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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

Page 68

by C. M. Owens

  "I won't feel like that. Like I said, we can have a flashy wedding to include everyone when it's safe. I just want to marry you right now."

  "Tomorrow," he murmurs again before his lips reclaim mine.

  "Tomorrow," I breathe in agreement.

  He flashes us back up to the very suspenseful room awaiting our decision, and Devin smiles as he announces it.

  "Tomorrow," he roars, and the applause is almost deafening.

  Hale slides over and pours me a drink again.

  "I guess this is the bachelor and bachelorette party," he jokes.

  "I suppose so," I chuckle out before downing the glass's contents.

  Devin puts me down and joins in by gulping down another glass as well. Jace struts up, and props up on the table.

  "Do ya need a best man?" he slurs.

  How is he getting drunk, but I'm not?

  "I've already got one," Devin murmurs very dismissively. "Isn't that right, Kry?"

  "Really?" Ther and Deacon both sound out in unison.

  Devin laughs and nods. "I'm sorry boys, but Kry has been with me the longest," he snickers out.

  "Not to mention, I look piping hot in a suit," Kry jokes.

  "Drinks are on me," Devin laughs.

  The bartender is still unconscious from Theia's memory wipe, and there isn't exactly anyone to stop us from drinking for free, but since Devin is loaded, I'm sure he'll leave behind a hefty lump to accommodate the bar for its losses.

  "Do you feel drunk at all?" Devin asks with eager anticipation.

  "Not even a little tipsy," I huff.

  "Good. I don't want to think you chose to do this because you were under the influence," he breathes in relief.

  I laugh a little at his unnecessary worry. "You thought I wanted to get married because I'm drunk?"

  "Well, it was a little out of nowhere," he explains.

  "Let's enjoy our out-of-nowhere night before our wedding," I playfully add as I throw my arms around his neck.

  "Let's do. We can celebrate your last night as Adisia Titan," he smolders.

  I suppress a giggle and slide my hand up the side of his arm as I seduce, "Tomorrow you can call me Adisia Cole."

  "That sounds so good," he replies with a wolfish grin, and then his lips cover mine. "Now go tell my mother what kind of dress you want," he says while slapping my ass.

  I laugh a little at his uncharacteristic action, and then Theia walks over after eavesdropping.

  "What do you have in mind?" she asks while holding her phone up in ready-to-type mode.

  "I don't know really," I bumble out.

  Persia walks over and hands me her phone. There's a picture of a brilliantly white dress with a corseted top that juts out just barely over a slightly puffed bottom. The fabric flows into bunches strategically gathered at different points with red roses. I smile as I look back up, and nod.

  "It's perfect," I murmur with tears in my eyes.

  Theia starts to make a call, but Persia puts her hand over her phone to halt her.

  "I'll get this. Her father and I have always planned on paying for her wedding when the time came. I know Devin's capable of footing the bill, but we're not so bad off ourselves," she jokes.

  Theia smiles, and bows out gracefully. Persia kisses my forehead before walking off to make some rushed magic happen.

  "I'll get a few strippers to swing by before we go to bed," Kry jokes, and my green eyes spring forth to threaten him.

  Devin and Kry both chuckle and I roll my eyes back to blue. Devin kisses my shoulder, and his lips stroll over to my neck as he pulls me back into his body.

  "I love you, baby," he murmurs against my neck.

  "I love you," I say with a fool's grin.

  "We're finally getting married," he murmurs.

  "Finally? You make it sound as though we've been waiting for centuries," I tease.

  "Baby, I have waited centuries for someone like you. Why do you think I was really in such a hurry to get married? No one has ever made me feel the way you do, and I never want to lose that," he whispers.

  I turn to face him, and I almost want our bodies to meld together.

  "You never will. I love you too much to ever go anywhere," I promise while holding up my ring finger. "I've got the proof permanently marking me," I tease as I slide the ring back.

  He kisses it as he has so many times since he first saw it, and pulls my hand to his chest.

