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Gladstone: A Biography

Page 87

by Roy Jenkins

  W . R. Bahlmann (ed.): The Diary of Sir Edward Walter Hamilton 1880–1885, 2 vols (1972)

  W . R. Bahlmann (ed.): The Diary of Sir Edward Walter Hamilton 1885–1906 (1993)

  John Bailey (ed.), The Diary of Lady Frederick Cavendish, 2 vols (1927)

  A. J. Balfour: Chapters of Autobiography (1930)

  Georgina Battiscombe: Mrs Gladstone (1956)

  Robert Blake: Disraeli (1960)

  John Brooke and Mary Sorenson (eds): The Prime Ministers’ Papers: W. E. Gladstone, vols I and II (1971 and 1972)

  Frank Callanan: The Parnell Split 1890–91 (1992)

  Lady Gwendoline Cecil: Life of Robert Marquess of Salisbury, 4 vols (1921–32)

  Owen Chadwick: The Victorian Church, 2 vols (1966 and 1971)

  Owen Chadwick: Acton and Gladstone (1976)

  Owen Chadwick: Newman (1983)

  Winston Spencer Churchill: Lord Randolph Churchill, 2 vols (1906)

  Marquess of Crewe: Lord Rosebery, 2 vols (1931)

  Randall Davidson: Life of Archbishop Tait, 2 vols (1891)

  Blanche Dugdale: Arthur James Balfour, 2 vols (1936)

  Max Egremont: Balfour (1980)

  Geoffrey Faber: The Oxford Apostles (1933)

  Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice: Life of Earl Granville, 2 vols (1905)

  R. F. Foster: Lord Randolph Churchill: A Political Life (1981)

  R. F. Foster: Charles Stewart Parnell: The Man and His Family (1976)

  R. F. Foster (ed.): Modern Ireland 1600–1972 (1988)

  R. F. Foster: Paddy and Mr Punch (1993)

  A. G. Gardiner: The Life of SirWilliamHarcourt, 2 vols (1923)

  J. L. Garvin and Julian Amery: Life of Joseph Chamberlain, 3 vols by Garvin (1932–4), 2 vols by Amery (1969)

  Norman Gash: Sir Robert Peel after 1830 (1972)

  Arthur Gordon: The Earl of Aberdeen, The Queen’s Prime Ministers Series (1893)

  Lord Stanmore (Arthur Gordon): Sidney Herbert: A Memoir, 2 vols (1906)

  Charles Greville: Diaries, 3rd series, 2 vols (1887)

  Philip Guedalla: Palmerston (1926)

  Stephen Gwynn and Gertrude Tuckwell: Life of Sir Charles Dilke, 2 vols (1917)

  Kenneth Harris: Attlee (1982)

  Henry Harrison: Parnell Vindicated: The Lifting of the Veil (1931)

  T. M. Healy: Letters and Leaders of My Day, 2 vols (1928)

  Wendy Hinde: George Canning (1973)

  Wendy Hinde: Richard Cobden (1987)

  Bernard Holland: Life of the [8th] Duke of Devonshire, 2 vols (1911)

  Patrick Jackson: The Last of the Whigs: A Political Biography of Lord Hartington (1994)

  Robert Rhodes James: Rosebery (1963)

  Robert Rhodes James: Lord Randolph Churchill (1959)

  Roy Jenkins: Asquith (1964)

  Roy Jenkins: Sir Charles Dilke: A Victorian Tragedy (1958)

  T. A. Jenkins: Gladstone,Whiggery and the Liberal Party 1874–86 (1988)

  Robert Kee: The Laurel and the Ivy (1993)

  A. L. Kennedy: Salisbury (1953)

  Ian Ker: John Henry Newman (1988)

  Sidney Lee: King Edward VII: A Biography, 2 vols (1925 and 1927)

  Elizabeth Longford: Victoria R.I. (1964)

  Elizabeth Longford:Wellington: Pillar of State (1972)

  Elizabeth Longford: A Pilgrimage of Passion: Life ofWilfred Scawen Blunt (1979)

  F. S. L. Lyons: Charles Stewart Parnell (1977)

  Philip Magnus: King Edward the Seventh (1964)

  P. T. Marsh: Joseph Chamberlain (1994)

  Robert Bernard Martin: Tennyson: The Unquiet Heart (1980)

  Herbert Maxwell: Life of Clarendon, 2 vols (1913)

  W . F. Monypenny and G. E. Buckle: Life of Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield), 6 vols (1910–20)

  John Morley: Recollections, 2 vols (1917)

  David Newsome: The Convert Cardinals: Newman and Manning (1993)

