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Loving Nicole: Savage Brothers MC

Page 12

by Marie, Jordan

  I take out my wallet. “I can afford to be generous. Plus, your boyfriend need never know.

  “I…I don’t know.”

  “Let’s get the money out of the way? Shall we? A thousand dollars and you’ll be on your way in an hour, maybe two.”

  “I…a thousand dollars?”

  “Do we have a deal?”

  “You’ll wear protection?”

  Oh please. Like I would ever sink into her unprotected. She scrubs toilets for god-sake.

  “It will be a hardship, but I shall.” I reach around her to turn the shower on. She jumps as my arm brushers hers.

  “Okay,” she whispers and the tear that falls from her eye makes my dick throb. Time to let the beast out to play.

  I harshly place her so she has her back to me. I pull that hideous faded shirt off her and throw it to the floor. She gasps but unfortunately does nothing to fight me. She’s wearing a plain white bra underneath. My first instinct is to destroy it. Instead, I unlatch and throw it to the ground. I grab a hand full of her hair, pulling her neck to my lips. I bite—not hard…not gentle. My nose curls in disgust, she smells like cleaning chemicals.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard, pretty Kayla, I will ruin you for any other man.”

  “Why…why me?”

  “Take your pants and underwear off.”

  She hesitates for a minute and I pull her hair harder. “Give me what I want, any way I want it and you can take home five grand.”

  “Five grand?” She gasps, but I notice she is taking her clothes off more willingly.

  When she is finally naked, I push her into the shower.

  “Clean up. When you come out there will be clothes and perfume waiting for you. Do not keep me waiting.”

  She looks shocked. She has no idea the game she signed up to play. While she’s in the shower, I lay out a red silk negligee that I often had Melinda wear for me. I also lay out her perfume. My dick is rock hard at the thought of punishing the bitch. Well, as close as I can come until I have Melinda in my hands again.

  And…I will have her in my hands again. She will pay.

  Chapter 23


  The club has been transformed; it looks nothing like it normally does. I don’t know who was in charge of cleaning and preparing for the service, but it does look beautiful. Still, I hate everything about it. I’m sitting in the front row, Bull on one side of me and Dancer on the other, with Carrie beside him. I can hear the tears being shed throughout the room.

  I’m not crying. I have no tears left. I’m holding my man’s cut in my arms. Our son kicks inside of me, he’s been kicking nonstop since the service began. It’s like he can feel the emptiness around me and is just as upset. Can he feel the difference in the air I’m taking in? How it is thin and insubstantial? How it does nothing to sustain me. Instead, the air burns my lungs. Each breath feels as if I am the one now dying.

  I stare at the black granite urn on the pedestal in front of me. Frog’s is a navy blue urn in an almost matching design and on a pedestal, too. I can’t grieve Frog. I can’t even try. My heart and mind is too consumed with Dragon. The service just broke. The members are talking, they’re laughing or telling stories. Remembering Dragon and Frog in their own way and trying to hold onto them a little longer. I can’t. I’m two steps away from falling completely apart. I can’t do this; I can’t let go of Dragon. I can’t survive even a day without him, let alone say goodbye. He’s been gone close to a week now. If it was going to get any easier, surely it would have in that time.

  “Nic? How are you holding up?” Carrie asks. I feel bad that I’ve been less than nice to her. I think part of me resents her, because she has everything I thought I had—only she gets to keep it. I swallow down my resentment, it’s not her fault.

  “Considering I just had a service over an empty urn, and that I’m burying my husband…burying Dragon tomorrow? Peachy.” Okay maybe I’m not burying my resentment quite so well. I can’t even call him my husband and that just…hurts.

  Carrie lets it slide, and my guilt increases. She doesn’t deserve me being so shitty to her.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper and she reaches out and holds my hand and applies pressure to it briefly before letting it go.

  “Dani was wondering if you’d come by and see her.”

  No. My mind cries out. I’m not ready. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready. I close my eyes and I’m all set for my denial, when instead I nod my head in ascent.

