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Gladstone: A Biography

Page 88

by Roy Jenkins

  Brown, John ref 1

  Browne, Edward Harold, Bishop of Winchester ref 1

  Browning, Robert: Rabbi Ben Ezra ref 1

  Bruce, Henry Austin see Aberdare, 1st Lord

  Bruce, Katherine Mary ref 1

  Brück, Karl Ludwig, Baron ref 1

  Bryce, James ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Buccleuch, Charlotte Anne, Duchess of ref 1, ref 2

  Buccleuch, Walter Francis Scott, 5th Duke of

  disagrees with Peel ref 1

  WEG stays with ref 1, ref 2

  elected Chancellor of Glasgow University ref 1n

  and WEG’s Midlothian campaign ref 1

  Buckingham, Richard Chandos Grenville, 2nd Duke of ref 1n

  Buckingham, Richard Plantagenet Chandos, 3rd Duke of (earlier Marquess of Chandos) ref 1

  Buckle, George Earle ref 1

  Bucknall-Estcourt, Thomas ref 1

  Budgets: 1852, ref 1, ref 2, 1853, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5n; 1859, ref 6, 1860, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9, ref 10, 1861, ref 11, ref 12, 1863, ref 13, 1864, ref 14, 1865, ref 15, 1866, ref 16, 1871, ref 17, 1880, ref 18, 1882, ref 19, 1885, ref 20, 1886, ref 21

  Bulgaria ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Bulteel, Revd Henry Bellenden ref 1

  Buol-Schauenstein, Karl Ferdinand, Count von ref 1

  Burke, Edmund ref 1

  Burne-Jones, Sir Edward ref 1

  Burrows, General George Reynolds Scott ref 1

  Burton, Michael Arthur Bass, 1st Lord ref 1

  Butler, Joseph, Bishop of Durham ref 1, ref 2

  Butler, Richard Austen, Lord ref 1

  Education Act (1944) ref 1

  Butt, Isaac ref 1

  Butterfield, William ref 1, ref 2

  Cairns, Hugh McCalmont, 1st Earl ref 1

  Calabria, Italy ref 1

  Callaghan, James, Lord ref 1

  Cambridge, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of,ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Cambridge (town): WEG visits ref 1

  Cambridge University

  awards honorary degree to WEG ref 1

  reforms ref 1

  Campbell, John, 1st Lord ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry

  as Liberal PM ref 1, ref 2n, ref 3

  in WEG’s 1892 government ref 1, ref 2

  and 1905 dissolution ref 1

  poor health ref 1

  honours Brassey ref 1

  and Irish Bill (1893) ref 1

  Camperdown, HMS ref 1


  Fenian attack on ref 1

  dominion status ref 1

  Cannes ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Canning, Charles John, Earl

  at Christ Church ref 1

  in Palmerston’s 1855 government ref 1

  as Governor-General of India ref 1

  death ref 1

  Canning, George

  WEG’s father entertains ref 1

  WEG’s devotion to ref 1

  and Castlereagh ref 1

  holds multiple offices ref 1

  Canning, Stratford see de Redcliffe, 1st Viscount

  Cardwell, Edward, 1st Viscount

  dropped as Oxford candidate ref 1

  and fall of Derby government ref 1

  in Palmerston’s 1859 government ref 1

  and repeal of paper duties ref 1

  and death of colleagues ref 1

  visit to Rome and Paris ref 1, ref 2

  in WEG’s Cabinet ref 1

  passed over for Chancellor of Exchequer ref 1, ref 2

  and WEG’s proposed reductions in service expenditure ref 1, ref 2

  Carlingford, Chichester Samuel Fortescue, Lord

  as Chief Secretary for Ireland ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  refuses to resign as Privy Seal ref 1n

  and Sudan affairs ref 1

  1886 withdrawal ref 1

  Carlton Club

  WEG’s membership of ref 1, ref 2

  WEG resigns from ref 1

  Carlton Gardens ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Carlton House Terrace

  WEG occupies no.11 ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7

  WEG sells lease of no.11 ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  WEG stays with friends in ref 1, ref 2

  Carlyle, Thomas ref 1

  Carnarvon, Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, 4th Earl of

  resists household suffrage ref 1

  resigns as Colonial Secretary (1878) ref 1

  meets Parnell as Irish Viceroy ref 1

  favours Home Rule ref 1

  resigns as Irish Viceroy ref 1, ref 2

  Carnegie, Andrew ref 1

  Cassell (publishers) ref 1

  Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount (later 2nd Marquess of Londonderry) ref 1

