It rots quickly here in this heat. Especially in the swampy areas.”

  The vampire nodded, looking back at her, “We just need to be careful Mars; it could be a trap. Get us into the house, just to have us attacked by every guard he has. I wouldn't be surprised if he has them all in there with him.”

  Marley nodded and turned her head to the side. Vince and his team were at the side of the house and she had to make a call. Lifting her hand to her throat, she pressed on the small mic. “Beta team.”

  “Alpha leader?” The vampire sounded a little more comfortable at calling her this and she smiled, maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. Maybe she just needed to sit down and chat with him.

  “Green light to proceed. Clear the ground floor, hold it until we get in there to back you up.”

  “Copy that. Moving in.”

  Marley watched as Vince waved his hand, giving the signal for them to proceed. The vampires he had with him all followed. Vince kicked the door in, flash lights sweeping through the lower level of the house. No gun fire was heard, and Marley raised her eyebrow at Rhayden.

  “Maybe he's not home?” he said, looking back to the house.

  “Or we have the wrong address,” She questioned, turning her head back to the house. “Beta team, what’s the status?”

  The line was crackly, and Marley winced as Vince's voice broke through, patchy and loud. “All clear Alpha Leader. Nothing here. Green to follow.”

  Marley looked at Rhayden and he shrugged, “It's you call Mars. Everything is clear.”

  Marley frowned, shaking her head a little, “I know Rhayden. But why do I suddenly have the feeling this is all wrong?”


  Marley stepped into the foyer of the house, her assault rifle up. Ready, just in case Vince had missed something, she didn't want to be jumped by a Lycan again.

  They hurt way too much.

  “Hey,” Vince growled as the light crossed his eyes, making the dark pupils dilate. He pushed the gun's muzzle aside and glared at her. “Point that thing somewhere else.”

  “Sorry Vince.”

  “Hmph,” Vince looked at Rhayden, ignoring her. “This level is clear.”

  “Don't tell me. I'm not in charge, remember?” Rhayden retorted and Marley smiled as Vince dropped his gaze to her, growling the statement again.

  “This level is clear Alpha Leader.”

  “Thank you, Vince. If Johann is actually here, he will be in the next level and by now, already know that we are here. Thanks to your spectacular entrance.”

  Vince growled and the sound of metal rattling behind her as Rhayden raised his gun was a comfort. Vince’s gaze snapped to Rhayden behind her, before lowering to the ground.

  Marley looked at the curtailed man, “We need the next level cleared and Johann found. He is priority. See to it.”

  Vince nodded once, turning from them.

  Rhayden leaned in, his cool breath on the side of her neck, “I think you have a friend Mars.”

  “Shut up Rhayden.” she spat and he chuckled in her ear, making her shiver.

  “You know what Mars? I think maybe you should go with him, help clear the upper level. Be there when he finds Johann, so you can be the one to take him out.”

  She turned to him, raising her eyebrow, “You would let me go with a vampire who wants to rip my throat out?”

  Rhayden shrugged, “He knows he can't. Absinthe would kill him and so would I.”

  Marley wondered whether it was a good idea. Would it show Vince she could also be an integral part of his team and not just a human woman who gave him orders? Or would it be an opportunity for him to get her alone and kill her?

  “Okay, and where will you be?”

  “I will stay here for the moment. Join you as soon as I check to make sure the whole level has been cleared properly. We don't need someone coming up behind us.”

  Marley nodded and turned, but Rhayden caught her just above the elbow. She looked up at him, seeing the concern in his beautiful features, “Please Mars. Be careful.”

  She beamed at him, wanting to alleviate his worries with her smile, hoping her own nerves would wash away with it too. She lifted her hand to her left ear, tapping on the small earbud, a line different to the team in her right and she smiled, “I will.”


  Watching Vince's back as she walked up the stairs behind him, was nerve wracking enough. But having the rest of his team behind her, their hungry eyes on her own back, made her shiver with fear.

  She had never been surrounded by so many vampires, without either Rhayden or Absinthe protecting her.

  She knew she didn't like it one bit.

  Rhayden wouldn’t be able to kill the whole lot of them, before they bled her dry. If they decided that would be her fate.

  “Split off, comb the area,” Vince's voice was quiet in her right ear and she didn't say a word. This was his team; she would let him lead it. “Food. You come with me.”

  Marley ground her teeth, wanting to shoot this asshole in the back of the head. She had a name. And it wasn’t food. What would Rhayden be thinking? He would be able to hear the chatter on the radio.

  The Beta team split off into three groups. Two lots of heavily armed vampires going one way. Marley following Vince down the hall, just the pair of them, in another direction.

  A one human, one vampire team. Not a good combination.

  Vince held his hand up and the pair stopped, as his team called through.

  “Team one, clear.”

  “Team two, clear.”

  He turned to Marley, something flashed in his eyes, but it was fleeting, and she cocked an eyebrow.

  “What is it?” She asked, just as she heard a phone ring down stairs.


  She knew the tone—Hot Blooded Woman—and she knew it was because of her.

  “Last room, this has to be him, right?” He murmured to her.

