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Psychic Prison

Page 6

by Veronica Agnus

To sleep I go.

  The Master Of My Captivity


  * * *

  "W-What is the meaning of this?!"

  The loud, rough voice jolted me awake. My heavy eyelids fought to close once more, and it took me a moment to recall where I was and snap out of my drowsy state.

  Right. We're in prison.

  It was hard to grasp where I was because that bastard of a security guard was currently scrubbing the floors - something I would have expected to see in my dreams, not right in front of me.

  From the significant difference of the left side of the floor where he was scrubbing away to the right side that was still cloaked with a combination of moss, grime, and years’ worth of dirt, I could safely assume this place hadn’t been cleaned in ages.

  Fuck, maybe even centuries. It's like the difference between night and day. The floors are actually white?! When did this douche decide to clean the floors?

  As if that thought cued the waves of memories, I was hit with them all at once, and I almost fainted from the swirl of info.


  "My bad. Forgot to warn you about the whoosh memory overload effect that occurs when I take control."

  Hello to you, too.

  Greeting her after she'd fallen asleep made sense to my half-awake mind.

  Don't tell me that was a minor detail you forgot?

  "It was." Not a hint of shame or regret.

  Now that I knew what possessed this ass of a man to be working like a maid on these grimy floors, I'd be able to face what was approaching.

  Do you mind sticking around?

  As much as I wanted to act like a tough gal and face whoever was walking down these halls, my nerves were on another wavelength, butterflies fluttering in the pit of my stomach while my heart began to race against my chest.

  Odd reaction, but I was still figuring out all these various gifts and gut feelings I carried in this body of mine.

  "Thus the reason why I've woken up. I won't let you go through this part alone."

  Thanks. Are we about to meet who I think we're meeting?

  Saphire didn't answer right away, but when she did, it was low and threatening.

  "Our master is here and he is not pleased."

  That acknowledgment activated my nerves, but I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a deep breath.

  Let's hope it's not aimed at us.

  "ERIC!" The authoritative voice made the security guard in question pause in his movement. I wasn't sure who he was more afraid of as he looked over to me and then to the bars as a short man in a uniform with various badges stomped his way to the gated bars.

  He took a long look at Eric. The poor man was trembling so hard I wondered if he'd have a seizure. The authoritative man shifted his gaze in my direction, his red eyes glaring angrily at my calm ones.

  As if my mind clicked into action, my confident grin was back in full force as I relaxed back against the wall and lifted my left leg to rest upon my right.

  "So many visitors today," I taunted, giving the man an up and down scan.

  He was extremely short, not even reaching five feet. Based on my observation, he had to be 4'8". As if that wasn’t enough, he had a bald scalp. My curiosity was getting ahead of me, twisting around the idea of this man being some powerful supernatural in a tiny body.

  It wasn't like I had a problem with short people, but from the years of knowledge and sayings, the one about short individuals held its truth.

  The shorter they are, the more short-tempered they come.

  The whole scenario only reminded me of my primary problem and how I shouldn't remember such sayings, but I brushed it away and returned to my bold stance against this superior.

  His face began to turn red, and I glanced at Eric, noticing his hopeful eyes. Opening my senses for a split second, I caught onto his thoughts.

  "Thank you to the damn gods in the sky. I thought I'd die like the rest of those weaklings. Now that the Level Two Sergeant is here, I can tell him how this bitch killed his employees. Surely, it'll add to her sentence. Heck, they'll throw her into Level Four at this rate. Good. She can get eaten alive."

  Eric's thoughts didn't bother me. His obviously two-faced persona only proved how disgusting individuals could be. Acting afraid and vulnerable on the outside, but still conceded deep within. All it proved was Saphire's stunt had merely dented the surface.

  If a near-death experience can't change him into a good man, nothing will.