  Catholic church see Roman Catholic church

  Catholic Emancipation ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Cavendish, Lord Frederick

  marriage to Lucy Lyttelton ref 1, ref 2

  WEG stays with in London ref 1, ref 2

  at Chatsworth ref 1

  accompanies WEG to theatre ref 1

  WEG dines with ref 1, ref 2

  assassinated ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Cavendish, Lady Frederick (neé Lucy Lyttelton) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9, ref 10

  Cavour, Camillo Benso, Count

  WEG meets ref 1, ref 2

  death ref 1

  Chadwick, Owen ref 1

  Chalmers, Thomas ref 1

  Chamberlain, (Sir) Austen ref 1

  Chamberlain, Joseph

  sits for single constituency ref 1

  WEG’s relations with ref 1

  and school education ref 1

  criticizes WEG’s fiscal proposals in 1873 election address ref 1

  and Turkish question ref 1

  WEG stays with in Birmingham ref 1

  defects from WEG ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  view of Bright ref 1

  animosity with Forster ref 1

  in WEG’s 1880 government ref 1, ref 2

  Queen dislikes ref 1

  early parliamentary performance ref 1

  lacks classical learning ref 1

  alliance with Hartington ref 1, ref 2

  hostility to WEG ref 1

  and WEG’s Irish legislation ref 1, ref 2

  and Captain O’Shea ref 1

  on Parnell’s denunciation of Cavendish murder ref 1

  partisanship ref 1

  launches ‘unauthorized programme’ ref 1

  hopes for conflict with Lords ref 1

  provokes Queen’s complaints to WEG ref 1

  attacks hereditary aristocracy ref 1

  and Birmingham riot over Churchill and Northcote ref 1

  and Redistribution of Seats Bill ref 1

  imperialism ref 1

  and Gordon in Sudan ref 1

  proposes Irish local government reform ref 1

  threatens resignation (1885) ref 1

  and Home Rule question ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  visits Hawarden ref 1n

  WEG meets before opening of 1886 Parliament ref 1

  joins and leaves WEG’s 1886 government ref 1

  supposed slight by WEG ref 1

  WEG encourages gulf with Hartington ref 1

  implacability ref 1, ref 2

  and Irish Land Bill ref 1

  votes against First Home Rule Bill ref 1

  in 1886 election ref 1

  and proposed Liberal reunion ref 1

  relishes Parnell’s downfall ref 1

  alliance with Salisbury ref 1

  hostility to Parnell ref 1

  attacks 1893 Home Rule Bill ref 1

  Chamberlain, Neville ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Chandos, Marquess of see Buckingham, 3rd Duke of

  charities: WEG wishes to tax ref 1, ref 2

  Chartwell, Kent (Churchill’s house) ref 1

  Chatsworth House, Derbyshire ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
  Chesterfield, George Philip Cecil Scudamore-Stanhope, 7th Earl of ref 1

  Chesterton, G.K.: ‘Chuck it Smith’ ref 1

  Childers, Hugh Culling Eardley

  amendment to compounding motion ref 1

  retires through ill-health ref 1

  as Secretary of State for War ref 1, ref 2

  threatens resignation (1885) ref 1

  1885 budget ref 1

  in WEG’s 1886 government ref 1

  relations with WEG ref 1


  and Opium War ref 1

  war in ref 1, ref 2

  Cholmondeley, George Horatio Cholmondley, 2nd Marquess ref 1

  Christ Church, Oxford ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Christian, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein ref 1

  Church of England

  parties in ref 1

  and Gorham judgment ref 1

  ritualism in ref 1, ref 2

  Church Penitentiary Association for the Reclamation of Fallen Women ref 1

  Church and State ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Churchill family: WEG attacks ref 1

  Churchill, Lord Randolph

  and Chancellor’s robes ref 1

  on WEG’s woodcutting ref 1

  on WEG’s last anti-Home Rule speech ref 1

  torments WEG ref 1n, ref 2, ref 3

  provokes riot in Birmingham ref 1

  and Home Rule ref 1

  Salisbury recommends as Commons leader ref 1

  replaced as Chancellor ref 1

  praises WEG in decline ref 1

  Churchill, (Sir) Winston S.