  Marley cocked her head to the side, seeing the logic in the idea. Last room, the only one with the light, had to be Johann. If he hadn’t skipped out somehow, “Sure.”

  “Right. You want to go first?” he asked, and the first warning signal slammed into her brain.

  Why would he want her to go first?

  She pushed the signal back and nodded, wanting to seem like the ever-brave human, “Sure, if you don't mind.”

  “You are the Alpha leader.” he drawled and again, that warning bell screeched inside her head.

  “Right,” Marley said, stepping around the big vampire. She tried not to shudder as he leaned in slightly, inhaling her scent as she slipped past. Stopping in front of the door, her eyes closed, feeling the presence of Vince as he came up behind her. Way too close for comfort.

  She didn't like this—it felt wrong and her mind screamed at her to turn around and shoot him, before he killed her. “On three—”

  “Mars?” Marley stopped at the sound of Rhayden's voice in her ear, “Mars, get out of there!”

  “Two,” Her heart hammered, and she dropped her gaze to the floor, trying to look at her gun, as she listened to Rhayden.

  “It's a trap Marley! Abe just rang. He never cleared Vince to leave. Absinthe sent the Deltas. They were just found outside the mansion, slaughtered. Like the couples!”

  Marley’s heart contracted as she felt a shift behind her, and Vince stepped closer.

  “Marley! It's not Johann
who’s been killing the Mated! It's Vince!”


  Vince slammed his body into the back of Marley, crashing them through the door, the wood splintering. Her face stung as splinters sliced her cheeks.

  Marley screamed as her back hit broken furniture, digging into her, before the pair of them crashed to the ground.

  She gasped for air, as Vince stood and leaned over her.

  “You thought you could just fit in here?!” He kicked her in the ribs, sending her soft human body flying across the floor. She slammed against the wall and her breath left her. “You might be Absinthe's human whore, but it doesn't mean we have to comply with it.”

  Marley’s eyes opened, her focus fading in and out, chest aching as she tried to grasp a breath. “He’s supposed to continuing the Coven's line! Not fuck a human. He has no respect for the Raynes House! For the Raynes name!” Vince paced the room. “He wants to sully himself with the likes of you? Then I will take his House from him and to do that, I started with the Mated—”

  Marley groaned, staggering to her hands and knees, “All those vampires. All those generations. Gone. Because of your jealousy. I know of you failed Mating Vince. You hold the scars. I noticed them the first time I met you.”

  Vince’s hand went to his throat, moving the collar. The scars on his neck disappeared behind the fabric and he glaring at her, gaze fading to copper.

  “She was the love of my life. I only ever wanted her, but we were not compatible. She rejected me in Mating, leaving me with the scars,” Marley watched as his anger grew, his fists balling at his sides. “She was Mated to another. They were the first to die.”

  Marley knew she was going to be next; she could see it.

  Never would she see Absinthe again.

  Feel Rhayden's hands on her.

  She would die alone, at the hands of a vampire—and the two vampires she loved would be destroyed with her death.

  “Now I have another to ruin. I will kill you. Take you from Absinthe and make him see what happens when his love is killed.”

  “He doesn't love me,” She groaned, lifting herself to her haunches to look at him, trying to diffuse the situation. “We have a business arrangement.”

  “Sure, it is and what about Rhayden? Does he know you've been sleeping with Absinthe? Do they know that you have been playing both them? Screwing one brother and leading the other one on?”

  Sickness roiled through her.

  Was it that obvious to everyone? Their relationship couldn’t be that transparent, “I…”

  “Didn’t think so. Well I'm going to do them both a favor.” Vince slowly pulled out his pistol, aiming it at Marley's head. “You will not be missed as much as you think.”

  Marley closed her eyes, this was it.

  She thought the vampire might have ripped out her throat, maybe even given her to his team to tear apart. But no, he was just going to shoot her.

  Execution style.

  The cocking of the gun made her heart hammer and her eyes squeezed shut tighter, wanting it to be over and done with, wanting it to end.

  But it never happened—


  The sound of running feet, the thud of a body hitting another, the smashing of window glass these all broke into Marley's brain.

  Her eyelids popped open, just in time to see Rhayden and Vince sail out the window—

  “Rhayden!” Marley screamed, scrambling to her feet. Her side hurt. She was sure she’d have broken ribs.

  Racing to the window, she stared in horror as the pair of vampires slowly stood. Turning and running across the room, out into the hall and down the stairs, she ran out the front door.

  The team of twenty-two vampires surrounded Rhayden and Vince, a wall of black, shutting her out.

  Screw that, she had to get in there.

  “Let me in!” Marley pushed her way past one of the vampires and he stepped to the side, closing the circle behind her. “Rhayden!”

  The beautiful, pale haired vampire was standing on the far side of the circle, hand to his side. Blood gushed from a wound to his flank, turning the normally dull black clothing shiny with fluid.

  A bloodied shard of broken glass stuck out of the black shirt. He slowly pulled it out, tossing it to the side. His gaze moved to her.

  Anger brewed in those normally blue orbs. Anger at Vince's betrayal. Anger he hadn't been able to stop the other vampire from attacking her.