  Bull’s heavy hand pats me on the shoulder. He’s been at my side constantly. I don’t think I would have made it through this without him. I look up at him and see approval in his eyes. I can’t smile, but I give a faint nod and swallow down my fear of seeing Dani.

  I follow Carrie down the long hall to Crusher’s room. He put Dani in there the moment he brought her back and he stands watch over her night and day. I’ve only seen him a couple of times, but the truth is, I don’t think he’s doing so great either. I haven’t talked to him. I don’t ask. I don’t have the energy. He nods at us, as we walk past. His eyes have that faraway look in them I’ve noticed lately. I shrug it off.

  Carrie knocks on the door, opens it and then stands back to let me in. I’ve barely stepped over the threshold before the door closes behind me. I know she shut it gently, but the sound of it closing seems to echo loudly in the room.

  Dani’s lying in bed. Her face is still swollen, and the bruises have taken on a purple and black shade. Her arm is in a cast, and her entire hand is splinted and bandaged up. I can’t tell it from the cover that is pulled over her, but I know that her ribs are taped. Guilt swamps me, looking at her.

  “Stop that Nic,” she says and her voice is surprisingly strong, if not still hoarse. There are still rope burns around her neck where Michael had strangled her.

  “Stop what?” I ask trying not to stare at her hand. Even if I can’t see where the finger is missing, I know that it is not there.

  “Stop feeling guilty, stop avoiding me, stop trying to keep it together in front of me. Pick one. Hell, pick all three.”

  “Well, you seem to have me all figured out.”

  “Sometimes, it’s not that hard.”

  I let out a breath and sit down in a chair across from her. I’m wearing leggings and the red sweater dress that Dragon always loved. I pulled my hair up high on my head so you can see the tattoo on my neck that declares I belong to Dragon. I do, I always will. I’m still holding his cut close to my stomach; I’ve not let go of it, really, since Bull gave it to me. Having it close, sleeping with it, makes me feel closer to Dragon. Last night, I even dreamed he laid down beside me. It was the sweetest dream I have ever had. I felt his arms go around me and my breath almost stopped. I told him I loved him and he whispered it back and asked me to be strong for our baby. The memory of that dream is the only thing that has kept me going today. It’s the only thing that has kept the darkness from swallowing me whole.

  “I’m sorry I can’t be with you, Nic. I want to be.”

  “To be honest, I wouldn’t know you were there. I barely know anyone is around.”

  Silence. It’s awkward and stiff between us in a way that it never has been before. I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t even know if I want to try. I love Dani…I do. I’m just so tired.

  “How’s the baby?”

  It bothers me that she doesn’t call him Baby Dragon, since she has from the moment we found out I was pregnant. Dragon may be dead, but that doesn’t change the facts that this baby is his.

  “He’s good.”

  “Zander says you haven’t been eating.”

  “Zander…how did I not know that you and Crusher had gotten so close?”

  “We hadn’t—not really. It was just sex,” she shrugs.

  “What is it now?”

  “I don’t know. It’s not sex now, that’s for damned sure.”

  I nod, “Did Michael…did he…”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. Not right

  I don’t push, because I can understand that.

  “I’m sorry, Nic. I know all of this is my fault and I’m sorry. I thought if I left, Michael would leave you all alone. I was wrong…and I’m so sorry. I know you probably hate me right now and I don’t blame you. I’ll leave as soon…”

  “I don’t hate you.”

  “Still, I’ve cost you so much and my brain is so screwed up that I just keep fucking up your life and I, hell I don’t even know what I’m trying to say.”

  “I’ve made my own decisions, Dani. If anyone is to blame for Dragon’s…if anyone is to blame it is me. I should have told him sooner about Michael. I should have trusted him and put him first.”

  Dani flinches. I scored a hit and I didn’t even mean to, not really. I can’t do this. Not now. Seeing Dani makes my guilt suffocate me.

  “I need to go,” I say standing up and walking towards the door. I need to escape.

  “Nic, please. I’m so sorry…”

  I turn to look at her and she looks so hurt and sad and it physically wounds me, but I can’t give her what she wants. I can’t.

