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Gladstone: A Biography

Page 89

by Roy Jenkins

  and Home Rule question ref 1

  WEG meets before 1886 opening of Parliament ref 1

  divorce case ref 1

  omitted from 1886 government ref 1

  records WEG’s slight to Chamberlain ref 1

  votes for First Home Rule Bill ref 1n

  views on Rosebery ref 1

  rift with WEG ref 1

  Greater Britain ref 1

  Dillon, John ref 1, ref 2

  Dillwyn, James ref 1

  Dingwall, Ross-shire ref 1

  Disraeli, Benjamin (Earl of Beaconsfield)

  age ref 1, ref 2

  oratory ref 1

  mocks WEG’s youthful opinions ref 1

  parliamentary career ref 1

  WEG dislikes ref 1

  atavism ref 1

  and WEG’s 1844 resignation ref 1

  attacks Peel for anti-Corn Laws policy ref 1

  at Royal Academy Banquets ref 1, ref 2

  speech in Don Pacifico debate ref 1

  in Ecclesiastical Titles Bill debate ref 1

  mocks Peelites ref 1

  opposes Protection policy ref 1

  Chancellor in Derby’s 1851–52 government ref 1, ref 2

  encomium on Wellington ref 1

  Herbert attacks ref 1

  on coalitions ref 1, ref 2

  and government’s resignation ref 1

  dispute with WEG over Chancellor’s furniture and robe ref 1

  maintains income tax ref 1

  opposes WEG’s 1853 budget ref 1

  rivalry with WEG ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  and fall of Aberdeen government ref 1, ref 2

  and Derby’s 1858 government ref 1

  WEG rejects overtures for reunified Conservative Party ref 1, ref 2

  introduces Representation of the People Bill ref 1

  and fall of Derby government ref 1

  and Palmerston’s 1859 government ref 1

  relations with and influence on Queen ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  lacks popular appeal ref 1

  style ref 2

  depicted in Trollope’s Phineas Redux ref 2

  first premiership (1868) ref 1, ref 2

  opposes Russell’s 1866 Reform Bill ref 1, ref 2

  strives to maintain power ref 1

  promotes Conservative Reform Bill ref 1

  parliamentary pre-eminence ref 1

  1844 speech on Ireland ref 1

  and Galway Packet Contract ref 1

  opposes WEG’s resolutions on Irish Church ref 1

  delays dissolution (1868) ref 1

  1868 secret resignation ref 1

  and Irish Church Bill ref 1, ref 2

  Manchester speech (1872) attacking WEG’s government ref 1

  gives way on Ballot Bill ref 1

  cooperation in Alabama settlement ref 1

  opposes Irish University Bill ref 1

  declines to form governments (1872), ref 1, 1873 ref 2

  political manoeuvres ref 1

  WEG dismisses as leader ref 1

  supports Public Worship Bill ref 1

  buys Suez Canal shares ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  earldom ref 1

  hostility to WEG ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  WEG sends copy of Bulgaria pamphlet to ref 1

  and Eastern Question ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  at Congress of Berlin ref 1

  budget deficit and fiscal extravagance ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  pro-Turkish stance ref 1

  rewards and favours ref 1

  Hartington criticizes ref 1

  1880 dissolution and election defeat ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  death and funeral ref 1

  proposed monument to ref 1

  literary earnings ref 1

  Endymion ref 1

  Vivian Grey ref 1, ref 2

  Disraeli, Mary Anne (later Viscountess Beaconsfield; BD’s wife) ref 1

  Dissenting Chapels Bill (1844) ref 1

  divorce laws ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Dodson, John George (1st Lord Monkbretton) ref 1, ref 2

  Döllinger, Ignaz von

  discussions with WEG ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  death ref 1

