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Take My Hand (Interracial Erotic Romance)

Page 6

by Sophia Banks

  “Hello, Gracie.”

  “Hello, Tyler. Listen, I apologize for being rude but I would like to get right to the point.”

  “Please, go right ahead.”

  Gracie took a deep breath and began talking before she had a chance to change her mind. “Is your offer still valid?”

  “Of course it is. Do you want to take Tamika in tonight?”

  Gracie paused. “I don’t know. She was interested in rehab the night she was in the ER but since then she’s slowly starting to act in the same defiant manner she usually does. Plus, she’s pretty pissed at me right now and I am not sure if she will listen to what I have to say.”

  A few seconds of silence. “Do you want me to come over and help?”

  Gracie’s instinct was to tell him no but then she recalled how well he handled people and decided perhaps he could get through to Tamika. It’s not like she had anything to lose if he didn’t.

  “Sure. I’m at my cousin’s apartment. He lives in the McAllen building in Southern Harlem, apartment #414. Do you need the address?”

  “I’m sure Paul can find it. Hang tight, we will be there within the hour. Oh, and Gracie?”

  “Yes, Tyler?”

  “I’m glad you called.”


  Gracie changed out of the sweats she was wearing and applied a small layer of makeup to her face. She thought it would perhaps be a little rude if Tyler showed up and she looked like she worked for a maid service, not to mention if things went as planned they would be driving Tamika to rehab down in Tribeca. Can’t be out and about looking like a tramp, no matter what the situation.

  Tamika had yet to re-emerge from the bedroom. Gracie had walked by and thought she heard her talking on the phone but wasn’t sure that was the case. Even if she was talking on the phone, what could Gracie do? Kick down the door and wrestle it from Tamika’s hand? The familiar sense of dread had begun to creep back into Gracie’s mind and she felt if the situation remained the same it was only a matter of time before Tamika relapsed. The girl needed structure and information about her affliction. She would get neither sharing a bedroom with Gracie.

  The buzzer rang and Gracie looked away from the mirror and headed down the hall.

  “Tyler, is that you?” she asked into the speaker.

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Come on up.”

  Gracie pressed the front door button on the intercom and then walked to the living room waited for Tyler to knock. After a minute or so he did.

  Gracie opened the door and couldn’t help but smile. Tyler was dressed in a dark blue suit and wore a soft-yellow tie. He looked handsome and stoically strong, all at the same time.

  “Hello, Gracie.”

  “Hello, Tyler.” Without thinking Gracie reached out and hugged him.

  Tyler took her in his arms and patted the back of her head. “It will be okay, Gracie. I promise.”

  Gracie sniffled and looked up. “Are you sure? I’m so scared, Tyler. I don’t want anything to happen to my baby sister.”

  Tyler offered a tight smile. “We will do everything we can to help her. Is she home?”

  Gracie stepped back and nodded. “Yeah, she’s in her bedroom. Come on in and relax, I’m not even sure she’s awake right now.”

  Tyler followed Gracie into the apartment and closed the door behind him. “So, what happened?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You mentioned Tamika was pissed at you. I was wondering what happened. Of course, we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t like.”

  Gracie shrugged and took a seat on the sofa. “I don’t mind talking about it all. Earlier, Tamika’s phone rang and when I picked it up the man on the other end asked for her.” Gracie lowered her gaze. “I asked the guy if he was with Tamika the night she overdosed and he hung up on me. Turns out, at least according to Tamika, that he’s a nice guy who knows nothing of Tamika’s issues with drugs. So, as you can imagine she’s pretty annoyed at me right now.”

  Tyler nodded and took a seat next to Gracie. “You were just looking out for your sister, Gracie. Don’t beat yourself up over it. She will get over it and if she’s mature enough she will realize you are just looking out for her best interests.”

  Gracie snorted. “Mature enough, that’s a good one.”

  Tyler’s squeezed Gracie’s shoulder and nodded his head. “Sounds just like my brother. An angry child trapped inside a grown man’s body.”

