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Knotted Legacy

Page 11

by Brenda Murphy

  Martha reined Bruno to a stop. “I appreciate your observation skills. What would you do?”

  Lucia brought Clyde up next to her. “I’m inclined to let things play out. Unless it impacts your guests, or other staff, negatively. If that were the case then I would be swift in dismissing both of them. Her aggression toward seeking your attention and touching you without your permission would certainly earn her a pay docking, if it were the Onyx. The second offense would be a firing.”

  Martha shifted in her saddle. “Thank you. I think that is best too. It might even work out on its own with one of them choosing to leave.” They had reached the place where the trail split. Martha raised her arm and pointed to the east and the woods. “There is a fire pit and turnout for the horses if we want a fireside picnic. If you prefer an open field in the sunshine, we can ride a bit more, and there is a glen. It is secluded as well but rougher.” She turned to look into Lucia’s eyes.

  Lucia met her gaze. “I take it both are private?” A tight smile played over her mouth.

  “Yes.” Martha smiled back at Lucia. “Very private. Miss.”

  Lucia’s face took on a cool expression and she sat up straighter in her saddle. “How presumptuous of you to call me Miss. Let alone think I might want to be in a private place alone with you. You’ve all but ignored me since we returned from The Stone Hearth. You haven’t even asked me to dinner. And now you assume I want more than lunch with you.” Her voice was snow and ice. “I don’t mind eating alone every night, but I don’t like feeling like one of your employees, someone you can pick up and put down as you will.”

  “I…I’m sorry.” Martha flushed, angry with herself. What was I thinking? And I’m an ass. I should have asked her to dinner. “Why have you asked for meals in your room? I thought you didn’t want to see me. Elaine said you asked to be served in your room. I thought you had found one of the others you wanted to be with.”

  “I don’t think blaming your sister is reasonable. If you were concerned at all you would have walked the twenty-five feet to my door and knocked on it. Or is it too much for the Mistress of Rowan House? Afraid to ask an equal to dinner? Afraid of what others will think? Or maybe you only want women you can control with your money and position?” Lucia’s eyes were dark, the blue gone the color of the sea before a storm.

  Elaine. Meddling again. Martha leaned away from Lucia’s uncaged anger and lowered her gaze. “I’m sorry.” It’s true. I did act like she would be there. If I wanted. She’s not mine. She’s free. She had so many things she wanted to tell Lucia, none of which she could say now she knew how angry Lucia was with her. “Please forgive me. This wasn’t a good idea. I was wrong to assume. We can ride back.” She turned her horse back in the direction of Rowan House, keeping her head down. Wanting to avoid Lucia’s eyes, wanting to hide her shame.

  “Stop.” Lucia’s voice was harsh.

  Martha reined Bruno to a halt.

  “I didn’t ride all this way to not eat lunch.”

  Martha’s stomach clenched and she turned her horse back toward Lucia. “The wood? Or the glen?”

  “The wood.” Lucia pursed her lips. “Pet.”

  Martha’s heart squeezed in her chest. She forgives me. Maybe she’ll punish me. Please let her punish me.

  EVEN WITH THE sun the wood was cold, and Martha wondered about their choice. The turnout shed would offer shelter to the horses, and if she built a good fire at least the front of them would be warm. Lucia’s silence on the ride made Martha anxious and wet and ache for her. Pet. She called me pet. Maybe it will be more than lunch. Maybe she’ll let me touch her, serve her, pleasure her. Saliva pooled in her mouth as she thought about Lucia’s body.

  When they reached the fire circle, Martha dismounted. She held Bruno’s reins and held Clyde while Lucia dismounted. She walked away from Martha, surveying the fire ring and the surrounding area. Martha led Bruno and Clyde into the shed. She left them tacked up but loosened their girths and slipped their bits so they could enjoy some hay. She didn’t expect them to be there long enough to make it worth her while to pull off their saddles. She unstrapped the saddlebag and carried it to where Lucia sat. She had picked one of the wooden seats spread around the ring. Lucia didn’t acknowledge her, so she busied herself with setting out the lunch. She bent over and stacked some wood in the fire ring. “Would you like me to build a fire?”