  Dollis Hill, London: WEG lives in ref 1, ref 2n, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Doyle, Sir Francis

  at Eton with WEG ref 1

  at Christ Church, Oxford ref 1

  Drew, Dorothy (Mary’s daughter) ref 1

  Drew, Revd Harry ref 1

  Drew, Mary (neé Gladstone; WEG’s daughter; ‘Mazie’)

  on mother’s intellectual interests ref 1

  born ref 1n

  in Naples for health reasons ref 1

  assists WEG ref 1

  marriage ref 1

  appearance ref 1

  in Cannes with WEG ref 1

  on Scandinavian cruises with WEG ref 1, ref 2

  on WEG’s pleasure at success of Franchise Bill ref 1

  and brother Willy’s death ref 1

  in Biarritz with WEG ref 1

  on WEG’s cataract operation ref 1

  Dreyfus, Captain Alfred ref 1

  Dudley, William Ward, 1st Earl of (earlier 11th Lord Ward) ref 1

  Dulcigno (Montenegro) ref 1

  Dyce, William ref 1

  Lady with the Coronet of Jasmine (painting) ref 1

  Dyke, Sir William Hart ref 1

  Eardley-Wilmot, Sir John Eardley ref 1

  East India Company: and opium trade ref 1

  Eastern Question ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  see also Bulgaria

  Eastern Question Association ref 1

  Eaton Hall ref 1, ref 2

  Ecclesiastical Titles Bill (1851) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Economist ref 1n, ref 2

  Eden, Emily ref 1

  Edinburgh ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Edinburgh, Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of (later Duke of Coburg) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Edinburgh Review ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Edinburgh University

  WEG elected Rector ref 1

  WEG defeated for chancellorship ref 1

  education: reform measures ref 1

  Education Bill (1870) ref 1

  Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII)

  liking for Paris ref 1n

  WEG entertains ref 1

  typhoid ref 1

  employment and public duties ref 1, ref 2

  reading ref 1

  WEG stays with at Sandringham ref 1

  relations with WEG ref 1, ref 2

  attends Disraeli’s funeral ref 1

  WEG dines with ref 1

  serves on Royal Commission on the Housing of the Working Classes ref 1

  volunteers for Egyptian expedition ref 1

  pleads with Rosebery to accept office ref 1

  visits Hawarden in WEG’s final years ref 1

  pall-bearer at WEG’s funeral ref 1

  Egypt ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Elementary Education Act (1870) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Elgin, James Bruce, 8th Earl of ref 1

  Eliot, George

  Adam Bede ref 1

  Middlemarch ref 1

  Romola ref 1

  Elizabeth II, Queen ref 1

  Ellenborough, Edward Law, 1st Earl of ref 1

  Ellicott, Charles John, Bishop of Gloucester ref 1

  Elwin, Whitwell ref 1

  Empire (British): WEG’s view of ref 1

  Employers’ Liability (or Industrial Accidents) Bill (1893) ref 1, ref 2

  Endowed School Bill (1874) ref 1

  Erastianism ref 1, ref 2

  Erhard, Ludwig ref 1

  Esher, Reginald Baliol Brett, 2nd Viscount ref 1

  Essays and Reviews (1860) ref 1n

  Essex, Caroline Jeannetta, Countess of ref 1

  Eton College ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4n, ref 5

  Eugénie, Empress of the French ref 1

  Evangelical church ref 1<
br />
  Ewart, William (John Gladstone’s partner) ref 1

  Ewelme, near Wallingford, Oxfordshire ref 1

  Faber, Geoffrey: The Oxford Apostles ref 1

  Fabliaux et contes des poètes français du XI-XV siècles ref 1

  Farini, L.C.: Lo Stato Romano 1815–1850 ref 1

  Fasque (estate), Scotland

  John Gladstone acquires ref 1

  WEG spends time at ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Helen at ref 1

  St Andrews Chapel ref 1, ref 2

  Tom Gladstone inherits ref 1, ref 2

  WEG visits ref 1, ref 2

  ownership succession ref 1

  Fawcett, Henry ref 1

  Fenians and Fenianism ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7

  Feodore, Princess of Hohenlohe-Leinigen ref 1

  Ferdinand, King of the Two Sicilies (‘King Bomba’) ref 1, ref 2n, ref 3

  Fergusson, Dr (later Sir) William ref 1

  Fermoy, Edmund Burke Roche, 1st Lord ref 1, ref 2

  Fife, Alexander William George Duff, 6th Earl (later 1st Duke) of ref 1

  Fish, Hamilton ref 1

  Fisher, Hayes ref 1

  Fitzwilliam, Frances, Countess of (nèe Lady Frances Douglas; then Lady Milton) ref 1, ref 2

