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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

Page 69

by C. M. Owens

  My hips grind against his as they straddle him completely, and he moves one hand to be behind my head to pull my face tighter against his. Every bit of my southern half throbs, tingles, and pulsates against his.

  "I love you," I breathe.

  "I love you," he moans, and that's my undoing.

  I rip his clothes free from his glorious body, and the waves come to claim us as he mimics my savage action by shredding the clothes from my body. The cool water rushes over us as heaven pours into my mouth from his, and I'm lost in him all over again.

  "I'm still hungry," I giggle as I pull on a fresh set of clothes.

  He lets out a chuckle as well while pulling on a pair of seductively low cut pants.

  "Well, we have been working up an appetite," he jokes.

  "I can't believe we jumped three stories high to break into my bedroom," I laugh out a little harder.

  "Would you have preferred stalking through the house naked?" he teases.

  His lips play with mine, and he threatens to deter my mission once more, but I back away while twitching my finger.

  "Not until we eat," I playfully add.

  He snickers lightly and kisses me with a more playful touch before pulling my hand in his. We quietly make our second attempt to reach the kitchen, and a crying sound distracts us.

  What now?

  We silently make our way to the sound's origin, and I frown when I see the person behind the tears. Theia is sitting in the dining room, and Persia is pouring her a cup of tea to soothe her.

  I look at Devin expectantly, and he breathes out deeply as he stares at his weeping mother. He rolls his eyes before walking into the dining room to speak to her.

  "Mom," he says kindly.

  Her eyes look up so hopefully, and she dries some of the tears that have made a mess of her face.

  "I'm sorry I got so upset. I still want you and Dad there tomorrow," he forces out.

  She cries harder and flashes over to hug him. He hesitates before embracing her, but he finally gives in.

  Phillip walks by me and pats me on the shoulder appreciatively when he sees Devin and Theia locked in an apologetic hug. He joins them without even hearing all of the contents, and I smile as I lean against the wall.

  "You're good for him, and he's good for you," Kahl's voice whispers from behind.

  I turn to face him and offer him a smile.

  "I know. I think we really were made for each other," I whisper back.

  He smiles a little and pats me on the back. I sneak by the happy reunion to get to the kitchen, and a huge smile spreads across my face when I open the fully stocked fridge.

  Oh thank goodness for Persia's preparation.

  I throw together two sandwiches and lean over the kitchen island as I take the first bite. Devin walks in and narrows his eyes playfully as he sees me stuffing my face.

  "Starting without me?" he teases.

  "Sorry," I mumble with a full mouth. "I was so hungry," I giggle.

  He laughs a little, and I slide the other sandwich over to him. He kisses me on top of the head before picking it up, and then he smirks after he swallows his first bite.

  "This feels normal, doesn't it?" he muses.

  "Yes, very dull, boring, and normal. I love it," I snicker out.

  He smiles as he props against the counter to continue eating, and I tilt my head to question his peculiar gaze.


  "I just can't wait for tomorrow. I've never been more excited, and the fact that I'm enjoying a normal moment, and I'm looking forward to more normal moments is… beguiling. It's just amazing to me, and I don't know how I got along without you for so long," he says with such adoration.

  I finish the last bite, and then I hop up on the top of the counter beside him.

  "I'd really rather not think about how you got along without me. I've already met two of your distractions, and I can honestly say I never want to meet another. Although, now I could probably take a bitch down," I joke.

  He laughs ridiculously hard while shaking his head at my bittersweet, thug-like joke. Then his face turns more serious as his eyes stare into mine.

  "We're going to get through this, and we're going to have an eternity of dull, boring, and normal moments," he promises.

  "I can't wait," I murmur softly.

  He leans over to kiss me, and butterflies ruffle in my stomach as if it's the first time. His hand grazes my side, and I know we're not done with the night when I feel the scorching heat of his touch.

  "I'm glad you're mine," he murmurs against my lips. "I'd hate to know I had to watch you be with someone else."

