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Return of the Clonsayee

Page 42

by Elaine Bassett

  She asked, “No particular plans today?”

  He thought for a moment. “No, I don’t think so.”

  She sat down. “Cynthia left for college this morning. They are taking a tour of the campus before lunch.”

  Charles thought about the comment and said, “Sophie must be happy.” Bev playfully scolded him.

  Charles finished eating breakfast and put his dishes in the sink. Then he went to the office to spend the day with Carson. When Charles walked through the door, he saw that Todd and Carson were in the middle of a conversation.

  Carson looked over and said, “Good morning. Join us. Todd was telling me about your clonsayee creatures. I’m not going to steal your thunder, Todd. You tell him.”

  “Your clonsayees are absolutely amazing creatures. Their training is going well. They behave like no others I’ve seen before.”

  Todd continued, “Recently I met a man through my father. His name was Johan Geiatou. He was a…”

  Carson finished his sentence, “A clonmaster.”

  Todd glanced at Carson. “Yes, how do you know? Did you know him?”

  “I’ve heard of him.”

  Todd looked down at the ground. “He passed away recently.”

  “And you met him?” Todd nodded.

  Carson watched Charles as he put the pieces together. Carson said, “Todd is the next clonmaster.”

  Charles asked, “What’s a clonmaster?”

  Carson said, “The legend I read says there can only one clonmaster practicing in the universe at a time. A clonmaster is the clonsayees’ protector. There is a special bond between the master and the clonsayee creatures. That’s why Todd and the clonsayees understand one another. Charles, it’s similar to your connection with Airabelle.”

  Todd nodded. “It’s all true."

  “Johan left me his estate and the native creatures.” Todd shrugged. “I had no idea it could happen so fast. By the time my dad and I returned home, Johan had passed away.”

  Charles asked him, “Would your herd want to come to Earth? You could take them to the old Miller farm. The farm’s acreage is large enough to support a herd.”

  Todd glanced at Carson. “Is that possible? They are being hunted there.”

  Carson said, “If they will come, we will make it happen.”

  Todd thanked his employers and left the office. He intended to find out if he could arrange for the Bridgeiro creatures to join him on Earth.

  Chapter 93

  Virgil and Gabriel had been out hunting in the forest. As they were walking back, Virgil noticed smoke rising from the direction of his home.

  Virgil pointed to the smoke and said, “Let’s go! The smoke is coming from the direction of my cabin. We’ve got to get back immediately.”

  The two men hefted what they had caught onto their backs and hurried as fast as they could in the direction of Virgil’s home. When they cleared the forest, Virgil and Gabriel could see in the distance that a fire had been started in the meat pit.

  Virgil laughed. “Ah, company.” Gabriel wasn’t as happy about the unknown guest. Virgil sensed his annoyance and said, “When you’ve been here a while, you’ll welcome whoever comes to call. Shall we?”

  Gabriel could see Virgil was glad to have another visitor. His demeanor quickly changed to curiosity. Since there was no danger from the fire, the two men walked the rest of the way back to the cabin. Once Virgil and Gabriel drew closer to the cabin, they saw someone wave to them from Virgil’s front porch. They looked at each other and waved back. They recognized the man as he jogged to meet them. Once Thomasen jogged across the bridge and joined them, he helped Virgil carry the meat. The three men all walked together along the creek.

  Thomasen said, “I started a fire for dinner.”

  Virgil thanked him. “We saw the fire from the forest. Good thinking.”

  The three men walked to the other side of the bridge and headed straight for the fire pit. Everyone pitched in to prepare the meat for roasting. After the dinner preparations were finished, they sat near the fire and talked.

  Virgil asked Thomasen, “So what brings you back? Will this be a long or a short visit? Dare I hope you are coming back to stay?”

  Thomasen took a stick and turned the logs on the fire. “I keep dreaming about this place. I can’t get it out of my mind. I want to come here, but I have a wife and children. I’m just not sure this is the place for them, us, I mean.”