  The feel of Tyler’s hand on her shoulder sent a domino-like ripple of Goosebumps down Gracie’s arm. Her body warmed and her head filled with thoughts that were not related to Tamika at all. Tyler’s words and soft touch calmed her like no drug could. Still, she had to keep her mind on what was important. Gracie stood and made haste for the kitchen.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Gracie asked. The raging furnace between her legs began to dissipate.

  “Sure, I will take a glass of water.”

  Gracie poured two glasses of water and used her fingers to spritz some cold water on her chest. My Lord, how bad I want this man. She shook her head and did her best to eradicate the lust-driven images flashing in her mind. Images of Tyler spreading her open on the couch and flecking her virgin pussy with his tongue. An image of Tyler unzipping his pants and revealing what Gracie suspected was a thick, veiny cock. Images of Tyler pressing her against the hallway wall while he took her maidenhood from her.

  “Do you need some help out there?” Tyler called out.

  Gracie fanned herself off. “No, I have everything under control, thanks.” She carried the sweaty glasses to the living room and offered one to Tyler.

  “Thanks,” he said and downed the water in two gulps. “I was actually pretty thirsty.”

  “You’re welcome.” Gracie bit her lower lip. “Should I go get Tamika? I’m worried she’s going to freak out and take off.”

  Tyler nodded his head. “Sure, she might do that. But, if she does then she isn’t ready for help.”

  Gracie nodded. “Wait here a second.”

  Tyler smiled and took Gracie’s hand in his. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Gracie locked eyes with Tyler for a moment and then headed for the hallway. She dragged her fingertips along the inside of Tyler’s palm and smiled. What a wonderful man. Is he the one I’ve been waiting for? Can I trust him? Gracie neared Tamika’s door and did her best to clear her mind. She needed to be strong for her sister now and after two deep breathes she felt as if she was ready. Or at least as ready as she would ever be. Gracie knocked.

  “What do you want?” Tamika asked from the other side of the door.

  “I want to talk to you. There is somebody here I would like you to meet.”

  “Who?” Tamika yelled out. “You better not be planning some sort of intervention.”

  Gracie made a fist and nearly put it through the door. The veins in her forehead throbbed and she locked her jaw. “Tamika, you need to get your narrow ass in the living room. Are we clear?”

  Silence, then the familiar creaking of the bed. After a few seconds the bedroom door opened and Tamika stuck her head out. “Promise me this isn’t some sort of trick. I don’t want to get locked up in some psych-ward. Please don’t do that to me, Gracie.”

  Gracie glared at her sister. “No tricks and no lockdowns, I promise.”

  Tamika nodded and stepped into the hallway. Dressed in a Brooklyn Nets t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants she looked up at her sister. “So, what’s going on then?”

  “I want you to meet a friend of mine, Tyler. He has an offer for you and I hope you listen to what he has to say.”

  Tamika squinted. “What kind of offer?”

  Gracie shook her head. “In your condition, does it matter?” She took Tamika by the hand. “C’mon girl, let’s not keep him waiting.”

  Tamika nodded and squeezed Gracie’s hand. Together they walked into the living room. Tyler stood and smiled when they made their entrance.

  “Hi, you must b
e Tamika.” He stepped forward and extended his hand. “I’m Tyler Scott and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Tamika stuck her hand out. “Yes, I’m Tamika and it’s nice to meet you as well. Gracie told me you have some sort of offer for me?”

  Gracie shot her sister an evil look. “Don’t be rude Tamika.”

  Tyler waved her off. “It’s okay, Gracie. I don’t think Tamika is being rude, I think she’s just curious as to what’s going on.”

  Tamika nodded her head. “Yes, I’m just wondering what’s going on. I’m curious.” She folded her arms across her chest and cocked her head to the side in anticipation of Tyler’s explanation.

  Gracie shook her head. Even down and out, Tamika knew how to act like a spoiled brat.

  Tyler motioned towards the couch. “Shall we sit?” He didn’t wait for an answer and sunk into the couch. The two girls shared the loveseat opposite him and Tyler began. “So, Tamika about what’s going on. Your sister used to work for me and when I found out she quit I called her to ask why. She informed me of your…struggles and I offered my help. I have paid for a ninety-day stay at Hazelden in Tribeca. It’s a great—“

  “I’m not going to no psych-ward and be surrounded by junkies and lunatics. I don't belong in a place like that. There’s nothing wrong with me. I just take having a little fun too far…sometimes.”

