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Loving Nicole: Savage Brothers MC

Page 13

by Marie, Jordan

  “Nic?” Bull asks and this time he seems worried.

  “I’ll be okay,” I whisper, but I’m really not sure. The world seems to be going on around me and I’m just watching it. It’s too late to be in shock over Dragon’s death, right?

  A little while later the service breaks. The crowd disburses out into the parking area; the men and their old ladies get on their rides. Bull and Dancer will be leading the crew. Crusher will be staying behind watching over Dani.

  Does she know how lucky she is to have someone willing to give up the club for her? Because that’s what he is doing, essentially. I’ve heard the talk. None of the men are happy with him; hell, I’m not happy with him. Couldn’t he have left and made the call and then went back for Dani? He knew about the bombs. He knew. He could have saved Dragon.

  Frog’s family will be in one limo and I’ll be in another, I’m not sure who with. I assume it will be Carrie, Nikki and Lips. I’ve not really talked to them since Dragon’s….death. The word hits me. No, it throat punches me, because I can’t catch my breath. Dragon’s death. I’m sitting in the chair and my eyes go to the urn. The empty urn, because there was none of Dragon left. Dragon’s death. Bull stands up at the same time Skull does. They both turn to help me out of the chair. I look up at them, but I can’t get the breath to release from my chest to speak. I can’t move. I feel the wetness gather in my eyes and I look back to the urn. Dragon’s death. I shake my head back and forth in denial. Panic is setting in and I hate it. Anger is better, but I can’t seem to grab it like I had before. Dragon’s death. How will I go on without him? How will I raise our child without him?

  Skull pulls me from the chair and guides me outside to the limo. I go, not by choice. I go because I can’t breathe and maybe being outside will help. The harsh sun is bright and hurts my eyes. It seems wrong too. Everything about today is wrong.

  “Ow…” I gasp as pain again hits my back.

  “What is wrong, querida?” Skull asks and really his voice is annoying me.

  Where did Bull go? I look around and see him climbing on his bike. How special. Yet another member of the Savage MC choosing the club and their rides over me.

  “Pain in my back. Sitting too long, I guess.” I answer licking my lips and looking around. The sound of bikes starting is all you can hear and the pipes are echoing in the air.

  “Can you get into the car, or do you need to stand for a moment?” Skull asks. He’s wearing a black suit and no cut. In fact if I didn’t know him, I would not even know he is the President over his own MC club. He has an expensive air of a businessman about him. He always has.

  “I…give me a minute. I need to catch my breath,” I respond, and my voice is strained and distant over all the noise, but Skull seems to hear. I feel his hand at the base of my back and he’s rubbing gently. I should complain, but I can’t because it feels really good. Instead, I hold my stomach and try to breathe. The pain seems to be holding on longer than it had earlier. Maybe I have a kidney infection or something? I need to make an appointment for the doctor. I haven’t exactly been taking care of myself the last week or so. The racket dies down as the bikes start pulling out. I look over my shoulder at Skull.

  “I’m ready.”

  I’m not really, but I don’t want to hold up the service at the cemetery. Skull opens the door and I move to it, when another pain hits my back. This time it migrates into my lower stomach, and I nearly fall from the force of it. It hurts. I would almost think it was labor, but it’s not in the right area. You don’t have contractions in your back… right?

  “Oh, shit.” I groan as the pain intensifies for a minute before slowly letting back up.

  “Querida?” Skull questions.


  “I wouldn’t go any farther if I were you, Miss. Wentworth. Everyone keep their hands up please, so I can see them.”

  Just like that the day gets worse. I watch as Skull raises his hands. Then I turn to the voice that has haunted me for the last month. Michael is standing between two men. Each man has a gun pointed at me and Skull. I look at the other limo and there are three men with guns around it.

  “What do you want? Haven’t you taken enough from me?” I yell and I don’t put my hands up, but Skull doesn’t seem to worry about that. He is relaxed—almost cocky.

