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Ethnic Apocalypse

Page 10

by Guillaume Faye

  In Islam, whose origin is entirely rooted in the Arab culture, crime and delinquency are not illegal as long as they do not target members of the umma (i.e. the community of Muslim believers). And that is precisely what accounts for this connivance.

  The Muslims of Islamic ‘Enlightenment’

  Boualem Sansal is a very courageous author and Muslim intellectual. And there are many others like him, all of whom I hold in considerable respect. The Islam advocated by Sansal, however, is a utopian one that remains purely conceptual, a pipe dream only advocated by a minority and which does not correspond in any way to the historical and sociological reality of Arab peoples. It is no more than a delusion. The same is true of those honourable Muslim women that criticise both jihad and their own culture in a most uncompromising fashion, longing to achieve equality with men in imitation of the West. This endeavour of theirs is unfortunately incompatible with the unreformable core of divine Qur’anic teachings.

  To seek a reformed and enlightened Islam or attempt to artificially invent one through the censorship or exegesis of many Surahs and almost all the Hadiths is akin to striving to institute an agnostic form of Christianity, monotheistic Hinduism, liberal communism, and so on. Had Islam been willing (or able) to undergo liberalisation, it would have chosen such a path centuries ago and proceeded to emancipate its women, abandon its structural anti-Judaism, render its ritual prescriptions less rigid, etc.

  In answer to those who stupidly claim that Muslim Spain and Andalusia were models of tolerance and creativity, historical research has, as in many other similar cases,78 demonstrated that it was no more than a myth built out of one’s sheer will to spread propaganda. Those who long to reform Islam confuse it with Catholicism, whose doctrinal flexibility has remained intact since the Council of Nicaea. The doctrinal corpus of Islam, which glorifies intolerance and violence not only as means to an end (as was the case with the now bygone communist system) but as intrinsic values of affirmation and divine essence, is particularly rigid and solidly structured when compared to that of other religions or human ideologies that have existed for more than two millennia. Reforming Islam? Good luck with that!

  The Belgian Case —

  the Salafists at the Forefront of War

  Through its Islamisation, uncontrolled immigration, and the risk of an impending civil war, no other case resembles that of France as much as Belgium’s. An official report presented in February 2017 by the Belgian Federal Security Service remarked that the country’s mosques were plagued by Islamic fundamentalism and that an increasing number of places of worship and cultural/associative centres were being funded by Saudi Arabia and other Arab Gulf States, all of which are in the grip of Salafists that proliferate throughout the kingdom. The Great Mosque of Brussels, with its minaret provocatively located on the edge of the European quarter, is a flagship of radicalisation and Salafism on European soil. The deadly attacks perpetrated in the name of Islam in Brussels have not been the focus of particular compassion on the part of the Muslim authorities and have never been clearly and explicitly condemned.

  Indeed, a Salafist that remains consistent in his beliefs could never condemn a jihadist Muslim terrorist.

  The Salafist Conquest Plan

  In the United States, the Trump-hating and clearly left-oriented intelligentsia, which invented the notion of the ‘politically correct’ in the 1980s, is not afraid of a clash of civilisations, especially in the form of a clash with Islam, the very same Islam that it cherishes without admitting it; which is precisely why the book penned by American Muslim Shadi Hamid and entitled Islamic Exceptionalism: How the Struggle Over Islam Is Reshaping the World (St Martin’s Press, 2016) has been a cold shower for the members of these gullibly self-righteous circles.

  Speaking of Salafists and radicalised jihadists who, on the basis of the DAESH model, are currently preparing a conquering insurgency in Western Europe that must be taken very seriously, Shadi Hamid strikes out at them with words that must have sent the world’s BHLs into a temper tantrum: ‘The people of the Islamic State of Daesh are not mere criminals. They genuinely believe in something’. When applied to the jihadists of France, the Salafists, and the radicalised Muslims who shall stand behind the thugs and rioters of the coming civil war, this reflection implies that, to them, it is not only a matter of being thugs and delinquents, but of playing an active role in a politico-religious project, a project which, in this specific case, focuses on the conquest of France and Europe through criminal violence (among other means), regardless of the very basic spiritual dimension that characterises them and reflects the contents of the Qur’an — that ‘wicked book’, as Schopenhauer79 once said.