  "I've never belonged to anyone but you," I seduce.

  The passion intensifies, and he's suddenly between my legs and pulling me to his body. The counter creaks beneath me, and my fingers tangle in his hair.

  "I'd never let anyone else have you," he utters with his possessive tone, and it just fuels me that much more.

  I feel myself being lifted from the counter, and my legs stay straddled around his waist as the room blurs around me.

  I smile against the kiss when I hear Kry laughing in the hallway, and then the door shuts as I feel the soft bed beneath me. He pulls his shirt off, and I'm in awe of the masterpiece that is his body.

  This marvelous creature is about to be my husband, and I can't fathom what I've done so right in my life to deserve him.

  Chapter 14

  Until Death

  "You awake?" Devin murmurs into my ear as he pulls me closer to his incredible body.

  I grin enormously before opening my eyes to my wedding day.

  "I am now," I beam out while wrapping my leg around him.

  "You turning into a morning person?" he muses.

  "I am today," I seduce.

  He laughs a little and kisses me lightly on the lips. He tilts my chin up to force my eyes to his, and then he smirks deviously.

  "Technically we're breaking the rules. I'm not supposed to see you before the wedding. It's considered bad luck," he says with a daring tone.

  "I guess it's a good thing I'm not superstitious," I provocatively tease while flipping over to sit on top of him.

  "You're absolutely the most beautiful thing there's ever been," he says with an adoring and mischievous smirk.

  "You're making me blush," I mumble before burying my face into the pillow beside his head.

  He snickers lightly at my silly reaction, and his hands trace the invisible lines of my bare back as my body lies on top of his. I send a gentle breeze to pull open the balcony doors, and it wraps us in the fresh scent of the morning ocean.

  Then our moment is soured when we hear Theia outside barking out orders about where each piece of the setup needs to be, and I quickly pull the doors back shut. Devin starts laughing instantly, and he peels out from underneath me to pull on his pants.

  "I probably need to go help the others before my mother drives them all away," he jokes.

  I giggle lightly and wrap myself in the sheet to cover me up. I strut over to him, and my finger runs up his back while he rifles through his bag for a shirt.

  "You can't do that right now," he snickers out with a shiver.

  "Why not?" I seduce while strumming my lips over his immaculate back.

  "Because we're getting married in a few hours, and I want there to be some build up," he says teasingly.

  "It'll have time to build back up," I dare.

  He turns to face me, and his lips cover mine completely. I drop my hold on the sheet to provide him full access, and suddenly I hear the door opening. I screech, and grab the sheet back up as Devin steps in front of me.

  "Sorry," Hale laughs. "I knocked, but this room is seriously padded.

  I can't see Devin's face, but I can feel his burning glare ripping Hale's face in half.

  "Don't give me that look. You should have seen me coming," Hale says with mock offense.

  "I was incredibly distracted. What do you want?" Devin exasperates.

bsp; "You told me to get with you at eight, and it's on the nose," Hale informs.

  Devin's head drops back, and he sighs when he realizes he forgot the appointment he apparently made.

  "Sorry. I'll be out in just a minute," Devin grumbles.

  "No problem," Hale chuckles while shutting the door behind him.

  "What was that all about?" I ask curiously while pulling on my clothes - since the moment has definitely been spoiled.

  "I need him to do something for me, and then we have to head into town to buy some supplies," he mumbles while scrolling through his phone. "Persia said your dress won't be here until sunset, so that's when the wedding will be," he says with a disappointed smile.

  "Second thoughts?" I worry.

  "Not at all, babe. I just planned on marrying you a little earlier," he utters with such delicious promise.

  His lips close over mine again, and his hands grip me tightly around the waist before he forces himself to back away.

  "I'm going to regret not taking you up on this, but I really do need to get going on the list I have," he grumbles with stiff reluctance.

  "Let me help out with the list."