  Tyler nodded his head. “I understand, Tamika, but Hazelden is not a psych-ward. There are no locked doors and you will be able to leave anytime. It’s one of the premier substance abuse programs in the country and I personally know a few people it has helped to save.”

  “No locked doors?” Tamika asked.

  Tyler shook his head. “No locked doors.”

  “What kinds of people are there? Will I be sharing a room with anybody else?”

  Gracie interjected. “Stop being such a brat, Tamika. Who cares if you need to share a room with somebody? This is your life we are talking about here.”

  Tamika scrunched her face up. “You’re not the one who’s being asked to go to a strange place for ninety days. I would love you hear your questions if you were in my shoes. Probably be asking if the joint had Stevia in supply."

  Tyler chuckled and Gracie shot him a cold stare. He cleared his throat and looked back to Tamika. “Tamika, some people do share rooms at these places, yes. However, since I enjoy my privacy so much, I took the liberty of booking you your own private room.”

  Tamika smiled. “If I go, of course.”

  Gracie opened her mouth to tear her sister a new asshole but Tyler waved her off.

  “Can I ask what’s keeping you from going, Tamika?”

  Tamika shrugged. “Ninety-days is a long time. I am trying to put together an acting career.”

  Gracie grabbed a pillow and dug her nails into it.

  Tyler nodded. “What sort of acting? Stage or film?”

  “I think stage is my calling, but of course I wouldn’t turn down film work, either.”

  Tyler interlocked his hands and leaned forward. “Are you in performing arts school?”

  Tamika frowned and looked away. “No, I can’t afford it. Plus, the ones that are actually worth attending are impossible to get into, unless you know somebody.”

  Tyler nodded. “Have you heard of Julliard?”

  Tamika rolled her eyes. “Of course I have. It’s only the premier arts college in America.”

  Tyler leaned back and smiled. “Have you ever applied there?”

  Tamika shook her head. “No. Like I said, you don’t get in there unless you know somebody. Not to mention, even with financial aid, I’d never be able to afford it.”

  Tyler nodded. “If you could afford it, would you go?”

  Tamika looked at Tyler as if he’d lost his mind. “Of course I would. That’s a damn near one-way ticket to Broadway.” She narrowed her gaze and asked suspiciously. “But I can’t afford it, so why are you asking?”

  Tyler leaned forward and looked Tamika squarely in the eye. “What if the cost of admission were your time instead of money? If I promised you a spot at Julliard, would you go to Hazelden and complete the ninety-day stay?”

  Tamika laughed and looked at Gracie. “He’s not serious, is he? No way he has that kind of pull.”

  Gracie sighed. "Yes, he does. And if you’re serious about becoming an actress, this is your shot.”

  Tamika stopped laughing and looked at Tyler. “How are you sure you can get me into Julliard?”

  Tyler grinned. “I play handball with the dean once a week. He’s a decent man and I know he has a soft spot for people who fight for their dreams. So, Tamika, I guess the important question is this: Are you somebody who fights for her dreams? Somebody who will do whatever it takes to achieve greatness? Do you have the fortitude required to take what’s yours?”

  Tamika blushed and looked away. “I think I do,” she muttered.

  Tyler kept his eyes locked on her. “Do you want to stop using drugs and realize your full potential?”

  Tears welled in Tamika’s eyes and she nuzzled into Gracie’s bosom. “Yes, I do want to stop.” The tears escaped each of her eyes and ran down her mocha-colored cheeks. “But I don’t know how.”

  Tyler smiled. “That’s okay, Tamika. There are people who will show you how to help yourself. The important question is, are you ready to be shown how?”

  Tamika nodded and hugged Gracie.

  Tyler rose from the couch. “Good. Now let’s get you packed up and on your way.”