  Islam in France Is Pervaded by Combative Salafism

  Throughout our country, Islam is pervaded by Salafism, which radicalises it, i.e. allows it to return to its roots (it does not render it ‘extremist’, to use the widespread and stupid expression — indeed, this sect has absolutely no need of that), driving it to confront not only the authorities but also French society, which is be destroyed and replaced. Salafism is a powerful driving force in the process of transition to a civil war of conquest. It is no longer a matter of protesting, demonstrating, and issuing demands, but of taking a transgressive step and claiming both territory and power following the outbreak of a decisive war. As soon as they consider their own numbers sufficient, they shall launch the offensive.

  Salafism is spreading everywhere and local officials are helpless. Manuel Valls, who has changed sides since leaving Matignon, where he showed flagrant laxity towards Islam, has even proposed banning it. Such a step could, however, in combination with a prohibition of the Islamic veil, have the very opposite effect and lead to the swelling of Salafist ranks. Unless, as part of a very unlikely development in a country weakened by the human rights obsession, this prohibition were coupled with brutal sanctions, i.e. with the only language that these people understand. Let us, however, not dream too much.

  In 2017, the Salafists considered active and militant were estimated by the French Ministry of the Interior to comprise between 30,000 and 40,000 militants, which is a huge figure. If the extreme Right ever managed to assemble such a number of active militants, panic would spread from the highest governmental levels to the lowest. According to our intelligence services,80 the total population of those who identify with Salafism is reported to include up to about 50,000 Muslims (as estimated in 2017). The presence of such massive numbers makes it possible for them to venture very far indeed when it comes to infiltrating and permeating all sectors of our civil society, administrations, justice system, law enforcement, army, etc.

  As is always the case with the Muslim taqiya (duty of concealment), a large part of the Salafists, especially those who claim to be quietists, denounce violence while simultaneously pushing for radicalisation, and thus for conflict. The movement of the Muslim Brothers and their friends in the highly suspicious UOIF (which later became the MDF, i.e. the Muslims of France) is both close to the Salafists and under their influence. What remains unsaid, but is heard increasingly more often from the lips of some Salafist imams sprouting up everywhere, is that their ultimate goal is to completely Islamise French society and cast its culture and the republican political regime into oblivion.

  The number of Salafist mosques and prayer halls, all of which are places of subversion, exceeds 100 out of the 2,300 to 2,500 on French soil. Despite a 2017 law that targets all places of worship advocating ideas deemed contrary to ‘republican values’ (anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, etc.), only three Salafist mosques have officially been shut down; this did not prevent them from being secretly re-established almost immediately, and it allowed these simpletons to depict themselves as martyrs. Let us also add that, right under the very nose of our republican state, fourteen Salafist schools — officially declared as such — were still active at the end of 2017. What is taught there is not very far from what is preached in Daesh camps. Allow me to rephrase this,
without resorting to any sort of political cant: it is the exact same thing. SALAFISM IS DAESH.

  And here is another noteworthy and distressing fact: whenever Salafists decide to build a mosque, they immediately have huge sums of money at their disposal. This funding comes from the highly motivated Muslim believers, but especially from foreign Muslim countries which, in a display of typical atavistic hypocrisy, act as catalysts for the radicalisation and Salafisation of Muslim immigrants. Indeed, they are always most dependable when it comes to supporting the vengeful Islamisation of France and the population-swelling immigration of their own nationals, while also providing discreet stewardship for a racial and religious civil war that is already brewing on our soil.

