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His Unplanned Lesson

Page 15

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  “I just saw your truck by Ava’s house. Jake told me he was going to be there.”

  I looked at her confused. What the hell was this lady talking about?

  “You followed me?” I shook my head. “Jake was not at Ava’s house. I was there alone, with her. You’re fucking crazy. Maybe this is why Jake came after me, because look at the way you’re acting! Who would want to be with someone like you?”

  She pointed her finger in my face and stepped up on her toes to be taller. “Aha! So you were fucking him!”

  “Listen here, what I was doing was none of your damn business. As soon as I found out, that night, that he was married to you, I stopped and ended all things. So you need to go back to your little Suzie Homemaker cookie cutter house, and be with your husband, and stop threatening me when it’s obvious, you don’t know shit.”

  Luke’s truck pulled into his driveway and he ran over towards me. “What the fuck is going on here?” He stepped closer to me.

  “This woman was just about to take her car and leave.”

  “I suggest you do that then,” he added, stepping in front of me.

  “What, are you her fuck buddy now?”

  “Leave.” He raised his voice, “Before I call the police and they make you leave, and your little scandal here won’t get passed around town to all your two timing bitches and ruin your reputation at the club you so called own.”

  “I’m done with this mess.” I turned on my heel and headed towards my house. I wasn’t giving any of that any attention any more so than what I have already. I can’t believe that woman had the audacity to come here, almost running me off the road in front of my house and threatening me more when I haven’t been in contact with anyone.

  The next thing I know my head was hitting the ground and my hair was being pulled backwards before it was slammed hard back into the pavement.

  “You stupid fucking bitch, I warned you! I’m going to bury your ass! He’s mine, you hear me! Jake’s fucking mine!” Luke peeled her off of me.

  “Leave!” He shouted, taking out his phone about to dial 911.

  “I’m not done with you, bitch!” She ran back to her car and got in and screeched off, peeling her tires out of the driveway.

  “Are you okay?” Luke helped me up. “It’s not like I could bash her head in, she was fucking pregnant. What the fuck was that about?”

  “You tell me, Luke!” I shouted back at him. “Are you kidding me right now? You think I had something to do with this? You all are the ones that want me to talk to Jake and let him say his two cents yet put my ass in danger because of his bitch of a wife. You guys are nuts!”

  “I’m sorry, Sadie.”

  “Whatever. This bitch comes back and I’m pressing charges.” I stomped into the house.

  Chapter 17

  The mirror told me this bitch wasn’t playing around. I dabbed the bloody mark on my forehead and rubbed it with alcohol. It burned like hell, but I sucked it up. I hoped Jake took care of that situation. I didn’t need this. I couldn’t believe what he was now putting me through. Sadly, I missed him. My heart wanted so badly to feel his beating next to mine, but I couldn’t get past this. This was crazy.

  The knock at the door startled my attention. I crossed my robe and feared for it to be that crazy woman again. I opened the door to find Luke standing there. Now what?

  “I told you that there was something I needed to tell you, well, it can’t wait anymore.”

  Annoyed, I pushed the door open for him to come in. He did just that and plopped down on my couch, inviting me to sit next to him by patting the seat.

  I sat down and gave him my full attention.

  “I wasn’t completely honest with you. At least, that’s how I’ve felt since the other day when I found you.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I read the letter. I know it was personal, but you were passed out drunk with this letter and I had to know what had gotten you so upset.”

  I looked around the room, realizing the letter was gone. I didn’t remember where I had placed it, and right now, I didn’t care. I was still mad at it.

  His gaze met mine again, “Nothing important in it.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Actually, I have the letter with me. When I read it, I knew exactly what it meant.”

  I leaned in closer, I was intrigued now. How could he have known? Why did he have my letter?

  “Do you actually know the man that Bobby was talking about?”


  “Well, I do.”

  “How?” I was seriously puzzled.

  “Funny story actually. See, when you started coming around again and Jake noticed you, he mentioned you. I thought nothing of it, but now it all makes sense.”