  political career ref 1

  relations with Asquith ref 1

  loses seat (1908) ref 1

  wears Goschen’s Chancellor’s robes ref 1

  Chartwell home ref 1

  experience ref 1

  oratory ref 1

  in Cabinet ref 1

  in Asquith’s government ref 1

  offers alliance to Stalin ref 1

  health decline ref 1

  absences from Cabinet ref 1

  celebrates El Alamein victory ref 1

  announces Moran’s death ref 1n

  funeral ref 1

  Great Contemporaries ref 1

  civil service (British): reform ref 1, ref 2

  Clarendon, George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of

  disapproves of Russell’s anti-Catholic letter ref 1

  and WEG’s 1853 budget ref 1, ref 2

  Foreign Secretary in Aberdeen’s government ref 1, ref 2

  and 1855 government ref 1

  excluded from Palmerston’s 1859 government ref 1

  visit to Rome ref 1

  Queen opposes as Foreign Secretary ref 1

  serves as Foreign Secretary under WEG ref 1

  WEG’s relations with ref 1

  and WEG’s episcopal appointments ref 1

  WEG visits ref 1

  and Irish Land Bill ref 1

  death ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Clarendon, Katherine, Countess of ref 1, ref 2

  Clark, Sir (Dr) Andrew

  attends WEG ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  death ref 1, ref 2n

  forbids WEG’s speech at Lord Mayor’s Banquet ref 1

  WEG sends bust to ref 1

  Clarke, Sir Edward ref 1

  Clerkenwell: Fenian explosion in ref 1

  Cleveland, Harry George Powlett (formerly Vane), 4th Duke of ref 1

  Clewer House of Mercy, Windsor ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Clifford, Revd Dr John ref 1

  Clifton, Emma ref 1, ref 2

  Cliveden (Buckinghamshire house) ref 1, ref 2

  Clough, Arthur Hugh ref 1

  Cobden, Richard

  Peel praises ref 1

  and Don Pacifico debate ref 1

  lives in Manchester ref 1

  loses seat (1857) ref 1

  motion of censure against Palmerston ref 1

  arranges French trade treaty with WEG ref 1, ref 2

  in Paris ref 1

  advocates non-interference in foreign affairs ref 1

  and free trade ref 1

  Cockburn, Sir Alexander James Edmund ref 1, ref 2

  Coercion Bill (Ireland)(1886) ref 1

  Colenso, John William, Bishop of Natal ref 1

  Coleridge, John Duke, 1st Lord ref 1, ref 2

  Coleridge, Sir John Taylor ref 1

  Colley, General Sir George Pomeroy ref 1, ref 2

  Collier, Sir Robert (later 1st Lord Monkswell) ref 1

  Collings, Jesse ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Collins, Elizabeth ref 1, ref 2

  Colvin, Sir Auckland ref 1

  Combe Wood, Kingston-upon-Thames ref 1

  Committee Room 15 debates (on Parnell) ref 1

  Commons, House of see Parliament

  Compensation for Disturbance Bill (Ireland) (1880) ref 1, ref 2

  Concert of Europe: WEG’s belief in ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7

  Connaught, Duke of see Arthur, Prince

  Conservative party

  reforms and Tamworth Manifesto ref 1

  and Corn Laws repeal ref 1

  and Irish Home Rule ref 1, ref 2

  Conspiracy to Murder Bill (1858) ref 1

  Constantinople: European conference (1876/77) ref 1

  Contemporary Review ref 1

  Corfu ref 1, ref 2

  Corn Laws: repeal of ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Corry, Henry Thomas Lowry ref 1

  Corry, Montague Lowry (later 1st Lord Rowton) ref 1, ref 2

  Cottesloe, 1st Lord see Fremantle, Sir Thomas

  cotton trade: and American Civil War ref 1

  Cowper, Francis Thomas de Grey, 7th Earl ref 1

  Cowper-Temple, William Francis (Lord Mount-Temple): education reform (‘Cowper-Temple amendments) ref 1

  Cranborne, Viscount see Salisbury, 3rd Marquess of

  Cranbrook, 1st Earl of see Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne

  Cranworth, Robert Monsey Rolfe, Lord ref 1

  Crimean War

  WEG opposes continuation ref 1

  financial demands ref 1, ref 2

  effect on WEG ref 1

  outbreak ref 1

  WEG’s views on ref 1

  mismanagement ref 1

  Croke, Thomas William, Archbishop of Cashel ref 1

  Cromer, Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Cross, Sir Richard Assheton (later Viscount) ref 1

