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Immortal Cravings: Boxed Set

Page 26

by Ainsley Cole

  “Yep. And plus, like I told Absinthe, when I first rang him—I would ruin what he loved most. And that’s no longer his brother,” Johann pushed his head forward, trying to get closer and Marley sat back, gagging at the stench of his breath. Her gaze fell to the ragged bite marks on his neck and he hissed at her, making her look up. “It’s you. He would do anything to keep you safe. Even lie about knowing Linda was alive.”

  She gritted her teeth, “Yes, he did lie and believe me; we have had serious words about it. But, it’s over, we are united again. I will find her and help her, make sure she knows—”

  “Knows what? Where you’ve been for the last two years? Oh, let me tell you something, sweet Marlene. She knows exactly where you’ve been; who you’ve been with. She thinks you abandoned her, left her to rot while you banged on with a pair of pretty boys.”

  Marley hissed, and she felt a hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her. They all knew Johann would try and bait her into hurting him; she just had to make sure she didn’t bite.

  “Careful Mars.” She turned her head to Rhayden, nodding and he stepped back, his gaze settling back on Johann.

  Turing back to their prisoner, trying to reign in her anger, she inhaled. She had to play it like they discussed she would.

  Coax the information from him; make him believe everything she said and did was for his end goal— “So, Absinthe said you want me to kill you.”

  Johann’s gaze moved from her, to the brother’s behind her and back, a malicious grin spreading across his features, “Yes, that would be lovely—ecstasy”


  He blinked, the smile fading, “What?”

  “Why do you want me to kill you? I know Linda is alive, and I will find her. All my anger has been directed to you, thinking you killed her, when you didn’t.” She shrugged, leaning back. “You used her—and me—to get to Absinthe. He has more of a right to kill you than I do.”

  His gaze didn’t move from her face and she knew she had hit a nerve, “No.”

  “Yes,” She replied, standing. She crossed to Absinthe, her arm lifting. Her hand went to his shoulder and she leaned against him. Lifting her other hand, she caressed his face, pressing her lips against his cheek. “What’s to stop me from walking out of this room, and leaving you to his devices? Abe’s been around a while, I’m sure he would know exactly how to make you suffer.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh, believe me, I would,” She offered. “See, you seem to forget one thing Johann. I am a killer. I have been wiping you bloodsuckers off the earth for just over two years now. My heart has grown cold; my emotions can be flicked off just like that.” She clicked her fingers and stepped away from Absinthe, letting her hand trail down his arm.

  She stepped up to Rhayden, lifting her arm, placing her hand on his shoulder.

  The vampire’s head turned to her and he moved, his nose sliding up the side of her neck. He was inhaling her scent as his arm snaked around her waist, cupping her hip, bringing her closer.

  His lips went to the spot below her ear; the one he knew set her body singing. Turning her head, she kissed the edge of his mouth. Rhayden opened his, gripping her lip, biting it gently, before he kissed her.

  Her gaze slipped to Johann, his eyes were fading to copper as she kissed the pale haired man.

  He knew she slept with them, but the sight of them touching her in front of him angered him and she knew she had found his weak spot—

  He was obsessed with her.

  Turning her head, she looked at the man, seeing his barely contained anger spilling over. His body was shaking, his eyes bright copper in fury.

  “I could always let Rhayden have a go at you too. I am sure he would love to hurt you, for not only hurting his brother, but me as well.”

  She turned her head to Rhayden again, seeing his gaze lift to Johann, the smugness on his features. What she had just done hadn’t been in the script.

  Stepping away from the wall, Rhayden’s hand left her hip. She walked back over to Johann, leaning against the back of the chair and stared down into his copper eyes.

  “Tell me where my sister is— and I might give you the death you so desperately crave.”

  Johann sat back, sucking his tongue over his teeth, staring at her, before moving his gaze to the men behind her.

  “She’s a fucking hot piece of tail this one. Got you two so tightly wound around her little finger,” He barked with laughter and she rolled her eyes, walking to the door. Rhayden opened it and she stepped one foot out the door, ready to hand him over to Othello and let him deal with the asshole. “Wait!”

