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Ethnic Apocalypse

Page 7

by Guillaume Faye

  In the eyes of the state and the prevailing ideology, which are one and the same, Islam is sacred and Islamophobia represents the supreme moral crime (on an equal footing with racism), despite the fact that most acts of violence are perpetrated in the name of this demonic religion. What we are faced with here is an inversion of reality. In the name of anti-racism, Islam is thus absolved of all wrongdoings and ends up being literally sanctified. Weary and pitiful, the French state believes that the fight against the aggressors present on its soil is an impossible — and unimaginable — task. Instead, it chooses to surrender or attack perfectly harmless resisters, all of whom are demonised under the ubiquitous term ‘ultra-right’. I therefore ask you: were those who perpetrated the Bataclan slaughter ultra-Muslim?

  Territorial Partition

  Ethnic partition, i.e. a clear and geographical divide separating two populations that are culturally, racially and biologically different (with the last two adverbs considered horrendous by the dominant ideology, which denies the reality that everyone observes and experiences), is the main scourge gnawing away at our society. Never before has such a situation afflicted France.

  In his deep-rooted imbecility, his diseased cynicism and his paradoxical lucidity, our irresponsible former president François Hollande has denied his own ideology and his entire socialist policy in a wordy book discussion with two journalists, stating that France faced a serious ethnic divide between two heterogeneous populations: ‘How can one avoid partition? For that is precisely what we are witnessing — a partition’. In other words, the man who has greatly contributed to aggravating the disease is now cynically establishing the diagnosis, without offering any solutions to remedy the situation.

  The State Versus the People,

  the Elites Versus the ‘Little White Folk’

  From the weak Right — including the worthless and Islamophilic Jacques Toubon, the famous anti-racist and ‘defender of human rights’ (and we all know whose rights those are) — to the insane and pro-immigration Left of scoundrels such as Mélenchon, the official discourse claims that illegal arrivals are not an issue at all and that populists are fostering ‘unfounded fears’. This denial of reality in the face of all the evidence that points to a migrational invasion and growing Islamisation obviously coincides with complicity and collaboration at the highest levels of power. Our leaders are thus both preparing and enabling the birth of a future Muslim France.

  With regard to invasion and Islamisation, the state, led by Emmanuel Macron (alongside the indefatigable Angela Merkel in Germany), acts as its creator, accomplice and collaborator and has thus become the primary enemy of the peoples of Western Europe. Its implicit — and often even explicit — discourse asserts that any resistance to invasion resembles the xenophobic populism inherited from Nazism, when, in actual fact, it is the state itself which, similarly to the Vichy regime, collaborates with the invaders (under the banner of Nazism back then, and under the Islamic one today).

  Sanctioned by the state apparatus and the government, the official ideology reiterates that the migrational invasion and cultural Arabisation of our country are but fantasies. What is right before your eyes does not exist; it is all an illusion. Among our elites, including the media, this deceitful speech of total submission is passed on like a letter to the post office and is thus widely relayed in order to lay blame upon, neutralise and then punish any popular reaction whatsoever, any resistance to the deadly threat.

  There is, however, an even more serious matter — Islamist infiltration, militancy and radicalism within the statal apparatus and its machinery, spread by naturalised immigrants of Maghrebian or black origin now present everywhere: in central or local administrations, the police, the army, hospitals, etc. The very same process is underway in the associational world. What this means is that administrations display a preference for people of immigrant origin. Indeed, our rulers have made their choice of enemy; that much is absolutely clear.

  Our Judicial System’s Leniency Towards Scum and Its Responsibility for Future Confrontations

  Due to its ideological and militantly political partiality, and in the name of those same famous ‘Human Rights’, our justice system, including its highest authorities, acts as an essential link in the current immigrational chain of invasion afflicting France and Europe, particularly because it makes it impossible for us to repatriate immigrants whose very presence on our soil is illegal. When one considers the European Court of Human Rights and, in France, the Constitutional Council, the Council of State and the Court of Cassation, all of which are non-elected bodies belonging to an elite that has been co-opted under rather opaque conditions, one realises that they are the main agents of the Africanisation of our country and its transformation into a giant shantytown.

  In early July 2018, the Constitutional Council pronounced a staggering judgement that violated our laws and legal order in the name of ‘morality’ (i.e. humanism and fraternity — always the same razzle-dazzle): it prohibited the prosecution of all those who would help immigrants settle illegally in France. This contributes to the strengthening of the illegal-immigrant suction pump. This decision follows an initial catastrophic measure taken previously, one that has led us not to regard the presence of illegals on our territory as an actual crime…

  Oblivious to political correctness, demographer Michèle Tribalat has determined that, as a result of an astonishing sort of legal difficulty and a sophisticated humanitarian ideology, the overwhelming majority of rejected asylum seekers are not expelled, simply because of the obstacles erected by the justice system itself. In the name of humanism, the latter thus fosters the invasion of our territory, which burdens all budgets with huge costs and goes against the will of our indigenous people. Not only is this approach anti-democratic, but also — and above all — irresponsible.