  Cullen, Cardinal Paul, Archbishop of Dublin ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Currie, Sir Donald ref 1, ref 2n, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Curzon of Kedleston, George Nathaniel, Marquess ref 1

  Cyprus: occupation of (1878) ref 1

  Daily News ref 1, ref 2

  Dalhousie, John William Ramsay, 14th Earl, and Ida Louisa, Countess of ref 1

  Dalkeith, William Henry Walter Scott, Earl of (later 6th Duke of Buccleuch) ref 1

  Dalmahoy (house), Midlothian ref 1

  Dalmeny (Scotland) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Dalton, Hugh ref 1

  Dante Alighieri: WEG’s interest in ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Darwin, Charles ref 1

  Davis, Jefferson ref 1, ref 2

  Davitt, Michael ref 1, ref 2

  Day, Sir Robin ref 1n

  de Grey, Earl see Ripon, 1st Marquess of

  Dekker, Madame (Braico’s aunt) ref 1

  Delane, John Thadeus ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Denison, George Anthony, Archdeacon of Taunton ref 1

  Denison, John Evelyn (1st Viscount Ossington) ref 1n, ref 2

  Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, 14th Earl of

  at Christ Church, Oxford ref 1

  and WEG’s State and Church book ref 1

  atavism ref 1

  disagrees with Peel ref 1, ref 2

  offers post to WEG in 1851 government ref 1

  WEG admires after-dinner speech ref 1, ref 2

poses Palmerston’s Don Pacifico policy ref 1

  on WEG’s Ecclesiastical Titles Bill speech ref 1

  first declines to form 1851 government ref 1

  forms government (‘Who Who’ ministry) ref 1

  inherits title ref 1n

  government resigns ref 1, ref 2

  opposes income tax ref 1

  succeeds Wellington as Chancellor of Oxford University ref 1

  asked to form 1855 government ref 1

  forms 1858 government ref 1

  good relations with WEG ref 1

  proposed for Greek throne ref 1

  dissolves parliament on Reform Bill defeat ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  lacks popular appeal ref 1

  heads 1866 government ref 1

  and Reform Bills ref 1, ref 2

  death ref 1

  resigns (1868) ref 1

  in Peel’s government ref 1

  and Bulgarian question ref 1

  Derby, Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of (earlier Lord Stanley)

  titles and offices ref 1n

  and Disraeli’s succession to premiership ref 1

  and WEG’s relations with Laura Thistlethwayte ref 1

  at Constantinople conference ref 1

  on Hartington ref 1

  Queen objects to Garter offer to ref 1

  on WEG’s conversation in later years ref 1

  and Queen’s imperialist views ref 1

  WEG consults before opening of 1886 Parliament ref 1

  1886 withdrawal ref 1

  contributes to Granville estate ref 1

  Derby, Emma Caroline, Countess of ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Derby Stakes (horse-race):WEG attends ref 1

  de Redcliffe, Stratford Canning, 1st Viscount ref 1

  Devonshire, Louise Frederica Augusta, Duchess of (formerly Duchess of Manchester) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Devonshire, Spencer Cavendish, 8th Duke of see Hartington, Marquess of

  Devonshire, William Cavendish, 7th Duke of ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Dicey, Albert Venn: Law of the Constitution ref 1

  Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth

  gives ‘breakfasts’ in Paris ref 1

  and Franco-Prussian War ref 1

  republicanism ref 1, ref 2

  and Turkish question ref 1

  compact with Chamberlain and office in WEG’s 1880 government ref 1, ref 2

  ambitions for premiership ref 1

  WEG complains of Queen to ref 1

  attitude to WEG ref 1

  Chamberlain complains of WEG to ref 1 & n

  on Parnell’s denunciation of Cavendish murder ref 1

  on situation in Ireland ref 1, ref 2

  Hartington and ref 1

  on Liberal parliamentary weakness ref 1, ref 2

  and 1884 Reform Bill ref 1

  provokes Queen’s complaints to WEG ref 1

  and redistribution of parliamentary seats ref 1

  imperialist views ref 1

  and Gordon in Sudan ref 1

  on WEG’s telegram from Queen about Gordon’s death ref 1

  threatens resignation ref 1


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