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Return of the Clonsayee

Page 43

by Elaine Bassett

  Stephanos cleared his throat. “I panic, Sir.”

  Joseph wasn’t expecting that response. “You panic? What does that mean?”

  “Yes. I have panic attacks in the courtroom.”

  “Anywhere other than the courtroom?”


  “I see. So you decided to be a clerk instead of practicing in a courtroom?”


  Joseph stared at Stephanos, trying to anticipate what his answer would be to the next question he was getting ready to ask. “Have you ever done anything against the law?”

  There was a pause before Stephanos answered, “Yes, but I wasn’t caught.”

  Joseph was somewhat surprised that the man would answer yes to that question. In a typical interview that would be the wrong admission, but Joseph wasn’t interested in a clerk that wasn’t transparent, or one that was pretend perfect.

  “Let me guess, speeding?”


  Joseph decided he liked this man because he had a character flaw. He studied Stephanos’ face. It crossed his mind that the man could be hiding some kind of socially unacceptable crime.

  Joseph asked, “You’re not violent are you?”

  Another pause. “Under the right circumstances, doesn’t everyone have that capability? But unless I’m threatened, no.”

  “Your employer hasn’t responded to my inquiry about your work references.”

  “I don’t expect that they will either. I’m currently employed and involved in several cases for them.”

  “What cases do you handle for them?”

  Another pause. “Murder trial investigations.”

  Joseph pondered how he was going to steal Stephanos from the other firm. “Are you prepared to make a decision today to leave your current employer?”

  “The price would have to be right.”

  “Everyone has a price. What’s yours?”

  “What’s your highest offer? Triple it.”

  “Why triple it?”

  “That’s my number. You already have a number in mind.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “How do you know that?”

  Stephanos showed Joseph the pad. “I wrote a number down at the beginning of our interview.”

  Joseph said, “Is that the tripled number?”

  “No. I believe I stated earlier, triple it.”

  Joseph said, “Now I will write an offer on paper. If I win a bet, you have to take my number. If I lose, I will accept your number. Deal?”

  “What is the bet?”

  “Hmm. It has to be a question neither of us has an answer for. We’ll ask Seymore his favorite number between one and ten. Before I ask, we will both write our guesses at the bottom of our papers. Whoever comes the closest, wins. Do you agree?”


  Joseph wrote two sets of numbers on his paper. The first was the offered salary and the second was his guess. Stephanos wrote his guess. Joseph called Seymore into his office.

  Seymore asked, “May I help you?”

  “Yes. I need to know your favorite number between one and ten.”

  Seymore stared at Joseph then he stared at Stephanos. Stephanos made eye contact with Seymore.

  Seymore said, “Seven.”

  Joseph said, “Thank you. That is all that I require.” Seymore left the room.

  Joseph held up his number, nine. Stephanos held up his number, six.

  Joseph said, “Well, you win. Let me see your number.”

  Stephanos reminded him, “Triple it.” He handed Joseph the paper.

  Joseph frowned. How can I get Donovan to pay this salary?

  Chapter 96

  That night after work, Todd crossed over using his Marble Track. He planned to visit the clonsayee creatures. They sensed his presence and stood to meet him in the moonlight. The leader of the herd came to him from the forest. The lead creature reared up on his hind legs in a formal greeting. Todd in turn began chanting and moving throughout the herd to communicate with the clonsayees. They neighed as they participated in his chant. The echoing sounds could be heard as an eerie chorus.

  When Todd completed his plea for the herd to relocate, their leader beckoned for him to accompany them for a moonlit ride along the countryside. Todd climbed on the clonsayee’s back and held on to its fluorescent mane. The creatures all ran together as a unit through the forest, creating an echo of hoof beats across the land. The herd gave Todd a tour of their world through their eyes. They showed him the most magnificent views of the landscape they called home. The leader asked Todd if they would see the same vistas where they would be relocating.

  Todd sadly told them, “No, but I will be able to protect you there.”

  The leader didn’t give him an answer. When Todd dismounted, the creature walked away back into the solitude of the forest. Todd stayed and visited with the other animals for a while longer before he had to say goodbye.

  Todd walked from his residence at the old Miller farm to the Jones’ stable. He went directly to the stalls in order to groom and exercise Charles’ clonsayees. He told the creatures what he had done earlier. He explained why he had visited the clonsayees on Bridgeiro, and described the journey they had shared with him across their land. He told Charles’ creatures what the Bridgeiro herd discussed. Todd took the animals out for a night walk on the trails around the farm, as he continued to review the events that occurred during his visit to the other planet. They helped Todd to understand why the decision was so hard for the wild herd to make.

  That night Todd prepared for his return to Bridgeiro. He was ready to once again attempt to convince the clonsayees to come to Earth so that he could protect them from being captured. He sensed the creatures desired to come with him, but they feared what they didn’t know about leaving their world behind. They were his responsibility and he’d find a way to help them understand.