  “Come again?” I prodded. I needed more information now.

  “A long time ago Jake went to this party, met some girl and told me he fell in love with her, but it was worthless because she had someone. She didn’t live around here, and even though he felt so strongly about her, he knew he had to move on.”

  “What does this have to do with my letter?”

  “You see, then Jake confirmed his feeling were true when he saw you at your beach house, making up with your boyfriend from the night before. He envied that moment and he was at my house. Because we were best friends then, too. Catching my drift yet?” He asked, getting fidgety on the couch.

  “No.” I shook my head.

  “Then you bumped into him coincidently at a party at Ava’s. It was like his night was made, fate was set, and you were the inevitable. You were put in his path for a reason.”

  “Wait, you’re saying that Jake knew me before I bumped into him at Ava’s?” I got up and started pacing the room. My mind was going in all directions. What the fuck?

  “You met Jake three years ago, and he’s never forgotten about you since. In Bobby’s letter he mentioned the look in your eyes towards another man. That man was Jake. When you originally met him at Ava’s, at a party three years ago.”

  I stared at Luke. I stared hard and really thought back that long ago. That was Jake? It couldn’t be. Then it hit me, holy shit that was Jake. I plopped back on the couch and stared at the blank TV. I couldn’t even look at Luke. I was so confused. What more could be coming?

  “What does this mean, Luke?”

  “It means, fate brought you two back together. For Jake, that’s all it’s meant since he laid eyes on you for the second time, and every time after that.”

  “But he’s married.” I whispered, still confused.

  “Give him time to explain this, Sadie. It’s worth your time, please just hear him out. He’s hurting.”

  I leaned over on the couch and wrapped my arms around Luke. “Why does everything happen to me?” I started crying. When I thought back to Bobby’s letter he was meaning Jake. I didn’t even know Jake’s name back then. I didn’t even put any interest into knowing that was Jake. I knew I was with Bobby. How could he have made the decision? Oh God, Jake knew Bobby treated me that way. As images flashed back in my mind about that night. I remembered it clearly now. As much as I wanted to block that weekend out of my mind, there it was staring me dead in the face. That was Jake.

  “Some things in life, weren’t meant to be explained, Sadie. That’s why fate is so funny sometimes.”

  “Fate? Why do you keep calling it that?” I wiped my tears while he held me close on the couch, realizing how much this hurt me.

  “Because it was all fate. Fate leads people in the directions they don’t know to go in, in life. This was a pretty clear path.”

  My mind drifted and shortly after, I was asleep in Luke’s arms. He was by far the best friend I could ask for meeting out here. He’s been a true blessing in disguise and I’m forever thankful that I have someone like him to hold me when I’m hurting. Ava would never know how lucky she truly was.


  A few days passed, and I couldn’t stop reading over Bobby’s letter. />
  Dearest Sadie,

  If you’re reading this, I’ve passed on. I know you must be so confused. It wasn’t what I saw of my future, but knew after I sank into such a deep hole of depression this was what I wanted. To escape the pain, feel less hurt, and move on to what the afterlife has to give me. Not that this life wouldn’t have given me great things, but after that party, I’m not so sure you were the one that would be in my life in the future. I know you’re probably like what? Why? Baby, the way you looked into that man’s eyes the day at the party, with your sparkling eyes, your radiant expression, I knew I wasn’t your only. I wasn’t expecting to see that side of you ever. That was when I had decided I knew I wasn’t the right man for you. I wasn’t the right man for anybody. I didn’t fit into my family, or yours I was just living. Don’t get me wrong, you gave me the best life I could have ever asked for. But after that night, I sunk so deep in my soul, I couldn’t get out. I couldn’t stop seeing you with another man. I wasn’t right for you, Sadie. I knew if I wasn’t right for you, I couldn’t live my life. I couldn’t live knowing that I’d lose you someday in a break up. Whatever, what I’m trying to say is, I hope you love again. I hope you find that guy and talk to him again. I know he was the one for you. Not me, baby. Not me. I loved you with all I had in me, Sadie Simpson and I hope you’ll forgive me someday for this. I don’t want you in any pain, I want you happy. Be happy Sadie. Goodbye my love, you’re in my heart forever.