  "You have no idea how much this means to me," he says while motioning to the tattoo.

  "I would have done it along time ago had I known it was possible," I smolder. "I've been yours since you turned me down for a dance," I giggle out.

  His head drops back, and he sighs in exasperation.

  "You're never going to let that go, are you?" he laughs.

  "Nope," I joke.

  "If I recall correctly, I was the one who asked for the dance the second go around," he sizzles out.

  "Yes you did, and I never did get that takeout you promised me that second first night before you pulled me astride you in the car. I believe it was probably the hottest I had ever felt, until my memories returned," I heavily seduce.

  "Oh really," he says with excited eyes. "I believe I can arrange dinner after a repeated seductive dance and ride," he says with the most delicious tone.

  "Good," I giggle. "Because I can't remember the last time I ate, and I actually am kind of hungry."

  He starts laughing instantly and takes my hand in his. "Two or three days ago, I think. I can't remember either," he says as he pulls me toward the motorcycle.

  "We'll see you guys back at the house," Devin murmurs to the others before offering a wave.

  "Ah, come on. You can't leave yet. This has officially become your party," Deacon grumbles.

  "I can leave, and I'm going to," Devin chuckles. "I'm taking my girl back to get something to eat. We've lost track," he continues.

  "Fine," Deacon mumbles in disappointment. "Not even married yet and already she's bossing him around."

  I continue laughing, and I realize this is the most therapeutic day I've had in a while. I had mind-blowing sex, I got to kick a little ass, freed Kahl from his immortal enemies, and I made Devin happy. All in all, I'm very pleased with the daily activities.

  I clutch onto Devin as the motorcycle roars down the street, and then suddenly I'm pulled to the front. My legs cross over his in reverse, and I'm staring him in the eyes as the wind whips against my back.

  I smile at the seductive game he's playing, and I follow suit. My lips press against his without hesitance, and he uses one hand to thrust me forward. The only difference is, this time I'm not waiting until we get back to the house. I'll just have to be careful not to break the bike.

  His eyes widen when I rip open his pants, and his free hand grabs my dress to slide it up. I can tell he's as turned on as I am, and I'm ready to start blowing his mind daily.

  I wake up to an empty stomach. We failed miserably in not breaking the bike, and we ended up laughing all the way back about it.

  I keep choosing sex over food, and now I'm actually very hungry. We may not need food to survive, but it's very annoying to be hungry.

  I rise up, and I smile when I see Devin sleeping peacefully beside me. I can't resist kissing his cheek, and he stirs lightly before I get up all the way.

  I pull on a shirt and a short pair of shorts before tiptoeing down the stairs. A whispered conversation captures my interest, and I sit down on the stairs to listen in.

  "Do the others feel the same way?" Phillip asks.

  "I know Lydia's family does, bit the others are too scared to talk to me about it," Theia answers.

  Too scared to talk about what? Me? Surely not.

  "Her power does reach extreme heights, but Devin always brings her back down," Persia explains.

  It is about me.

  "What happens if Devin isn't there to bring her back down though?" Gemma asks.

  Gemma is here? They're having this convers
ation with her in the room? Unbelievable.

  “Then we'll find another way," Kahl quickly inserts.

  I feel a presence behind me, and I jerk my head around to see Devin standing on the stairs.

  I hold a finger over my lips to motion for silence, and he quietly takes a seat beside me to join the late night eavesdropping excursion. His hand grips mine, and I know he just heard the same thing I did.

  "Maybe we should explore the option of blocking her mind from the power of Kaos," Theia hesitantly offers.

  "My power comes from Kaos, and I've never brought harm to anyone who didn't intend me harm. My daughter can do the same," Kale argues.

  "She has so many powerful entities in her already though. Now the power of Kaos is starting to wake up. Asteria has been awake in her for a while, and only tonight did she show her white burn of the cosmos. Imagine what will happen if Kaos fully wakes. Imagine what will happen if she inherits all of his power," Theia almost whispers, and I can hear the fear in her voice.

