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Take My Hand (Interracial Erotic Romance)

Page 5

by Sophia Banks

  Lamar snarled. “Who is this John motherfucker? Some rich white boy?”

  Tamika looked to Gracie for help but Gracie just looked down and shook her head. “He’s just some guy, Lamar, a friend. Please don’t hurt him.”

  “Why are you defending these people?” Lamar barked. “Look at where your friends have led you. Is this the life you want to lead going forward? I can assure you if you continue down this path you will end up dead, and sooner rather than later.”

  Tamika curled into a ball and began crying. Lamar looked at Gracie and shrugged. “Hey, she needs to hear the truth.”

  Gracie shook her head. Lamar was usually so calm and collected but she’d seen this look in his eye before. It was obvious he wanted to punish those he felt were responsible for the condition Tamika was in. There were more important matters to deal with first, however. Namely, what were they going to do with Tamika?

  “Lamar, would you please wait outside?” Gracie asked. “I need to talk to Tamika alone for a few minutes.” Gracie did indeed want to talk to Tamika, but she also wanted Lamar to calm down. All he could seem to think about was tracking down those responsible for Tamika’s current state. The only problem was, in Gracie’s estimation anyway; the person responsible for Tamika’s current state was Tamika.

  Lamar grunted and made his way towards the door. “I’ll be right out front if you need anything.”

  Gracie nodded and looked down at her sister, who was peering up at her from underneath her blankets. “We need to talk about a few things, Tamika.”

  “I don’t want to talk about anything,” Tamika cried. “I just want to stop doing this to myself, but I can’t stop! Please, help me Gracie, I don’t know what to do!”

  Gracie leaned forward and kissed Tamika on the forehead. “Calm down, baby, calm down. We will figure something out.”

  “Does the hospital have a detox wing? I’m so scared that I will use again, Gracie, I think I need to be kept off the streets.”

  Gracie took a deep breath. She couldn’t think of a way to break the news to Tamika without scaring the shit out of her so she decided to be blunt. “There are no beds available in the detox wing and the hospital wants to discharge you within the next few hours.”

  Tamika’s eyes widened. “Gracie, I can’t stop on my own, I just can’t. I need to be off the streets, for as long as it takes.”

  “I know baby, I know. Lamar and I spoke with the nursing staff and they gave us some rehab options, but with all the cutbacks by the state there is a long waiting list.” Gracie left out the part of the conversation with the nursing staff. The conversation that centered around the fact that even if Tamika found a bed in a public drug rehab center, the places were crawling with the worst of the worst. Finding drugs in those places was apparently easier than scoring on the street. Vultures, everywhere.

  Tamika frowned. “And we can’t afford private care, of course.”

  “No, unfortunately we can’t. As a matter of fact, from what the nurses told me about the prices for quality private care, I’m not sure many people can.” When the nurse at the front desk had told Gracie how much it would cost to get Tamika quality treatment, she’d nearly fainted. Who could afford such astronomical prices? Weren’t these places built to help people? Or perhaps it was just rich people they were built for.

  “So, where am I going to go?” Tamika asked. “Can I stay with you? I know you don’t have the space but I think Lamar is fed up with me.”

  Gracie shook her head. “Lamar is just angry. You know as well as I that when push comes to shove, that man would lay down his life for us.”

  “So am I going to stay with him? He’s never home Gracie, I’ll be by myself all the time. I’m scared.”

  Gracie took her sister’s hand in hers. “I’ll be there with you. I’m going to move in with Lamar and share his spare bedroom with you.”

  A puzzled look spread across Tamika’s face. “But what about your job? Your poetry? You’re even busier than Lamar is.”

  “I’m going to quit my job, Tamika. And I’m going to put my poetry on hold, for now at least. We need to focus on what’s important.”

  Tamika shook her head. “No Gracie, I can’t do that to you. I don’t want you to give up on your dream just to babysit me.”

