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Ethnic Apocalypse

Page 9

by Guillaume Faye

  The constant and implicit idea that the dominant ideology strives to instil in us is an unacceptable one: sexist machismo and sexual harassment are despicable only when stemming from Whites, but are perfectly understandable, forgivable and tolerable if they originate from coloured migrants, and especially the Muslims among them. It is not the aggressive foreigner that is guilty, but the native who dares to defend himself.

  The women who signed the petition to fight against their harassment at the hands of the countless loafers who, in addition, are involved in in all sorts of street trafficking, were careful not to mention their origin, despite its being an open secret! As if to apologise, they went as far as to state that they were ‘anti-racists’, which is ridiculous, since this immediately brings the origin of their aggressors to light. They took infinite linguistic precautions to avoid revealing a secret that has never been kept in the first place, preferring to speak of ‘trouble-makers’. Colourless ones, of course.

  This fact has not escaped Mohammed’s attention. Momo, the average Arab of Frônce,76 has taken it all in. He can harass ‘chicks’ all he wants, even if he ends up going a little too far. Protected by the shield of anti-racism, he knows perfectly well that he is untouchable. We are all forbidden to stigmatise him! Why, then, would he ever bother to hold himself back? In some hairdressing salons and cafés located in the north of Paris and its suburbs, women, even those of immigrant origin, are denied entry, just like in the working-class neighbourhoods of Arab countries. Woe betide the journalist who would attempt to prove this!

  As a rule, the phenomenon of the systematic harassment of women — particularly if they are white and non-Muslim — spreads through urban neighbourhoods as soon as the Afro-Maghrebian population exceeds 50%. This is the case of Montpellier and its entire region. Public transport is a favourite setting for such harassment, and women never feel safe there. The rotten life that they are subjected to is nothing compared to the immigrational ‘assets’ that our leaders praise ever so highly, the very same leaders who have their own personal drivers and reside in the centre or western part of Paris. In many urban areas, French people are under siege, which is especially true of our young female citizens, who avoid certain streets; no longer wear skirts (as someone who experienced the 60s, I know what it’s like to live in a peaceful country); suffer constant insults; and shut themselves away, barricading themselves in their buildings or homes from 10 p.m. onwards as part of a tacit and necessary curfew in the face of the crimes and endemic attacks carried out by those whose presence is a ‘Chance for France’. All around us, it is only fear and horror that prevail.

  Should We Not Defend Our Harassed Women?

  Of course, if countless native Frenchmen were not so emasculated and de-virilised, which is especially the case of our younger generations, they would not need to resort to police intervention and would rise up to defend and protect their own women in the face of those harassers and rapists who are all, meaning 100%, of African, Maghrebian and Middle Eastern origin (they can all sue me for saying that, I don’t give a damn). In all cultures, the normal, vital reflex is to protect one’s women against any and all sexual assaults committed by foreigners. This, however, is not what we are witnessing in today’s Western Europe, whose members have now surrendered to complete mental weakness — it would indeed be racist and entirely reprehensible for us to ensure our women’s protection. Do our beloved Afro-Maghrebian friends, who have allegedly been oppressed for so long and are thus frustrated, not feel entitled to make up for their situation by assaulting our women? The word ‘entitled’ may be rather heavy-handed, but why should they ever deprive themselves of such things if they do not encounter any resistance?

  Should squads of young Frenchmen ever patrol these Parisian districts or other parts of France to protect women from harassment in the streets, cafés, etc. and neutralise the aggressors, what do you think would happen? The police would be ordered to arrest them rather than deal with the immigrants. As dictated by anti-racist catechism, these defenders would be perceived as ‘far-right militias’ that must be dragged to court as quickly as possible and punished by our humanistic judges.

  And yet, this is not the only reason why such women’s protection squads have never surfaced and why the thought of creating them has never occurred to our disoriented French citizens, despite the fact that this would be an obvious reaction in many other countries around the world. Having been robbed of their most basic self-defensive reflexes, most Western European youths are now politically and morally de-structuralised and have surrendered to moronic and superficial fascination — a dependency on, and addiction to, video games, football matches between interethnic teams, and gossipy and insignificant social networks. The aggressors sense this, as do their sponsors, which encourages them to initiate the dress rehearsals of the coming racial civil war. Young Whites, on the other hand, seem very unprepared. In their defence, one must acknowledge the fact that the enemy’s troops are already gigantic in number, comprising at least fifteen million recruits, probably even more. Undoubtedly frightened by the numbers and motivation characterising the immoral scum of the allogeneic camp, French men choose to lower their heads. This state of affairs, however, will not last forever.

  Some Frenchmen Do Allow Them to Make Their Lives a Misery

  What is both fascinating and lamentable is the passive torpor with which some native Frenchmen — and not only young people, whose awareness of the racial issue has at least been raised by their own circumstances — allow themselves to be mistreated and threatened in their own country by those that are less than nothing. For one must never be ashamed of stating things as they are: these third-world immigrants are not worth a penny!