  Chapter 97

  Throughout the day, Virgil and Gabriel worked in the industrial building. Virgil was teaching Gabriel how to make various items using the old craftsman way from the earlier days in the kingdom. Virgil was proud of the fact that the old ways had survived through him. He was pleased that now he could teach the incomparable craftsman methods to someone else. Gabriel was a natural at utilizing the techniques Virgil taught him. He was a quick student and eager to learn how to do each job correctly without cutting corners. Virgil had observed Gabriel adding his own details to the pieces he created. The older man believed that the old craftsmen would be proud of the work being done.

  While Gabriel was busy working, Virgil stepped outside. He sat down on a carved stump that he often used when resting from work. He leaned the walking stick on his shoulder and closed his eyes. He listened to the whispers of the trees as the breeze blew through their branches. When Virgil decided he understood what the trees were trying to convey, he opened his eyes again. His walking stick confirmed that two people had been living in the nearby forest for days. They had been hunting wild game and gathering berries. The knight’s guide had informed the trees that the visitors were using a guidebook and journal when they hunted for food and prepared meals. Virgil smiled, more guests. He stood and went into the shop area to tell Gabriel the good news.

  Gabriel was surprised to hear that people were living in the forest. He shook his head. “After my experience in the forest, no way would I live there with only a guidebook and journal for help. I’m glad they were wise and used the guide you provided to check that the journals were correct. More power to them.” He shrugged and continued to work.

  Gabriel finished his piece and cleaned up the area. Virgil looked at each piece finished that day, inspecting the work carefully. “I hereby dub you a master craftsman.”

  “I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

  “It’s hard to believe that you are such a fast learner.”

  “I’ve never worked more diligently at anything my entire life.”

good for a young man to work hard. It’s good for the mind and the body.”

  Gabriel acknowledged Virgil’s wise words. “Every day is like a work camp around here. You don’t stop until the sun goes down.”

  “Even then we don’t stop, we just continue working indoors.”

  Gabriel grinned at Virgil’s remark. He’d grown to have an appreciation for the older man and his ways. Their friendship was strengthening daily.

  As the two walked back to Virgil’s cottage, they heard the sound of children’s laughter coming from the direction they were headed. The two men looked at each other.

  Virgil said, “My friend, it’s been a very long time since I have heard the sounds of such carefree enthusiasm and jovial laughter. I can’t wait to find out who’s here.”

  As they emerged from the forest, they were surprised to find that an animal was already roasting over the fire. Women were setting the tables that had been placed together. Food was being brought from the kitchen. The scene on the lawn looked as though the ladies had prepared a feast. The food smelled delicious to the two men who were tired and famished. Earlier Virgil and Gabriel had discussed what they would fix for dinner. Both men had decided they were so tired neither one of them wanted to fix a meal.

  Gabriel watched Virgil’s posture change as his friend stood straight and tall. Virgil’s smile was beaming at what he observed in front of his cottage. Gabriel had to admit it was a welcome sight to see so many people on Virgil’s front lawn. Boys were playing catch with a leather ball. Other children were playing tag as if they had been friends for years.

  As the two men drew nearer to the cabin, they spotted the knights standing around the lawn and pointed them out to each other. Virgil counted the male visitors and confirmed, “They are all here with their families. Won’t Queen Caroline be surprised?”

  At the same time, Becki looked up and smiled in their direction. Thaddeus called out to everyone. “Well, look who we have here. Virgil and Gabriel decided to join us.”

  Everyone clapped, except the children who all ran to greet Virgil and Gabriel. Virgil knelt down on one knee with open arms, as the youngsters raced to the two men. The children hugged Virgil, keenly aware that he welcomed their presence. Once the younger children gave him a hug, they chattered nonstop about what they had been exploring, since they had arrived a few hours before Virgil’s arrival. Virgil asked them a series of questions and he received many different answers.

  The adults followed the children over to greet the two men. Virgil had his hands full with the young children climbing all over him. Gabriel shook hands with the knights and their spouses as they introduced one another. Virgil multi-tasked as he was in between the two conversations. He listened to both the children and the adults’ conversation.

  The parents quickly introduced their children to Virgil and Gabriel. As the adults talked, the children ran off to resume their game of tag. The adults made their way over to the tables. Gabriel and Hunter began to carve the meat. When the meal was ready, the adults called for the children to wash their hands and join them. Then grace was given and everyone ate dinner. During the meal, the knights told their stories of how they came to the decision to return to the kingdom.

  Gabriel started the discussion. He retold the story of his disillusionment with his old life. “I never believed I fit in with city ways. When I came to visit Virgil, I felt a connection that was difficult to explain. After living here a short time, I decided to take a chance on starting a new life on Bridgeiro. It was the best decision I’ve made in a long while. I firmly believe the kingdom holds the answers I need to be content. I have no regrets and I’m certain I will not return to Earth. I plan to make the kingdom my permanent home.”