  “This isn’t up for debate, Tamika. If you feel bad about me putting my life on hold for you, then focus all your attention on getting better. As long as you get clean, and more importantly stay clean, then it will all be worth it. Plus, I will have all the time in the world to work on my poetry, so don’t you worry.”

  Tamika cracked a smile. “I love you so much Gracie. And I’m sorry for putting you through all of this, I really am.”

  Gracie patted her sister on the head. “I love you too, Tamika, and so does Lamar. Everything is going to be ok.”

  At least Gracie hoped it would be.


  Gracie entered her apartment armed with a moving box. She still had a few weeks left before she had to be out of the place but she needed a few essentials in the meantime. For the past three days she’d been wearing Lamar’s old college sweats and wearing cheap underwear she’d picked up at a CVS near Lamar’s place. Now that Tamika was settled into Lamar’s place, however, Gracie wanted to get her own grooming products and her usual undergarments.

  The past few days had been rough on all three of them. Tamika was depressed, Lamar was still edgy and Gracie was mourning the loss of her job. She’d called Patty at Steak Exchange and informed her of her current predicament. Patty was gracious and told Gracie she was disappointed to lose her and that when Gracie was ready to work again she could call back and see if their were any openings available. Gracie thanked her for the kind words and told her she would indeed call back, once Tamika was safely back on her feet, whenever that was.

  Gracie headed to her bedroom and emptied the contents of her dresser into a cardboard box. The feminine supplies from the bathroom were next and after than it was on to the fridge, to make sure there were no foods inside that were close to spoiling. Gracie was checking the expiration date on a container of yogurt when she heard a knock at the door.

  Who the hell could that be? The only people who knew she was here were Lamar and Tamika. Perhaps it was just a random solicitor.

  “Just a minute,” she called out and headed for the door. Gracie stood on her toes and looked through the fish-lensed peephole. She gasped and covered her mouth when she saw who was on the other side. What the hell is Tyler doing here?

  She opened the door and Tyler smiled. “There you are,” he said. “You’re a tough woman to track down.”

  Gracie’s eyes widened. “Tyler, what are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to make sure you were ok. I went by the restaurant last night and when I didn’t see you I asked Patty how things were working out. She told me about your…personal issues and that you had to quit. So, I decided to come by and see how you are doing.”

  Gracie was shocked. Either Tyler was one of the most persistent men she had ever encountered or he was one of the most caring. She wasn’t sure which was the case though, so she kept her guard up.

  “I’m doing okay,” she answered with a smile. “It’s nice of you to check up on me.”

  “Can I come in?”

  Gracie opened the door. “Of course you can. I’m sorry Tyler. You caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting anyone.”

  Tyler walked in and took a look around her apartment. “I like the way you have your place set up. It’s very… cozy.”

  Gracie imagined what Tyler’s place looked like compared to hers. His bathroom was probably bigger than her entire apartment. Cozy was probably code word for cramped.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I love this place, but unfortunately I have to move out.” Gracie closed the door behind her and headed towards the living room. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  Tyler sprawled himself on the couch. “No thanks. Why do you need to move out?”
/>   “I need to look out for my sister, Tamika. She’s in a bad place now and we need to keep an eye on her. So I had to quit my job and as a result can’t afford the rent here anymore.”

  Tyler nodded and crossed his legs in front of him, exposing a pair of loud socks underneath his slacks. “Have you considered sending Tamika to treatment? I know of a great place in Tribeca, Hazelden I believe it’s called. I had a cousin who was addicted to Oxycontin and he went up there for a few months. That was three years ago and he’s been clean ever since. He claims that place saved his life and I believe him.”

  Gracie frowned and took a seat in a chair sitting opposite the couch. She’d heard of Hazelden before, of course. Their facilities, and staff, were considered world class. Not the type of place a waitress could afford to send her sister. “Tyler, we can’t afford anything like that and there are no public facilities with beds available.”

  “So where will you live?”

  The presence of Tyler had Gracie on edge. She fidgeted in her seat and glanced at the clock. She told Tamika she would be back in a few hours and she didn’t want to keep her waiting. Whatever Tyler wanted on his visit, he would have to make it quick.