  “When will I be able to visit her?” Gracie asked Julie, the intake specialist. The two women were standing outside of the treatment facility. Tyler’s black limo was parked by the curb with the engine running. Tyler thought it was best if he waited outside during the intake process. Gracie couldn’t blame him; there was a lot of crying during the process, probably too much for any one man to handle. Even Tyler.

  “You will have to wait a minimum of two weeks. We like our patients to settle into their new environment before allowing them to have visitors.”

  Gracie nodded and placed a hand over Julie’s. “I want to thank you for being so helpful, Julie. As you can imagine this has been a very stressful situation for my family and you have been a blessing. I was worried Tamika would change her mind at the last second but you made the whole process seem so smooth. You’re a godsend, really.”

  Julie blushed. “I’m just doing my job, Gracie, but thank you for the kind words. I will be praying for the both of you.”

  “That is so sweet, thank you.”

  Gracie pulled her thin jacket close to her body and looked back over her shoulder to the waiting limo. She realized Tyler had been waiting for close to two hours and began to feel guilty.

  “Is that your taxi?” Julie asked and nodded towards the limo.

  Gracie laughed. “Sort of. For tonight, anyway.”

  Julie nodded and smiled. “Well then, Gracie, I should be getting back to work. If you have any questions in the morning, please feel free to call. Tamika will have a counselor assigned to her in the morning. I must warn you, however, that we are not allowed to give any information about patients over the phone. Tamika will have phone privileges after seventy-two hours and you will be able to speak to her then. Are there any other questions you may have?”

  Gracie shrugged. “I have a ton of questions, but none of them seem to be all that urgent. I will let you get back to work, Julie. Thanks again.”

  Julie smiled and waved goodbye as the automatic doors to the facility whooshed open. “Stay strong, Gracie. Tamika is going to need all the help she can get.” With that she was gone.

  Gracie took a deep breath and headed for the limo. The driver, Paul, opened his door and stepped outside. “Hello, Ms. Johnson. Are you ready to depart?”

  Gracie walked towards the back of the limo and smiled. She doubted she would ever get used to somebody opening and closing door for her. “Yes Paul, I am ready to depart.”

  Paul smiled and
opened the rear passenger door. Tyler’s backlit silhouette spilled onto the street. “Right this way, Ms. Johnson.”

  Gracie walked towards the door and pulled to a stop. “Paul, can you do me a favor?”

  “Of course, Ms. Johnson. What do you need?”

  Gracie smiled. “Please stop calling me Ms. Johnson. I prefer Gracie, if that’s okay with you.”

  Paul nodded his head. “That’s quite alright with me, Ms. Gracie.”

  Gracie rolled her eyes and smiled. “Thanks, Mr. Paul.”

  Paul smiled and Gracie entered the limo. Tyler was sitting inside, reading a book. He looked up at Gracie. “Did everything go well?” he asked.

  Gracie sat across from him and smiled. “After a few gallons of tears, yes, everything went well.”

  Tyler smiled. “Good, I’m glad. Would you like a glass of water?”

  “How about a something a little stronger?”

  “Sure thing. How about some OJ and vodka?”

  Gracie shrugged and sunk into the plush leather seat of the limo. “Anything with some bite to it will do.”

  With practiced ease Tyler mixed her drink and poured it into a Collins glass. He offered the drink to Gracie and she took it. Their fingers touched and Tyler looked into her eyes. “Would you like to be driven to your cousins house or your apartment? You’ve had a tough day and I imagine you’re ready for bed.”

  Gracie took a long pull of her drink and looked into Tyler’s dreamy eyes before answering. She was totally unprepared for his entrance into her life, but now she wasn’t sure how she would survive without him. All her life Gracie had wanted a strong man to look after her and it finally seemed her prayers had been answered. With Tamika safely tucked away, Gracie decided it was time she took care of some of her own aches. And she had a lot of them.

  “Actually Tyler, if you don’t mind I prefer to not be alone tonight.”

  Tyler smiled. “I don’t mind at all.”


  “So, how do you like the place?” Tyler asked.

  Gracie looked out over the city in awe. Tyler’s penthouse, located atop the Omni building, offered a breathtaking panoramic view of the Big Apple. “This view is amazing,” she gasped. “I’ve never seen anything like it in my life.”


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