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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

Page 25

by Ainsley Cole


  Rhayden slipped the gloves off Johann’s hands, using them to take the cuffs off his wrists and tossed them to the table. Now they had to wait for the vampire to wake.

  He walked out of the room, leaving him tied to the chair. Walking over to Absinthe, his brother was leaning against the glass frame, looking in on Marley.

  “How is she?”

  “I think she is asleep,” He replied and Rhayden turned, looking at her. She was curled up tightly on the floor, her arms around her knees, but she didn’t seem to be shivering anymore. “Where’s Othello?”

  “Gone back to New Orleans. He said now she is cured, he isn’t needed anymore. Wiped his hands of her.” Absinthe replied, shaking his head.

  “Yes, I think she frightened him a little.” Rhayden said, chuckling.

  “She fucking scared me too Rhayden. Holy shit! I never want to go through that again.”

  “Uh, that makes two of us,” Absinthe turned, staring at his brother and Rhayden turned his head to him. “What?”

  “She said you stabbed her with your claws.”


  “What happened?” There wasn’t a hint of anger in his voice and Rhayden frowned.

  “Marley’s first ever mission.”

  “Yes, she was stabbed by a rogue.”

  “Uh… no. That was me.” Rhayden replied sheepishly.


  “She stabbed me, thought I was a rogue. I did what my nature does and lashed out in retaliation,” Rhayden frowned, looking at his brother. “I’m sorry Abe. I didn’t want to tell you back then, because you would have killed me. I could tell she’d gotten under your skin. You were already in love with her, after only one night around her. You just hadn’t admitted it to yourself.”

  Abe turned his head, looking at the small woman curled up on the mattress, “Yes, I was. I can’t believe you would think I would pick her over you though. I wouldn’t have hurt a hair on your daft head. I’ve put up with your ass for hundreds of years. I don’t know if I could survive without you here making an ass of yourself all the time.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Rhayden chuckled as he heard a groan from the room behind him. “Asshole’s awake.”

  They both turned, walking into the cell. Standing in front of Johann, his eyes slowly opened, and he stared up at them, “Oh yippee, the Raynes’ brothers are going to try and play scare tactics. This could be fun.”

  Rhayden turned to his brother, then back to him, “No, not really. Just thought we’d come in and let you know Marley is cured.”

  Johann sat back, eyeing them both. “Really?”

  “Yes, she is just sleeping it off now.”


  “Good?” Absinthe asked and Rhayden looked at him, seeing his eyes burnish copper. “You drugged her with Lycan derivative, letting her almost be bitten by one and then say good that we cured her? What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

  Rhayden put his arm out, stopping his brother from killing the man in front of them.

  Johann chuckled, “Me? What the fuck is wrong with you, Absinthe Raynes? She is human. Humans are weak, vulnerable. She proved it to you, coming after her sister and she got hurt.”

  Rhayden stepped forward and slammed his fist down onto Johann’s face, smashing the cartilage in his nose and Absinthe grabbed him arm, “Rhayden, enough.”

  “I’ll fucking kill you.” He spat, letting Absinthe drag him back. He stepped to the door, looking over the corridor and through the glass. Marley was still lying on the floor.

  Johann had done this.

  Almost destroyed the woman they loved—to what? Prove a point?

  “No, you won’t. You will let her do it.”

  Rhayden turned, staring at him, “What?”

  “If I’m going to die, I want her to do it. Always wanted to go out with a bang. A human killing me would be perfect.” Johann said, grinning, the blood which was sliding from his nose, coating his teeth.

  “And then what? Where is Linda? Where are you keeping her?”

  Johann shrugged and Rhayden groaned, walking out of the room, going to keep an eye on Marley, before he snapped the vampire’s neck.


  Absinthe watched as Rhayden left and he turned back to Johann, watching him chuckle to himself, “Where is she?”

  “You haven’t told her, have you?”

  He ground his teeth and Johann laughed again, his whole body wracking with maniacal cackles.

  Absinthe rolled his eyes, walking from the room, closing the door behind him. It blocked out the sound of his laughter, but he had a gut feeling—this was not going to end well.