  Virgil asked, “Have they all taken and passed the crystal test?”

  Thomasen nodded. “They have. I performed the test with each family member right before I returned.”

  Virgil said, “Well then, I don’t see why your family couldn’t come for a visit to discover if everyone likes it here. You can always move back if they don’t.”

  Thomasen looked at Gabriel. “Do you like it here?”

  “Absolutely, I’ve been here several days and I love it! I finally recognize who I really am here. I’ve discovered the answers I’ve searched for, for most of my life.”

  “I see.” Jokingly Thomasen continued, “So tell me how you really feel about being here.” They all laughed.

  Virgil said, “You and your family already have a house here.”

  “Really? We already have a house? How is that possible?”

  Gabriel said, “It’s wild but true. The two of us just finished our rounds yesterday of the homes. Yours is a beauty.”

  Thomasen looked surprised. “A beauty?”

  Gabriel nodded and turned to Virgil saying, “We should take him over to his property before dinner. What do you say?”

  “We shall. Let’s go. No sense waiting here for the meat to cook. It will roast on its own. Lead the way, Gabriel.”

  When they stood outside the house that was ready for Thomasen’s family to move into, he couldn’t believe it. “This is ours? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Virgil was proud of the two-story cottage. “It’s all yours.”

  Thomasen opened the door and they toured the house. “I can’t wait to tell Becki and the children.”

  After a quick tour, they returned to Virgil’s, ate dinner and told stories. Thomasen left to inform Becki about his trip to Virgil’s. He was excited to tell her about their new home on Bridgeiro.

  After Thomasen departed, Gabriel and Virgil sat and whittled on the front porch until it was time for Gabriel to return to his cottage for the night.

  Chapter 94

  Henri had just performed a ritual, for some of his newer brotherhood members, having to do with the mysteries of the unexplained throughout the universe. He told the members that as a brotherhood they were to keep an open mind about, and a certain reverence toward, things that cannot be seen or experienced. He exhorted the members to open their minds, releasing their energy in ways that would allow them to explore the unknown. This would enable the brotherhood to meet together as a conclave in order to share those experiences and ideas with one another.

  When the ceremony ended, Henri adjourned the session so the members could socialize in groups around the building. He was aware that a group of men he needed to speak with had gathered in the library to have a discussion about the order’s business. Henri headed in that direction, mingling with several groups along the way. He reached the library and walked toward the men he needed to influence. He hoped the men would believe in his ideas.

  When Henri saw the group he wanted to speak with, he nonchalantly approached them and listened in on their conversation. One man in the group was telling his peers that as a young boy he overheard his father talking to a guest in their house. His father revealed that he was aware of secrets known only to the brotherhood. One secret the two men discussed at length was about a mysterious vault that his father had said held secret powers that involved all the Sojourner Brotherhood groups. That news started a group debate as to how such a depository could be possible. Some men in the group believed it would be impossible to keep the mysterious vault secret for so many years. />
  Henri began to walk away when one of the men stopped him. “Let’s ask our president, if in fact he has heard of this mysterious vault?”

  Henri bowed his head as he turned back around to face the men. “I’m sorry, I was not in the room during the beginning of the conversation. I’ve been going from room to room making sure all needs were met. I have no idea what information you require of me.”

  He tried to leave, but a member said, “My father said if anyone knew about Brotherhood secrets or legends it would be you, old timer.” The other men laughed.

  Henri good-naturedly nodded. “As I said, I didn’t hear the whole conversation. I was on my way…”

  Another member asked, “Do you know of a vault that holds special powers and is sacred to the Sojourner Brotherhoods?”

  Henri stumbled on his words, “I have heard of… At one time there was thought… In the legends there is… Pardon me how did you hear of this?” The men laughed.

  Henri couldn’t resist, or hold his tongue. He’d grown tired of the young men in his brotherhood mocking the older men as if they had grown senile. They had a lot to learn in his opinion.