  Salafist Ideology, the

  Quintessence of Genuine Islam

  Salafism is all the more dangerous because it is discreet and never raises its voice. More rigorous than Wahhabism81 itself, it is of Saudi origin. It advocates a literal reading of the Qur’an and Sunna (the Muslim legal prescriptions), which takes us back to the eighth century. Being part of Sunni Islam, it excludes any and all moderation from its teachings and remains radical in the etymological sense of the word, meaning that it reaches deep into the authentic roots of Islam, which are as authoritarian as they are psycho-rigid, obscurantist and superstitious.

  On the political front, it preaches the strict observance of sharia, the law allegedly dictated by allah himself which, in fact, is nothing more than the codex of socio-political rules espoused by the rigorist Bedouins of the eighth century, presented as divine will.

  Afflicting its followers with simplism, prejudice, brutality, and a formal ritualisation of daily behaviour, the sharia, which is nowadays regarded with respect by both Islamolatrists and extreme right-wing losers, represents a primitive form of social and political law, one that is generally far inferior to what other civilisations have managed to produce. One thus proclaims the superiority of this supposed divine law over all human institutions, a belief shared by the Muslim Brotherhood itself. Critical thinking is entirely absent here…

  Salafism encourages quietism, i.e. the withdrawal of all authentic Muslims refusing to share a social life with ‘infidels’ into themselves and their own communities. The gullible supporters of a living-together are gradually witnessing the heckling of their own principles and reference points. Indeed, Salafism focuses on ideological and religious propaganda and thus on instructing Muslims to embrace its Islamic rigorism. And it is crucial to point out that jihadist Salafism — which is now present all over France — instils into Muslim minds the idea that it is necessary to call and strive for an Islamic assumption of power on French soil.

  A Violent School of Thought as One’s Life Philosophy

  Here is another fact for readers to ponder: all Daesh and IS fighters and ideologists in the Middle East, many of whom come from immigrant Arab backgrounds in Europe and have distinguished themselves through acts of violence and crime that are often filmed and broadcast on the Internet, have been Salafists. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

  Every child that has been educated by these Salafist brutes to espouse hatred of the infidels could, at any given moment, be incorporated into the recruiting sphere of their terrorist killing force. If one spends one’s days memorising the most violent suras of the Qur’an and hadiths, watching sanguinary videos, and visiting various radical social networks run by Salafists, which is the case of tens of thousands of young Muslim people, one obviously ends up being very tempted to take action. Horror and ‘sacred’ criminality become one’s only horizons.

  And that is precisely how they succeed in shaping and inflaming tens of thousands of young Muslims, of contemporary barbarians who will virtually all become volunteers willing to indulge in the worst imaginable violence when the turmoil of civil war is unleashed — a civil war which many, and not only the youngsters that inhabit housing estates and ghettos, are impatiently awaiting. Their hatred towards us is as unwavering as it is irreversible.

  Visibility and Provocation

  In order to impress and intimidate, and to indicate that our public space is already theirs and Islam’s, a minority of Salafists — whose numbers are, however, on the increase — are flaunting their typical clothes and specific physical appearance.

  The men grow a beard without a moustache and wear a typical skullcap. One additionally puts on a qamis, i.e. a long-sleeved djellaba that stops at mid-calves and covers a pair of cropped trousers or dark stockings that leave the ankles uncovered. They also wear slippers made from a special fabric. A Salafist that passes you in the street is thus impossible to miss.

  As for the poor women who have the misfortune to marry a Salafist or are forced to do so by their immediate kin or family (if, of course, their actions are not due to militant provocation), they systematically wear the black veil that shadows or masks their face entirely, all except the eyes. Even during hot summers, these women are shut away in their homes, dressed in their black shroud, a long thick dress which, connected to their veil, stretches all the way to the ground and conceals any and all shapes of their ‘impure’ female body. Last but not least, black gloves are often worn to complete this outfit, invented by certified raving lunatics.

  Extremely prudish and sexually ill at ease in their own skin, even more so than other Muslims (no matter how inconceivable this may seem), Salafists ban both women and men from revealing any part of their own bodies. The full veil imposed upon these women, nowadays encountered even in the neighbourhoods of western Paris (as part of pure Muslim provocation), is never subject to any fines, despite having been outlawed in France. Indeed, the state is too fearful of any incidents that might subsequently spiral out of control, as has been the case on some occasions. No Islamophobia, lads!