  Marley’s head pounded, her eyes were gritty. She smacked her lips together, trying to get saliva to her mouth. Opening her eyes, looking about the room, she saw her furniture, her room and she smiled.

  She was back at the mansion—thoughts of what happened slammed into her mind, making her sit up.

  Scrambling to the side of the bed, she raced to the door, her feet bare.

  Pulling it open, she stopped in the doorway.

  Rhayden leant against the railing, his arm across his stomach, hand wedged in the fold of his other elbow. His other hand was lifted, fingers brushing against his lips absentmindedly. His eyes were closed, hair falling carelessly, and her heart swelled with love.

  The vampire’s head lifted, eyes opening.

  They slowly faded to silver and he stepped forward, hands gripped the sides of her face as his mouth smashed against hers. Her hands went to his hips, digging her fingertips into his skin as his tongue plundered her mouth.

  He pulled away, looking down at her and her hand lifted, caressing his cheek. His eyes were liquid silver and she stared, lost in his metallic gaze, “I’m sorry Rhayden.”

  She moved her hand to his stomach, lifting his shirt, fingers smoothing over the scar on his abs. He grabbed her hand, lifting it to his mouth, kissing her fingertips, “Mars, it’s fine. I’m okay. You’re okay.”

  He pulled her to him and she sagged into his embrace, sobbing against his shirt. Her heart tore at the thought she had almost killed him, and she had not cared in the least, while she had watched him bleeding out, “Shhh, it’s ok Mars.”

  Marley sobbed, clinging to his shirt, her tears falling, and she slumped to the ground. Rhayden went with her and she curled up in his arms, his back against the railing, crying like she had nothing to live for anymore.

  She had almost killed him, she could remember attacking Abe, even kissing the Lycan and she couldn’t believe what had happened in the last few days. The anger which had coursed through her, “She wasn’t there Rhayden—he lied to me.”

  “I know sweetheart.” He whispered, pressing his lips against her hair, kissing her, holding her head against his chest and she gripped his shirt, sobbing.

  “I need to know Rhayden, I can’t keep doing this. I must find her. I have to know.”

  He soothed her, letting her cry. His huge hands held her close and slowly, her crying ceased. Her sobs were replaced by small sniffles and she sighed, slowly lifting her head.

  His eyes were closed, long lashes lay against his cheeks, and she lifted her hand. Running her fingertips across his bottom lip, they parted. His fangs descend as his eyes slowly opened bright, electric blue staring back at her, moist with tears.

  She smiled, as his hand lifted, caressing the side of her face. Leaning in, the vampire gently kissed her, his fangs nipping her bottom lip and she tasted her own blood. He gripped her chin, pulling her face away, licking across her lip, sealing the cut.

  He kissed her again, his fangs having been hidden away. Marley sighed, pulling back, looking up at him. “Is Abe okay?”

  “He’s fine. Come on, I’ll take you to him.”

  They slowly stood and Rhayden took her hand, guiding her down the hallway, his presence reassuring, “Where is everyone?”

  “Various Covens Abe asked them to leave. He just wanted us


  He smiled, leading her not to the library, which is where she was used to seeing Absinthe— but towards the lower levels. She frowned, her other hand coming to Rhayden’s wrist, holding it tight, “It’s okay Mars, he’s fine. He’s just been down here, since we cured you.”

  He led her through the cells, she knew what they were, she had dragged a few rogues down here in her time as their hunter and she frowned.

  What had happened? Had Abe lost it? Was he locked up?

  Pushing open one of the doors, Rhayden stepped inside the room, pulling Marley in behind him. She hid behind his large frame, not wanting to see what had happened to her other beautiful lover—“Marley.”

  She snuck a look past Rhayden.

  Absinthe was standing in the middle of the room, his gaze on her. He quickly walked across the room and she let go of Rhayden’s hand letting the vampire sweep her into his embrace. He peppered kisses across her face, his mouth finally meeting hers. Marley sighed as he kissed her, long and hard, his hands holding her to his sturdy frame.

