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Ethnic Apocalypse

Page 8

by Guillaume Faye

  This coming war will be a most brutal one, especially since the assailants will be supported by violent and polymorphous delinquency, which they sometimes experience when they are no more than thirteen years old. For more than a decade now, the proportion of juveniles among all apprehended offenders has been in excess of 50%.71 Among young Afro-Maghrebians, one minor out of two has already had an altercation with the police on at least one occasion… Think about that number: one out of two! You will have to forgive me for saying this, but poverty does not account for everything.

  Our identity crisis, which is especially caused by invasive immigration and Islamisation and is growing at an exponential rate, is what traumatises our nation most, much more, incidentally, than unemployment and various social issues. Never before has this happened. There have always been financial crises, and there shall be many more in future, but the prospect of our civilisation’s disappearance is unprecedented. All across France, these two sources of fear (Islam, immigration) are permanently associated with the intrusive delinquency invading everyone’s life, except in the neighbourhoods where our politicians and major journalists reside.

  Most black and Arab offenders are shown a criminal sort of indulgence by a justice system, which kneels before them and will never be a source of genuine concern for them as it is for our own French natives. Everyone is aware of this, since this state of affairs is confirmed on a daily basis. We live in a country that has acquitted Jawad Bendaoud, a notorious piece of filth that committed a barbaric murder five years ago and accommodated two of the perpetrators of the Bataclan slaughter.

  1998 and 2018 — Two World Cup Victories Worth Comparing

  There are undeniable warning signs that leave no doubt whatsoever, especially when one compares two similar events separated by a period of twenty years.

  In 1998, during the nocturnal celebrations and public jubilation that followed the victory of the French ‘black-white-brown’ team, the result was small-scale damage and only thirty arrests across the entire country. Bear this mind.

  On the night of 15th–16th July, 2018, by contrast, a total of 300 rioters and thugs were taken into police custody, and fifteen policemen and gendarmes were severely wounded. Indeed, things have changed since 1998, not only because of an increase in the young Afro-Muslim population, but also because of the latter’s state of mind, which is now much more vindictive.

  The incidents started before the end of the match against Croatia and were symptomatic of a pre-civil war climate. Everywhere, one witnessed acts of theft, burnt cars, looted shops, vandalism, and provocative attacks, as the police were pelted with stones. In Paris, a large Intermarché supermarket was looted on Avenue de la Grande Armée, as was the iconic public drugstore Publicis de l’Etoile, in addition to a Two Wheels Shop whose storefront was smashed.

  In the district of Les Halles, the rioters broke into buildings by smashing windows — they climbed the scaffolding and entered private flats. At the same time, pedestrian streets were unpaved and street furniture ransacked. A car was set ablaze near the Place de la Concorde, in the ultra-secure perimeter of the American Embassy…

  Similar events occurred In Lyons, Marseille, Mulhouse, Strasbourg and Nantes, all of which are cities with a large peri-urban population of young Afro-Maghrebian people. Henceforth, each and every festive event that once took place within a peaceful and convivial atmosphere (14th July, New Year’s Eve, public dance events, traditional local festivals, etc.) has found itself disrupted by the systematic, violent and deliberately destructive intrusion of those barbaric people, whose identity is known to us all, and turned into a nightmarish battlefield. What they are doing is undermining such popular festivities, which constitute an integral part of the deep-rooted cultures of European countries, and ours in particular.

  Our Anger — One of the Driving Forces Behind the Future Racial War

  The migrational and Islamic colonisation that is now transforming France (in both its essence and its ethno-historical and demographic identity) into a country that is foreign to itself is also necessarily altering the very mentality of our natives, as part of a simultaneous and analogous movement. Yes, the driving force behind the coming racial civil war is the growing hostility targeting our indigenous population in all areas of everyday life and the hateful need to engage in decisive conflict in the name of revenge, resentment, and an inferred sort of anti-White racism that the authorities readily forgive.