  "Not necessary. Everything I need is in town, and I want you to stay here so you can get ready."

  "How long do you think it's going to take me to get ready?" I roll out sardonically.

  He laughs and shakes his head. "There will be a great deal for you to do here if you want to help out."

  "I get the feeling you just don't want me with you," I skeptically pry.

  "Oh, I want you with me, but I also have some things to do. You always tend to distract me. It took forever to get anything to eat last night," he jokes.

  I let a laugh slip out as I playfully remark, "You had a hand in that too, you know?"

  His eyes swirl with a seductive burn, and he pulls my face to his as his lips consume mine.

  "I know," he breathes. "I can't control myself around you."

  My hands curl around his neck, and the door opens again. Devin huffs as he turns to see Kry holding his hands up in a what-the-hell motion.

  "I'm coming," Devin grouches.

  I laugh a little, and he narrows his eyes at me.

  "See. You, my love, are a distraction."

  "I love being your distraction," I giggle out foolishly.

  "You can distract me for the rest of my life, but right now I really do have to go," he grumbles with mock frustration, and then he gives me a playful smile before giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

  He flashes out of the room before I can distract him further, and I huff as I stare out the window. Devin looks up to the room before they disappear into a hummer.

  Now I'm stuck here with just the women, and over half of them want my man. Great.

  I flash down the stairs and see Camara reading at the bar. I smile as I plop down in front of her, and she slowly looks up at me.

  "Please don't ask me," she says pitifully. "I suck at all the girl stuff."

  I laugh at her candor, and then I shrug.

  "You're all I've got. Clara isn't here to be my maid of honor, and you're the best friend I have in the immortal world."

  She sighs and buries her head in her hands. "I knew there was a reason I shouldn't like you so much," she playfully growls.

  "Let's find you a dress," I giggle out.

  "Not necessary. Camara's dress will arrive when yours does," Persia says very matter-of-factly as she flashes through the house to grab some fabric.

  "That was a little presumptuous," Camara scoffs.

  "You're her best friend in our world. It was an obvious decision," Persia murmurs with nonchalance.

  "Go grab a shower, and then we'll start the primping," Persia squeals excitedly.

  "Don't you need some help setting up?" I muse.

  "Not at all. It won't take us anytime at all to finish up, and today is your day to have everything handled for you. You need to take a hot shower, relax, and get ready to be beautiful," she beams.

  "Okay," I mumble with a little uncertainty. "I feel bad that everyone else is having to set up my wedding."

  "Why?" Theia gloats as she hums past us.

  "Because I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something."

  She grabs a bundle of flowers and ties them together while turning back around to face me.

  "You are. You're supposed to be getting ready. Getting ready for a wedding is a little different than getting ready to go to the store. It takes quite a bit of time, and you also need to enjoy each moment of suspense. I still remember my wedding day," she sighs as she reminisces with a smile.

  I smirk a little as she drifts too far off to finish speaking to me, and I slowly trudge up the stairs.

  "I'll be up in a bit to start your hair," Persia squeaks out.

  "Sounds good," I mumble.

  I hope everyone isn't rushing around to do all the heavy lifting because of this whole Emperian bullshit.

  "Oh, you look stunning," Persia gasps.

  "Well, considering I've been thoroughly plucked, primped, and stuffed, I should look even better than that," I joke.

  "She's perfect," Theia squeals as she walks into the room.

  I blush a little by the emerging faces all gasping in awe as they see me, and I quickly cover up when I see the one face I didn't want to see until the wedding.

  "What are you doing in here?" I playfully scold to Devin.

  "We'll see you downstairs," Persia says with a smile as she ushers everyone else out.

  Devin strides toward me with wide eyes and a wolfish grin.

  "I couldn't stay away any longer," he smolders, and his lips almost touch mine before I pull back with a teasing smirk.

  "Build up. Remember?"

  He offers me a daring half grin, and then his eyebrows bounce up and down before flashing his body against mine. His hands grip me through the dress, as his lips control mine.