  “I am moving in with my cousin Lamar. Tamika has been staying there for a while now and I am going to share a room with her. It will be fun, like when we were little girls.”

  Tyler smiled, uncrossed his legs and made himself comfortable on the couch. “That’s cute. Tamika is lucky to have a sister like you.”

  Tyler’s warm tone comforted Gracie but she remained resolved to move the encounter along. The last thing she needed now was further distraction in her life.

  “That’s nice of you to say, Tyler,” Gracie said and rose from her chair. “I hate to be rude Tyler, and I do appreciate you dropping by, but I need to get going. I told Tamika I would be home soon and I don’t want to keep her waiting.”

  Tyler nodded. “I understand, but if I could just have a moment of your time I would appreciate it. I promise to be quick.”

  Gracie nodded. “Okay, go ahead.”

  Tyler took a deep breath. “I have already paid for a ninety-day stay at Hazelden for your sister.”

  Gracie’s pulse quickened and a feeling of genuine gratitude spread through her body. Nobody had ever done anything so sweet for her, but she didn’t feel right accepting the gift. Tyler was a stranger and there were probably strings attached.

  “Tyler, that’s awfully sweet of you, but I can’t accept. I barely know you…It…It just wouldn’t feel right.”

  Tyler shrugged. “Who cares how it feels? And who cares where the money comes from? This is your sister’s life we are talking about here. I don’t mean to be curt with you Gracie, but I think you should stick your pride in your back pocket on this one.”

  Gracie flared. “It’s not just pride, Tyler, and you know that. Nobody gives a complete stranger a gift like that without wanting something in return.”

  Tyler stood and shook his head. “I don’t want anything from you. Well, let me be clear on that subject. I am very attracted to you Gracie and am not afraid to admit it. I want to get to know you better and I can’t very well do that if you’re cooped up in an apartment babysitting your sister. With that being said, however, I am somewhat insulted that you think I would dangle an offer like this in the hopes it would lead to sex.”

  Gracie folded her arms across her chest. “Nothing is free in this life, Tyler. That’s one thing I have learned over the years.”

  Tyler sighed. “Gracie, have you ever given somebody less fortunate than you a helping hand?”

  “Well, yes. But this is a different sit—“

  “Why is it different?”

  Gracie bit her bottom lip and looked away. “Because when I have lent a helping hand to someone, I didn’t expect sex from them in return.”

  Tyler shook his head and frowned. “Gracie, it hurts me that you think of me that way, but I will try not to take it personally. You don’t know me all that well and I shouldn’t blame you for thinking all men act a certain way. With that being said, I can tell you need to think about this. I am going to leave now, but I want to let you know the room is paid for in Tamika’s name. All she has to do is show up at the front door and she will be set. I hope you reconsider.” Tyler headed for the door and looked back with a smile on his face. “I also hope to see you again in the future, but again, that’s your choice.”

  Gracie trembled and watched as Tyler opened the door and stepped through the entrance. Every fiber in her body told her to run to this man and wrap him in her arms. She fought the desire and remained rigid. Gracie knew one touch from Tyler could render her helpless. Still, she felt bad for hurting his feelings. Perhaps all he was trying to do was help.

  “I didn’t mean to offend you Tyler, I’m sorry.”

  He looked back at her and offered a tight smile. “I know you didn’t and I take no offense. If you need anything, please let me know. You have my phone number.”

  With that he closed the door and disappeared from view.

  Gracie collapsed in a heap and began sobbing.


  “So, let me get this straight. A man, who is filthy rich and used to be your boss, offers you a gift that’s probably worth close to twenty-thousand dollars and you turned him down?”

  Gracie looked Lamar in the eye and frowned. “It’s not that simple, Lamar. He want’s to be with me. I can’t just accept a gift like that.”

  “Did he say he wanted anything in return?”