  He turned to the man and said, “If you are talking about an ancient legend of a mysterious vault that had been constructed by elite members of each of the Fraternal Orders of the Sojourner Brotherhood, in which upon completion of the vault, one of the members went mad and killed all of the other members in order to hide the vault with all of its mystical powers for the favor of his own brotherhood; then the answer is, yes. I have heard of a legend about the existence of such a vault.”

  Henri instantly regretted having said so much. He had the full and complete attention of not only the group before him, but of others in the brotherhood. He turned to leave the room.

  The vice-president jumped to his feet and said, “Now Henri. You know it is not wise to stir up old hornets’ nests. We all agreed to let this tragedy lie after ages of warfare and bad blood over this legend. No one has ever seen it. Why on Earth would you add fuel to the fire for the younger generation? Nothing good could come of this discussion.”

  Shouts were heard throughout the building as the men wanted to know more about this legend. They chorused, “Henri, Henri, Henri!” They wanted him to take the floor and tell them what he knew of this legend.

  Henri momentarily felt embolden and powerful. Forgetting his tongue he began to dramatically tell the tale against the wishes of the senior brothers who wished to quiet him. The more he talked, the more they tried to shush him, the louder and more animated he became, until he let the cat out of the bag. The entire building fell silent. Henri wished he’d kept his mouth shut. He bowed his head and walked away.

  Chapter 95

  Maureen went through the Passageway, straight to her personal vault. She put the Witzenelt Collection inside, where it would be safe. When she walked out, Donovan was standing in the doorway.

  “I didn’t know you were standing there. Why didn’t you say something?” He shrugged. She went over to him and gave him a kiss. After patting his cheek, Maureen walked away.

  Donovan watched as she left the room. He thought: It’s a dangerous game you’re playing, Sweetheart. I’ll be keeping an eye on you from now on.

  Maureen walked through the dimly lit mansion to her room. She walked to her vanity table and began looking in the mirror. She smiled thinking about the Witzenelt Collection, imagining what power she would possess as owner of the tainted crystals. There was a knock at the door. She stood up from her vanity table, went to the door and opened it.

  The servant asked Maureen if she would like to have dinner in her room as she had earlier requested. She thought for a moment and responded, “Thank you, no. I’m not hungry.” The young lady nodded and went about her business.

  Donovan stood at the foot of the stairs, listening to their exchange. As the servant came down the stairs, he walked on. He was fuming; he had a pretty good idea where she’d been tonight, after she left him. He went into the dining room and ate dinner alone. Then he left the house for the evening.

  Donovan drove aimlessly around the city, before heading to the law firm. He decided there was nothing else to do at home, and he needed to work instead of killing time. So he went straight to his office. Donovan began to look over his messages and notes from Seymore. He outlined what he needed Seymore to do for the next couple of days. He made a note of the names of associates he wanted Seymore to contact about certain situations.

  When Donovan finished the agenda, he sat back in his chair and thought about what he should do next. He couldn’t become aggrieved right now, there was too much at stake all around him. He had to be methodical and not let on about his grand plan. He’d deal with Non later, on the other side.

  Right now it was imperative that he turn his attention to Joseph. He had a plan lined out for his son. Joseph was just about ready to get a bad dose of bitter reality. Donovan decided it was about time to push Joseph to his limit in order to test his ability. It would take a steel hand to control the activities that were soon going to heat up the entire compound. Donovan had other business currently on his mind and he wasn’t about to be distracted by situations that Joseph could handle for him. Starting the next day, Donovan decided to push his son out of the boat; he would either sink or swim. Joseph told him earlier that he needed a law clerk, so be it! He was going to be busy enough to warrant one. When Donovan finished composing his plans for Joseph’s new role, he took Seymore’s agenda and set it on his desk. He left the law firm and headed for home.