  "I can't fucking believe this. As if we weren't already short-staffed. I can't find a group of proper guards to save my damn life! Now, this cunt is causing me more trouble. I bet Eric did something proactive to piss her off. He always fucks shit up, and guess who has to clean it up? Me! How am I going to explain to the boss that nine of our staff are dead? Fucking cocky Eric. He's getting fired today."

  "What is the meaning of this, Eric?! Get your ass off the floor!"

  Eric scrambled to his feet, and I merely crossed my arms over my chest and peered down to my nails.

  God, if I can't get a manicure, I'll die.

  "Priorities," Saphire reminded.

  I wholeheartedly wanted to answer her, but the sudden voice that pierced through my mind froze me in place.

  "If this weak rat shifter laid a finger on my woman, I'll ruin him."

  My heart giddied up in overdrive, galloping fast like a horse in a field, racing against the clock towards its designated home. All my senses heightened, my nose picking up the soft scent of cinders, smoke, and wood.

  The blend of aromas meshed together tenderly. My nostrils tried to take in every bit of the scent, while goosebumps ran down my arms, every tiny hair rising up in attention.

  The first footstep ignited a wave of silence, the vibrations against the ground caused a tiny tremor that shook our surroundings. The density of the atmosphere heightened, each breath that followed seemingly harder than the last.

  If I was struggling, I could only imagine what those two shocked men were dealing with, their bodies as frozen as mine, our gazes all turned in the direction of the rising, approaching force.

  A force that turned all my buttons. An energy that was reaching out to mine.

  My eyes soaked in the reveal of a tall man. His 6"4" height and body of slim muscle was only the beginning of the delicious masterpiece.

  A commanding aura danced around his body. His tanned, caramel skin reflected his Asian ethnicity. Those pooling circles of red matched two-thirds of his luscious, long hair.

  Since my awakening, I'd never seen a man as buff, muscled, and full of sexiness rock a hairstyle like this, each strand shifting from onyx black to a dazzling red with hints of orange and gold. One half was very distinct, black as coal, while the rest was as striking as flames, commanding the attention of all those who stared in this man's direction.

  That was something this man had to have known about himself. That his mere existence demanded the world's attention and there was nothing you could do about it.

  His tanned skin had zero imperfections, with his clean-shaven, harsh jawline. He wore a black t-shirt, one that sucked onto his muscled body like a glove and distinctly portrayed every line of muscle on his chest and abs.

  Those ripples in his t-shirt made my imagination go wild, while my hormones seemed to dance like a tribe ready to chant to the skies for a miracle night of touching and fucking.

  I didn't know who this stranger was - I knew what he would be in my new predicament - but it shocked me how enthralling he was. With my lack of attractive men on the 'I'll fuck you right this moment' list I'd just created, he was a piece of pie I'd admire with my eyes, lick with my lips, and claim as mine until I was famished and ready to eat him right up.

  When was the last time we got laid? That has to be why we're reacting like we've never seen a man in our life.

  "I love how you say 'we' as if I was ogling this man like he's your escape route out of prison and into a nail salon," Saphire exaggerated. "Just
strip and give yourself away."

  Do supernaturals do that? I don't think that's a human characteristic.

  "Humans have been throwing themselves at attractive men for centuries."

  Aren't we supposed to worry about our pride and shit?

  "Sure." I could envision her shrugging. "But is that going to stop you?


  "Then I rest my case."

  What if he has shiny rocks? Owns a store of rocks? Gives you all the shiny rocks you want?


  "If I calculate correctly, we could be naked and humping his knee in three seconds."

  No shame whatsoever.

  I had to fight myself from shaking my head in dismay, but I was left in a state of breathlessness when my eyes centered on this man's red ones.

  Heat rushed to my cheeks, and it was taking every nerve-ending to stop myself from leaving this bench and being in this man's arms.

  Never had I felt such connection; the electricity and sexual tension coursing between us was unreal and growing in demand. I hoped to the gods this wasn't a one-sided connection, for I'd lose the battle before it even began.

