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Our Little Secret (Finding Forever Book 1)

Page 8

by Rebecca Raine

  The overwhelming sensations splintered into an orgasm. A sharp keening sound echoed throughout the room as she quaked with the force of her release. The clutching of her vaginal muscles was almost painful in its intensity, and yet the pain was so damned good. Moments later, she collapsed back against Scott, relishing the feel of the two men still moving against her.

  Scott was the first to pull free. He gripped her long hair in one fist and tugged her head back just far enough to get her attention. A few seconds later she felt him ejaculate onto her back with long shuddering spurts. Her back arched in pleasure as she cried out. The moment he let go of her hair, she attacked Derek’s mouth, desperate for him to come on her skin also.

  She stepped back and Derek made a strangled sound as his aching cock bobbed in the air. It turned into a moan when she gripped his shaft and began to pump. Pointing him toward her body, she stood tall and proud when he painted her stomach and belly button as he came.

  By the time they were done, she teetered on the edge of another orgasm. Her eyes slid closed as she dipped her fingertips into their spendings and began stroking her body, combining their fluids with what remained of the soap.

  Scott took her chin in his hand from behind. Fingers gripping her cheeks, he turned her face toward him so he could devour her mouth. She fell back against him, ready to give him anything he asked, if only he’d keep kissing her like that. When he lifted his head, he wore an expression of such awe on his face, her head swam and her chest became tight.

  She felt dirty and beautiful and naughty and loved.

  Her breath hitched. She wasn’t loved. Wanted, yes, but not loved. This was just a few weeks of fun. She had to remember that.

  Then Derek’s mouth closed around her breast and she forgot to think anything at all.

  A hand appeared between her legs and one finger penetrated her body. Then it was two fingers. She cried out, her legs instinctively parting to give him, whichever him, she didn’t know or care, better access to her body. Other hands stroked her. Moved over and around her. Covering her with soap and cum and hot water until she shuddered and went still. Everything inside of her pulled in on itself until right before she exploded outward, broken by the ecstasy that tore through her.

  This time a few minutes past before she was able to think straight again. They were all collapsed on the shower floor now, a great tangle of limbs. “Oh dear,” she gasped, her voice shaky and rough with spent lust. “I seem to be dirtier than I was when we started.”

  Rich, male laughter met her ears and she couldn’t help but join in.

  Chapter 15

  By the time the next weekend rolled around, Derek was convinced he and Scott had indeed met their perfect third. The one woman who could complete their circle. The week had past in a haze of sex, mixed with a relieved kind of satisfaction. Some tension inside of him had unfurled as the week progressed, leaving a languid contentment that filled every bone in his body. He’d waited nearly thirty years for this feeling. Like his life was complete.

  He and Scott had driven Julia home on that first Sunday afternoon. They’d hung around whilst she packed some clothes and other necessities before taking her straight back to their place. It wasn’t until later she realised they’d been tucking extra odds and ends into her bag while she wasn’t looking. The half-read book she’d had on the bedside table. Her favourite perfume, which they’d recognised with one whiff. Anything they thought she might want or need.

  Then they’d kept her captive in their apartment for the entire week. So far, she wasn’t complaining.

  They’d had to return to work on Monday, but Derek had refused to leave until she promised to be there when they got home. She’d seemed baffled by the request, as if she couldn’t quite believe they were so keen to have her around. It took a while to get the promise out of her, though he suspected she’d been enjoying his efforts to convince her so much, she hadn’t wanted to agree too soon.

  She seemed to have enjoyed her time off work. She’d gone shopping for new clothes and hung out on their balcony reading books. In the mornings, she’d started coming with them to the gym in the basement of their building and she went swimming in the pool. They’d spent whole evenings talking and laughing like long lost friends, and hours making love. Derek was encouraged by the way she had slipped so easily into the fabric of their lives. He truly believed she was meant to be with them.

  They still had one more week before she started her new job. One week before she might try to end her ‘adventure’ with them. If she did try, which he hoped she wouldn’t, at least they’d get to have the fun of talking her out of it. Until then, he was free to relish spending time with her.

  Now it was Sunday once more, and the afternoon found them relaxing on the balcony. Scott had gone out to run some errands, leaving the two of them alone for a few hours. They were drinking chilled white wine and snacking from a plate she’d rifled through the pantry to prepare. Crackers and cheese, dried apricots, honey-roasted cashews. Morsels of all sorts even he’d forgotten were stashed in the kitchen.

  Julia looked supremely satisfied with life as she lazed back in her chair, her bare feet propped up on the balcony railing.

  “Tell me how you and Scott got together,” she said now, her head turning toward him.

  He shrugged. “We already told you. We met when we started working together doing construction.”

  She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “That’s the abbreviated version you tell at dinner parties. I want the real story.” She waggled her eyebrows at him. “I want juicy details.”