  She smiled, turning back into the room and put her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow.

  “She’s in New York.” He said, his eyes fading to silver and she smiled, walking over to him.

  “Thank you, Johann,” She said, looking back to Absinthe. “Abe.”

  The dark-haired vampire stepped forward, brandishing a knife and she took it from his hand, holding it up for Johann to see and pleasure flashed across his features.

  “Abe, hold him still.” Absinthe stepped up behind him as she raised the knife. “Your obsession with me ends now.”

  Her gaze met her lover’s and she nodded.

  Absinthe lifted his hands, gripped Johann’s head, and twisted it to the side quickly.

  The crunch of the vampire’s neck as Abe snapped it, it had Marley’s stomach roiling.

  The shock in his eyes at the last minute, realizing she had lied to him followed him as his head slumped forward.

  She dropped the knife and Rhayden ran to her, catching her in his arms, “It’s done Mars. Come on baby.”

  He helped her from the room and she sagged against him, her energy drained. Looking back to the room, Absinthe was undoing Johann’s bindings, lying him on the ground, head twisted at an unnatural angle.

  Absinthe closed the door as he left the room, coming to them and Rhayden passed her to his brother.

  Abe lifted her to him, carrying her through the mansion. He lay her down on the bed, smoothing back her hair as he stripped his shirt off, lying beside her.

  “It’s done—” she choked as he brought her into his embrace. Her hand lifted to his chest, tracing the silver scars which ran over his body. He gripped her hand, taking it from his skin and he kissed her palm.

  “Yes, it’s done.”

  “She’s in New York, Abe.”

  “We will go there and look for her.” He answered, and she nodded. He would finally stop lying to her. He would take her and find her sister.

  But what did it mean for them?

  She couldn’t keep doing this.

  Not with Linda alive, she had no way of looking after a broken, fragile girl, if she was off doing bounties for the Raynes.

  She lifted her head and looked at Abe, seeing him staring down at her.

  “Don’t say it Marley. Please. Don’t say it.”

  His voice was thick with emotion and she knew he was thinking the same thing.

  This was it. They were pretty much done. Frowning she buried her head against his chest, his arm come around her tighter and she started to softly sob.


  Packing her things into the bag was the hardest thing she had ever done, her eyes stung with tears, her lip trembling and she frowned, hearing the door open.


  Shoving another shirt into the pack, Rhayden’s boots echoed along the floorboards.

  “What are you doing?” he gripped her arm, turning her to him, gripping her chin. She looked up at him, seeing the pain in his features. “Mars…”

  “I can’t stay here Rhayden. I need time. I have to find Linda.” Her voice trembled, her hands shaking, and she turned her head away from him, zipping closed her bag.

  “Mars, please, don’t do this,” The pain in Rhayden’s voice was heartbreaking, making her feel as if she had stabbed him all over again. Picking up the bag, she turned to the door, but he stood in f
ront of her, his hands going to her biceps. “Stop.”

  “Rhayden, move.”

  “You’re just going to walk away? After everything we’ve been through? Just give up on it?” she sniffed, another tear falling from her eye and his thumb brushed it away. “I thought you loved us.”

  She closed her eyes, pursing her lips together willing herself not to burst into tears and sob. She was all cried out, she couldn’t do it anymore, “I do. But I must do this Rhayden. I have to find her, make sure she is all right.”

  She moved past him, walking to the door, leaving him in the room and she grimaced as he unleashed his anger.

  Breaking furniture, smashing glass caused fresh tears to fall as she hurried to the elevator. Stepping inside it, she pressed the garage button, sagging against the wall as it descended, her thoughts jumbled.

  She wanted to stay—so desperately did she want to run back to Rhayden, let him wrap her in his arms, tell her everything she needed to hear.

  That her sister was fine, she was okay; maybe she had even moved on and sorted her life out.

  But she knew she couldn’t; there would never be a time for her to do it—not until she had made sure for herself.