  My hormones wouldn't survive - no - my body wouldn't survive being hammered by this piece of heavenly craftmanship. Whatever supernatural he was didn't matter anymore. I'd be his in a nanosecond and regret it after I was satisfied for days.

  No, years.

  "I think we malfunctioned."

  I agree, but it's too late now. Any last words?

  "Remember we're still around company?"

  That's a horrible last set of words, but I see your point. Speed this up so we can figure out who this man is and then give up on living.

  "You make it seem like you're applying to be a sex slave."

  We, my new best friend. We!

  "I'm going to slowly fade away."

  You said 'I won't let you go through this alone' just two minutes ago!

  "Circumstances have changed. Can't handle this pull. I'm the logical one. Have to remain that way."

  I feel insulted.


  I finally forced myself to tune back in to the present, mentally thanking myself for somehow managing to keep my blank expression while my body and mind were in sexual overdrive.

  "Why is my marked butterfly sitting in a treacherous shithole like this?" The smothering, sensual voice sounded like it descended from the ceiling.

  That's how full of hypnotic mojo it was, leaving me in another instance of wonder about whether this man was a god of some sort.

  In the supernatural world, those had to exist somewhere. He could have been the truth to those legends that I secretly hoped were real.

  "I-I'm not sure." The short man's gaze darted over to Eric. "WHY is she in this cell while you're cleaning it? Also, what's with the dead bodies?! This whole area is unfit for her and I never ordered you to put her here!"

  I could read Eric's shocked expression, but his thoughts rushed at me.

  "What?! The fucker told me this was the only place available for her since we rarely get Level Threes. He set me up! I can get out of this. Blame it on this woman. He'll have no choice but to defend me. He's my superior and won't want to look bad in front of that...being."

  Intriguing that he called this sex god a "being", but I had to rush and protect myself before he tried to paint a false image of me.

  With a sly grin, I spoke up before he could open his mouth, "The reason for his cleaning tactics was due to my request," I began, humbly defending him.

  All three of them looked my way, but my eyes were centered on the red-eyed masterpiece, the truth rushing out in a smooth serenade of words.

  "That was the command I ordered after he brought me down here with the intention of disciplinary action after I'd commented on the horrendous conditions of this place. This bench was the only thing clean enough for my worthy tush to sit upon, and his disrespect started from the moment he came to pick me up."

  With a dramatic sigh, I uncrossed my arms and tossed the stone I'd been holding, the glittering rock suddenly glowing as it hovered in place.

  "A bit of what he initially thought of me was..." I paused to clear my throat, his previous thoughts rushing through my memory bank. "’Fucking psycho. Thank God my shift is done. Still won't stop me from getting payback. Her warm welcome will give her a wakeup call she wouldn't wish on her own enemy. By the time her master wins the bid, she'll either be dead or that ass of hers will be ripped open by my cock. Bitch thinks she's worth royalty. We'll give her the royal treatment. Just you wait, cocky butterfly.’"

  The cell fell silent, and I took this golden privilege to glance over to Eric and bathe in the absolute shock my gift always triggered when revealed.

  "He then disappeared and returned while I was attempting to get some rest after being up for thirty hours with nine of his comrades, ready to prove what disrespecting him gets a prisoner like me. I respect my body very much and deem it quite insulting for a guard on duty to think otherwise and come to my cell with an onslaught of his comrades, who were far more concerned about fucking me than doing their jobs." I looked over to the commander and grinned.

  "Therefore, I took it upon myself to teach them a lesson they would never forget. Don't worry. It wasn't anything too painful. A few heart attacks to set the mood and a drainage of energy. I requested Eric to pile the bodies for my master to see, and instructed him to clean in the meantime."

  I casually yawned, acting as if I was truly drained from the whole ordeal.