  In Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, vie de famille entre bobos et barbus77 (Stock, 2016), an emblematic book that comes across as a confession and a criticism of the naivety and blindness displayed by such French people, lucid journalist Géraldine Smith recounts the twenty years she spent in a Parisian ‘Boboland’ street that was gradually invaded by Islam, describing the onset of hell in the lives of the credulously amiable members of the anti-racist Left. ‘To me, this Parisian street embodied a crucible conducive to the advent of a French society revitalised by the contributions of immigration.’

  She admits to being disillusioned, which was not difficult to predict given the nature of the newcomers. She now understands that this mostly Muslim immigration is not a chance but definitely a calamity. The shock of such a reality has been terrible for her and contradicts the delusions of self-righteous ideologists. Becoming ever more numerous and impossible to live with, the Mohammedans proceeded to harass women, as the Tablighis and Salafists seized power in the mosque. Schools found themselves emptied of all middle-class French children, including those from left-wing families. The disenchanted journalist describes the growing cases of Islamic bullying and insults, the harassment of women in the streets, and the impossibility of wearing skirts or any clothes that would reveal one’s body shape or even of going out bare-shouldered! She also mentions the invasion of hallal shops banning wines and spirits. She has thus been rendered sceptical about the ‘living together’ dogma being hammered into our heads, of which there is not even one successful example: ‘I was mistaken, confusing coexistence, which can be more or less peaceful, with “living together”, which is a combination of coexistence and conviviality’. She then adds this self-evident fact, one that she discovered too late: ‘Tolerance is sometimes a masked form of resignation.’

  As for me, without going so far as to speak of some irrational living together — one in which I have NEVER believed in the slightest — I am even opposed to simple co-habitation with Muslims and allogeneous populations, including the peaceful kind. The only programme that one could envisage in their case is one where they would all travel back across the Mediterranean, regardless of any eggs broken along the way. A convivial living-together is only possible when it involves populations that are biolog
ically and culturally related. Anything else is but a sham. We do not wish to live with these people. Period.

  The Militant’s Invaluable Duty

  Is to Get the Message Across

  When it comes to the undeniable link between delinquency and terrorist criminality, one would be hard-pressed to find someone who would state the facts better than Renaud Camus did in his introductory speech to the C.N.R.E. (National Council of European Resistance) — an initiative which, moreover, deserves to be applauded. What he stated was notably the following:

  There are some who say that there is no colonisation because there is no military conquest. They are all, however, mistaken. This army of conquest comprises delinquents of all ages, all of whom make life unbearable for the French, harming them in every conceivable way and resorting to various means stretching from the famous incivilities to terrorism, which only acts as an extension. All those who have perpetrated terrorist attacks earned their first stripes through acts of delinquency that contravened our common law. There are no terrorists; what we have here is, in fact, an occupier who, from time to time, executes a number of hostages, i.e. US Frenchmen, just as occupiers have always done. I call occupiers all those who declare themselves as such or are defined as an occupying force by their own behaviour.

  This entire chapter could have been summarised by this single quote. One must always praise the talent of any man who, through both his intelligence and loquaciousness, manages to use words that define most accurately the reality that everyone experiences. As long as a societal state or a profound social change remains undescribed, people remain reluctant to consider it real or tangible. Who else dared to express the self-evident truth of our being ‘replaced’ before Renaud Camus himself used the infamous expression, the Great Replacement? Those who seek to contrast intellectuals, artists, and orators with field activists and fly-posters have definitely not understood the events. We are ALL in the same boat here. Each combatant has his own use, his own very specific role, and none is to be despised.

  It can admittedly be depressing to witness tragedies follow one another in quick succession, with the anti-racist mindset of the masses seemingly incapable of evolving by one single iota. I myself am feeling very weary and wonder if leftists will ever cease being left-oriented, for both their own sake and ours. And yet, I do not wish to regret anything when the time comes for me to draw my last breath. Those of you who are aware of the danger threatening us know that fate has chosen you and entrusted you with a mission — to convince or seek to persuade others, over and over again… There is a number of re-information websites that are now striving to demonstrate the connections between those robberies, the banditry, the violent attacks by Afro-Muslims and the latter’s almost inexorable transformation into jihadists a few years later. The links that allow one to access these excellent websites should be spread everywhere and in a most relentless fashion, whether on forums or through emails sent to your loved ones, your families, and your colleagues. At this point, I must say that, to me, the media come across as the most useful tool to drive non-politicised Frenchmen to take a stand in our favour. Examples include Réponse Laïque, Dreuz info, RT France,, Fdesouche, Suavelos,, Breiz Atao, Europe Israël, Résistance Républicaine, Le Média Pour Tous, and others.