  The feverish flow of his breath entering my body forces me to groan in pleasure, and his grip threatens to rip my dress free from my body.

  "No, no, no!" Camara growls as she storms in and separates us. "I swear. You two have no respect for tradition. Hasn't anyone told you it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?" she scolds.

  Devin grins sheepishly, and I blush severely.

  "Adisia isn't superstitious," Devin teases.

  "Well I am, and I'm supposed to be the maid of honor, so here I am doing my duty for the bride. Out," she commands while pointing to the door.

  Devin laughs a little, and then his eyes look me up and down one last time before he completely disappears out the door.

  "I love you," he murmurs gently.

  "I love you," I giggle back with such dorky demeanor.

  "You two are pitiful," Camara laughs.

  "So, when are you and Deacon getting married," I boldly tease.

  She heaves out her laughter and shakes her head.

  "Just let me know when hell freezes over, and then I'll walk down the aisle. I'm too wild to tame, sweetie," she chuckles out.

  I smile as she disappears, but the door opens almost as soon as it shuts. Jace walks in, and his eyes almost pop out of his head when they rest on me.

  My dress fits too perfectly, and my hair has been curled and pinned to one side to offer one shoulder a veil. Each brushstroke was very deliberate for makeup placement, and every piece of my body has been thoroughly primped.

  "Wow," he barely manages.

  "Thank you," I say with mock smugness as I give him a modeling twirl.

  "I only thought I hated Devin until now," he gushes.

  "Jace," I warn.

  His eyes turn more serious, and I feel the sudden awkwardness.

  Please don't do this, Jace.

  "I know I said I would back off, and I have. You're getting married though, and I still think we're meant to be together. If you marry him, your powers will be bound to each other, and you'll be locked in for life," he says very rapidly.

  "We're alr
eady locked in for life. This is just making it official. I sincerely believe your mom saw you standing by me, but that doesn't mean you were meant to be with me. Don't chase me, Jace. I belong to him," I console.

  "You don't belong to anyone, and it shouldn't matter if he's your trigger or somehow immune to all your powers. It doesn't make him the one," he argues.

  "You're right. None of that makes him the one. The fact I can't imagine a day without him in my life is what makes him the one."

  "I think you're wrong, and I know this is a mistake. I know this sounds crazy, but I love you. I love you, Adisia," he whimpers.

  He flashes toward me, but I hold my hand up just before he reaches me. It lightly pounds against his chest to halt his fruitless endeavor, and his eyes drop hopelessly.

  "I love Devin," I repeat. "I'm sorry."

  He takes a deep breath and quickly flashes out of the room to relieve me of the puppy dog eyes he's about to cry out of. I flop down on the bed and fight off tears of my own.

  I hear the wedding march playing, and I know everyone is waiting on me to make my grand entrance.

  Now my prize moment has been stolen by the pain I've just inflicted on Jace. Most of the guys here have taken numerous stabs at making me their trophy, but no one has told me they loved me.

  Now Jace has been torn apart by my cruel rejection, and I'm worried I'll never see him again.

  I slowly stand up, and I feel my heavy legs wobbling beneath me as I flash down the stairs. As soon as the doors open, I'm blinded, but not by the radiant sun.

  The white has filled my eyes, and this time I'm seeing the blinding glow. I scream in agony as I feel stabs of pain surging through me, and it's as if there's something piercing my lungs.

  Muffled, echoed voices barely reach the grasp of my ears as panic sets in among the crowd. Then I see what Asteria wants show me. She's throwing me through Safina's barricade that keeps all others out, and I scream more with each step my impossible vision takes.

  Safina is speaking to the leader of the Athena bitches. I see vines ripping free from the ground and swirling around victoriously. Time fast forwards and I see us fighting. Van is killing me as he invokes my fear, and it completely destroys my mind. Everyone is depending on me, but he's stopping me from being the savior they expect.


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