  "That is what leads us to now. It saddens me that you're short-staffed, but again, I do not tolerate savage beasts who can't respect a woman's rights to her body. Very insulting and intolerable to a monarch like myself. Hopefully, after Eric kindly justifies his actions with his brief explanation of what he'd planned to do with me three hours ago, you'll find a resolution that ensures this never happens again."

  My eyes then dulled of all emotion as I narrowed them specifically at the commander.

  "I'll also say this once. I try and mind my own business. I don't cause trouble unless someone gets in my way, gets in my face, or dares go against my wishes. Make a note that if I see any guard, regardless of rank or level, touch a woman against their will, they will magically stop breathing. I don't tolerate such bullshit, no matter what crime the woman has committed. Understood?"

  He was shaking uncontrollably as he nodded his head swiftly.

  "Y-Yes, Your Majesty!" he agreed and looked over to the man in question, then fell to his knees and bowed his forehead to the floor.

  "Mr. Phoenix! Please, forgive me. I knew nothing of Eric's plot. I'll ensure he gets punished. No, expelled from work. I'll think of a punishment worthy of his selfish act-"

  The man didn't finish before Eric began to choke. We all looked his way, watching as he clung to his neck and fought for breath. My eyes widened as my vision began to alter like it had before, the colors shifting and revealing an interior view of his body.

  I fought my urge to gasp as I watched his body begin to burn from the inside out. Flames that started from his pelvis rose through his intestines and stomach, burning every part of his organs and rising to his lungs.

  By the time those flames had incinerated his interior, he was taking his last gasp of air and reaching out to Mr. Phoenix with pleading eyes. They began to dull until every speck of life was gone and his charred heart flat lined.

  There he fell back, his body now black and shattering into tiny cinders of ash and smoke. His death should have sparked a sense of sympathy in me, but I was as cold as ice.

  I hadn't an ounce of pity for him, knowing damn well that if the tables were turned and he had his way, I'd be lucky to walk unless I ruptured something from the orgy he had devised and bled to death.

  Neither of us spoke as Mr. Phoenix glanced my way once more.

  "Five minutes and you'll be brought to a more comfortable living space. Then we'll discuss the rules of this prison and your role as our marked butterf
ly. Understood?"

  "Yes, Master." I bowed my head for added emphasis, but I didn't feel as though he was superior to me.

  We were on the same wavelength, and we both acknowledged it.

  "Phoenix," he announced. "You may refer to me as so for now."

  Once I had given another nod of acknowledgment, those haunting red eyes lowered to the man on the ground. From the puddle beneath his drenched pants, he must have lost his bladder control from watching Eric burn from the inside out.

  "Escort my butterfly from these conditions. I will meet you both with the signed documents. Change your attire. Our butterfly doesn't deserve to smell your atrocious smell."

  "Yes, Sir!" the commander acknowledged, crying his eyes out.

  Phoenix paid no mind to his sobbing show, taking one last look my way. My nerve-endings were in tingling knots, and I fought the pull that tugged at every part of me.

  This man was definitely dangerous.

  He was lethal to me. A drug ready to diminish my walls of immunity and render me compliant to only his whim.

  No words were exchanged, but there was no need for them.

  This man owned me, and I was about to find out if my lost past even mattered anymore.

  Lost In The Past, Living In The Present

  I nervously looked in the mirror, fiddling my thumbs as I scanned my body. I was wearing a high-low dress with a magnificent corset, all of which seemed to be in my iconic color: black.

  My hair was left down in its slightly wavy style, freshly washed and combed to perfection. My skin practically glowed thanks to a healthy lather of skincare products. The final look left me with no need to even add a splash of makeup on my now-cleansed skin.

  My light pink lips were soft and smooth, ten times better than their dry brittleness two hours ago. I couldn't see any bits of my previous dark circles, making me wish I could keep using whatever holy grails were embedded in the moisturizer creams I'd applied to my face after a long thirty-minute bathing session that started with a ten-minute shower to remove any bit of dirt off my body before rinsing and soaking in the tub to aid my aching muscles.


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