  "Most of the power my father had was stripped before he died. He wouldn't have ever been killed if it hadn't been. My mother was the same way. The cosmo white burn is only a tenth of what she had, and your son is immune. No one will stop him from saving my daughter. Their bond could be what saves us," Kahl growls.

  "And if Devin doesn't survive the attack? What happens when Adisia loses control like last time? Asteria had only begun to awake, and she still destroyed almost the entire world. Such power shouldn't exist, and you know I'm right," Gemma prompts.

  Devin shakes his head, and I know he can't keep his silence any longer as he leaps to his feet. He's in the room before I can even get all the way up.

  "Nothing is going to happen to me or any of us," he blares.

  I step in behind him, and I see all the stark white faces riddled with guilt. Everyone from our group is here. They were just listening rather than engaging in the conversation.

  "Devin, son. We're just concerned," Theia interjects. "Her power… it's too much. We should try blocking a portion of it," she pleads.

  "No. You're not touching her," he barks. "Adisia has saved all of our lives while completely out of control because she's still Adisia even then. If you don't feel safe around her, then leave. We'll handle this without you or the others, and we'll let you know when it's safe to come out of hiding," he snarks.

  "Your mother has saved numerous lives over the years, including yours. Watch how you speak to her," Phillip blares.

  Without meaning to, my eyes flash white as a protective defense. My fingers intertwine with Devin's, and Phillip's eyes grow wide when he sees my offended stance.

  "My mother and you are talking about the woman I love as though she's going to hurt you. You have no right to be scared of her, and yet here you are cowering back just because her eyes shift. Our eyes swirl with every emotion, and you're not scared. She's no different," Devin murmurs with a calmer tone.

  Very slowly my eyes fade back to blue, and I see Persia hanging her head low. She doesn't like crowds, and years of running has left her very little trust to disperse. Now these people are teaming up against me.

  "Devin," Gemma interjects. "No one is saying we're scared of her right now. We're worried what will happen if you're not here to breathe her life back into her," she sighs.

  "No one asked you," he scolds. "Anyone who listens to the woman scorned is no friend or family of mine. If you can't see her jealously being the driving force behind her argument, then I've given you far too much credit," he responds through gritted teeth.

  Gemma's eyes water up from the harsh whip, and she stands to her feet while her lips quiver. Devin doesn’t even glance in her direction when her eyes beg him to look at her, and I look away the moment her eyes meet mine.

  She barges past us, and Devin turns to look at the others.

  "Kry? You're scared of her?" Devin muses.

  "No. I just came down to listen to the meeting. I don't think we should block her power. It would be stupid of us not to use her when she's our strongest ally," he chirps.

  "Ther?" Devin asks.

  "No. I'm more scared of the other families than I am Adisia. Personally, I'm very glad such power exists," he answers with a nonchalant shrug.


  "Not a bit. I'll stand beside her anytime, and I know it won't be her strikes that harm me," he asserts.

  "Deacon? Camara?"

  "Not even a little bit afraid," Camara answers.

  "I'm terrified, but then again I've been zapped before," Deacon jokes.

  Theia frowns at what she feels to be a growing mutiny, and Devin turns back to face her.

  "So all of this came about how?" he asks. "If no one else here is the least bit afraid of her, then why call this meeting? Let me guess, Gemma and her parents are scared," he murmurs with a sardonic sting.

  "Yes, and Deidra, Lydia, and the others. No one else will talk about it with me, but they're discussing it among themselves. I was merely trying to find a suitable way to end the panic stirring amongst the masses. I understand their point, and I worry what will happen if something happens to you,” she cries.

  His hand tightens around mine, and I feel the white inching back to my eyes. Devin keeps his hand fastened to mine, and then he shakes his head in disgust.

  "Don't come to my wedding tomorrow," Devin snarls to his parents, and more tears spring from Theia's eyes.