  Michael smiles, but it’s a smile which twists my insides. It’s evil and cold.

  “Not quite, but I will. Now we can play this two ways. You can come along quietly and your friends get to live. Or I can kill them all and still take you. The choice is yours really.”

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? All of this because you have a hard on for some woman who left you years ago? Man, do you have that much trouble holding on to a woman that you can’t replace the bitch with someone else?”

  My head jerks over to Six, who gets out of the front area of the limo. I agree with everything he is saying, but right now might not be the best time to say it. Michael looks over at Six, and I just know he’s going to order the men to shoot. So, I try to distract him.

  “You have to know Dani is in no shape to travel. It will kill her. Why are you here?”

  Just as I predicted, Michael turns back to face me at the mention of Dani.

  “Melinda will be coming with me. I thought only to preoccupy myself with you for now, but seeing as I’ve yet again managed to stay one step ahead of your dead boyfriend’s club, I shall take both of you.”

  I ignore the way the words, dead boyfriend, hurt me. If I allow myself to think about it, it will decimate me.

  “Querida, there’s a gun at my back, in a holster. Lift up my shirt, slowly, and get it while Six is distracting him. Then you must duck inside for cover. Do you understand?” Skull whispers.

  My heart is pounding in double time, but I hear. I reach down to feel for the weapon.

  “What are you two talking about? You must know that there is nothing you can do.” Michael says. I freeze afraid he will see me getting a weapon.

  “Sure there is you sorry motherfucker, we can kill you.” This comes from Torch who gets out of the limo; apparently he was driving. I thought when you rented limo’s they came with drivers? The inane thought settles in my brain, as I take the gun and carefully slide it from the holster. I hold it in front of me, below my stomach so that it is hidden behind the car.

  “Now!” Skull cries while pushing me down behind the car. I can hear bullets flying all around me. They’re banging off the side of the limo and you can hear the pings as they hit like hail during a summer storm. Apparently, limos are bulletproof. Good to know. I slide inside the seat, figuring that was safer for the baby. Skull apparently had another gun because I can see it in his hand as he jumps in the car after me, sliding into the seat and pushing me along while he’s at it. He slams the door shut.

  “Shouldn’t you be out there, you know, helping?”

  “I’m doing what I am supposed to be doing. I’m guarding you.”

  “I’m in a bulletproof car, with a gun I might add! Just go out there and help Six, Nailer and the others!”

  “I am thinking it is a good thing Dragon saw you first. Are you always tan mandona?”

  “Could you, like, speak some freaking English and if you’re not going to get out there to help them, I am.”

  “No, querida, you are not,” he replies, holding my hand to keep me from moving. “My orders are to keep you safe in the car, and I shall do that. Now, let the others see to the rest. We were expecting this. Trust me.”

  I freeze and look at him. “Who gave you orders?”

  He doesn’t answer.

  The shots are going on outside, but they have slowed down. I’m dying to know what is going on. I reach over to roll the window down and Skull grabs my arm, again.

  “I would not do that, querida.”

  “Well I would. I want to know what is going on! We can’t just hide away in here while the others are risking their lives!” I argue grabbing the gun I had put in t
he seat beside me. That’s when the pain hits. I scream.

  “Que te duele, querida?” Skull asks.

  “English!” I growl out, because it feels like a vise grip has locked onto my stomach. I feel warm fluid gushing down my legs. My water breaks. It can’t break, I’m not far enough along.

  “Nicole, what is wrong?” Skull says when I start crying.

  “I think my water just broke.”

  “No jodas!”

  Skull starts wadding up his jacket and bracing it at the door, then he slides me against it. I can’t really argue because I’m in pain. My eyes are watering and I’m trying to remember how to breathe correctly, but there was never a shower of bullets going on at the Lamaze class. Hell, I only have two classes under my belt. I know next to nothing. Dragon said we had plenty of time, that’s just another thing he was fucking wrong about.

  “Keep the gun trained at the door, and if someone opens it you do not know, shoot.”