  Lucia quirked her mouth. “Are we going to be here long enough to enjoy it? Or do you have other appointments?” She pulled her gloves off slowly, one finger at a time.

  Martha stood up and met Lucia’s gaze. “I’ve apologized. I can’t do more than I have.”

  “Oh, I think you can do a lot more.” She pointed to the ground in front of her. “And don’t stand over me.”

  Martha clenched her jaw and bent her knees. She lowered herself to the ground.

  “Much better.” Lucia reached out and clasped Martha’s jaw. “Don’t like it when it’s my idea?” She reached down and pushed her hand inside Martha’s jacket. She cupped her breast and squeezed Martha’s nipple through her shirt. “Too bad.” She leaned forward and kissed her hard, holding Martha still as she savaged her mouth and rolled her nipple with hard fingers. Martha kept hold of the seam of her pants to stop herself from grabbing Lucia. She made a small noise of need in her throat, wanting her Mistress to give her permission to touch her. Lucia pulled back and Martha panted, trying to get herself under control.

  Lucia patted her cheek. “Set the lunch, pet.” Her voice was cool and commanding.

  Martha went to one knee to stand up. Lucia’s hand on her shoulder stopped her. “Did I tell you to stand up?”

  “No.” Martha deliberately left off the “Miss,” needing to connect to Lucia, needing her punishment, as much as she needed air. She ached physically, her clit hard from the rough kiss and the command in Lucia’s voice.

  Lucia’s hand snaked out fast, and she slapped Martha’s cheek. “No what?”

  Martha swallowed hard as the heat from Lucia’s slap spread to her body. “No, Miss.”

  Lucia favored her with a small smile. “I like the way that sounds on your lips.” She pressed a kiss to the spot on Martha’s cheek where it was still warm from her slap. “Go on now, set the lunch. I’m famished.”

  Martha stayed on her knees. She spread out the small oilcloth over the seat next to Lucia’s, taking her time arranging the slices of fruit and bread, crackers, spreads and cheeses Elaine had packed. “Would you like wine, Miss?”

  “Water to start.”

  Martha poured them water, thankful Rachel had remembered to add it to the saddlebag.

  “Very nice, pet. Come, kneel here by me.” Martha crawled over to Lucia’s side. Lucia picked up the wet cloth scented with lemon and cleaned her hands. “How delightful. Elaine thinks of everything. Or was it you?” She picked up the dry towel next to it and dried her hands.

  “It was Elaine. She packs all the lunches with wipes as she’s worried about germs.”

  Lucia spread a cracker with soft herbed cheese and took a bite. Martha watched her eat, loving the way her mouth worked, the way her muscles contracted in her throat as she swallowed. She wanted to kiss her neck, to lick the soft skin over the taut muscles, to sink her teeth into the tender skin until Lucia cried out.

  Lucia finished her bite of cracker. “Why does she want to keep me away from you?”

  Martha held her Mistress’s gaze. “Jealous.”

  “Of me? She doesn’t seem to have a problem with any of the others showing you attention. Not even Myfanwy.” She took another bite of her cracker and finished it.

  “She’s protective. She worries I’ll get hurt.”

  “Are you worried?”

  Martha shifted her gaze and avoided her Mistress’s eyes. “It makes no sense to worry about pain, Miss. It wouldn’t be life if there wasn’t pain.”

  Lucia reached down and touched Martha’s chin. She lifted it and looked into her eyes. She rubbed her thumb over Mart
ha’s cheek, her gaze soft. “No, pet, it wouldn’t be.” She clasped her chin for a long moment and then released her.

  Lucia held out a cracker topped with cheese for Martha. “Here, pet.” Martha opened her mouth and accepted the food from Lucia’s hand, keeping her eyes on her Mistress’s face as she took the bite she offered. She chewed slowly, savoring the food as much as Lucia’s attention. “Thank you, Miss.”

  They ate lunch with Lucia picking and choosing their fare, eating first then feeding Martha. It was peaceful, and Martha relaxed under her attention, knowing she didn’t even have to choose what she ate. All she had to do was eat. Her Miss handled it all, stopping to give her water from her own glass. Martha’s legs ached from the packed earth beneath her knees, and the dull pain complimented the sweet attention Lucia gave her.