  Several weeks later a stranger walked into the law firm office. Seymore stood up from the front desk and greeted the man. He inquired how the firm could be of help.

  The man smiled at Seymore and replied, “Hello. My name is Stephanos Garikson. Mr. Joseph Grey is expecting me.”

  Seymore looked closely at Stephanos and thought: This is the man interviewing for the job as Joseph’s clerk. He said, “Mr. Grey is not in at the moment. I expect him back soon. Please take a seat.”

  Stephanos glanced at Seymore's workspace and noticed that he had a reputable poker book sitting on his desk. The book had a Reno brochure tucked inside it marking the place he had stopped reading. Stephanos walked to the waiting room chairs and sat. Soon the two men began conversing about the weather, politics and current events happening around the city.

  After the conversation died down, Stephanos walked to the front desk. He smiled at Seymore and said, “We might as well make this wait interesting. Do you play dollar poker?”

  “Sure!” Both men pulled out their wallets. Seymore continued, “We’ll exchange random bills from the office petty cash.”

  Each man placed a dollar bill on the desk and reached into the petty cash tin for a bill. They studied the bills in their hands.

  Seymore began the game. “I have a pair.”

  Stephanos stared at Seymore. “I have two pairs.”

  Seymore countered, “I have three of a kind.”

  Stephanos frowned in concentration. “I have a full house.”

  “I have four of a kind.”

  “I call.”

  Seymore grinned and said, “Ah, my lucky numbers. Look at my four sevens.”

  Stephanos moved the bills on the desk to Seymore and said, “Want to play more hands?”

  Seymore smiled and said, “Sure.”

  Stephanos reached into his wallet and put another bill on the front desk. Seymore placed his dollar down. Then they drew out two new bills from the petty cash tin. They continued to play until Seymore heard a door shut.

  Seymore looked at his watch and said, “I believe Mr. Grey is in his office now.” He gathered up his winnings, put away the petty cash tin and waited for Joseph’s instructions.

  Stephanos sat in a chair and thought: That went rather well.

  Joseph walked in his office and looked at the clock on the wall. He thought: Well, at least the man is punctual if nothing else. He put the folder of
information that he’d received from the firm’s private investigator back into his file cabinet and locked it. He sat down at his desk and buzzed Seymore at the front desk.

  Seymore wondered why the formality. Then another thought crossed his mind: If Joseph hires Stephanos as his law clerk, where will his office be in this building? What will a clerk do for Joseph? I rarely have anything to do. Most days I sit at the front desk and stare out the front door. Is this guy going to replace me?

  Seymore decided it was in his best interest to play along with the charade. He stood up from the desk and showed Stephanos back to Joseph’s office. He knocked on the door and opened it. “Mr. Grey, this is Stephanos Garikson for your law clerk interview.”

  Joseph thanked Seymore. He then told Stephanos to come in his office and to take a seat. Stephanos entered the room and sat in a chair across from Joseph’s desk. The man didn’t at all match Joseph’s image of what he would look like. Joseph figured the man was six feet tall with black hair that had grayed at the temples and blue green eyes. He wore wire-rimmed glasses.

  Stephanos set his briefcase on his lap and retrieved a black leather binder from it. Then he closed the briefcase and set it on the floor by the chair. He took a pen from the binder and made a quick note on the pad of paper. He looked expectantly at Joseph.

  Joseph began the interview. “I looked over your resume. It says you are currently a law clerk for one of my colleagues in their downtown office. I know it’s a pretty busy office, with a lot of high profile cases. They have a tough reputation.” Stephanos confirmed that he was currently employed by that firm, and had been for nine years.

  Joseph sat forward in his chair. He continued, “Your resume states that you have an impressive background. You graduated from an Ivy League college with a law degree and you’ve passed the bar examination. I’m wondering why you are not practicing as an attorney, Mr. Garikson. Is there a reason you are still a clerk? Is there something I should know about before we discuss the possibility of you coming to our law firm?”


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