  I want to ask him if it just wouldn’t be easier to lock the doors, but the idea of getting to shoot Michael makes me happy—so I don’t. Besides, Skull seems a little freaked out. I can understand it, I am too. But he looks a little green, so I’m afraid to question him too much.

  I train the gun at the door, trying to breathe in and out when another pain strikes.

  “Oh God, another one. That’s really close together right? It seems like it’s really close together, Skull.”

  He bends on the floor and I wince because he’s leaning where my water broke. There goes his nice suit. I’d be embarrassed, but I’m hurting too much. I train my gun at the door because if it opens, I’m going to shoot first and ask questions later. Michael will not walk away from this breathing.

  Skull reaches under my dress and I grab his hand.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Easy mujer, I am just going to take your underwear off. We need to see what is going on.”

  “Oh hell no, I don’t think so.”

  “Querida, we need to know,” he says as his hand is going back under my dress.

  I use my free hand to stop at least one of his hands. I can’t get the other one because I’m clutching the gun. I’m starting to panic. There’s no way I want Skull to be the one who helps me here. Hell, I want to be at the hospital. It’s too soon to have the baby.

  “If you want to help, haul your bony, Spanish ass up to the driver’s seat and get us to the damn hospital!”

  He ignores me and I feel his hand grab the side of my panties and I can’t stop the scream that comes out.

  “I said, no!”

  The door is ripped opened. I grip the gun and tighten my finger on the trigger. I discharge the weapon, before I can register what I’m seeing. I scream out in shock as I focus on the face in front of me.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” Dragon growls.

  Dragon. Is he real?

  He dodges as the gun goes off, but the bullet still hits him. Skull is watching and as the bullet hits Dragon’s flesh, he fills my vision.

  His head goes down, “Dios mio mujer, que hiciste!”

  I don’t know what he said. I just have one word repeating in my head.


  Chapter 25


  I hear Nicole scream out and then yell, “I said, no!”

  I lose my fucking mind. I trusted Skull to watch over her. What kind of shit is he trying to pull? When I yank the door open the last thing I expect to see is my woman lying down in the limo seat with Skull bent over and his head between my woman’s legs. His hand is up under her dress and I am about to tear the motherfucker’s head off. That’s when I notice the gun wavering in Nicole’s hand and hear the discharge. I dodge the motherfucker, but I’m so close it tears into my upper shoulder. Son of a bitch hurts like fuck, but I ignore the pain and grab Skull by the back of his neck hauling his fucking ass out of the car. He yanks away from me and I let him, turning to my woman. Rage is boiling inside of me.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Nicole’s face is pale as a ghost. She just lays there, breathing hard. Motherfucker was Skull that good? I know it’s not rational, but you do not see what I just saw and be rational.

  “Are you…Dragon is that you?” She asks and I suddenly remember she thinks I am dead. Which would have calmed me the fuck down, except there was a man between her legs.

  “Yeah Mama, surprise, it’s me. I sure as fuck didn’t expect to see you getting it on in the back of a limo, pregnant with my baby, on the day of my funeral, with gunfire every-fucking-where.”

  She squeaks. Starts to speak and then stops. She awkwardly rolls to sit up, flashing some black silk panties in the process. I guess I should be thankful she managed to keep them on. Then she slides out of the car and stands in front of me. I don’t know what I expected. A kiss? Her falling into my arms? Something, but I didn’t expect her to slap the shit out of me. She’s got some power in her hit, too. It rings my jaws.

  “How the fuck are you still alive?”

  “Gee? I don’t know, because I am? That don’t explain why Skull had his hands up your dress, Mama.”

  “Oh my God! Are you being serious with me right now?”

  “It don’t get much more serious than what I just saw, woman!”

  She raises her hand to slap me and I grab it this time. Oh, hell no, that’s not happening again.

  “Don’t you dare slap me again, Mama. I gave you the first one, that’s it.”

  “You gave it to me? Oh my God!” You insufferable….”

