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Psychic Prison

Page 23

by Veronica Agnus

  The jolts of orange and turquoise static electricity were creating an electric frenzy, one that when impacted by the gorilla's attack would create a reflective effect strong enough to send her flying back in a blur.

  The entire room shook as the woman crashed through multiple walls. The shaking impact ignited screams of fright, broke metal pillars away from the walls and ceiling, and caused multiple rocks to fall from their previously untouched sanctuary.

  No one moved as the room fell into a tense silence. Time had returned to its regular movement, and I was trying to determine if what I'd just witness was nothing but an illusion.

  The woman's hair was back to normal, those striking turquoise locks still lingering in my mind. The tattoo on her arm was still blazing with energy, and it drew in all the eyes of the room.

  It was far too difficult to explain the feelings that overcame my senses, but one was the most prominent.


  This woman didn't need to protect me. Fuck, barely anyone in this place aside from Kitty and Ivy would dare stand up for me. I'd been a quiet observer during this captive journey, but I learned quickly that everyone would rather watch in anticipation of your doom then stand in harm's way for your sake.

  Yet, this woman, one with human characteristics and who lacked an elemental aura, stood before me with not a second delay to protect me.

  Not to return the favor, but to protect a woman of royalty, an instinct only a few worthy souls would be able to pick up on.


  The single word left me before I could think, that commanding force that hovered within me suddenly oozing off of me in waves while I stared at this woman.

  She turned around, her shaky body now facing me, but her image kept going back and forth - one second reflecting the innocent woman with wide eyes, unsure of the hidden power inside of her, and the next second she’d be the dazzling beauty from my vision, the blue-haired, confident individual that overflowed with commanding energy like mine.

  There was no second-guessing in my mind and I didn't need anyone else's confirmation of the potential this woman carried.

  Monarchy. Royal heritage. Ever-flowing power. One half of twin souls.

  It took me a minute to realize I was smiling at her with admiration, watching her glowing blue eyes fill with tears of joy.

  I'm sure my acknowledgment was overwhelming for her, as it should be. I felt a pulsating force of empowerment coursing through my veins. She deserved to accept how worthy she was in this vast underground hellhole of a cafeteria.

  She was the only one here ready to lay her life on the line for me. That deserved recognition at the highest level within these walls.

  Charging footsteps were coming our way, and I noticed the sudden pale complexion of the woman's face as the brilliant aura that had once wrapped around her with an endless flow vanished like a snap of one's fingers.

  The woman fell forward, the sudden loss of magic contributing to her loss in consciousness. I outstretched my arm, catching her before she could hit the ground.

  Her weight was nothing to me in this state, and I turned my attention on the illiterate group of soldiers, who were only now trying to fix this shit of a mess.

  "Give the pris-" a short guard tried to demand from me, but I interrupted him, “Dare to kill her and I'll ensure you all die within the hour.”

  I had to give myself a pat on the back, loving how icy my voice was in this shining moment. We didn't have time to play games or waste precious moments on stupid questions from guards who couldn't even do their jobs.

  I'd be better off protecting myself with a stick.

  The woman's body was trembling, a common symptom of the drop of magic abilities. If she didn't get treatment, she'd die within minutes.

  Can't have that when she's yet to go through her evolution.

  “You can't—"

  "Did you forget what I am? Do you need a reminder of what a monarch can do?”

  Now this man was just testing my patience. The thick silence that followed proved that everyone knew I was a few ticks away from igniting utter mayhem.

  “Whoever thought human guards were best for breakfast duty is an idiot. I've avoided coming here due to boredom, but this new predicament excites me. Do what I say and don't delay, for I have plenty of connections within these walls, though that's the least of your concern. I am the pure definition of psychic misery, and if you decide to disobey, do not beg for forgiveness when I plague your fragile minds with blissful catastrophe.”

  No one dared talk back to my words, and it gave me the last push of confidence to carry on, “Treat her and let the dragon guard know. Tell the authorities the gorilla started it. I better see every bit of hair on this woman's pretty head intact, and no punishment should be given, understood?"

  "Y-yes, Priso—"

  "Alisha Butterfly. Or, 'Your Majesty' if you can't recall out of fear. Now be gone so I can eat. I have business to attend to."

  "Yes, Your Majesty!”

  I really didn't have any business to attend to, but I just wanted to get out of here. I'd spent far too much energy and wanted to relax and relive this moment for my journal writing.

  Glancing between two guards that only had thoughts of pleasing me for the sake of not dying before some Super Bowl game, I passed the woman over to them.

  "Take care of her until one of the commanding guards arrives."

  "Yes, Your Majesty!" they declared.

  I walked over to my food, only to look at it in disgust. Clapping my hand, the servant who'd been assigned to me today rushed over and bowed.

  "Y-Yes, Your Majesty!"

  "I'm returning to my chambers. Request a fresh batch of food to be delivered to my door."

  "Yes, ma'am!" She took the tray and scurried away, while I turned around and headed for the exit.

  I was ignoring the multiple whispers, when a sudden thought caught my attention.