  The doors pinged open and Marley lifted her head. Absinthe leaned against Rhayden’s Alpha, arms crossed over his chest. His green gaze slowly lifted to hers and she pursed her lips, walking over to him. Dropping the pack, she looked at him.

  “You knew this would happen.”

  “Yes.” He said his voice calmer than it should have been.

  “He’s destroying my room.”

  “Of course he is. He doesn’t want you to leave,” He murmured, and he stood, stepping forward, his hand coming to her cheek. “And neither do I.”

  “I can’t stay Abe. I wouldn’t be any good to you or Rhayden if I did. I need to do this. I need to finish it,” He opened his mouth and she shook her head, her finger going to his lips, silencing him. “And I have to do it on my own.”

  She picked up her bag and stepped past him, ignoring the Alpha, even Abe’s huge Hummer. Smiling at the tiny Volkswagen Beetle she had originally come to the mansion in, she opened the door, climbing in.

  Shoving the bag to the passenger floor, she started it and lifted her gaze.

  Absinthe was still leaning against Rhayden’s car, not looking back to her and her stomach flipped as his shoulders slumped. Tears formed, sliding down his cheeks and before she jumped out and ran to him, she put the car into gear.

  Driving out of the garage, she left. Leaving the life she had come to find normal and the men she loved, back at the mansion.

  The driveway seemed to stretch forever, and she pulled up at the gates, smiling at the new gate keeper, “Hi Frank.”

  “Miss Brennan, off on holiday?”

  “Yeah,” She said, watching as he took her ID, scanning it and he bought it back, handing it to her. She shook her head, putting her hand up. “No, you keep it. I’m going to be gone for a while. I don’t want to lose it.”

  “Ok then.” He said, stepping back and he buzzed the gates.

  Marley smiled as she turned back to them, seeing them open and she threw one last look back to the mansion. The towering building was bathed in the soft glow of the evening lights and she felt her heart pull.

  This was her sanctuary.

  She’d been a part of this world for over 2 years—it was in her blood.

  Sniffing, she drove out of the gates.

  Knowing with the betrayal she had just encountered from the beautiful men, it was going to be the last time she would ever see it.


  The chatter around the café heightened, the later it got, and Marley sat back against the chair, savoring the night air of Miami. She had decided to book a hotel here, take a flight to New York in the morning, and find Linda then.

  She watched the couples giggling, the men trying to hit on single women.

  Blinking, she raised an eyebrow at the dark-haired man who sauntered over to her, glass of wine in hand, whiskey in the other. He sat in front of her, sliding the wine glass to her and she looked at it. Fizzing in the bottom of it set her anger off and she clenched her teeth, pushing it back to him, “No thanks.”

  “Oh, come on, beautiful woman like you, you deserve a glass of wine on someone else.” He said, sliding it again and she raised an eyebrow.

  “I don’t drink wine. Especially when someone has dropped something in it.”

  Picking up the wine glass, she tipped it into the pot plant beside her, placing it back in front of the man. His gaze slid to it, his face flushing brightly, “Nice try buff. And plus, you aren’t even remotely my type.”

  Standing, she looked down at him, moving her jacket as she adjusted her shirt. His gaze shifted to the small caliber pistol in the shoulder holster under her jacket and his face paled, “Don’t let me catch you trying that on anyone else.”

  She turned, walking to the door, smiling to herself as she stepped out into the night. She might just have saved some girl’s life… if not her sanity.

  It was barely midnight, the city just seemed to wake up properly, and she walked down the stairs, out onto the boardwalk, inhaling the scent of the ocean. It was something she hadn’t done too often lately, take in the sights and smells around her. Marvel at how humanity could survive in this world, especially with what lurked in the shadows.


  She froze at the sound of her name, the crowd seeming to disappear.

  The voice had seemed so familiar.

  Turning again, she caught sight of a woman. Her blonde hair whipped around her in the ocean breeze, her smile playing over her lips. She stood in the middle of the crowd, oblivious to the men who were staring at her, “Linda?”

