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Knotted Legacy

Page 10

by Brenda Murphy

  Lucia set her mouth in a thin line. “And I want you to understand you need to let me pay my share of this expense.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or we won’t be doing any more of this. I won’t argue with you about this. I’m not yours to take care of. Or broke. I don’t need you to pay my way.”

  Martha huffed out a breath. “Why can’t you accept this from me? Why is it a problem?”

  “Because I don’t like feeling like I’ve been bought. I don’t ever want to feel that way again.” Lucia stood up and picked up her purse. “Let’s go.”

  Martha raised her eyebrow. “I want to finish my coffee.”

  Lucia leaned close to her and whispered, “Unless you want the people in this dining room to know who is the Mistress in this adventure, you will stand up now and follow me.”

  Lucia’s eyes had the same fierce stare she’d had when she pulled Martha from the bathtub and asked if she wanted to serve her. Martha’s body responded, and she pressed her legs together to stem the flow of wetness between her thighs. She held Lucia’s gaze and placed her cup gently in the saucer and whispered, “Yes, Miss.”

  The small flare of Lucia’s nostrils and the slight smile on her lips told Martha all she needed to know about how they would be spending their last hours in their room.

  They left the dining room with Martha trailing after Lucia. They arrived at the door, and Martha opened it, stepping to the side to let Lucia in first.

  She tossed her coat and bag on the bed. Martha slipped her coat off and placed it on the chair. Lucia stepped close her and stopped an inch from Martha’s face. She reached up and clasped the back of her neck and pulled her into a hard kiss, before she pushed her back against the wall. Surprising Martha with her strength, she gripped her shoulders. She held her there, kissing her way along Martha’s neck, scattering nips among the kisses. “Kneel.” She pushed down on Martha’s shoulders, and she sank to her knees. Lucia pulled her dress up and leaned into Martha, dropping the hem over her head. With strong hands she held Martha in place while she pushed herself against her. “Pleasure me.”

  Martha grabbed her thighs and lapped at the sweet-salt heat between her legs. The sensation of her skirt over her head and being held in place by Lucia’s strong hands made her wild with a yearning to please her Mistress. Nothing existed for her but Lucia. She had no desire but to please her, to feel her release on her tongue. She closed her eyes against the pleasure of having her mouth on her Miss.

  Lucia rocked harder on her face and her voice was rough. “Fuck me. Now.”

  Martha pushed three fingers in and obeyed her Mistress. Using hard thrusts in rhythm with attention to Lucia’s clit, she worked to bring her to the edge. Lucia stilled and emptied her pleasure in Martha’s mouth, the soft sound of her release sweet in Martha’s ears. She slowed her strokes and dared to take her Mistress up again, making her shudder and quake with another orgasm. “Enough.”

  Lucia pushed Martha away and down and drew her dress from over Martha’s head. She leaned down and kissed her, taking her time. Martha let herself get lost in the kiss, wanting nothing more than to be given the gift of her Mistress’s pleasure.

  “On the bed, pet. Take those trousers off. Briefs too.” Lucia watched as Martha complied. With trembling fingers, she stripped off her pants and briefs. She sat on the end of the bed, her feet on the floor. Lucia came and stood between her legs. “Lie back, pet, hands over your head. Keep them there.” Martha raised her arms and clasped her hands in the required position.

  Lucia swept her hand over her belly and pinched the skin there, making Martha gasp. She moved her hand lower and touched Martha’s thick clit with one finger before she brought her finger to her mouth and licked it. “So wet. Do you want me to touch you?”

  Martha flushed. “Please, Miss. Please touch me.”

  Lucia traced her finger down through the soft curls above Martha’s clit and dragged the tip of her finger over her clit. She used her other hand to hold her open. Martha shivered as the air hit her exposed clit. “I’ll give you ten strokes. If you come before then or don’t come by the tenth stroke, I’ll have to punish you.”

  Martha’s breath was loud in the room. Lucia touched her again, the press of her finger directly on her clit so intense it boarded on pain. She ached, wanting more, fearing she would disappoint her Miss. She forced herself to focus. Another stroke, and she gasped, her body shuddering under Lucia’s deliberate attention. By the fifth she was sure she would not make it, sure she would come with the next slow, deliberate stroke of her finger. She panted, holding on to her pleasure, a gift for her Miss. Her body responded with fear and desire to Lucia’s threat. How could I ever have thought she was not Domme enough to be my Mistress? Her gut clenched and her hips bucked, trying to get more of what she needed to come.