  I should have been watching, but fuck, days of watching my woman hurt and not being able to hold her have taken its toll on me. The last two nights, I’ve snuck into her bed after she fell asleep, just to hold her. The way her eyes light up in anger now, grab my attention and I can’t look away—even if I tried. Which is a shame because if I had been watching I would have seen her take her free hand, that still has the gun in it, and slam the butt of it into my balls.


  Skull reaches over and grabs the gun and secures it. I would have done it, but I’m too busy grabbing my nuts and fighting to stand up.

  “Did you just fucking punch me in the nuts with a loaded gun?”

  “Yes! And I’d do it again if Skull would give me the damn gun back!”

  “Woman! You could have shot my dick off!”

  “Don’t give me any ideas!”

  “What the fuck, Nicole? I figured you’d be upset I kept this hid from you, but hell you…”

  “If I might interject…”

  “Shut the hell up, motherfucker! I’ll deal with you in a minute.”

  “That’s all well and good compadre, but perhaps you can finish your fighting for after we get to the hospital.”

  “The hospital?”

  “Well, as you have been shot and Nicole is in labor, it seems to me that would be the place to continue this…discussion, sí?”


  “Oh hell, I shot you,” Nicole says.

  It’s then I notice the way Nicole is holding her stomach.

  “Mama, let’s get you in the car,” I respond, trying to tap down the anger. I know it was stupid of me to jump to conclusions in the first place. Trouble is, when Nicole is involved I don’t think logically.

  Before I can help her, she yells, “No! Don’t you touch me!”

  I freeze and step back from her. She looks around and her eyes stop on Dancer. “You knew, didn’t you?”

  “Mama, we don’t have time for this right now. It’s too early for you to be in labor. We need to get you to the hospital.”

  “Don’t you dare talk to me, Dragon! It’s your fault I’m in labor. What the fuck were you thinking by letting me believe you were dead? Do you have any idea what you did to me?” She cries out and tears are pouring down her face now.

  “Damn it, Mama.”

  We stop, as Bull and some other members pull up outside. Crusher comes out abou
t that same time, and they are all staring at me, like they see a ghost. Probably because to them, I am.

  “Bull? Did you know?” Nicole asks.

  Bull’s eyes lock on mine and his body goes rigid.

  “No, I didn’t, Little Mama.”

  Oh fuck no. That is not okay, no one calls Nicole anything close to that. Before I can argue, Nicole speaks up again.

  “Will you take me to the hospital?” She asks and I breathe a sigh of relief, thinking she finally has come to her senses.

  I take a step towards her and stop when I realize that it’s not me she’s talking too. No, it’s Bull.

  “What’s wrong?” Bull asks, getting off his bike.

  “My water just broke,” she whispers sounding more broken than I remember her being, even when she thought I was dead.

  Bull sweeps in and lifts Nicole into his arms, like he’s carrying her over a threshold. The sight of it fuels my anger again and I step up to stop this shit and shut it down, when Nailer grabs me by the arm.

  “What happened to your arm, man?” He asks, but I know he’s keeping me from Bull. I may even understand why, but I don’t like it.

  “I shot him!” Nicole calls out and those blue eyes I’ve always loved stare at me with so much anger they freeze me where I’m at. “And if he comes near me again, I’ll shoot more than just his shoulder.”

  I watch as Bull loads Nicole up in his truck. My eyes never leave until the truck is out of my line of sight.

  “How the fucking hell are you standing in front of me?” Crusher asks. I turn away, not bothering to answer.

  “Nailer, get me to the hospital.”

  “Answer me, motherfucker, how are you standing here and none of us knew?” Crusher looks around at his brothers thinking they will join in. Trouble is they can’t. The only motherfuckers who didn’t know I was alive was him and Bull. It doesn’t take long for that shit to sink in.

  “Oh, I see how it is.”

  “Do you?”

  “What the fuck man? I’m your VP! Bull’s your Enforcer! Where the fuck do you get off not letting us know what the hell is going on?”


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