  “Well, no…but I know—“

  Lamar shook his head. “Damn girl, enough with your pride. Your little sister needs all the help she can get. This Tyler dude sounds like a decent man and goddamn there are worse things than being the girlfriend of a billionaire anyway. Pull your head out of your ass and call this man back before he changes his mind.”

  Gracie wiped the dining table down and snarled at Lamar. They had just finished lunch and Tamika had laid down for a nap. She’d been doing a lot of sleeping in the past few days. “Keep your voice down, I don’t want to wake Tamika.”

  “Whatever, Gracie. I need to head to work.” Lamar grabbed his coat off the rack near the door and looked back at his cousin. “Think about Tamika and swallow your pride. Sometimes being a strong person means accepting help from people, especially when you don’t want to.”

  Lamar closed the door behind him and locked it. Gracie finished wiping the table down and collapsed onto the sofa.

  What the hell should I do?

  Gracie’s dilemma was simple. Either ignore Tyler’s generosity and become a twenty-four hour day nurse/security guard or take him up on his offer and then fight the already confusing feelings she had for the man. The ringing of Tamika’s cell phone interrupted her thoughts. Gracie picked the phone up off the table and checked the caller ID:

  Brad Childress

  Gracie answered the phone. “Hello?”

  “ Tamika there?”

  “Who is this, Brad?”

  “Uh, yeah. Who is this?”

  “It’s Gracie, Tamika’s sister. Were you with her the other night?”

  Brad cleared his throat. “What other night?”

  “The night she fucking overdosed, asshole.”

  The line went dead and Gracie hurled the phone across the room. It bounced off the carpet and nicked the living room wall. She took a deep breath and went to check the wall for damage but she was distracted by the sound of the hallway door opening. Tamika stuck her head out.

  “Was that my phone just ringing?” she asked.

  “Yes, it was.”

  Tamika entered the living room and noticed her phone laying on the floor. “What is my phone doing on the floor all the way over here?”

  Gracie shrugged. “I guess threw it over there.”

  Tamika shook her head and picked the phone up off the floor. “Why did you do that? Who called me?”

  Gracie bit her lip. “It was some guy named Brad. He hung up o
n me and I threw the phone across the room in disgust. I apologize. It’s not broken, is it?”

  Tamika ignored her question “Why did he hang up on you? What did you say to him?”

  “I asked him if he was with you the night you overdosed. He hung up on me." Gracie mean mugged her sister. "So, was he with you the night you overdosed?”

  Tamika’s eyes went wide. “Why did you ask him that? He doesn’t even know I overdosed. I wasn’t with him when it happened. What the fuck Gracie?”

  Gracie’s blood boiled. “Lower your voice Tamika. I don’t want these…vultures calling you anymore. They are all bad news, Tamika and I plan on doing my best to keep them away from you.”

  Tamika froze in her tracks and glared at Gracie. “Brad doesn’t even do drugs, Gracie. I met him at Starbucks a few weeks ago. He’s a student at NYU and we’ve been on a few dates already.”

  Gracie lowered her gaze and looked away. “Oh…sorry about that Tamika…I just assumed—”

  “You just assumed what? That I’m not able to attract a good man? The type of man your goodie-two-shoes ass would accept? Well, guess what? You were wrong. But now thanks to your loose lips I can kiss that friendship goodbye.” Tamika headed towards her bedroom and looked back over her shoulder. “Please don’t answer my phone again.” With that she slammed the bedroom door shut and left Gracie standing alone in the living room.

  Gracie took a few deep breaths and then began crying. It seemed no matter what she did for Tamika, nothing ever turned out the right way. Perhaps it was because she tried to take a parental role with her sister and Tamika’s rebellious nature instinctively pushed her away. Or, and it pained her to admit this to herself, perhaps it was because Gracie had no fucking idea how to care for a drug addict?

  Whatever the reason, Gracie finally admitted she couldn’t cure her sister by herself. So she went to her purse and looked for the business card Tyler had given her with his cell number on the back. She found it and punched his number into her phone. Tyler answered on the second ring.


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