  Conor Cruise O’Brien: Parnell and His Party 1880–90 (1957)

  R. Barry O’Brien: Charles Stewart Parnell, 2 vols (1898)

  S. L. Ollard: A Short History of the Oxford Movement (1915)

  C. S. Parker: Sir Robert Peel from His Private Papers, 3 vols (1891–9)

  C. S. Parker: Life and Letters of Sir James Graham (1906)

  Jonathan Parry: The Rise and Fall of Liberal Government in Victorian Britain (1993)

  John Pollock: Gordon: The Man Behind the Legend (1993)

  Arthur Ponsonby: Henry Ponsonby: His Life from His Letters (1942)

  John Prest: Lord John Russell (1972)

  R. E. Protheroe: Life of A. P. Stanley (1893)

  E. S. Purcell: Life of Cardinal Manning, 2 vols (1896)

  T. Wemyss Reid: Life of W. E. Forster (1888)

  T. Wemyss Reid: Life of Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Lord Houghton (1891)

  Jane Ridley: The Young Disraeli (1994)


  Abbotsford (house) ref 1

  Aberdare, Henry Austin Bruce, 1st Lord ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of

  relations with WEG ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  as Secretary of State for War and the in Colonies ref 1

  character and background ref 1

  as Foreign Secretary ref 1n, ref 2

  death ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  at Peel’s funeral ref 1

  and relations with Vatican ref 1

  WEG visits at Haddo ref 1

  WEG addresses public letters to ref 1, ref 2

  intervenes over Neapolitan oppression ref 1

  forms 1851 government ref 1, ref 2

  and WEG’s 1853 budget ref 1, ref 2

  and Crimean War ref 1 & n, ref 2, ref 3

  and civil service reform proposals ref 1

  coalition government falls ref 1

  and Russell’s ambitions for leadership ref 1

  and WEG’s commission in Ionian Islands ref 1

  son Arthur’s life of ref 1n, ref 2

  on WEG’s powers ref 1, ref 2

  in Peel’s government ref 1

  relations with Queen ref 1

  classical learning ref 1

  Aberdeen, John Campbell Gordon, 7th Earl and 1st Marquess of ref 1

  Aberdeen (Scotland) ref 1, ref 2

  Acland, Arthur ref 1, ref 2

  Acland, (Sir) Arthur Herbert Dyke ref 1, ref 2

  Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke

  at Oxford ref 1

  and WEG’s first book ref 1

  and Tractarian lay brotherhood ref 1

  warns WEG of remoteness ref 1

  and WEG’s first premiership ref 1

  visits Hawarden ref 1

  Act of Union (1800) ref 1, ref 2

  Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, 1st Lord

  friendship with WEG ref 1

  peerage ref 1

  in Cannes with WEG ref 1, ref 2

  in Bavaria and Austria with WEG ref 1

  in Biarritz with WEG ref 1

  Adams, Charles ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Adams, Henry: Democracy ref 1

  Addington, Henry, 1st Viscount Sidmouth ref 1

  Adenauer, Konrad ref 1

  Adullamites ref 1, ref 2

  Affirmation Bill (1883) ref 1

  Affirmation Bill (1888) ref 1

  Afghanistan: wars in ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Alabama (ship): activities and claim settlement forms ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Albert, Prince Consort

  friendliness to WEG ref 1n, ref 2, ref 3

  favours Protestantism ref 1

  supports WEG for Chancellorship of Exchequer ref 1

  and WEG’s 1853 budget ref 1, ref 2

  WEG visits at Windsor ref 1

  as Tennyson’s Arthur ref 1

  death ref 1

  in WEG’s Manchester address ref 1

  Alexandra, Princess of Wales (later Queen) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Alexandria: bombarded (1882) ref 1, ref 2

  Algeria ref 1, ref 2
r />   All Saints, Margaret Street see Margaret Chapel

  All Souls College, Oxford

  WEG visits (1890) ref 1, ref 2

  WEG’s Fellowship ref 1

  Alnwick, Northumberland ref 1

  Alsace-Lorraine ref 1, ref 2

  Althorp: WEG visits ref 1, ref 2

  Althorp, John Charles, Viscount (later 3rd Earl Spencer) ref 1, ref 2

  American Civil War ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Anstice, Joseph ref 1