  She blinked, and her sister was gone, disappearing into the crowd. Marley lurched forward, running to the spot she had seen her. Spinning, she tried to gauge where her sister had gone. How had she moved so fast!?


  Spinning, Linda was walking along an alley, her blonde hair reflecting the light and Marley took off, running after her, “Linda!”

  She didn’t stop, turning around a corner and Marley followed, needing to catch her, make sure she was okay. Why was she here? Johann had said she was in New York.

  Had he lied to her? What would he have gained from it?

  She slid to a halt, seeing her sister standing at the end of the alley, her arms crossed over her chest, hip jutting out.

  Marley stepped forward, her heart hammering at the sight of her beautiful sister, “Linda.”

  “Hello Marlene. Nice to see you remembered my name.” her voice was cold, taut and Marley stopped, her bottom lip trembling. Linda had never, ever called her Marlene. She had always called her Ley-Ley.

  “Linda. I’m sorry. I thought you were dead.” She said, her voice choking, and Linda rolled her eyes.

  “Of course you did. I was bleeding out on the floor. Some random having ripped my throat out. There would have been a shit load of blood,” She said, lifting her hand and she moved the scarf, showing Marley the scaring. “But did you have to leave me at the hospital to burn? Surely you could have buried me. I would have liked to have been buried with mom and dad.”

  “I didn’t know what to do,” Marley replied, her eyes stinging with tears as she slowly walked forward. “I wanted to find the one who had killed you.”

  She was closer to her now, seeing her beauty.

  The flawlessness to her skin, the way her hair seemed to sit perfectly around her face, curtaining it, like Absinthe and Rhayden—

  Marley blinked, stopping, her gut instinct screaming at her. Suddenly she didn’t want to get any closer to her own sister.

  “So, you ran off with Absinthe and Rhayden Raynes—” Linda spat, her face becoming one of disgust and Marley stepped back.

  “How? How did you know about them?” her hand shifted to her hip, sliding around the back of it, holding the hilt of her pistol and Linda’s eye
s changed with the movements.

  No, not her. Please.

  Marley turned, running back down the alley, trying to get away from the vampire.

  Strong hands gripped her shoulders and she screamed, kicking out as Linda spun her around, sweeping her legs out from under her.

  Marley fell, and the girl pounced, straddling her waist, pinning her arms by her sides as she cackled.

  Marley fought, trying to get her arms free, but Linda was strong, and she looked down at her, smiling, “I love what’s happened with you Marlene. So feisty, I’m glad this all happened. Johann hurting me, you running off with those bloodsuckers.”

  She lifted her hand, pulling away the scarf, turning her head.

  “If you hadn’t, then, well, Johann would never have turned me.” Marley looked in horror at the bite marks on her neck, the ravaged holes and she remembered back to Johann, seeing the same on his neck.


  “Yes, he was my Syre. We were Mated. He loved me. Unlike you. You abandoned me. So, I knew he was the real thing. What we had was magical. We had it all planned. Now knowing you are here—it means he is dead.”

  Her words were full of emotion and Marley’s eyes stung with tears. Tears for not listening to Absinthe and going after her sister on her own. She knew she might not make it through the night and the Raynes brothers would never know what happened.

  “I am now the last of his bloodline. I am the last one and I have a duty to uphold to him. But before I do, he wanted me to tell you thank you. For killing him.’

  Marley wiggled, trying to get free and she looked up at her sister, “I didn’t kill him.”

  Linda stopped, glaring down at her, growling, “What?”

  “He wanted me to kill him, but I didn’t. He told me you were in Miami,” She knew she’d just lied. The vampire’s eyes turned copper, her anger seething through her and Marley finally realized her sister was gone. Replaced by this angry, manipulated undead being. Johann’s influence had killed off any love she might have once held. “He gave you up, so I would kill him—and I let Absinthe do it.”


  Linda’s movements were quick, standing and she picked Marley up, slamming her against the wall. Holding her off the ground, Marley’s hands gripped her sister’s wrists, trying to loosen her grip.


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