  He slowly released her, burying his face against her neck and she held him, hearing his whispers, “I’m sorry, I should have told you. I’m sorry. I love you.”

  She smoothed her hand over his hair, holding him and she sighed, stepping back, “It’s ok Abe. I know why you didn’t. You didn’t want me to go looking for Johann, he’s crazy, dangerous. He’s—”

  Marley’s gaze shifted to the window, seeing the man tied to the chair. She pushed Absinthe away, going to the large pane of glass, staring at Johann.

  “He’s here—”

  “When I came looking for you Marley, Rhayden found him, he came back here willingly,” Abe said, and she turned her head to him, glaring at him. His gaze melted to copper, his mouth forming a thin line. “Don’t you dare look at me like that.”

  “Like what? Like I want to punch you in the mouth? Because I fucking do!” she turned on Rhayden, seeing his gaze move from Abe to her. “And you, why didn’t you find my sister? He knows where she is!”

  “He said he didn’t Mars, told me he doesn’t know where she is. So, before you start getting fucking snappy with me, find out the facts.” Rhayden fumed and she flipped him off. Turning back to the window, Johann lifted his head.

  “Marlene, so nice to hear you awake.” She gritted her teeth, wanting to turn around and smack both the vampires behind her, but she didn’t, steeling herself.

  Ignoring them, she pushed the intercom. It crackled, and the man tipped his head to the side, waiting to hear her voice, “What do you want with me Johann? Why come back here voluntarily?”

  He chuckled, his voice seething.

  “Why, to see your beautiful face one last time, my dear. You know one thing I found similar between you and that beautiful little sister of yours?” He tilted his head to the side, licking his lips. “The scent. She had such a sweet scent, like flowers, maybe it’s the shampoo she uses—or it’s in her DNA. You have the same scent. It’s addictive. I can see what those two fuck wits in the room with you, see in you; it’s your smell.”

  Rhayden growled and a small thrill went through her.

  She might have been pissed beyond belief with the brothers, but they had saved her life—again. She owed them more than just her anger and her body betrayed her need of them. She shut down those thoughts and concentrated on the man in front of her, “What’s the point Johann?”

  “Point?” he asked, his voice almost lulled, as if he had been daydreaming.

  “The point of you rambling like an idiot about scent. Where is my sister? You said you had her. I heard her voice.”

  “Ah, yes, the little morsel. Hmm, she is quite a tasty little thing, her body is very—”

  Marley spun on her heel, racing past Rhayden and Abe, before they had time to react. She pulled open the cell door and ran across to him. Her uppercut slammed into Johann’s bottom jaw, sending him sprawling backwards. The vampire’s arms cracked as his frame and the chair landed on them and he roared in pain.

  “Mars!” Rhayden grabbed her around the waist, just as she was about to pounce on Johann again and swung her into Absinthe’s embrace.

  She slapped out; her hands hitting the vampire’s chest and she balled her hands into fists, thudding them onto him. He stood there, taking every single blow, holding her, “I want to kill him! I have to kill him!”

  Her whole body shuddered, sinking to the floor and Absinthe scooped her into his arms, carrying her out of the room as she started to sob, “Shhh, it’s okay Marley. It’s okay.”

  He carried her up the stairs, taking her back to her room and he sat on the bed, leaning back against the headboard, holding her in his lap, soothing her.

  “Why?” she bawled, her body wracking with uncontrollable shudders. His hand went to her head, smoothing her hair, his lips pressing against her. “Why Abe? Why me? Why do I have to be in the middle of this?”

  She cried, unable to control it and still blubbered.

  “I want to hate you. I need to hate you and Rhayden. But I can’t my heart hurts too much when I think of leaving, of hurting you. I almost killed him, I almost gutted Rhayden— I left him lying on the floor and walked away. He could have died—by my hand!”

  “He’s fine Marley. It’s all fine.”

  “It’s not fine,” she lifted her head, looking up into his eyes, seeing tears on his lashes. “Why did you keep it from me? Why didn’t you tell me she was alive?”