  Florence ref 1, ref 2

  Foot, Michael ref 1

  Forster, William Edward

  and elementary education reform ref 1, ref 2

  joins WEG’s government ref 1

  introduces Ballot Bill ref 1

  and Hartington’s Prime Ministerial ambitions ref 1

  as Chief Secretary for Ireland in WEG’s 1880 government ref 1, ref 2

  animosity with Chamberlain ref 1

  resigns from WEG’s government ref 1

  Fortescue, Chichester see Carlingford, Lord

  Foster, Roy ref 1n

  Fourth Party ref 1

  Fowler, Henry Hartley (later 1st Viscount Wolverhampton) ref 1, ref 2


  war with Austria ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  free trade treaty with ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  fear of war with ref 1, ref 2

  rivalry with Britain ref 1

  entente with Britain ref 1

  influence in Egypt ref 1, ref 2


  extension of ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9

  female ref 1

  Franchise Bill (1884) see Reform Bills

  Franco-Prussian War (1870) ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Fraser, James, Bishop of Manchester ref 1

  Freeman, Edward Augustus ref 1

  Freeman’s Journal (Irish newspaper) ref 1

  Fremantle, Sir Thomas (later 1st Lord Cottesloe) ref 1

  Frere, Sir Bartle ref 1

  Freshfields (solicitors) ref 1

  Froude, James Anthony ref 1

  Galway Packet Contract ref 1

  Gambetta, Léon ref 1, ref 2

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Gash, Norman ref 1

  Gaskell, James Milnes

  at Eton with WEG ref 1

  at Christ Church, Oxford ref 1

  debating ref 1

  Gaskell, Mrs James Milnes ref 1

  Gateshead ref 1

  Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne (1st Earl of Cranbrook)

  wins Oxford seat ref 1

  favours immediate 1868 dissolution ref 1

  in Irish Church Bill debate ref 1

  Gaulle, Charles de ref 1

  George V, King (earlier Duke of York) ref 1


  economic strength ref 1, ref 2

  WEG visits ref 1

  and Constantinople conference ref 1

  Gibson, Thomas Milner- ref 1, ref 2

  Giffard, Hardinge see Halsbury, 1st Earl of

  Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck ref 1

  Gilbert, W.S. and Sullivan, A.S.: Patience ref 1

  Gladstone, Agnes (WEG’s daughter) see Wickham, Agnes

  Gladstone, Anne Mackenzie (née Robertson; WEG’s mother)

  ill-health ref 1, ref 2

  marriage and children ref 1

  religion ref 1, ref 2

  death ref 1

  Gladstone, Anne (WEG’s sister)

  health ref 1

  death ref 1

  religious fervour ref 1, ref 2

  Gladstone, Catherine (née Glynne; WEG’s wife)

  WEG meets ref 1

  WEG courts ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  qualities and interests ref 1

  reads WEG’s State and Church ref 1

  marriage ref 1

  religious life ref 1

  pregnancies and children ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  marriage relations ref 1

  and Lady Lincoln’s children ref 1

  convalesces in Brighton ref 1

  sea-bathing ref 1n

  with WEG in Ionian Islands ref 1

  appeals to Graham to intervene for WEG ref 1

  organizes relief for Lancashire mill workers ref 1n

  and popular support for WEG ref 1

  entertains General Grey ref 1

  visits Queen at Osborne ref 1

  erysipelas ref 1

  and WEG’s indiscretions ref 1

  and sale of Carlton House Terrace ref 1

  takes over Hawarden with WEG ref 1

  attends WEG in old age ref 1

  appearance ref 1

  in Cannes with WEG ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  on Scandinavian cruises ref 1, ref 2

  holidays in Biarritz ref 1, ref 2

  attends Princess Maud’s wedding ref 1

  revisits Penmaenmawr in widowhood ref 1

  message from Queen on WEG’s death ref 1

  Gladstone, Gertrude (née Stuart; Willy’s wife) ref 1

  Gladstone, Helen (WEG’s daughter)

  born ref 1

  accompanies WEG to Germany ref 1

  assists WEG ref 1

  academic career ref 1

  visits to Hawarden ref 1

  appearance ref 1

  WEG complains of Balfour to ref 1

  Biarritz holiday (1891) ref 1

  and brother Willy’s death ref 1

  WEG dictates reply to University of Oxford ref 1

  Gladstone, Helen (WEG’s sister)