  I have probably forgotten a few. The people who manage these alternative websites on a daily basis, and who are often mere volunteers, should be encouraged to persevere in their endeavours through people’s sharing and feedback along with the respective access links. Information is the key factor. The presence and visibility of our ideas are essential. If anti-racism still has the upper hand, despite the utter failure of the model that it proposes, it is only because we are being flooded by the anti-racist propaganda that pours out of the most readily accessible media, especially television. In order to counter this phenomenon, one must be organised, professional and united. People’s belief in the myth of the liberating hero has now all but fizzled. If we act alone, none of us will ever succeed in changing the situation. I sincerely hope my message will not go unheard…

  Chapter V:

  Salafism, the Principal Driving Force Behind the Civilisational Conflict

  Islam shall act as the sole banner, the sole emblem for the rallying, mobilisation and identification of non-European populations. It shall embody what some fight for and others AGAINST, even if — and because — what lies hidden under its din and behind its blazing shadow is a haunting biologico-racial melody. Islam is the bearer, or better yet, the only possible indicator of an inexorable struggle between peoples that are too different to coexist on the same soil. And this is not the first time in history that it has played this role; for this situation has, in fact, been ongoing for fourteen centuries.

  To my knowledge, Salafism is currently the most violent and stupid form of Sunni Islam (whose followers embody the majority of Muslims in France) anywhere on Earth, as we shall see in the second part of this chapter.

  Before beginning my analysis, I would like to give you a valuable reading tip: Management of Savagery by Abu Bakr Naji, published by Ars Magna. Naji, also known as Al-Masri, wrote this terrifying book back in 2004.

  Naji is also, and above all, the main person behind Al-Qaeda propaganda. Yes, that’s right. The whole project embraced by the true Muslims belonging to this rather vaguely defined cluster, and by those that joined Daesh in the years that followed, is essentially found in this bible of terrorism and barbarism.

  If you would like to know what the future will be like should France end up falling into the hands of the enemy, make sure you acquire this book. By contrast, if you would rather continue enjoying the comforts of reassuring pipe dreams, do not read a single line. Seriously.

  Islam and Primitivism

  The Arab-African immigrant population, most of which adheres to Sunni Islam, is growing on our soil, especially its younger generations. It is important to realise that Islam is not a religion to them — in the sacramental, Christian sense — nor even a peaceful tradition, but a crucial identity marker; an aggressive, conquering and vengeful banner. It is a crude, primitive symbol. Just like in Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, when the Muslim Arabs defeated the Persian Empire and then conquered Romanised North Africa and Spain, Islam is a symbol of aggression, power, and ferocious intolerance, and certainly not a quest for sacredness, the divine, or knowledge and science, all of which were borrowed from other peoples. Limited to basic superstitions and committed to a single god to whom human sacrifices are offered in the form of murders (allahu akbar!) and to simplistic dogmas, the spirituality of Islam has always been the poorest and the most mediocre of all human religions, devoid of any spiritual elevation and never setting any other examples but that of appropriation through violence, an embodiment of the exaltation of one’s hatred of others and vengeful frustration.

  It is, however, recommended that one reads the Qur’an (as it should be written when pronounced correctly), whose strength does not lie in any sort of subtlety; it is a reading experience that Islamophilic people never engage in for fear of changing their minds. As for the social organisation advocated by Islam, it is founded upon absolute Muslim superiority and intolerance (towards everything); a confusion between the worldly and the spiritual; the submission of society to dictatorial and clannish order; the consubstantial impurity of women, which condemns them to a state of absolute and perpetual inferiority; an inane ritualisation of one’s daily life; the demonisation of the Jews; a contemptuous domination targeting Catholics; etc. It thus renders any Muslim space unbearable for the most enlightened, intelligent and subtle type of men.

  Islam and Criminality — An Ancient Love Story

  Let us return to a very important and often misunderstood aspect that serves as an intimate link and a deep-rooted historical connection between radical Islam and criminality. Our naive Frenchmen are astonished by this founding correlation, as are often our policemen and magistr
ates, all of whom remain completely ignorant of what genuine Muslim culture is truly like. How can these pious young people abiding by this ‘religion of peace’ ever indulge in heinous delinquency?

  This is very easy to explain, for Islam was founded by Bedouin tribes of looters and warriors. As clearly revealed to us by the hadiths, which are as important as the Qur’an itself, Muhammad himself was an assiduous practitioner of violence. As I have previously explained in my book entitled Understanding Islam, one does not insult or ‘stigmatise’ (to use the fashionable term) Islam when making the following observation: religious jihadists and common criminals are united under their god allah. In no way is a jihadist a radicalised offender, since jihad is experienced as a necessary form of delinquency targeting disbelievers.

  Steeped in Christian culture, we often think that religion is substantially synonymous with non-violence and respect for Others. Such a view is absent from the Muslim tradition and beyond its understanding.

  Islam forms a single whole, a cold-blooded totality in which violence and non-violence, prayer and plundering, leniency towards friends and brutality towards one’s own wife (whenever necessary) have been amalgamated without apparent contradiction.


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