  “Two more. Unless you want me to stop.”

  “Oh. No. Please no, Miss. Please touch me. Make me come. Let me come.”

  Lucia drew her finger down her clit again. Martha’s orgasm was so close.

  “Now we see how well trained you are. Come now.” The menace in her voice and the final touch of her finger on Martha’s clit sent her over. And she arched up, her body responding and shaking as she bit her lip to keep from screaming as she came.

  Lucia smoothed her hand over her thigh before she leaned down and placed a kiss on Martha’s stomach. “Well done, pet.”

  Tears burned in Martha’s eye, and she blinked them back and closed her eyes. When? When will we have this again? Not at the house. Too risky.

  Lucia touched her cheek. “Are you all right, pet?”

  Martha turned her face and kissed Lucia’s palm, pushing into her touch. “Yes.”

  Lucia leaned down and cupped her face. “Liar.” She kissed her. “I know. We’ll find a way. Where you feel safe, and we can be like this again.”

  Chapter Nine

  “YOU LOOK LIKE hell. Up all night?” Elaine’s smirk made Martha wince.

  “No. And thank you, sister dearest.” Martha turned her back to her and bent to slip her boots off, not wanting to discuss what had happened.

  “She turned you down? I knew she was a bitch. Why’d you waste your time?”

  Martha turned back to face Elaine and quirked her mouth at her. “This is not open for discussion. Please don’t ask.”

  Elaine’s taunting expression morphed into sisterly concern. “I won’t. It had to be hard to be there without Octavia.”

  “I wanted to have lunch there. And I didn’t expect to have to stay.” Change the subject. Get her talking about something else. “How bad is the car?”

  Elaine snorted. “At least seven thousand. They’ve given us a loaner.”

  “At least Millie wasn’t hurt.”

  “I don’t know what we’d do without her. We’ll be fine. We only have two more guests scheduled before the winter break.”

  “The couple from Brazil? They came around this time last year?” Martha pulled off her trousers and shirt and tossed them on the chair.

  Elaine pulled a small notebook from her pocket. “Yes. They requested Myfanwy and Roxy again. I’ve got Robin and Gale preparing their room now.” Elaine flipped the cover shut and stuffed it back in her apron.

  Damn it. I wanted Myfanwy this afternoon. Martha stretched and stifled her disappointment. “I need to bathe and then nap. Do you need me for anything else?”

  Elaine frowned. “I’m concerned about Rachel.”

  “Is she not working out? Or is Roxy angry?”

  Elaine flushed. “No. Roxy is fine. But Rachel is obsessed with Robin. I’m worried it will be Bridget and Octavia all over again. I think we should…” She stopped herself as if suddenly remembering the pain Octavia leaving had caused Martha. “Sorry.”

  Martha chewed her lip and looked away from Elaine. “I can’t think about it now. Let’s discuss it at dinner.”

  “Yes. Is it just us? Or will Her Highness be joining us?” Elaine had one hand on her hip and t
he other on the doorknob.

  “I don’t know. Ask her.” Martha walked into her bathroom. “And be nice.” She closed the door and leaned her head against it and blew out a breath. Damn. So hard. At least she dropped it when I asked her to. I hate not telling her, but she already doesn’t trust her. Do I? She changed her mind so fast. The rope in her purse. Who on earth carries a knife like that? How the hell did she get it past customs? Back at Rowan House, the time she had spent with Lucia seemed like a dream. A wonderful dream. So what if she was wet? She could be into the physical part of it. It could all be part of who she is. Doesn’t mean she cares. The problem with professionals. Not like I haven’t been accused of it. More than once.