  "Holy crap. I'll have to inform Ms. Willow of this! Cassandra Thorn. She has to be lying about being human. No way could she send that gorilla informant flying. I better be careful."

  My eyes quickly scanned the crowds, but I couldn't figure out where the thought came from, rushing thoughts of useless fears and excitement drowning my senses.

  Shutting off my ability, I entered the hall but hoped I'd interact with this woman once more.

  * * *

  The entire incident had been a delightful moment, but also proved that whatever I'd seen in my previous vision before my arrival at Psychic Prison was finally coming to fruition.

  The conversation made during my unconscious state weeks ago still lingered in my mind. I hadn't revealed that I'd overheard everything, not seeing the need to share.

  It did bother me just a bit that none of them thought it was important to share about this apparent rejected mate, who was now one of the reasons why I was now 'enjoying' this imprisonment life, but I guess I had other things to worry about.

  Like growing my psychic abilities, being consistent with my physical activity and training, and reading more about what I am as a dragon phoenix hybrid. All the important stuff to get my butt out of here when the time is right.

  My friendships with Kitty and Ivy had been going fine and dandy, and I was beginning to get used to Blaze’s, Titus’s, and even Kai's company, though we'd yet to have longer interactions with one another.

  The occasional check-ins and small talks were all I'd been granted with how busy things were beginning to become.

  The quiet whispers of more supernaturals being kidnapped on the outside and others going missing only for their bodies to be discovered later on were the talk of this month.

  It perked my interest, but it proved that something bigger was happening under our noses and if we weren't careful, we'd fall right into their sinister trap.

  Feeling a headache creeping into the left side of my brain, I let out a sigh. "Can't I skip today?"

  "You're already dressed," Kai pointed out the obvious
as I glanced at my usual black tights and black crop top combo. If I had to mingle with other prisoners, I might as well remain in comfortable wear.

  Just in case I have to kick some ass.

  "I have a headache."

  "Really?" Kai walked over from where he'd been leaning next to the bookshelf. When he stood behind where I sat, he lifted his hand to press against my forehead.

  The sudden gesture made me feel odd, a flutter of emotions hitting me while he lifted his left hand to press against his forehead.

  "Hmm. You are a little on the warm side."

  His words echoed as my mind drifted to a memory.

  * * *

  "Mommy. My head hurts."

  My tired eyes fought hard to remain open as I sat in my massive bed.

  "Oh, dear." The gentle voice of a tall, slender woman reached my ears. I looked up to see the sensational beauty in a long black nightgown.

  Those bundles of purple locks with black highlights, her hair long and full of curly waves. Her purple eyes peered down into mine before she reached out to press her hand against mine.

  She lifted her other hand to press onto hers, and she took a moment to close her eyes.

  "Hmm. Looks like you're getting a fever, sweet butterfly. Do you still want to play with Atticus and Lylashina? I can canc-"

  "No! I want to play with them!" I moved her hand and fought to get out of bed. "I want them here."

  My body began to lift up and my mom caught me before I could get too high up for her to reach.

  "Easy there, my butterfly. No drifting to the ceiling like last time."

  I giggled at the memory.

  "Mommy, can I please have playtime? Pretty please?!"

  "How about this?" She lowered me to rest against her chest. "I'll get you some medicine, and you guys can play in your room today. That way you don't overexert yourself. Does that sound like a good plan?"

  "Yes!" I hugged her neck. "I love you, Mommy."

  "I love you, too, Alisha. Now, let me get your medicine."


  * * *


  The firm shake to my shoulders tugged me out of the memory, bringing me back to reality as I was now turned to the side, staring into Kai's worried eyes.

  "I'm okay," I calmly reassured him, but I realized a set of tears had left my eyes and streamed down my cheeks.

  Why am I crying? It was just a memory.

  Kai's serious expression made me worry that he'd bombard me with a ton of questions regarding what I'd seen.

  This was one of the things I feared when I'd decided to fuck being so stubborn about making new relationships.

  The fear of being seen as a weak woman continued to set a hovering dread over me whenever I was alone with one of these three. It's was a silly reaction within my mind, something I acknowledged only after my body responded negatively to it.

  I waited for Kai to react, but instead, he nodded and slowly turned my body over to face the mirror once more.

  "Can I do something odd for a guy?" It was a peculiar question, but now I was intrigued to find out what he found odd for a male.


  My eyes watched him in confusion as he began to gather some stuff from my vanity. Some makeup, combs, hair clips, and skin creams laid out neatly on the vanity.

  He moved my bench slightly back; my added weight was nothing to him as he positioned himself before me.

  "Alright. Take a deep breath."

  I followed his instructions, taking a deep inhale.

  "Now let it out nice and slow," he coached, and I followed through. We continued to do a few more inhale and exhale exercises before he instructed me to close my eyes.

  I was hesitant at first, but I decided to go along with it. If he'd wanted to kill me, there were plenty of times he could have done just that. I knew that my anxiety was only playing tricks on me.

  Closing my eyes, I felt him get to work on applying cream to my face. From the way he massaged it on the skin, it only took me a while to realize it was those face mask applicators.