  Apostolic Church ref 1

  Arabi Pasha (Ahmed Arabi) ref 1

  Argyll, Elizabeth Georgiana, Duchess of: death ref 1

  Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of

  and WEG’s 1853 budget ref 1

  in Palmerston’s 1855 government ref 1

  in Palmerston’s 1859 government ref 1

  relations with WEG ref 1

  WEG complains of Palmerston to ref 1, ref 2

  and repeal of paper duties ref 1

  and defence expenditure ref 1

  WEG visits ref 1

  visits Rome ref 1

  in WEG’s Cabinet ref 1

  and Irish Land Bill ref 1

  WEG entertains ref 1

  WEG’s rupture with ref 1

  in WEG’s 1880 government ref 1

  differences with WEG ref 1

  resignation ref 1n

  article in North American Review opposing Home Rule ref 1

  absence from WEG’s funeral ref 1

  Argyll, 9th Duke of see Lorne, Marquess of

  Armenian massacres (1894–5) ref 1, ref 2

  Armitstead, George (later Lord) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Armstrong, Sir William George (Lord Armstrong of Cragside) ref 1

  Army Regulation Bill (1871) ref 1

  Arnold, Matthew ref 1, ref 2

  Arnold, Thomas ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Arthur, Prince, Duke of Connaught ref 1

  Ashbourne (land purchase) Act (1885) ref 1

  Ashley, Evelyn ref 1

  Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith

  and Churchill ref 1

  and Great War ref 1

  as Liberal PM ref 1, ref 2

  visits Ireland ref 1

  loses Fife seat ref 1

  visits Hatfield House ref 1 & n

  non-participation in committee stages ref 1

  and Venetia Stanley ref 1

  in WEG’s 1892 government ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  and Irish Home Rule ref 1

  assumes exclusion from Commons on taking over War Office ref 1n

  mental qualities ref 1

  drinking ref 1

  and conflict with Lords ref 1

  honours Brassey ref 1

  in Parnell libel case ref 1

  and WEG’s relations with Parnell ref 1

  classical learning ref 1

  and Second Home Rule Bill ref 1

  WEG’s estimate of ref 1

  on WEG’s resignation ref 1

  Asquith, Margot, Countess of Oxford and Asquith (neé Tennant) ref 1

  Association of Lancashire and Cheshire Mechanics Institutes ref 1

  Aston Hall estate: WEG buys ref 1

  Athens: WEG visits ref 1

  Attlee, Clement, 1st Earl ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Aumale, Henri Eugène Philippe Louis d’Orléans, Duc d’ ref 1

  Austen, Jane ref 1

  Pride and Prejudice ref 1

  Australia: convict transportation to ref 1


  war with France and Piedmont ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  WEG visits ref 1

  Avondale, Co. Wicklow ref 1

  Avory, Sir Horace Edmund ref 1

  Ayrton, Acton Smee ref 1

  Bad Ems (spa), Germany ref 1

  Baden-Baden ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Bagehot, Walter

  on WEG’s background ref 1

  on Peel ref 1

  on WEG’s leading and driving ref 1

  criticizes WEG’s fiscal proposals ref 1

  WEG criticizes ref 1

  Baines, Matthew Talbot ref 1

  Baker, Valentine (Baker Pasha) ref 1

  Baldwin, Stanley (later 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Balfour, Arthur James (later 1st Earl of Balfour)

  on Peel ref 1

  loses Manchester seat (1906) ref 1

  education reform ref 1

  WEG visits ref 1, ref 2

  WEG stays at Carlton Gardens home ref 1

  on WEG’s speechmaking ref 1

  flirts with WEG’s daughter Mary ref 1

  turns against WEG ref 1

  criticizes Kilmainham agreement ref 1

  attacks WEG over Egypt policy ref 1

  WEG approaches at Eaton Hall ref 1, ref 2

  as Chief Secretary for Ireland ref 1

  at Asquith wedding ref 1

  in debate on 1893 Address ref 1

  improved relations with WEG ref 1

  obituary tribute to WEG ref 1

  Ballot Bill (1872) ref 1, ref 2


  WEG in attendance at ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8

  Queen’s 1871 autumn visit to ref 1

  Baltic: WEG’s 1895 cruise in ref 1

  Balzari, Dr ref 1

  Barber, L.J. ref 1

  Baring, Evelyn see Cromer, 1st Earl of

  Barrington, George, 7th Viscount ref 1

  Bassetlaw by-election (1889) ref 1

  Bath Club ref 1

  Bathurst, William, 5th Earl ref 1

  Bavaria ref 1, ref 2

  Beaconsfield, Earl of see Disraeli, Benjamin

  Beaconsfield, Viscountess of see Disraeli, Mary Anne

  Beaufort, Charlotte Sophia, Dowager Duchess of ref 1

  Beaufort, Henry Charles Fitzroy Somerset, 8th Duke of ref 1

  Beaumont, Miles Thomas Stapleton, 8th Lord ref 1

  Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Lord ref 1

  Beddgelert (North Wales) ref 1

  Bedford, William Russell, 9th Duke of ref 1 & n, ref 2

  Bee Hive (journal) ref 1

  Belgium: and Franco-Prussian War ref 1

  Benedetti, Vincent, Count ref 1n, ref 2

  Benson, Edward White, Archbishop of Canterbury ref 1, ref 2n, ref 3, ref 4

  Bentinck, Lord George ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Berlin, Congress of (1878) ref 1, ref 1