  She turned the taps on, ready to soak in a long bath. She added her favorite bath salts, the mossy evergreen scent soothing. She lowered herself into the steaming water. What to do? How to do this? How do I pretend I’m not hooked on Lucia’s dominance? I want her over me as much as I want Myfanwy under me. She lay back in the tub and her body relaxed, her mind refusing to follow. How do I work out both sides of myself here? Things with Madame were clear-cut, my life there separate. I refused Octavia’s desires, denied her what I crave myself. And she left me. Melancholy settled in her soul. Lucia won’t change her mind about being committed. She’ll leave in the end. She’s honoring Madame’s request. She’ll leave Rowan House, leave me. She wants as far away from the life as she can get. With her history I can’t blame her. Martha smoothed her hands over her nipples, sore from Lucia’s attentions, and closed her eyes, letting her memories of Lucia’s hands on her body soothe her anxiety. The water cooled, and she got out and dried herself. The pleasant ache between her legs made from her time with Lucia warmed her, and as tired as she was, a steady hum of desire filled her body. She brushed her teeth before she tugged on her pajamas. Sleep. It would be better after she slept. Or wouldn’t. Right now, she didn’t care.

  HOW DID I survive only going to the Onyx a few times a year? She and Elaine had argued for an hour over what to do about Rachel. Martha pointed out her excellent care of horses and the way she kept the barn. She had her own issues with Robin but there had been no complaints, and she had gotten several large tips from guests. Her head ached with the stress of trying to make the decision. Elaine was ready to axe both of them, not worried about the expense of buying out their contracts and interviewing and hiring new staff. Martha wanted to let things play out. They had agreed to wait until after the winter break to make a decision. Elaine wasn’t happy, but they had left it as such. Now all Martha wanted to do was lie down and let someone else make the decisions. She had always been the one in charge ever since they were girls. As the oldest she had fallen into the role naturally, often feeling like Elaine’s mother rather than her sister.

  She had not seen Lucia since their overnight stay at The Stone Hearth. Caught up with making arrangements to repair the car, her financial management obligations, and the running of the house, she had not attempted to engage with Lucia. She was glad Lucia had not joined them for meals, worried she would not be able to hide her emotions from Elaine. She had spent more than one evening staring down the hall at Lucia’s door, struggling with her desire to see her and her need to keep herself safe.

  This morning she was desperate for her counsel. She needed a neutral party to discuss her problems with, and she trusted Lucia. Elaine’s hotheadedness had cost them plenty of money in the past. Rowan House was more than solvent, but Martha had the burden of keeping the books balanced. She tapped on the door.

  Lucia opened the door, a neutral expression on her face, and raised her eyebrow at Martha. “A pleasant surprise. I was beginning to think you’d forgotten about me.”

  Martha gripped the edges of the doorframe to keep herself from grabbing Lucia and kissing her like she wanted to. “Would you like to go for a ride? It’s going to be gorgeous. We won’t have many more days like this.”

  Lucia tilted her head to the side and studied Martha’s face. “Anyone else going with us?”

  Martha smiled at her and held her gaze. “Just us. Unless you’d like one of the others to join us?”

  Lucia shook her head and looked away. “Not anyone I had in mind.”

  “Dress warm. Meet me at the stable in half an hour.”

  “See you then.” Lucia closed the door.

  Martha kept herself from skipping down the hall, but it was close.

  RACHEL HAD THE horses saddled when Martha arrived. Bruno was tacked out for her and Clyde for Lucia. Unsure of Lucia’s riding ability, Martha had asked Rachel to choose one of their more sedate trail horses. Clyde was a perfect choice, and Martha checked the condition of the barn while she waited for Lucia. It was immaculate. She keeps the barn as clean and tidy as Octavia ever did. Don’t want to find another barn manager. Robin was there helping Rachel, holding on to Bruno’s halter. Why is she here?

  Robin cocked a hip at Martha. “Good afternoon, Mistress. You’re looking well today.” She held Martha’s gaze, openly ignoring the jealous glare she got from Rachel. “Pleasure ride?” She nodded at the bottle of wine Martha held in her hand.

  Martha summoned her icy Mistress voice. “Afternoon.” She turned away from Robin, ignoring her question. “Rachel, did you get the picnic I asked Cook for?”

  “I brought it, Mistress, and two plastic glasses like you asked. I added some water bottles for you. The front saddlebags are packed. It might be a tight fit with the wine.” She eyed the bottle in Martha’s hand.