  Resorting to double standards, our justice system shows great leniency not towards our natives, but towards extra-European offenders, who, in fact, are well aware of the situation and take full advantage of it. By constantly interfering in the decisions of the executive authorities, its role also consists in neutralising judicial repression and punishments. Consequently, our law enforcement and judicial police are left with little to do.

  In addition to the prohibition to drive illegal migrants back to sea and the obligation to welcome them, in a historically unique case of anti-defensive measures imposed by European judges whose legal interpretations and implementations are above any elected parliament, every constitution and all democratic consultation, the judicial authorities have also vindicated the smugglers and traffickers of illegal migrants (thugs and criminals, as confirmed by the facts), who enjoy the complicity of various NGOs. All of this is accomplished in utter tranquillity, all in the name of humanism.

  By systematically passing very mild and moderate judgments, or not handing out any punishment at all in the case of morally irredeemable foreign thugs, not only do judges encourage them to continue, but they also promote new activities. Let us add that in the face of Islamic demands, a very disturbing yet concealed phenomenon can be observed within the French justice system, one that we experienced under the Occupation that lasted from 1940 to 1944. This phenomenon is known as Collaboration. I emphasise its importance and will come back to it at length further on.

  The Origin of the Pro-Migrant and Anti-French Elites

  Whenever I state that the elites of France are working to destroy the white race, the same fact is often brought to my attention. The argument is the following one: why would they want white people to disappear, when most politicians, influencers and TV stars are also European by blood? From a distance, this may indeed seem strange and illogical.

  First of all, the fact that the members of this elite are white or proclaim themselves as such is debatable, especially since La République en Marche62 and the childlike Emmanuel Macron assumed power. For a significant number of men and women of Asian or African origin (Maghrebia
n, black) are now part of the French National Assembly. Furthermore, we must not forget the immigrant politicians of France Insoumise,63 with the stupid and noisy Danièle Obono64 at the forefront (one must admit that a pun on her name is very tempting indeed). All of this does not exude much of our eternal France…

  It must also be said that in both rightist and leftist parties, though admittedly far more often in the leftist spectrum, one encounters Jewish MPs, ministers, general councillors and mayors who, for the most part, define themselves as ‘citizens of the world’ or quite simply as Jewish rather than French. This is a rather unpleasant fact, since the nation they are supposed to serve and love with a patriotic heart is actually our own. Our country, our people. Consider the lousy Bernard-Henri Levy65 and some of his notorious misbehaviour and decide for yourselves if these anti-white elites are (or feel) part of the great European civilisation. When this nutcase tells us that he supported the 2011 Libyan war and that he had, ‘as a Jew, become involved’ in the intellectual debate to convince the French people of the merits of this foreign conflict (for which we are still paying the price), there is truly something for us to seriously ponder. I am not hostile to Zionist policies and the Zionist idea itself, which are necessary for the survival of the Jewish people, but as soon as the fate of Israel becomes more important than that of France in the words of the journalists, thinkers and politicians that are supposed to represent and defend our country, the result is a serious conflict of interest, one that I cannot fail to highlight.

  In my opinion, however, there is yet another reason or, at the very least, a purpose that accounts for the insane project that the oligarchy obstinately pursues, without ever consulting us about it. The great humanist and anti-racist declarations and various apologetic arguments supporting our so-called living-together, which were particularly bombarded with during the July 2018 football world cup and which revolved around an absolutely ‘exemplary’ national team comprising players who, in 90% of all cases, were of foreign origin, all emanate from a very specific environment.

  The very simple sociological question that must be asked — since sociology tends to be interested in facts rather than ideas — is the following: who are these journalists, intellectuals, and political/mediatic actors, all of whom vote for Macron, our archetypally xenophilic and cosmopolitan president? Who are the members of this mediatic, governmental and judicial elite, whose members are responsible for such unbearable finger-pointing? Where do they live? Where does one go looking for them?

  The only real coloured people they encounter on a daily basis are usually their own housekeepers. They lecture their fellow citizens about anti-racism, tolerance and living-together when it is the latter who suffer as a result of this forced and demanding — to say the least — cohabitation with populations of immigrant origin. They themselves, on the other hand, live, work and move about in completely unspoilt areas and spend their time in VIP environments that are protected against any and all allogeneic presence. They talk about this presence without having ever experienced it, and never enrol their offspring in public schools. They do not apply to themselves the cohabitation imposed by the SRU66 laws, which they themselves have approved. The basic truth is that they do not abide by two-thirds of what they seemingly believe in. Their sermon-like speeches, tainted with both ignorance and hypocrisy, are worthless in our eyes.