  When they had finished their lunch, the wood was cooler, and Martha glanced at the sky. Lucia touched her face, drawing her gaze. “I know, pet. We’ve run out of time and good weather.” She leaned forward and touched her forehead to Martha’s brow. “Thank you for a lovely lunch, pet.” She stood up. “Clean it up and let’s get back. I’m freezing. You may stand.”

  Martha stifled her disappointment and bit back the begging that wanted to spill from her mouth. She pressed her lips together. Lucia was right. They needed to go. They should have left earlier in the day. She’d been too busy with paperwork and nonurgent decisions. How to do this? How am I going to go back and act normal? How many times have I left a submissive like this? Aching with want, desperate for her Mistress’s touch, she chewed her lip as she cleaned up their lunch. Martha bent at the waist to collect the saddlebag.

  Lucia placed her hand in the middle of her back. “Stay like that, pet. I like the view. Put your hands on the seat to steady yourself.” She ground her hips against Martha’s ass as she reached around and cupped her through her breeches. Martha groaned as Lucia unbuttoned her pants and unzipped her fly. She pushed the pants down over Martha’s hips, leaving them bunched at the knees. Martha was wet, her clit thick with desire. The cold air on her ass made her shiver. Lucia pushed her fingers into Martha from behind, the slick slide making Martha moan. She tried to widen her stance to open herself to Lucia. Restricted by her pants around her knees, she growled in frustration.

  Leaning against her hips, Lucia draped herself over her back and fingered Martha’s clit while she fucked her, taking what she wanted. Martha’s exposed position and the rough way Lucia took her had her fighting to keep control. Lucia’s deep sigh as she finished against Martha’s ass had Martha panting to hold back her own pleasure. “Please, Miss. Please let me come for you. Please.”

  Lucia curled her fingers over Martha’s sweet spot. “Come for me, pet. Give me what’s mine.”

  Martha broke, spilling her pleasure over Lucia’s hand. She locked her knees to stay upright. Lucia lay over her back. She pressed a quick kiss to the back of Martha’s neck before she straightened up. “Stand for me, pet. We need to get back.” Martha shivered, and Lucia pulled her pants up, tucking her shirt in before she refastened her breeches. She reached up and pushed her fingers into Martha’s mouth. She sucked them hard, hoping her Mistress would allow her a taste of her before they returned to Rowan House.

  Lucia pulled her fingers from Martha’s mouth and kissed her. Her mouth set Martha on fire. A fresh surge of wetness soaked her pants. Martha dared to reach up and grab her Mistress’s hips, pulling them hard against her. Lucia leaned into her and gripped the back of her neck.

  Martha brought her lips close to her Mistress’s ear. “Please, Miss. Let me serve you. Let me taste you.”

  Lucia placed her fingers over Martha’s lips. “Another time, pet. We need to get back before they come looking for us.”

  Martha fought her desire to disregard her Mistress’s command. The side of her pleading with her to strip Lucia naked and feast on her until she screamed Martha’s name as she came. Lucia held her gaze and Martha slowed her breathing. Breathe. Focus. Obey. Serve. She’s right. We need to go. Another time. But when?

  She relaxed her grip on Lucia, and they walked to the turnout shed together. Martha tightened the girths on the horses and set their bridles to rights. She led Clyde out and helped Lucia mount him. When she was secure in the saddle, Martha mounted Bruno, and they rode back to Rowan House.

  Chapter Ten

  THE DAY AFTER the picnic Martha sat at her desk and ran the figures again. Elaine had been upset with her decision to wait until Robin and Rachel’s contracts were up before making a decision about their continued work at Rowan House. Martha won the argument after showing Elaine the spreadsheets tallying the expenses of repairing the car, and what the projected costs of rehiring for their positions would be. She didn’t confront Elaine about her attempts to sabotage her relationship with Lucia.

  The house would last another year. They had been successful, marketing themselves to a certain clientele, but Martha worried their business was starting to lag. They would pick up some clients when the Onyx closed, but the appeal of the Onyx was Madame. And Martha was not her. Try as she might she would never be able to manage the iron Mistress, the hard-ass appeal of Madame.