  Phillip's lips quiver, and his eyes reveal the pain he's been holding back.

  "You don't mean that," he chokes out.

  "I mean it very sincerely," Devin replies coldly. "If you choose to cater to others' fears, then I don't want you there. Tomorrow means more to me than any other day of my life, and I won't let you be apart of it if this is how you feel about the woman I'm marrying," he growls.

  "Devin, I didn't mean that I don't love Adisia. Son, we're just worried, and-"

  Devin holds his hand up as he interrupts his mother.

  "Don't. I can't listen to this anymore."

  He flashes outside, and I'm standing here all alone with everyone's eyes on me.

  Theia starts to speak to me, but then changes her mind. Her pained eyes look away shamefully, and she wipes her tears while flashing up the stairs. Phillip follows in behind her, and then Jace walks over with a pout.

  "Devin never asked me if I was scared of you," he jokes, but it doesn't lighten the mood the way he expected it to.

  "It would have been a rhetorical question," I say with forced humor.

  His eyes soften, and he pats me on the shoulder.

  "It'll be alright. They're intimidated right now. Things will calm down after this fight," he assures.

  "Are you sure about that? If we lose… we've already lost once and it wasn't pretty. If we win, and I do manage to kill Safina without rattling the world off its axis, then who's to say their fear won't just heighten?" I huff.

  "I think you'll do great, and I know you won't let anything happen to Devin, just as he won't let anything happen to you," Kry comforts as he pops into our conversation. "I need to go talk to him. He'll regret banning his parents from his wedding. They've waited a while for this… a long while," he says dramatically.

  I force a smile and grab his hand. "I'll go," I insist.

  He nods, and I walk outside to look for the brooding man who needs to be cheered up before tomorrow. He's sitting on the side of the beach, and the waves are fighting with each other as they crash to the shore beside him.

  I smile as they split around him each time, but that smile fades when I see his jaw clenching. With cautious steps, I approach stealthily, but he knows I'm here. The waves separate around me as I draw nearer and I sit down almost close enough to touch him.

  "That was a little unexpected," I say too lightly.

  "That's definitely an understatement. I can't believe they would do that. Of all the people in the house, I would have never expected them to be this way after all we've been through," he sighs.

  I wrap my a
rm through his, and he rests his head on top of mine.

  "It's not like I'm going to be the first girl not liked by her mother-in-law," I joke.

  He lets out a huff of a laugh, and then his face turns back serious.

  "I'm sorry about what they said," he grumbles.

  I kiss the side of his arm, and snuggle in closer while my fingers trail up and down his forearm.

  "There's nothing to apologize for. They're scared, and I get that. To be honest, I'm a little scared too. It's not like such horrible questions haven't plagued me before tonight," I confess.

  He shifts in the sand, and tilts my face up so that my eyes meet his.

  "You shouldn't be," he encourages. "You're stronger than you give yourself credit for, and I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here every time you can't do it on your own," he promises.

  His lips fold over mine before I can divulge anymore inner anxiety. I feel his hands burning under my shirt as they slide over my back and pull me closer.

  His breath is intoxicating as it flows into my mouth, and I draw back from the suddenly intense moment to continue the conversation he's doing a good job of avoiding.

  "Your parents have to come. You'll regret it if they don't," I murmur softly.

  He backs away shaking his head.

  "No. I'm not letting them come after all that. They should have been the ones defending you, not questioning you. I expect them to defend you just as they defend me. They should never side with anyone over you, and this will let them know exactly the zero-tolerance policy I have for anything less," he asserts adamantly.

  I sigh a little, and then I take in a deep breath as I take a new approach.

  “Then let them come for me. I don't want to come between you and your family for any reason. I'll hate myself if you felt as though you had to choose. The wedding isn't just the bride's day," I urge.

  He starts to object, but this time I take offense and cover his mouth with mine while pushing him back against the sand. He doesn't fight my fervent attack, and his hands grip me to pull me tighter to his body.


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