  He frowned, moving her to the bed. He lifted himself off it, walking to the window. Turning, he sat on the ledge, staring at her, “I didn’t want you to get hurt. I knew, if you went after Johann, after knowing Linda was still alive—he would hurt you or kill you. I couldn’t let it happen—not to you.”

  Marley curled her legs underneath her and stared at him, her sobs having disappeared, her curiosity taking over. She had to know,“When did you find out?”

  “After the first Mated were killed and found. Before you and Rhayden went to find him. He sent me another message, telling me it was just the beginning, that he had a surprise for you, when you finally found him,” He frowned, the little lines between his eyebrows becoming furrowed. “I put two and two together. And then all the stuff happened with Korin, and then here, with Mathias… I just didn’t find the time to actually stop and tell you.”

  His voice was tortured, and she sighed, lifting herself off the bed. Crossing to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck, sinking down onto his knee, looking up at him.

  “I understand.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes, sort, of. I mean, look, you kept it secret, because you didn’t want me hurt. I understand. Now, all I want to do is find her, make sure she is okay,” She reached up and ran her fingers over his lips, kissing him gently. “But to do that, I have to talk to him again.”

  He looked at her, shaking his head, “No.”


  “He told Rhayden he wants to die by your hand.” He replied, his voice soft and Marley frowned.

  “Lovely,” She lifted herself from him, pacing, before looking back to him. “I have to Abe.”

  He frowned, closing his eyes, growling softly, “If there is even one little hint he’s baiting you to kill him, I’m pulling you out of there, okay?”

  “Yes boss.” She giggled, and he chuckled, shaking his head.

  “You make it too hard for me to say no Marley.”

  “But you would have it no other way.”

  “Of course not. Now, come on, let’s get this over and done with, I plan on spending the rest of the night with you and your naked body.”


  “I don’t like this Abe.” Rhayden whispered, leaning closer, as he watched Marley fidgeting.

  “Neither do I Rhayden, but she needs to know.” He replied and Rhayden frowned, turning his head back to Marley as she stood, looking at them.

  “Okay, I think I’m ready.” She had changed into clean cloth
es; her hair was tied back, exposing her exquisite neck. Two sets of clean puncture marks sat on her throat. Absinthe’s and his own from three nights earlier and Rhayden felt his fangs itch, wanting to sink them into her flesh as he fucked her, “Guys?”

  Rhayden’s thoughts snapped back to reality and he looked at his brother. Absinthe’s eyes faded from silver back to green and he smirked, knowing he was thinking the same thing. He nodded, stepping forward a little. “Yeah, okay. Let’s do this.”


  Marley felt her face heat as the brother’s fought with their desires, their eyes fading back to original colors.

  Electric blue for Rhayden. Moss green for Absinthe.

  They had been thinking about her, she knew they had, she had seen the feral need in their eyes. The longing they had for her wasn’t a surprise; the last week had been crazy.

  Rhayden opened the door, Absinthe stepping in first, then her, and Rhayden closed it behind them, sealing them in with the vampire.

  Johann sat, bound to the chair in the middle of the room, his eyes on her. His shoulder sat at a weird angle, from her uppercut earlier, but when he saw her, his mouth spread into a grin.

  She took the chair Abe offered her, sitting opposite him. Leaning forward on her elbows, she stared at him, “Where is my sister?”

  Johann rolled his eyes, looking at her with boredom.

  “Come on, back to that, again are we? I have told you, Rhayden and the fucking maniac who killed my father, I don’t know where your precious sister is.”

  Marley heard Abe growl and she turned her head to him. She frowned as he shifted his gaze to her. Rolling his eyes, he turned, walking over to Rhayden and the pair of them leaned against the mirrored window.

  Far enough away to not be in the way. Close enough to spring into action if things got rough.

  “You told me you had her.” Marley quipped, turning her gaze back to him.

  “Ugh, didn’t we have this conversation in the apartment, Marley? I said if you want her, I am at your apartment, not her.”

  “You just led me there to what? Stab me with Lycan derivative? Turn me loose?”


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