  Lucia could pull it off, but she doesn’t want to. Martha had eased away from the physical side of the business, only taking those clients who had been hers for years. She left anyone new to Elaine. She had been deprived of a major player with the loss of Octavia. I need to replace her with another Domme, or a strong switch. I need to talk with Elaine. I could ask Lucia, offer her a position. She’d never agree. Doesn’t want that kind of life anymore. I don’t want her to have clients. Truth. I want her all to myself. My secret pleasure. I’m so fucked. She doesn’t want me that way. As far as she knew, other than the demonstration with Robin, Lucia had not asked for any of the women of the house to serve her.

  A soft knock on the door made her start. She didn’t have any appointments, but she told her staff they could knock on the door any time they needed to talk. “Enter.”

  The door opened, and Myfanwy walked in. She closed the door behind her. Her jaw was rigid and she twisted her skirt in her hands. Martha’s stomach clenched. “What is it?”

  Myfanwy met Martha’s gaze. “Mistress Lucia asked for me.” She pressed her lips in a thin line. “I’ve prided myself on not refusing anyone, Mistress, but…”

  Martha kept her expression smooth even if her stomach churned. She wants her. Done with me. “I see.” She twisted her fingers together. “No one is required to serve anyone. You know you can say no.” Please say no.

  “That’s just it, Mistress. She asked you attend as well.”

  “What?” Martha worked to keep her voice even.

  Myfanwy fisted her hands in her skirt. “She asked for me to come to her and asked me to bring you as well.”

  Martha flushed. “I see.” She gripped the arms of her chair as white-hot anger filled her. So much for secrets. Fuck. Why did I trust her?

  “I told her I didn’t think it was proper.” Myfanwy pursed her lips. “She’s a puzzle, Mistress.”

  “Indeed.” Martha held her gaze. “What do you want, Myfanwy?”

  Myfanwy straightened her shoulders. “Whatever pleases you, Mistress.”

  Martha’s thoughts spun as she turned over the possibilities in her head. What is Lucia thinking? Does she want to test my relationship with Myfanwy? She remembered Myfanwy’s words about rope play. “Did Mistress Lucia give a time she wanted us to attend her? Or did she expect I could be summoned at any time?”

  Myfanwy met Martha’s gaze. “She asked for us at eight, after dinner, Mistress.”

  “Were you to return to give her an answer?”

  “She didn’t command me to, Mistress.”

  Martha stood up and walked to Myfanwy. She cupped her face in her hands and kissed her. Her soft surrender soothed the turmoil in Martha’s body. She broke their kiss and met her gaze. “Are you afraid of her? I need to know your true wishes, Myfanwy, not what you think I want to

  “I can’t read her, Mistress. She’s enticing but she scares me.”

  “Would you fear her if I was with you? If we were with her together?” Martha rubbed her thumb over Myfanwy’s cheek. The change in Myfanwy’s face as she realized what Martha was asking made Martha’s heart crack wide open.

  “Do you need me to be there, Mistress? I would do anything for you.” She rested her hands on Martha’s hips.

  “I want her to use the ropes.”

  Myfanwy frowned. “I love you, Mistress, but it’s a hard limit for me.”

  “I don’t want her to use them on you.” Martha held her gaze, letting her see the truth of what she wanted from Lucia.

  Myfanwy studied her face a long moment before she hugged Martha close. “Should I meet you there, Mistress, or do you want to bring me to her?” She looked up into Martha’s face. “Maybe I could have a bit of time with you before?”

  Martha kissed her, taking her time. What did I ever do to deserve her love? “Yes. Come to my room at six. Then we’ll go to Mistress Lucia.”

  Chapter Eleven

  A KNOCK AT the door announced Myfanwy’s arrival, and Martha checked herself in the mirror one last time. She waited a few minutes, letting the tension build before she answered the door. She and Myfanwy had been together many times, yet desire raged in Martha’s body as strong as it had been the first time she touched Myfanwy. She opened the door to find her standing there in a simple red corset over a tight black skirt. She walked into the room and lowered herself to her knees. Martha’s mouth watered as she took in the sight of her submission. She walked to her and trailed her fingers over her shoulders, and Myfanwy shivered under her touch. Martha had planned their time together to get herself in the proper headspace. Exercising her power and causing pain were at the top of her list. “Rise. Sit on the stool.”


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