  “Being sorry doesn’t change anything. Not a damn thing. I am sorry! I’m sorry I brought this into Dragon’s world. I’m sorry that I put Dragon in danger. I’m sorry I let my loyalty to you overshadow my loyalty to Dragon. I’m sorry I can’t go back. Because if I could, Dani? If I could go back? I’d choose Dragon! I wouldn’t keep your secret. I would tell Dragon everything and not listen to anything you said. I would have slapped your damned face the very minute you told me I couldn’t tell him. I would have…”

  “That’s fucking enough!”

  I turn to look at Crusher staring down at me, his face flushed in anger and hate pouring out of his eyes. I embrace the hate. Finally someone is giving me what I deserve. I killed Dragon. They should all hate me instead of being nice to me. I’m so fucking tired of the nice.

  “Oh look Dani your guard dog comes to your rescue. It’s not enough, Crusher. It’s not enough because Dani and I are to blame. It was our secrets that killed Frog. It was our secrets that killed Dragon! I destroyed the man I love. I killed him! And there’s not a damn thing you can say that will change that fact. I killed him!”

  “That’s enough, Mamacita.” I turn to see Skull standing at the opened door. Bull is behind him and he looks at me with so much sadness, that I have to avoid his eyes and look back at Skull.

  “It’s true.”

  “It’s not. The only person responsible for any of this, querida, is the scum I will personally end. Now let us get you and the little one to your room. You should rest. Today has been stressful,” he says guiding me towards the door.

  I look over at Dani and she’s crying, but I don’t see hate in her eyes. I don’t know why. I hate me. I allow Skull to lead me outside, his hand at my back.

  “Dragon wouldn’t like you being here.”

  Skull is silent for a minute and then says, “There comes a time in a man’s life when things are out of his control. Alas, I only want to help you and the little one. So, it is okay si’?”

  I don’t reply. I don’t think it would be okay, but that hardly matters now.

  “You need to rest, querida. Tomorrow will be a very trying day for you,” he says as we make it to the door of Drag…my room.

  “I don’t think that quite sums it up,” I say opening the door.

  “Yes well, some words have not been invented. Go rest. I shall be here in the morning to check on you.”

  I nod. I don’t really know what to say to that. I don’t think it would make Dragon very happy, but it’s not even like that matters now.

  I go through the motions of getting ready for bed. I pull on one of Dragon’s shirts to sleep in. I even go so far as to splash a dash of his cologne on my fingers and rub it on my neck. I choose the very spot Dragon used to kiss after we made love. The aroma fills the air around me and I close my eyes and enjoy it. I crawl into bed hugging his cut close, losing time. I honestly don’t know how long I lie there in the dark. Slowly, I feel my eyes grow heavy and I surrender to sleep. I feel Dragon all around me. His weight on our bed and his warmth at my back.

  “You came back…” I whisper groggily.

  “I’ll never leave you, Mama. Never.”

  “But you did…”

  “I’ll always come back to you. Sleep, Mama. Stay strong for our baby.”

  “I love you, Dragon.”

  “I love you too Mama, forever…”

  Even in my sleep the tears find me.

  Chapter 24


  I’m wearing black. I’m not a black person. Still, I’m doing it. I’m wearing a black silk slip dress, with flats because right now wearing heels is beyond my pregnant ass. I have on Dragon’s cut over it and I feel horribly out of place. I don’t even understand why. Maybe it’s the clothes that just feel…wrong. It could be the fact that my stomach has grown so big you could serve a three course meal on it and I’m not even near my due date. It probably has more to do with sitting in this god-awful chair listening to the President of the Tennessee chapter talk about serving with Dragon overseas. He acts as if they were best friends. I can’t remember Dragon talking about a Diesel. The fact that there was so much of his life that I didn’t know irritates me. Why didn’t I know? Why didn’t Dragon and I talk more? We should have. We should have spent more time together.

  There’s a woman wearing a yellow dress that really is doing nothing for her figure. I don’t remember seeing her before. She’s not with any of the chapters. She’s not wearing a cut that says she is property of one of the brothers. No one is really talking to her. She’s in the next aisle across from me, about three rows back, but she’s crying.