  If what Luke was telling me was true, Bobby was wanting me to be with a man that he had no idea who he was. He had no idea what my feelings were. He had no idea I’d ever see him again. Why would he feel this way? This dug at my heart and pulled its strings till I was blue in the face. I couldn’t put the pieces together and maybe I wasn’t supposed to. I guess I had to give Jake a call and let him tell his story. I had to learn what I didn’t know already. I had to hear it from him. Was it fate?

  Chapter 18

  Work was a drag. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Luke told me. It dug into my mind and planted itself there. I was so curious now what Jake had to say. He had a story that I was definitely interested in. Maybe it could put my mind at ease about Bobby, but I doubted it. I wasn’t sure that Luke’s story was legit on knowing that’s really what Bobby was referring to, although, when I thought back on it, it made total sense. Not that I was seriously gawking over Jake then, but I was enjoying the conversation. I didn’t remember looking into his eyes the way Bobby explained. Bobby exaggerated most of everything in life, and there was no rhyme or reason.

  “Earth to Sadie.” Savannah waved her hand in front of me until I snapped out of it.

  “Sorry, I’m just really exhausted.” I half smiled sweetly. I knew she was my boss and she gave me so much credit for really not being with it today at work.

  “Are you okay? I can tell you have been so stressed lately.”

  “I’ll be alright. Thanks for asking.”

  “I hope Jake isn’t a part of this nonsense stress.” She rolled her eyes before jabbing me in the arm, tearing my attention back on her.

  “Of course he is, haven’t you ever had love drama? I mean everyone does.” I giggled, trying to make light of things. It was the truth though, anyone who was in a relationship went through tough spots. It wasn’t always hearts and flowers and even that stage eventually hits when you run out of things to talk about and things slowdown in the relationship. Everything happened differently for everyone. For me it was just dumb drama that needed to be cleared up in hopes that we all could move on. Whether that meant separately, or together, I wasn’t sure yet.

  “I haven’t had a boyfriend in years for that very reason. I don’t trust men, and have no desire to look until one just lands in my lap. Seriously, it’s not worth it to me. I have my own vibrators to keep me company.” She belly laughed, not even turning any color of pink at her own reveal.

  “I so didn’t need to know that.” I joined in on her laughter.

  “Why don’t you get out of here, shift is over in fifteen minutes. Have an early start home.”

  “Really? It’s okay?” I asked.

  “Go!” She pointed towards the door.

  I mouthed thank you to her while I headed to the break room and grabbed my purse and car keys before heading out. Savannah was a great boss and I was lucky to have her in my life.

  The truck started right up and I headed off towards home. The night was warm and it made me want to sit out on the porch and read till I fell asleep. The night was still young and I still had time to get in some reading.

  I pulled up and saw Jake’s truck sitting in my driveway. I pulled in behind him and realized he wasn’t in the truck. I glanced at the front door and it wasn’t open. The lights were off in the house. What was going on? I turned towards Luke’s house and noticed that he wasn’t home. So I wasn’t sure why his truck was here or where he was. I started walking around the house towards the back, listening to the waves crash up on the shore. I noticed a trail of lit candles blowing crazy in the wind. My heart picked up a notch and started beating faster as I continued on the walk that led me to a man with his back turned to me. A man that took time out of his night to set up a hundred candles to lead me to him. The sweetest thought anyone had ever done for me and it literally brought tears to my eyes.

  As soon as I made my way close enough behind him, I wiped my tears.

  “Jake?” I whispered, trying to hold back my tears. He was seriously making an effort. Although, I was scared of his wife knowing about this that very moment. It also made me hesitant to talk period because of her. He turned around and I saw the glimmer in his eyes and the moon shining and reflecting off the water. His expression softened and his smile slowly crept across his face.