  The heart of the war, which is only going to swell (without there being any need for daily bloody attacks), is simply embodied by the fact that life shall increasingly decay and, with every passing moment, become more and more difficult to bear, until it ends up generating a frustration that shall culminate in active anger — until it arouses hatred, basically.

  The Exponential Criminality of Young Immigrants — A Factor that Shall Accelerate the Bedlam

  What some have termed the ‘feral degeneracy’ of young people, especially minors, often without daring to specify their widely known African and Arabic origins (since they all belong to the Muslim culture to some extent), corresponds, in fact, to an explosion of delinquency and criminality stemming from these very populations. It is one of the preludes, one of the factors that shall ignite the civil war that is bound to ravage France, as well as our neighbouring countries, in a few years’ time, particularly by establishing the presence of entire groups of seasoned and trained juvenile delinquents that fear neither the police — whose members are highly demotivated, discouraged and spiritless — nor a lax justice system that finds itself unable to keep pace with them.

  Taking notice of the barbarisation that overwhelms all French suburbs, Vincent Trémolet de Villers72 warns against the ‘reign of chaos …, a fight to the death geared at earning easy money and achieving territorial or religious domination.’ For many centuries now, these two syndromes have constituted two of Islam’s most genuine pillars; since its very birth, in fact. Emphasising the rise of violence and insecurity in recent years, he goes on to add: ‘Our law still protects the young adults that threaten us, as if they were mere children. … These minors coalesce into communities and, once united, rise up against French society’, a society that has now lost all its defensive reactions, identity, and authority.

  The statistics released by our Ministry of the Interior regarding all types of crime are both distressing and very telling. 90% of all minors and young adults involved in all conceivable forms of criminality stem from Afro-Arab immigration. One look at the names of the prisoners is enough to confirm this fact. According to our Interior Ministry, minors were responsible for 35% of all violent robberies and 27% of all sexual violence committed in 2017. These figures tell the whole story.

  Another noteworthy fact is the intensification of gang phenomena, all of which are of an obviously ethnic essence and rooted in the same origin, reproducing a primitive tribal pattern. Delinquent and violent, these gangs often perpetrate gratuitous acts of aggression, particularly in schools. Characterised by a high level of solidarity and comprising minors of immigrant origin, they shall form the shock battalions of an already brewing racial civil war. We have already seen child soldiers in Africa, and tomorrow, we shall witness their equivalents in France.

  The hyper-delinquency of young people with immigrant backgrounds is indeed based on this clannish phenomenon of gangs, each of which is connected to a given neighbourhood. This fact increases the threat of insurrection, rioting and acts of mass aggression, since, despite being poorly structured, these gangs are ethnically very homogeneous indeed (with Blacks and Maghrebians sticking to their own kind) and behave like solidary assault platoons. They are characterised by three key strengths: their hatred of France, their anti-French and anti-White racism, and an Islamic radicalisation that acts as an identity marker and serves as a pretext for the most abject acts of violence.

  Social networks have contributed significantly to aggravating such insurrectional phenomena by amplifying the
m through the establishment of instant communication and the spreading of rumours that reinforce mobilisation and thus also violent actions.

  On the other side of the spectrum, the reactions are weakened by the relentless presence of political correctness. ‘Let us be open to Others and welcome those nice invaders’ — this is precisely what the pathological prevailing ideology demands we do, when we are actually the ones being victimised by racism and hatred. But will this ideology’s efforts always be crowned with success?

  Since 2016, the increase in individual attacks involving bladed weapons, which are always carried out by Muslims of non-European origin against native Frenchmen and French women (mostly to cries of allahu akbar!), has indeed been synonymous with murderous and racist hostility, serving, above all, to highlight the fact that an ethnic and religious civil war, so to speak, or what they themselves term the ‘Great Evening’, is brewing in their exhilarated minds.

  The increasing violence that afflicts our schools, an unheard-of phenomenon in most other countries of the Western world resulting entirely from the actions of young people of Afro-Arab origin, is also the harbinger of our society’s deep-seated splintering.