  The next family to share their story was Hunter and his wife Ashlee. “After the coronation, I returned home and began reading the journal Virgil gave me. I was hooked; the journal and records answered a lot of questions for me. I discovered that my ancestors were hunters like myself. My parents never understood nature or about hunting off the land to survive. My grandpa taught me everything I know. He passed away two years ago. I still miss him and his old stories. My dad said his father was crazy, but it turned out he wasn’t. Everything he told me was confirmed in the journal. Seems the stories were handed down from generation to generation.”

  He hugged his wife. “One day Ashlee asked what I was reading. I showed her the journal. It was her idea to come here. She has been to the Hub, but not outside the borders. She has sojourned for five years now. She’s a hunter and a fisherman like myself. She said she was up for an adventure and it beat traveling around the Earth. She actually convinced me, we should come here to live off the land using the information in the journal and records. We agreed, if living on Bridgeiro suits us then we would go back and forth between the two planets. Ashlee has a rather large family on Earth and she doesn’t want to leave them permanently.”

  He pointed to the other children. “We hope to start a family one day.”

  Everyone said, “Oh yes!”

  Virgil asked, “So how did you like living in the forest, Ashlee?”

  “I loved it! The berries are like nothing I’ve ever experienced before on Earth. I love how the forest whispers to us. The food the wildlife provides is not wild tasting. It’s actually much better than what we have on Earth. The flejh are delicious. They scared me at first, but now I would like to catch them for most of our meals!” She rubbed her tummy.

  Some of the knights’ wives asked her to teach them how to cook the native food. Ashlee agreed and said she’d teach them about all the herbs and berries too.

  Gabriel raised his hand. “May I join in on that class?” Everyone laughed.

  Virgil said, “That story is for another time.”

  Rhys volunteered to go next. “I love my old life. I have everything I could ever want. My lovely wife and I are successful business owners and we’ve made many smart investments. We have enough money and have three beautiful children.” He pointed them out. “Emily, Mason and Amanda.”

  Rhys stood. “I have to tell you my friends, that even with having it all, something has always been missing for me. Like Hunter and Ashlee, Maggie and I have always dreamed of an adventure together but we were always too busy to actually take the time. We’ve made the plans to travel, but when it came right down to it we were just too busy to leave the city. We were always running to this practice, or that game, recitals, school functions or business events. When I received the invitation to come here for the coronation, Maggie actually encouraged me to come because I haven’t had a vacation in twelve years.

  “When I returned home, I shared everything with her about this magnificent place. She asked, ‘What are we waiting for?’ It made sense for us to get away from the rules of society that say you have to live a certain lifestyle in order to be successful. We decided we wanted to have an adventure that our next door neighbors couldn’t say, ‘Oh, we’ve been there, done that.’ Our friends and neighbors have to take it to the extreme all the time.”

  Maggie added, “I wanted us to take a chance, to give our children memories that will last a lifetime. I wanted to give them the opportunity to explore and see the universe as something different than what they teach in school.” All the mothers smiled and nodded to each other.

  Virgil said, “An education is important to everyone here I see. That’s good. Nothing but the best for the children.”

  Rhys said, “This is actually the first time over here on Bridgeiro for Maggie. She knew I was a Sojourner. I broke the rules and told her because I couldn’t keep secrets from my wife. When we discovered the crystal worked for her, we petitioned the Sojourners’ Council for her to have access to the Hub. The council denied our petition.” He looked at her and grinned. “So we did the crystal test with the entire family, after I’d been here to the coronation. Everyone passed the test.” He shrugged. “Imagine that! During all those years she could come with me to experience all of this splendor!”
Rhys held his arms open wide. “It was too good to pass up!”

  Everyone applauded. “Oh yes!”

  There was a long pause before Elias decided to share his story. “I am an emergency room physician in a major city. I’ve worked for my current hospital for eight years. I love the job, but it is very demanding. Every day I have to cope with diagnostic challenges with little time to manage each case. I see cases of broken bones and sprains, bad reactions to prescription drugs, gunshot wounds, children who have unexplained fevers and many other concerns. I have to stabilize each patient’s condition, order tests and direct nurses on the required care. There are times I’d like to leave the occupation.”

  Elias drew his wife to his side and said, “This is my wife, Shannon. She is a registered nurse and works for the county health department. She coordinates a nurse home-visiting program for seniors in the community. She also visits area schools. She works with the school nurses to develop programs and services for the students and their parents.

  “We are so busy with our occupations that we have very little time together. We work hard to always make sure one of us is home to take care of our son, Jeremy. One day we would like to have more children. In order to have a larger family, we have to change our jobs.

  “Shannon’s parents are deceased. When I told her we had a chance to begin a new life, we made the decision together to pack up and see if this was right for our family. Shannon and Jeremy passed the crystal test. We didn’t have any real reason to stay on Earth, except our professional jobs.” He shrugged. “We figured, why not? We don’t have anything to lose.”

  Virgil said to Shannon, “You will always have a home here, where everyone is welcome.”

  Everyone said, “Oh yes!”

  The next to share was Owen. “I guess you’d say I’m the wild one of the bunch.” Everyone had a hearty laugh at that comment.

  Gabriel joked, “Oh really? We couldn’t tell.”


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