  drug addiction ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  in spa towns ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  received into Roman Catholic church ref 1, ref 2, ref 3 & n, ref 4

  in Leamington convent ref 1

  cured by Wiseman ref 1

  remains unmarried ref 1

  and brother John Neilson’s death ref 1

  at Isle of Wight convent ref 1

  reconciliation with WEG ref 1

  burial by Anglican rite ref 1n

  WEG styles ‘Mrs’ ref 1n

  WEG visits in Germany ref 1, ref 2

  death and burial ref 1

  Gladstone, Henry Neville, 1st Lord (WEG’s son)

  defends WEG posthumously ref 1

  born ref 1

  tree-felling with WEG ref 1, ref 2

  relations with WEG ref 1, ref 2

  in India ref 1, ref 2

  appearance ref 1

  WEG stays with ref 1

  Gladstone, Herbert John, Viscount (WEG’s son)

  defends WEG posthumously ref 1, ref 2

  born ref 1

  marriage ref 1

  childhood interest in Garibaldi ref 1

  relations with WEG ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  assists WEG ref 1

  degree ref 1

  as MP for Leeds ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  appearance ref 1

  provokes Queen’s complaints to WEG ref 1

  favours Home Rule ref 1

  revelations to press on Home Rule (‘Hawarden kite’) ref 1

  WEG outlines Home Rule plan to ref 1

  differences with WEG ref 1

  After Thirty Years ref 1n

  Gladstone, Jane (née Hall; John’s fir
st wife) ref 1

  Gladstone, Jessy (WEG’s daughter): death ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Gladstone, Sir John (WEG’s father)

  in Liverpool ref 1

  wealth and commercial activities ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  and children’s education ref 1, ref 2

  homes and houses ref 1

  parliamentary career ref 1, ref 2

  baronetcy ref 1

  character ref 1

  marriages ref 1

  modifies name ref 1

  religion ref 1

  and WEG’s first election to Parliament ref 1

  opposes WEG’s entering church ref 1

  WEG writes to about Peel ref 1

  and Helen’s conversion ref 1

  and Oak Farm financial crash ref 1

  and Thomas’s reluctance to support WEG at Oxford ref 1

  death ref 1

  inheritance to WEG ref 1, ref 2

  election expenses ref 1n

  title and succession ref 1

  Gladstone, John Neilson (WEG’s brother)

  career ref 1

  European holiday tour with WEG ref 1

  parliamentary career ref 1

  death ref 1

  election expenses ref 1n

  Gladstone, Lady (née Fellowes; Thomas’s wife) ref 1, ref 2

  Gladstone, Mary Ellen (née Jones; Robertson’s wife) ref 1, ref 2

  Gladstone, Mary (WEG’s daughter) see Drew, Mary

  Gladstone,Maud Ernestine, Lady (née Rendel; Henry’s wife) ref 1, ref 2

  Gladstone, Robertson (WEG’s brother)

  education and career ref 1

  marriage ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  WEG stays with ref 1

  in Liverpool ref 1

  relations with WEG ref 1, ref 2

  at brother John Neilson’s death ref 1

  and WEG’s 1868 Lancashire defeat ref 1

  visits WEG ref 1

  decline and death ref 1

  mismanages Seaforth property ref 1, ref 2

  death ref 1

  Gladstone, Revd Stephen (WEG’s son)

  WEG tells of fidelity to Catherine ref 1

  rides with father ref 1

  confirmed ref 1

  educational attainments ref 1, ref 2

  and school education ref 1

  as rector of Hawarden ref 1

  accompanies WEG to Isle of Man ref 1

  dedication to WEG in old age ref 1

  appearance ref 1

  in Cannes with WEG ref 1

  plays backgammon with WEG ref 1, ref 2

  inherits Hawarden estate ref 1

  Gladstone, Sir Thomas (WEG’s brother)

  at Eton ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  parliamentary career ref 1

  marriage ref 1

  inherits Fasque ref 1, ref 2

  declines help to WEG in Oxford campaign ref 1

  and sister Helen ref 1

  at brother John Neilson’s death ref 1

  WEG writes to on 1885 retirement ref 1

  death ref 1

  Gladstone, William Ewart

  Activities and recreations

  books and reading ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9, ref 10, ref 11, ref 12, ref 13, ref 14, ref 15, ref 16, ref 17, ref 18


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