  Dancer has been moved down the row today to make room for Skull. Why Skull feels it is okay for him to sit in chairs made for those closest to Dragon, I don’t know. Dancer didn’t argue; however, so I don’t say anything. What could I say? Bull is still on the other side of me. I notice him giving Skull hateful looks, and had it not felt like my heart was being ripped out—I would have smiled. I elbow Bull and motion towards the strawberry blonde crying.

  He looks at the girl. Leans down and whispers in my ear, “Frog’s sister.”

  I grimace and swallow as a wave of sorrow settles, yet again. I’ve not allowed myself to think of Frog or the loss others might feel here; I’ve been consumed with my own loss. I didn’t know Frog that well; I didn’t even realize he had a sister. I should make an effort to say hi to her, but I figure I’m not going to. I should feel bad about that. I should feel bad about the fact that I’m going through the motions, marking time until everyone leaves and lets me disappear behind my bedroom door again. I don’t. I just wish I could leave now.

  “Are you alright, querida?” Skull asks putting his hand on my leg. I stare at his hand.

  “I’d be fine if people would quit asking me that, and get your damned hand off my leg.” I bark back and I don’t do it quietly.

  Diesel (whoever the hell he is) stops going on about how close he and Dragon were to look at me. Is it my imagination or is there a smile in those eyes. My back is killing me, I’m angry at the world and I feel like a sweaty elephant. I really might go off at any moment and that can’t be good for anyone. I should be like Frog’s sister. I’m not and I wonder if people are judging me because of it?

  I’m cried out. There are no tears left inside of me right now and I’m angry. I’m mad at the club, the situation, this damned service, Dani, Michael, Crusher, Dancer…the list goes on. I’m so fucking mad at Dragon. I want to scream at him for leaving me. I can’t. I can’t do any of the things I feel the need to do. I am even more furious at myself. I hate myself right now and at the rate I’m going, probably will for the rest of my life.

  Skull takes his hand away and Bull puts his arm around my back and squeezes my shoulder. I see a hint of a smile on his face and that should make me happy. It should, because Bull never smiles
. Instead, I really wish I had a knife so I could jab it into Skull’s hand when he absently pats my leg again. Hell, even a fork would work.

  I shift in the seat again, as Diesel finally stops talking. He stops in front of me and holds out his hand for me to shake. I look up at him. He’s tall, like really tall—close to seven foot. He’s got a jagged scar along the side of his right eye. His hair is long and a dirty-gold-blonde, and he’s got a scruffy beard, and tattoos on his fingers and arms that might be pretty nice-looking; I don’t take the time to investigate them. I shake his hand. His grip is firm and swallows mine, completely.

  “Very sorry for your loss, Mrs. West.”

  I didn’t marry him! I want to scream. I didn’t get to marry him. I didn’t get to be Mrs. West and I should have! If I had married him, if I had insisted on continuing with the ceremony, Dragon wouldn’t have got into the car. We would have gone back into the church and got married. Maybe Dragon would have gotten Crusher’s call. The bomb would have never gone off and Dragon would be alive. Even if the bomb did explode, I would have been with him. I would have been with him. God, I want to be with him. The only time I feel like I’m alive right now is in bed at night when I dream of Dragon. When I can pretend he is still with me.

  My baby kicks and guilt at my thoughts swamp me. I know I need to be here to bring our child into the world, but that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want to be.

  I nod at Diesel, words are beyond me at this point. Thankfully he leaves.

  “What’s wrong?” Bull whispers, picking up on my frustration. I don’t know how to answer him. My body feels wrong? Being here feels wrong? I want to scream instead of cry? I want to draw blood? Without an answer, I just shrug.

  Another member of the Savage MC crew stands up. This one is from the Georgia chapter; he apparently served with Frog. He starts talking about jumping out of planes and you can tell he really cared about Frog. I hear the sister’s sobs get louder. I shift in my seat, again, as a sharp pain in my back stabs and then slowly disappears. Metal chairs are not comfortable on a pregnant woman, even with the pillow that Bull put at my back.


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