  In 2017, a total of 442 violent incidents occurred on a daily basis in French schools or right outside their premises, with 30% of them involving physical violence and 3% the actual use of weapons. Those who perpetrated these acts were, in 95% of all cases, of Arab and African descent, a figure that one can verify by going through the press and checking the surnames of those responsible for these aggressions (provided that they are revealed, of course). Could this ever be chalked up to mere coincidence?

  According to the French Ministry of the Interior, 27% of those that were accused of committing acts of sexual violence in 2017 were minors, which is a considerable percentage. When it comes to violent offences as a whole, underaged perpetrators represent as much as one third. And what is extremely worrying is that 10% were less than thirteen years old. There has also been an increase in the number of delinquent and violent girls. I suppose there is no need for me to specify their origins, is there?

  These offenders are no longer afraid of the police and thus proceed to provoke and challenge them, knowing perfectly well, and in advance, that our justice system’s hands are bound by the ‘humanistic’ ideology and laws guaranteeing the impunity of minors and could never impose any real punishment upon them.

  What official statistics are forbidden to disclose, but many police officers reveal when venting their emotions in the alternative media or off the record, is that the vast majority of juvenile offenders are of Maghrebian or, to a lesser extent, black sub-Saharan origin. We suspected as much. Zemmour’s famous sentence regarding those ‘prisons filled with Blacks and Arabs’ makes perfect sense here… He was right all along.

  The Revolt of Native Central European Peoples — Yet Another Factor of Psychological Hardening

  As far as the issue of migrational invasion and Islamic radicalisation is concerned, the governmental elites, the French (in)justice system and the European Union have all been afflicted with a morbid sort of xenophilia supported by Pope Francis and thus target public opinions with supreme contempt — public opinions that never have any say in the matter and are increasingly infuriated by being forced to tolerate the invasion of their lands in the name of this famed ‘democracy’ and painfully humanitarian, intellectualist and moralising rhetoric, both of which practise deceit paired with a denial of reality (all in accordance with the following surrealistic dogma: ‘There is no migrational flooding taking place, and we must avoid arousing people’s fears’).

  As witnessed in Italy, Hungary, Poland and Austria, where the rebellion of the population brought anti-immigration governments to power (all of which are expected to act in an assertive fashion), white people are less willing to be pushed around and are thus more and more tempted to embrace the horrid populism hated by falsely democratic elites. This heralds the fact that, far from being apathetic and counting on the police to respond (ever so weakly), the indigenous lower classes shall indeed descend into the streets should a civil war break out. Some of them, at least. As a result of this, the intensity and severity of the clashes will only find itself increased, a prospect that fills our humanist leaders’ hearts with horror and those of their police forces with fear, as they all now stand to attention. As Ivan Rioufol remarks:

  The fundamentalists of Human Rights remain insensitive to the right to preserve one’s own homeland. Just like UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, they persist in their belief that such migration is both “inevitable” and “necessary”. … The very idea of expecting Macron and Merkel to take action and resolve the migrational issue is equivalent to asking two arsonists to bring under control the fires that they themselves have lit. … From the state’s perspective, the threat lies not in immigration and totalitarian Islam, but in the awakening of nations. Such blindness acts as a source of complicity. (Le Figaro, 22nd June, 2018)

  Resorting to scornfully ‘chic’ and foul upper-bourgeois political cant and armoured with endless layers of brass,73 Emmanuel Macron has remained utterly insensitive to what people experience and think. Disconnected from reality and living on a cloud of absolute privilege that allows him to enjoy the protection bestowed upon him by his wife/mother, he spoke most insultingly of ‘populist leprosy’ by mocking our ‘national withdrawal’ in harmony with the principles of doublespeak, as if having our own identity were confining and shameful. He set out to meet Pope Francis in the Vatican and seek the latter’s moral endorsement of his hypocritical humanism centred around the welcoming of migrants. The insignificant Benjamin Griveaux, who was appointed to act as our government’s spokesperson in 2017, called for ‘European solidarity against populism’.