  An Enormous Threat

  Political and ideological Salafism is the perfect path to jihadist Salafism, which kills, burns and vandalises. One never loses sight of the project to establish an Islamic state on French soil, or, for that matter, anywhere else in a Western Europe regarded as extremely vulnerable; our Western Europe, which has two advantages from their perspective — on the one hand, the presence of a massive, allogeneous Muslim population that can neither be integrated nor assimilated, and, on the other, that of feeble authorities plagued by a mental complex, even at a time when, as witnessed in Italy, the ones that have seized power are populists, i.e. skilled speakers and professional gesticulators who remain idle in terms of taking action.

  Salafism provides the ideal breeding ground for terrorism, all militarily organised or individual violence targeting unbelievers, and, of course, every conceivable form of entryism and propaganda to thrive on. Although pervaded by barbarous brutality, Salafism has relinquished stupidity so as to triumph.

  Radouane Lakdim, the Muslim-Arab terrorist who slaughtered Lieutenant Colonel Beltrame82 of the gendarmerie, was a militant Salafist that was highly active on social networks.

  And there are others. El Hadi Doudi,83 the Algerian imam of a mosque in Marseilles who is theoretically subject to deportation back to his homeland, has called for armed jihad and civil war in France, managing to exert influence upon forty regional mosques and acting as a great figure of Salafism. Aligning himself with Al Qaeda, he has influenced many young Muslims inhabiting the problematic housing estates of the Marseilles area and encouraged them to join Daesh in Syria. Having returned here, the latter would then play the role of field leaders managing the actions of the aggressors in the coming civil war. The sermons of this Algerian Salafist imam have incited Muslims to commit acts of violence ‘against unbelievers, women, Christians, and Jews’, all of whom were described as ‘brothers of apes and pigs’. In the suburbs, such slogans are ceaselessly repeated on the eve of festivities…

  This Salafism, which calls for jihad and war in France, is not marginal. It may, in fact, represent the main threat faced by our country, unlike what the reassuring and self-righteous words of leftist journalists and some ever-blinded politi
cians would have us believe.

  El Hadi Doudi, the Imam of Marseilles mentioned above, attracted 800 worshippers every Friday, all of whom absorbed his exhortations to jihad. And there are still eighteen Bouches-du-Rhone mosques and forty in the entire region (i.e. a large number of devotees) spreading this hard-line Salafist ideology, one that openly calls for civil war, for war against France and the French. From 2005 to 2017, his website managed to draw a total of 3.5 million visitors! The stage is set for the coming flare-up. Of course, in accordance with the Muslim tradition of taqiya (duplicity and lies, sometimes even involving skilful string-pulling), the Imam’s defenders and entourage claim that he actually fought against Daesh and advocated ‘peace and living-together’. Bollocks!

  Just like the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafists practice large-scale entryism targeting the world of Muslim associations and that of immigrants in general, thus spreading their message of revolt, partition and hatred of France. Salafist-infiltrated associations sometimes replace our failing public services (in the social and cultural spheres).

  The goal is to impose upon all the children and adolescents of their tribe the perspective of a fundamentalist and combative Islam. In every domain, what the ‘Salafisation’ of Islam in France strives to do is to bring together a maximal number of Afro-Maghrebian Muslims, especially the youngest ones, who would then embark on a belligerent venture against white Frenchmen, a venture involving something that has been normal in their culture for centuries on end and that anyone reading the Qur’an and hadiths can easily notice: the intertwining of jihad and heinous delinquency, which, in a sense, acts as a material reward, and also produces a propensity for destruction that is much more pronounced than any taste for the construction or creation of beautiful things. The CFCM (French Council of the Muslim Faith) is but a puny empty shell, and all so-called ‘moderate’ Muslims — an oxymoron — will find themselves completely overwhelmed when the first shots are fired.


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