  Berthomier (French teacher) ref 1

  Besant, Annie: Autobiography ref 1

  Bessborough, Frederick George Brabazon Ponsonby, 6th Earl: commission on Irish land tenure ref 1

  Bethell, Richard see Westbury, 1st Lord

  Betjeman, Sir John

  on Captain Webb ref 1

  Summoned by Bells ref 1

  Bevan, Aneurin ref 1n

  Bevin, Ernest ref 1

  Biarritz ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Birkett, Norman, 1st Lord ref 1


  St Chad’s (Roman Catholic) cathedral ref 1

  WEG visits and speaks in (1877) ref 1

  Northcote and Churchill visit ref 1

  Birrell, Augustine ref 1n

  Birrell, Francis ref 1, ref 2

  Bishops’ Resignation Bill (1859) ref 1

  Bismarck, Otto, Prince von

  and Franco-Prussian war, ref 1n, ref 2, ref 3

  on Disraeli ref 1

  reputation ref 1

  non-interference in Egypt ref 1

  Black Craig Castle, Perthshire ref 1

  Blackheath ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Blake, Robert, Lord

  on Russell’s 1851 government ref 1

  on Disraeli’s maintaining power ref 1

  on WEG’s intervention in Public Worship Bill ref 1

  on WEG-Disraeli hostility ref 1

  on Disraeli’s 1880 defeat ref 1

  Blantyre, Charles Stuart, 12th Lord ref 1

  Blomfield, Charles James, Bi
shop of London ref 1, ref 2

  Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen ref 1

  Board of Control (for India) ref 1

  Board of Trade ref 1, ref 2

  Boer War ref 1

  Bolsover, Augusta Mary Cavendish-Bentinck, Baroness ref 1

  Bonifazio: Virgin ref 1

  Boord, Thomas William ref 1 & n

  Bournemouth ref 1

  Boveridge (house), Dorset ref 1

  Bowden Park, Wiltshire ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Bowen, Charles, Lord ref 1

  Boycott, Captain Charles Cunningham ref 1

  Boydell, James ref 1

  Bradlaugh, Charles

  parliamentary oath ref 1, ref 2n, ref 3, ref 4

  re-elected ref 1

  Braico (Neapolitan prisoner) ref 1

  Brand, Sir Henry Bouverie William (1st Viscount Hampden) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Brassey, Lady ref 1

  Brassey, Sir Thomas (later 1st Earl) ref 1, ref 2

  Brennan, Thomas ref 1

  Bright, Jacob ref 1

  Bright, John

  in Don Pacifico debate ref 1

  opposes Russell’s Ecclesiastical Titles Bill ref 1, ref 2

  eloquence ref 1

  represents Manchester ref 1

  loses seat (1857) ref 1

  on Disraeli’s Second Reform Bill ref 1

  supports new Liberal Party ref 1

  and fall of Derby government ref 1

  and Cobden’s trade treaty with France ref 1

  on WEG’s rash speech on American Civil War ref 1

  coins Adullamite epithet ref 1

  and popular demands for reform ref 1

  as President of Board of Trade ref 1, ref 2

  WEG’s relations with ref 1, ref 2

  WEG consults over honours ref 1

  advocates non-interference in foreign affairs ref 1

  and WEG’s education reform proposals ref 1

  retires ref 1

  and WEG’s possible exclusion on assuming Chancellorship ref 1

  and 1874 election ref 1

  sits with WEG on opposition benches ref 1

  WEG’s rupture with ref 1

  visits WEG after Midlothian success ref 1

  in WEG’s 1880 government ref 1

  decline ref 1

  and Bradlaugh oath question ref 1

  and WEG’s Egypt policy ref 1, ref 2

  condemns bombardment of Alexandria ref 1

  separates from WEG over Home Rule ref 1

  WEG meets before opening of 1886 Parliament ref 1

  absent from 1886 Address vote ref 1

  declines to serve in 1886 government ref 1

  votes against First Home Rule Bill ref 1

  WEG rebukes for slur on honour ref 1

  death ref 1

  Brighton ref 1, ref 2

  BritishMuseum, Reading Room ref 1

  Broadlands (house), Hampshire ref 1

  Broadstairs ref 1

  Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, Lord ref 1, ref 2


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