  According to what this brainwashed blabbermouth — who has attained the rank of minister and proceeds to repeat the catechism of the dominant ideology — has let slip, it is not the migrational invasion and Islam that are our enemies, but populisms, i.e. the abominable defensive reactions of low-class Europeans, who are particularly infuriated by the permanent delinquency they encounter. That is where our main foe is allegedly found. They can’t be serious!

  As for the European Union, this sickly and deceitful old lady that indulges in moralistic sermons in an effort to prevent any conflict, it is now on its last legs, a good idea that has succumbed to failure and misdirection. It deserves to be buried in its own, private vault in the cemetery of Brussels (an invaded city if ever there was one). It should be noted, however, that although it has been a while since England decided to set its Brexit withdrawal in motion, the measures do not seem to have much of a positive impact on its migration policy in terms of reducing the number of extra-European arrivals.

  The Harassment of Women —

  Belligerent Provocation

  Since 2015, a year that marked the arrival of thousands of illegal invasion waves comprising fake refugees from sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa as well as the Middle East, the north-east of Paris has been plagued by an ever-growing spate of harassment, assault and rape targeting (mostly white and unveiled) women in public places. In some neighbourhoods of Paris and its suburbs, it is becoming increasingly risky, if not impossible, for a woman to move about in public. In 95% of all cases, the aggressors are either black Africans or Arabs, which, I must stress, is a sociological fact and not an ideological remark.

  A forbidden truth and observation? A censored one in any case, smothered by the media. With regard to this, Laurent Obertone’s excellent book, La France orange mécanique,74 has managed to set the record straight. Once again, as with the attacks perpetrated against Christian or Jewish places of worship, never before in our entire history has such a situation ever arisen. The resulting judicial response has, as usual, been non-existent.

  A petition signed by the inhabitants of the 18th arrondissement in June 2017 denounced the insecurity of both residents and passers-by — to no avail, of cours
e. Philippe Goujon, the then LR mayor of the 15th arrondissement, stated that ‘resorting to police patrols and a few evictions will no longer suffice. If we do not root out the source, the problem will remain unresolved’. Well, I must say that when his party was in the majority and in power, he himself did not do much in terms of ‘rooting out the source’, either…

  We all remember the acts of harassment, aggression and serial rape sparked off by the New Year’s celebrations in Cologne, Germany, all of which were committed by Muslim Arabs stemming from the influx of supposedly friendly and innocent migrants authoritatively imposed by Mutti75 Merkel. It is unacceptable, racist even, for anyone to point out these self-evident facts. Even left-wing feminists lack the courage to step up to the plate. Is this the result of cowardice? Of course, for what this reticence is obviously due to is one’s fear of offending Islam.

  Naturally, the same scenario occurs in all places where the illegal presence spreads and where the same causes produce the same effects — women are mistreated and sometimes even molested, always with impunity. In the 18th arrondissement of Paris, being a white woman is synonymous with facing daily issues, and the harassment of women is relentless. I have seen this with my own eyes, even in broad daylight. It is as if these frustrated young males, all of whom are unfit for work, had nothing else to do. Public order is in a state of constant deterioration, and the reinforced presence of the police no longer acts as a deterrent, especially since the judicial response remains inadequate or even absent. The aggressors are well aware of this.

  In a rarely seen display of impudence, the socialist mayor of the 18th arrondissement does not seem shocked at all by the fact that his own district has turned into an area of lawlessness, but rather by the fact that one would actually dare mention the issue (in an attempt to ‘stigmatise’ you know who). In the same vein, the confederation of self-righteous people accused the signatories of the petition against sexual harassment of ‘anti-migrant speech’, ‘identitarian panic’ and ‘instigating racism’. No, I am not making this up; we really are among madmen here. ‘You and your women! How dare you complain about being attacked? Racists!’ This is the level to which their argumentation has stooped. When it comes down to it, it is such people that are ultimately responsible for rendering others racist.


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