  “Come here.” He reached his hand out towards me.

  I placed my hand in his and he brought me close to him. He looked deep into my eyes and wiped away the tears that were leaking down my cheek with his thumb. He then brought me into a hug that I could only cherish at this point. I was so touched and humbled by his actions at the moment that I needed his hug. I needed to feel close to his heart beating. I needed to feel his love. I wanted to feel whole again.

  I looked up at him with a sly smile, “you know this is totally hearts and flowers, right?”

  “All and only for you,” he whispered back gently, before planting a kiss on my forehead. He wiped away some more tears and I grasped him tighter. His gentle soothing voice made me feel calm and relaxed in his arms.

  “Is it only me?” My voice cracked and I tried so hard to stop the tears from running down my face. I had to know in my heart whatever he was about to tell me was the truth.

  He released me from his hug and gently took my hands in his. He dropped down onto the sandy beach and signaled for me to do the same. I squatted down and sat comfortably in between his legs while he still proceeded to hold me. I wanted to see him talk though. I needed to see the truth in his eyes, so I turned myself to face him.

  “Let’s talk, okay?” His voice remained gentle and oh so smooth.

  “Okay.” I let out a deep breath. I was nervous to hear what he had to say but knew I had to give him this moment.

  “I’ll start from the beginning. Just listen, okay?” He took a deep breath like he was nervous talking to me.

  I nodded and he began.

  “Sadie, I never told you that I met you three years ago, but let’s face it, I wanted to see where things went. I knew after talking with you for some time that you didn’t remember who I was. I know that night wasn’t a good night for you and bringing that memory up might have put you off about me. I didn’t want that. The truth was, that night I saw you at the party, three years ago, I had this feeling in my gut that we were supposed to run into each other. It was a deep feeling I couldn’t explain. When I saw you leave with your boyfriend and later the next day saw you on the beach with him, I lost my will to pursue you. You were taken, I had to res
pect that and ignore my feelings. The feelings I wasn’t so sure about since they were so sudden.” He breathed out, trying to regain his composure.

  “I’m listening.” I smiled, seeing the genuine person in his eyes.

  “Who would have thought three years later I’d run into you? At the same house I met you the first time. Then ran into you some more. It was like God screaming at me that it was meant to be. I was in disbelief that it was you. I didn’t believe such fate could happen to me. But I had secrets. I am married. The hardest thing in my life that I had to do was not tell you. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, I did, but knew that it could push you away. Which it did in the long run anyway, before I even got a chance to explain.” He rubbed his hands with mine, trying to stay focused without getting lost into my eyes.

  “I told Luke about you and he couldn’t believe it himself. He told me that I had to get my shit together and I knew I had to. Sadie, I separated myself from Tracy, my wife. I moved into that house that I took you to while I figured out what I wanted in my life. A few months before I met you I had heard some rumors about Tracy cheating on me. As much as she denied it, I didn’t believe her and I moved out. Then, the next thing I knew, she was pregnant and I was lost. I’d never felt so betrayed in my life. But I knew that there could be a chance the kid was mine. So, I stayed married. As much as I wanted to divorce her that second, I knew I had to wait and see. So, that’s what I’ve been doing. A lot was tied into our marriage. We own that club together and that was another thing I was afraid to tell you about. If I told you about the club, you would think differently of me and find out about Tracy. I knew keeping this all from you was wrong, very wrong and I didn’t intend to do it for long. I just didn’t want to bring you into the mess.”

  “You should have told me, Jake. We weren’t supposed to keep secrets.”

  “I know that now.” He reached for my hand and held it to his lips. “When I saw you that night, my heart broke in half. I was so scared that I had lost you. Lost us. I thought that everything God had brought into my life and fate cleared the path that led me to you again, that I didn’t do everything I could to protect that path. I let it crumble and with that I was miserable. I knew you needed your space and frankly, I didn’t know how to tell you I was sorry when I knew how much it hurt.”


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