  Derek laughed, rubbing one hand over his afternoon stubble. “I get it. You want the girl version about how he battered his eyelashes at me and I went all gooey inside. Is that it?”

  “Come on, I’m serious,” she said, reaching over the table to give him a playful punch him in the arm.

  “All right,” he said, before taking a moment to collect his thoughts. Scott insisted on being so closed about their relationship, he didn’t often have the chance to tell their story. “I was still in university at the time, but was on holidays for the summer. I worked for my uncle’s building company to get experience in the industry. The work was good and I had some cash in my pocket. When my uncle decided to take on an apprentice carpenter Scott applied for the job. He’d already completed half his apprenticeship in his home town before he moved to Melbourne so he got it instantly.

  “You should have seen him on that first day, though.” He laughed at the memory. “He was barely twenty-one. Pissed off with the world and arrogant as all hell. It’s a wonder he didn’t get fired before lunch. But, Uncle George didn’t want to go through the process again so he decided to let Scott stay on a couple of weeks and see if he settled down.”

  “Did he?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, he settled in all right. It helped that the two of us clicked so quickly. We became friends practically overnight.”

  The look she gave him said she wasn’t sure she believed him. “Just friends?”

  “Oh yeah,” he replied with an emphatic nod. “We were just friends until it damned near killed us both.”

  “What happened next?” The eagerness in her tone made him look up. She stared at him with such rapt attention he couldn’t help but enjoy telling her the story. He liked his and Scott’s story.

  “I broke up with my girlfriend.”

  She made an odd sound, gasping and laughing at the same time, which was pretty much the affect he’d been going for.

  “You had a girlfriend?” she asked when she’d calmed down. “Did you not know you were gay yet?”

  “You mean did I know I’m attracted to men as well as women?” He raised an eyebrow at her before chuckling. “I knew, though I hadn’t admitted it yet. Not to myself and certainly not to anyone else.” He grinned. “It was bloody hard to ignore Scott in those shorts he used to wear though. With the work singlet and all those tanned muscles. He might have caught me staring once or twice.”

  “I’ll bet,” she chuckled. “Did he have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?”

  “No. Not that I would have known at the time if he did or didn’t. A lot of topics were out of bounds at the time. He would just brush off my questions and I didn’t press for details.”

  “Unlike me,” she said with a wry grin.

  “That’s right,” he replied, tweaking the end of her nose with a fingertip. “My girlfriend, Jenny, and I had been together for years. We were high school sweethearts. It had been over for a long time really but, she was the first person I ever loved. It was hard to let that go.

  “Then I met Scott and felt that attraction to him, that pull. I’d never felt anything like it before. I shit you not, we spent months circling each other like dogs in heat. It got so bad I could barely look at him without getting a hard-on.”

  “Oh, no.” Julia covered her mouth with her hand as she bent double with laughter at his words. “Poor Uncle George.”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure he still hasn’t forgiven us,” he admitted as he enjoyed her mirth. “It did make me realise there was nothing left between me and Jenny. We talked about it and it turned out she felt the same way. So, we accepted the inevitable and made the breakup official.” He smiled. There would always be a part of him that loved Jenny. She was a sweet memory for him and he hoped he was the same for her.

  “Scott immediately decided I needed to get drunk. He muttered something about it making me feel better so I wouldn’t turn into a brooding bastard. Personally, I think he just wanted to loosen me up so he could jump me.”

  She giggled. “Did he?”

  “Not exactly. He took me to the local pub for a couple of beers. We had some laughs, played a few games of pool. Then we went back to his place and collapsed on his couch. Watched some b-grade action movie with lots of explosions.” He smiled, staring into nothing as he lost himself in the memory. “At least, I was watching the movie. He was watching me. When I realised what he was doing I turned and looked him straight in the eye, daring him to make a move, I guess. Damn, he was a sight to behold. All clenched jaw and intense blue eyes.” His gaze met hers. “That’s why I knew straight away how much he wanted you,” he said. “I’d seen that glare before.”

  They shared an intimate smile before he continued. “Then he kissed me.”

  Julia barely breathed as she watched him. He saw her fingers stroke back and forth across her chest in an unconscious sign of arousal. “What was it like?” she whispered.

  “It felt like the universe imploded and there was nothing left but him and me. That first kiss, I could have sworn we didn’t come up for air for days, though it could only have been a couple of minutes. Once we crossed that line, there was no going back—not for either of us.”

  He paused, holding onto her gaze as he spoke, wanting her to understand how deep into this she was. “That’s what it’s like with Scott. One kiss, and you’re lost.”

  Chapter 16

  Having finished his story, Derek sat back in his chair and took a long drink from his glass. He still appeared to be as content and happy as ever.

  Julia’s mind, on the other hand, rioted with emotions. Her mind wound its way back to the moment on her doorstep when Scott spun her around in his arms so he could kiss her for the first time. His guttural growl echoed in her ears. My turn.