  Robin inserted herself in their conversation. “Do you need anything else? Company? I would be so happy to serve you.” The eagerness in Robin’s voice and the vitriol on Rachel’s face, directed at Robin, was unsettling.

  Martha kept her tone cool. “No.” Normally polite, she would have said thank you, but she didn’t want to encourage her. Rachel blew out a breath, and Martha now understood what Elaine was worried about. Robin was oblivious to Rachel’s reactions.

  “What time will you return, Mistress? I want to be here to cool the horses out and brush them before I put them up.” Rachel passed Bruno’s reins to Martha.

  “We should be back by half four at the latest.”

  “Very good, Ma’am.”

  The crunch of boots on gravel announced Lucia’s arrival. She wore tight black riding pants, with knee-high burgundy boots. A dark-gray thick cable-knit sweater over a black turtleneck completed her outfit. It fitted her perfectly, hugging her curves, and Martha looked down to keep from staring. She busied herself packing the bottle of wine into Bruno’s front saddlebag. Martha took a breath to steady herself before she glanced at Lucia again. “Right on time.”

  “I am nothing if not punctual.” Lucia looked the two horses over. Rachel inclined her head at Clyde and patted him on the neck. “This is Clyde. He’s a charm on the trail, Ma’am. Solid and calm.”

  Martha waited while Rachel led Clyde over to the mounting block. Lucia climbed on his back, and Rachel helped her fasten her stirrups at the proper length.

  Martha led Bruno to the block and mounted him. Rachel had learned her stirrup length, and the meticulously clean tack gleamed in the sunlight. She watched as Rachel interacted with Lucia in a respectful way, offering her advice on handling Clyde. It will be so hard to replace her if we have to. A touch on her thigh startled her. “I’ve missed you, Mistress.” Robin’s voice was a whisper, and she pressed a quick kiss to the calf of Martha’s boot. “So much.”

  Martha stiffened and looked down into her face. “Do not put your hands on any Mistress of this house unless you are asked.” She did not modulate her voice but spoke loud enough for Rachel to hear. “In the future such an egregious error in conduct will result in whatever punishment I see fit.” She leaned down and pinned Robin in place with her gaze. “And it will not be one you enjoy.”

  Martha urged Bruno forward with her legs, away from Robin. Lucia considered Martha with a raised eyebrow before she raked her dismissive gaze over Robin. Rachel made a disgusted noise an
d stormed from the stable yard. Robin followed her into the barn. Their raised voices were audible in the yard. Martha toyed with the idea of following them into the barn to sort things.

  Lucia rode up next to her, concern on her face. She inclined her head toward the barn. “Do you need to attend to them?”

  Martha shifted in her saddle. “Not sure if now is the time. And it was one of the things I wanted to discuss with you. But not here.”

  “Lead on.”

  They rode through the stable yard and out into the fields. The trail was wide enough for them to ride side by side. They rode together, not speaking, Martha wanting to put some distance between Rowan House and them before she discussed her worries.

  The day was crisp, the sun warm in contrast to the gusty cold wind blowing from the mountains.

  When they were on the other side of the field, Martha broke the silence. “Elaine thinks we need to fire both of them. She’s worried their behavior will get worse. I’m okay with buying Robin out of her contract, but I hate the idea of losing Rachel. She is so good with the horses. The cost of buying both of them out, and then hiring new people to replace them, is not something I want to take on right now. We’re closed for the winter break at the end of this month, and our income decreases. We’ve not had the best year this year. And then there are the repairs to the car. If we do have to let them go, I want to wait until their contracts are up. But it means six more months with Rachel and eight more for Robin.”

  Lucia listened, letting Martha get all her concerns out before she spoke. “Is Elaine annoyed her relationship with Rachel did not turn out as she wanted? Is it why she wants to get rid of her?”

  “You’re observant. I don’t know. Roxy is still the love of her life, even if Elaine won’t commit to her.”

  “Robin did well for the demonstration. Rope play is intense and she handled it well.” Lucia pursed her lips. “I don’t know her history, but she’s here because it’s safe, not because she wants to be in the life. Rachel is a puzzle. She was very much into Elaine when she left the demonstration but clearly has some possession issues with Robin. I don’t envy you your decision.”


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