  Vince turned his head back to her and smirked. Animal fury lighting his eyes. “Watch me kill him.”

  He launched himself at Rhayden, slamming his body into the other vampire. He sliced at him with claws, snapping at his neck with his fangs.

  Rhayden pushed at him, trying to make sure Vince didn't connect with any of it.

  He swung his own arm, fist flying at him, but Vince sidestepped him, slamming his fist into Rhayden’s wound, making the pale man roared in pain.

  Marley hands went to her mouth.

  Vince was going to kill him. Then what would happen to her?

  She knew Absinthe wouldn't be able to cope with out her. He’d already told her as much. But what would happen to the ancient being if his brother was killed too?

  “Rhayden!!” Marley stepped forward, but one of the other vampires stopped her, their hand gripping her arm firmly.

  “You can't. He will kill you too. If Vince kills Rhayden, we will kill Vince and take you back to Absinthe. The mission will be complete. The threat will be gone.”

  Marley didn't care about the dammed mission.

  Rhayden was just about to be killed and all they cared for was the mission? Couldn’t they just attack Vince? Take him out?

  She remembered something Absinthe had once told her. Their species was steeped in old tradition. This was obviously one of those traditions.

  One on one combat—no interference.

  She turned, seeing Vince's fist connect with Rhayden's cheek-bone, slamming the vampire to the ground and she closed her eyes.

  This was it, her beautiful vampire was going to die—

  A gunshot rang out and Marley screamed, her eyes opening.

  Vince pitched to the side, the top of his head missing. As his body hit the ground, it burst into flames.

  Rhayden looked at her, confusion on his features. Realization she hadn’t pulled the trigger washed over his features and he turned his head.

  Marley followed his gaze and her bottom lip quivered, tears streaming down her face, as she saw the owner of the smoking weapon, “Absinthe…”


  The mansion was deserted as Marley walked down the hall, hand in hand with Absinthe. There was no use in hiding their relationship, when the whole Coven knew of it.

  “Where is everyone?”

  Abe smiled down at her, “The Heads of the Vampire Nation went back to their respective Houses. My Coven, scattered. Some are visiting other Covens; most are simply on vacation.”

  “Vacation? Where the hell do vampires go when on vacation?”

  “Wherever they want. Most like to stay in the states. Others like to go abroad. I have given them leave for the next week, after what happened with Vince. Some things are better left to heal.” He said, his voice quiet.

  “And mansion business? Who will run it?”

  “It can wait,” Absinthe said, finally stopping at a door. One she hadn't seen before. Marley realized Absinthe had taken her to a part of the mansion she had never been too.

  He knocked on it and Rhayden's voice floated to them.


  “Rhayden, you have a visitor.”

  The door opened and Rhayden looked at him, before dropping his gaze to her. “Mars?”

  She smiled, “Hi, just wanted to see if you’re feeling better.”

  Rhayden's gaze dropped to her hand, the one entwined with Abe's and his eyes coppered with anger.

  “I'm fine,” He growled, turning back into the room and the pair followed him.

  Marley looked at Absinthe a
nd he smiled, whispering, “Go on, you know I support it.”

  She turned back to the cranky vampire in the room and sighed. How the hell was she going to say this in front of Absinthe? Even though she knew he was fine with the idea, it felt weird.

  “Rhayden? About that talk.” her hands came to the front of her, fidgeting with the edge of her shirt.

  He turned to them, eyes watering. “What? You're going to tell me he loves you? I know Marlene. I heard him on the phone.”

  Rhayden glared at his brother, gaze fading with anger. She wondered whether this would turn into a physical fight between the pair? She looked back to Abe as his brother continued.

  “Is this your idea of showing me she’s yours?”

  Absinthe raised an eyebrow but didn't say a thing. Instead his arms folded over his chest, gaze shifting to Marley.

  “Abe found the bite mark.” she whispered, looking back to Rhayden and the vampire stopped dead in his tracks.

  “What?” Rhayden’s stance changed completely. From one of anger and frustration, to worry. His muscles tensed differently, ready to take flight at the first sign of his brother attacking him for touching his woman.

  “He knows what happened at the Safe-house Rhayden.”

  Rhayden's gaze flicked back to blue and he stepped back, hands coming up, “Absinthe—”

  Absinthe’s reply was cool and collected, “Rhayden. It’s fine.”

  Confusion flitted across the paler vampire’s features, “What? Your fine with…? What?”

  Absinthe chuckled and walked to Marley's side, putting his arm around her shoulders.

  “I love her Rhayden. More than anyone I have ever known, and I know she’s in love with me.” Abe looked down at her and smiled as Marley's gaze lifted to his face. “But she’s in love with you too Rhayden. And I can't deny her that. To do so would be cruel. And despite what everyone thinks, I am not a cruel man.”

  Marley looked at the other vampire as his gaze slid to her. They paled, and Marley’s heart hammered, “Really?”

  She nodded and Absinthe removed his arm from her shoulders, “I can't always be there, when she needs to be loved. So, I can share if you are willing to do the same?”

  Rhayden nodded dumbly, looking at them, “Yes.”


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