  The sudden thought of him giving me a facial helped get rid of the lingering sadness from the previous flashback.

  When he was finished, he moved right along to combing my hair, his soft fingers massaging my scalp prior to him beginning to comb out any tangles from my rather active night of kissing and other shenanigans with Atticus.

  While Kai continued to work on my hair, I tried to see myself with him or even the others. The possibility was there, but it felt as though something was holding me back from discovering more.

  Am I the one holding myself back?

  It was a question I'd have to face eventually. My commitment wasn't the problem, seeing as I was fine with being with Atticus. It was my fear of opening my heart to more that continued to drag me down.

  This was something I'd have to confront sooner or later.

  It's only a matter of time.

  Kai continued to work on my hair, softly humming a song that made me relax even more. With the time he was taking to work on my long strands, I assumed he was doing some funky hairstyle of some sort.

  My eyes remained closed the entire time. I wanted to keep whatever he was doing a surprise, but I did wonder what he was up to.

  When he was finished with my hair, he worked on my face. He had to be applying makeup, and I was oddly excited by it.

  The whole process must have taken thirty minutes, which was fine seeing as the underground cafeteria was opened for a good portion of the morning and afternoon.

  As long as I show up at some point in the day. That was all that mattered.

  When he finished, he patted my shoulders.

  "Alright, my queen. Open your eyes."

  His soft voice sent shivers through me, and when I opened my eyes I was left in awe of my reflection.

  My previous appearance was elevated to another level of beauty. The way the simple black eyeshadow was accented with black eyeliner made my eyes pop out.

  The lovely extension of my lashes only made it hard for me to not stare. My pale skin was contoured perfectly, bits of highlights on my cheek just above the light pink blush.

  My lips were lined with a nude pink liner, the lipstick and twinkling gloss giving me a soft touch.

  My eyebrows were thin but full, and my hair was now in beautiful curls.

  I looked as though I was going out for some occasion, but I knew that wasn't the case.

  Is this his way of trying to cheer me up?

  "Back when I lived in Japan, we went through some rough patches in our lives but couldn't speak about it," he whispered.

  My eyes met his oranges ones in the reflection, noticing the wisdom in them as he peered into my magenta ones.

  "Japan, Korea, a lot of Asian cultures. Our traditions and laws are really different in comparison to America. From the way we're raised to the important teachings we're delivered daily. However, in our family, especially with what we are, it felt as though we were living a double life."

  He paused to look at the hairbrush laying on the marble surface of the vanity.

  "As kitsunes, we're extremely rare supernaturals. Being a Yokai kitsune is even more serious. To most people who know of our existence, it's a term used to emphasize our ability to become a nine-tailed fox. Due to this, we were raised in a strict upbringing, and due to the tension between our parents, arguments happened often. One little word could trigger a heated fight that could lead to days of silence in our home.”

  His eyes seemed to twinkle in the mirror, a soft smile forming on his lips.

  "Those times were especially hard on my sister. She'd sit down at her little wooden vanity and cry. Silent tears of frustration that our family was breaking apart. Whenever that would happen, I'd come in and simply do her hair and makeup. It's something frowned upon because that kind of stuff is what women do and not men, but I wanted to make things easier for my sister, especially with coping with our parents’ approaching divorce."

  He met my gaze once more, moving a strand back into its spot as his grin widened.

  "Living in this supernatural world is hard, but when you're within an environment that traps you in a constant cycle of anger, fear, and self-doubt, it's difficult to cope. Sometimes you want to scream and cry. To bang the walls out of anger and beg the world to listen to how everything is affecting you. Other times, you feel so alone, that no matter how many tears fall to the floor beneath you, the aching sadness never seems to end, until your body gives in to rest."

  With a slight nod of his head, he continued, "When you wake up the next day, you realize you've lived another day, and it's that opportunity to either let the dread of the past hold you back or start fresh and pray for better."

  He moved from behind me to sit next to me on the bench. Turning his head to meet my intense gaze, he gently placed his hand on mine that rested next to my thigh on the bench.

  "Amnesia is a scary thing. I've dealt with it before, and the path towards recovery was hard when I assumed that those around me would think of me as nothing but a burden."

  His words hit home, shocking me into revealing such an expression. His softened eyes gave me an appreciative look as he slowly nodded.

  "I won't go into details of what happened, but Blaze and Titus were there to help me out. We've been keeping our distance, not because of our roles as masters, but because we're waiting for you to feel comfortable with getting to know us."

  He picked my hand up and squeezed it softly, glancing back at the mirror as I followed suit.

  "I'm telling you this because I don't want you feeling as though your flashbacks are a burden to us or vulnerability around us. They're needed for you to take a step forward onto that path of recovery, and once you've gathered enough pieces to the puzzle, it’ll all come rushing back to you like a winded blur."

  "What if I regain my memories and don't want more?" My voice was barely audible, but he understood what I meant.

  "Then we'll remain friends." He grinned. "When we decided to bid for ownership of you, Alisha, it wasn't out of ill intention."


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