  She remembered the heated way her body had reacted to him then, the way she continued to react to his presence and his touch and the smiles that weren’t so rare anymore. She couldn’t say she was in love with him. Not yet, anyway. But something about him pulled at her. He was the flame to her moth. Luminous, beautiful, but difficult to touch. She found herself wanting to bite his shoulder, tickle him until he laughed, and wrap him up in warm hugs right before stripping him naked and having her way with him. The combination left her feeling confused and excited in equal measure. She didn’t know how to deal with her feelings for Scott. She was lost, just like Derek said.

  Her feelings for Derek, on the other hand, were unmistakable. She’d always believed it would be easy to fall in love with him and it turned out she was right. The friendship and infatuation that had developed over the past year had crossed over into love before she’d realised what was happening. They fit together, complemented each other in ways that sometimes took her by surprise. She could be herself with him and not worry he would judge her or find her wanting. Unlike the turmoil she felt with Scott, loving Derek was easy.

  The three of them had only spent a single week together, but in that time she had experienced so much. Her life seemed more open to possibility and boldness than before. Like she could face anything with them by her side. Then she would remember she only had one more week left before all of this was supposed to be over. All of this would be over, her logical brain insisted. Even the best adventures had to come to an end eventually. Still, the thought of saying goodbye to these two gorgeous men made her want to cry.

  She took a few deep breaths, trying valiantly to regain her composure.

  “How did your family react when you told them about you and Scott?” she asked, hoping a change of topic would help settle her.

  “They were great,” Derek said with a smile. “I told my parents first because I knew that would be the hardest part. I was practically shitting myself I was so nervous. I figured they’d be all shocked and horrified. Instead, they were all ‘we could have told you that in eighth grade when you kept making moon eyes at Harry Miles every time we walked into church on Sunday.’”

  That made Julia laugh again. Derek had a way of making her laugh often.

  “I told my sisters next. Lauren was a bit weirded out at first, but she came around. I’m pretty sure Trina immediately started to make a mental list of guys she could set me up with.”

  His family sounded wonderful and Julia was sorry she would never get to meet them. “But you were already taken.”

  “And Trina was immensely disappointed when she didn’t get to play matchmaker,” he added. “But once Scott got a hold of me he was not about to let go and I was more than happy to be wherever he was.” He gestured to the apartment around them. “Still am.”

  “And Scott gets along with your family?”

  “It took them a while to warm up to him,” he told her. “You may have noticed he’s not the easiest person to get to know.”

  She made a face. “I may have figured that out, yeah.”

  He smiled at her sarcasm. “But they saw how happy he made me, and Uncle George vouched for him being a good man and a hard worker, so they made the effort. Eventually Scott started to relax around them and now he’s just part of the family.”

  She wanted to ask more questions but held back. There was no reason for her to know more about Derek’s family when she would never meet them. She had to remember she wasn’t a true part of their life together. Her place here was temporary.

  “And what about Scott’s family?” she asked. “They must love you. How could anyone help but love you?”

  She stumbled to a stop, worried she’d overplayed her hand in her effort to redirect the conversation. She didn’t actually want him to realise the depth of her feelings. This was supposed to be about sex and having a good time and she didn’t want her adventure to come to a premature end because he freaked out about her declaring her love for him.

  Instead, he said, “That’s a story for Scott to tell.”

  Something in his tone made her look up. Derek gazed out over the city, apparently oblivious to her own blunder, but she knew he wasn’t seeing the expanse of buildings. There was a certain sadness in his expression, for Scott. She couldn’t help but wonder what it meant.

  Scott entered the apartment a few minutes later, arms laden with grocery bags. Derek started to get up but Julia laid a hand upon his arm. “Let me go?” He held her gaze with questioning eyes for a moment before he nodded and relaxed back into his chair.

  Springing up from her own chair, Julia went inside just as Scott dumped the bags on the
kitchen counter. “Welcome back,” she said as she sidled up to him for a kiss. He seemed taken aback when she approached, but soon turned toward her in greeting. His long arms wrapped around her waist and he picked her up off her feet as he hugged her to him, turning her welcome kiss into a lingering smooch with nose nuzzling and arse gripping that made her squirm against him.

  “I should go out more often, just so I can come home again,” he murmured against her lips.

  With a giggle, she pulled away and started to take groceries out of the bags. A comfortable silence fell between them as they worked, getting everything put away in a matter of minutes. When they were done, Julia poured Scott a glass of the wine she and Derek had opened and handed it to him. Then she curled an index finger around one of his and guided him out onto the balcony.

  Scott grabbed an empty chair and pulled it up to the small table so he could steal tidbits from the plate of snacks, while Julia returned to her previous spot.

  Once they were both seated, Derek held up his glass. “Now that we’re all here, I want to make a toast to the best fucking week ever.”

  Touching her glass to his, Julia felt her cheeks flush as a grin spread from ear to ear. She already knew it had been the best week of her life, but to hear Derek say it filled her with indescribable pleasure.


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