  In my opinion, the ethnocidal project targeting European peoples stems from a perverse form of social racism. To these fancily dressed and always67 clean people, low-income indigenous Frenchmen are anything but blood brothers. They do not feel connected to us through any sort of brotherly ties, hence their indifference to our likely medium-term disappearance. It does not matter to them whether the French citizen ‘below’ is black or white or whether he speaks Polish or Arabic. Displaying a verbal sort of genius that one must acknowledge, Renaud Camus68 mentions the notion of UHM (Undifferentiated Human Matter), a notion to which we can only subscribe. The ideology of substitution, which is the ideology of the elites, leads them to believe that everything can be replaced with everything else, in accordance with the bizarre needs and desires of the free market. What’s the difference between a European worker and a Cameroonian one? They’re the same, aren’t they? They both have one head, two arms and two legs, right?

  A few snippets of superficial anthropological knowledge would, however, suffice to discard this theory into the waste bin. Never mind. The ‘higher’ France, the ‘summit’, can no longer understand us; its members have risen too high above reality to be moved by the flooding of ethnic Europeans with Afro-Islamic masses — a flooding for which they themselves are, in fact, criminally responsible.

  As long as their three children continue attending private colleges filled with prestigious teachers and well-behaved schoolmates, the members of the politico-mediatic clique will pursue their fiendish work of destruction.

  They will not stop harming us in this manner, and it is therefore up to us to neutralise their disastrous project.

  Macron Praises Kalergi? OKLM!69

  Many have heard of the ‘Kalergi plan’ without understanding exactly what it means. In his book entitled Praktischer Idealismus,70 cosmopolitan thinker Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi declares that the inhabitants of the future ‘United States of Europe’ will no longer be the original peoples of the Old Continent but rather a new humanity born of racial intermixing. He says that it was necessary to ‘cross-breed’ the peoples of Europe with Asian and Black peoples so as to create a multi-ethnic herd lacking any and all specific qualities and easily dominated by the elites. This seems too far-fetched to be true, and yet this is the actual thought that was formulated and written by Kalergi; and there are men who have listened to it most attentively and abided by it.

  I myself am no conspiracy theorist and am quite hostile to the conspiracy reflex that consists in seeing a very mysterious causality behind every current event, one that is necessarily different from the one proposed by the official authorities. There are some who claim, in all seriousness, that no plane ever crashed into the World Trade Centre towers. Just imagine for a second the number of people who would have to be part of this conspiracy and keep quiet about things so that the rest of the world may believe in such a huge canard? Such a claim does not hold water at all. And yet, although there are many conspiracy theories, there are some real, visible and analysable conspiracies as well.

  One need not espouse conspiracy theories to notice that there are increasingly fewer white French people in France and more and more African and Middle Eastern foreigners. I either see what I see, or my eyes are conspiring against me for some reason (one that remains beyond me).

  For years, the tragic importance of the Kalergi plan and the possibility that the elites may actually be following a timetable corresponding to this very project were meticulously ignored. One avoided talking about Kalergi and never mentioned his name, putting Kalergi’s theory into practice without ever referring to it clearly.

  Emmanuel Macron, who seems to want to skip a few steps in order to assert himself as the most anti-French president in our country’s entire history, ultimately shattered this taboo… During a speech delivered on 10th May, 2018 in Aachen, Macron spoke of Kalergi in these terms:

  Time and again, Europe finds itself traversed by history and the latter’s tragic aspects. To this, one cannot oppose the routine of management but, instead, a will that remains always in motion, one that requires each new generation to invest all its strength and reinvent hope.

  He then goes on to add:

  Richard von COUDENHOVE-KALERGI once gave this hope a name. Referring to the work of Charlemagne [Oh, is that so?], he described Europe as the return of the Carolingian dream. This dream is that of desired unity, of concord conquered over the field of differences, and of a vast community advancing in the same direction; that of a Europe, my dear Angela, my dear Xavier, united within its own beating heart, which this region already represented back then. Toda
y, however, this dream is being gnawed at by doubt. And it is up to us to decide whether we wish to let it live it or allow it to perish.

  It is important to understand what Europe Macron is referring to. In no way is it the Europe of Caucasian cosmopolitanism that Voltaire dreamt of and that has been the source of North American success in recent centuries. Neither is it a European Empire, as established by famous men such as Julius Caesar or Charlemagne (to whom our president is thus deceptively referring). It is Kalergi’s Europe, a diversified Europe that is meant to be both multi-ethnic and multi-racial to the very extreme. It is to be understood as a mixed-race Europe, one that is neither European nor Asian/black. Worse still, it would be a bit of everything at once.

  When hailing Kalergi’s work in front of his fellow heads of government, most of whom are, to a similar extent, following their own path of demographic replacement, Emmanuel Macron divulged the secret of the Western elites — the concrete, observable and terrifying project of progressive ethnocide targeting European peoples on their own continent. It is as clear as it is obvious.

  Chapter IV:

  Foreign Occupation — Against the Backdrop of Daily Delinquency

  In France, the probability of an ethno-racial war directly involving Islam (the vessel of hatred borne by the Third World onto our soil) and a large part of our young immigrant populations is very high indeed. It is perhaps as high as that stemming from the predictions made by intelligent observers in 1913 or 1938 regarding the outbreak of an imminent war against Germany.


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