Book Read Free


Page 14

by Donna K. Ford

  A faint smile played at the corner of Jackie’s lips as Kayla’s fingertips brushed her skin. After a minute or so of the caresses, Jackie’s eyes fluttered open. She immediately reached for Kayla.

  “Good morning,” Kayla whispered as she leaned down and kissed Jackie’s cheek.

  “Good morning.” Jackie squinted, her eyes still unfocused from sleep. “Why are you dressed? It’s still so early.”

  “I have to go. I have to get ready for work.”

  Jackie circled her arms around Kayla’s waist and curled against her. “Stay here with me. Take the day.”

  Kayla cradled Jackie’s head against her stomach and stroked her hair. “I have clients today and I’m sure you do too.”

  Jackie moaned and pulled up the hem of Kayla’s shirt, buried her face against her stomach, and began playing her tongue along the rim of Kayla’s belly button.

  Kayla laughed when she felt the muscles of her stomach twitch with arousal.

  “See, you aren’t ready to leave,” Jackie said dreamily.

  Kayla wanted to throw herself back onto the bed and wrap herself around Jackie. “I admit it would be very pleasurable to stay here in bed with you, but I really have to go.” She managed to extricate herself from Jackie’s embrace and gave her a soft kiss before stepping away from the bed.

  Jackie sat up, the sheet falling to her waist exposing her beautiful round breasts.

  Kayla sighed. “Not fair.”

  “What?” Jackie replied innocently.

  Kayla bit her bottom lip and shook her head. The cocky grin on Jackie’s face mocked Kayla’s resolve. It was the perfect display of cocky self-confidence that she found so threatening but so irresistible.

  “Call me later?” Kayla asked, suddenly vulnerable and uncertain about what would happen next.

  Jackie threw the covers aside, stepped out of bed, and crossed the room in two long strides, the muscles in her legs flexing with each step. “Of course I will. Better yet, why don’t you just stay?”

  Kayla wanted to stay. She wanted that more than anything at that moment, but she was already in dangerous waters. “I can’t,” she said breathlessly, her hands pressed against Jackie’s bare chest. Kayla couldn’t resist the silky feel of Jackie’s skin and the sight of her naked body. How was she supposed to leave now?

  “At least have coffee with me or let me make you breakfast.”

  Kayla smiled, feeling slightly reassured by Jackie’s reluctance to let her go. Perhaps their night together had been more than just sex. Jackie didn’t seem to want their time together to end either.

  Kayla glanced at the clock, and then back to Jackie’s pleading eyes. She sighed. “Okay…coffee. But you have to put on some clothes first.”

  Jackie laughed. “Anything you want.”


  Kayla was thankful for her full schedule to keep her mind focused on her work. But despite her best efforts, her mind wandered at the most unsettling times to her night with Jackie. She couldn’t help the smile that crept across her face. It was as if she could feel the lingering touch of Jackie’s body still pressed against her.

  By four that afternoon she had started checking her phone between clients just to see if Jackie had called. By six the happy elation had turned to doubt and by seven into self-recrimination. She was certain Jackie wouldn’t call. They had been through so much in one night. Maybe Jackie had changed her mind. The challenge was over. Jackie had been emotional and wanted to walk away and Kayla had practically thrown herself at her. Kayla scolded herself for being so hard on Jackie. She wasn’t being fair. She was driving herself crazy.

  Mentally drained, Kayla turned off her computer and gathered her things, glad to put an end to her day. Maybe she should call Jackie. She cringed. That seemed desperate. She had been certain Jackie had felt the same way she did about their night together. But with each passing hour her doubt grew.

  Kayla pulled up to her house a half an hour later to find Jen’s car parked in her drive. She cut off the engine just as her phone rang. Her heart lurched and her stomach did a summersault the instant she recognized Jackie’s number. She was torn between relief and dread as she stared at the name on the screen. Stop being childish.

  “Hello,” she answered

  “Hi there. Sorry to call so late.”

  “No, no, this is fine. I’m just getting home. It’s been a long day.”

  “Yeah, same here. Maybe you should have taken me up on that offer to take the day off and just stay in bed.”

  Kayla smiled. “Maybe I should have.”

  Jackie groaned. “Now I need a cold shower. I’m going to be here for at least another hour.”

  Kayla hesitated. “Do you want dinner?”

  “What I would like is to be in bed with you. But I can’t tonight.”

  “Tomorrow night then?”

  Jackie sighed. “That’s not good for me. I have a dinner meeting with people from work.”

  “Oh…okay,” Kayla said, unable to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

  “Maybe Wednesday?” Jackie offered.

  Kayla smiled. “Wednesday is good.”

  “Great. How about I call you and we can make more definite plans then.”


  There was an awkward pause. “How are you today? Are you okay with…everything?” Jackie asked.

  Kayla hesitated. “I am now.”

  “Good. I’ve been thinking about you all day. I really enjoyed being with you and not just because…you know.”

  “Me too.” Kayla smiled a real smile this time and sank back into the leather seat. “Thank you for saying that.”

  “I mean it. Who else can say they had lunch by a stream with a beautiful woman, only to be chased away by a bear?”

  Kayla chuckled. “You know that’s not what I was talking about. And we weren’t exactly being chased.”

  “Ha. That may be how you saw it, but in my story we were definitely being chased. I think we could have been eaten.”

  This time Kayla laughed out loud. “You’re not right.”

  Jackie’s voice sobered. “I really like it when you laugh. Come to think of it, I like other sounds you make too.”

  “Don’t,” Kayla warned.

  “What? Are you blushing right now? I bet you are,” Jackie teased.

  “That’s not nice.”

  Jackie relented. “Okay, okay. I’ll play nice just this once. I’ll talk to you Wednesday.”

  Kayla sighed. “Good night.”

  “Good night, Kayla.”

  Kayla sat in her car gripping her keys in her hand when her phone rang again.

  She jumped, startled by the unexpected call, and quickly glanced at the phone. Disappointment washed over her like a cold shower as Jen’s number appeared on the screen. Kayla sighed, a little guilty for her reaction to her friend.

  “Hey.” Jen’s voice was low and tinged with concern. “Is there some reason you’re just sitting outside in your car? Are you okay? Why didn’t you pull into the garage?”

  “I’m fine.” Kayla chuckled. “I’ll be right in. What’s for dinner?”


  Kayla laughed, thankful for the distraction.


  “Are you crazy?” Jen asked with her fork halfway to her mouth. “You should go to her.”

  Kayla had told Jen what happened between her and Jackie when Jen confronted her about not coming home the night before. It felt good to talk about her feelings, but Jen wasn’t exactly one to hold back her opinion either.

  “What’s the problem K? She’s beautiful, funny, and fun to be with. And you obviously have amazing chemistry, right?”

  “Yes to all counts.”

  “Then what are you doing here with me? You should go to her.”

  Kayla shook her head. “It doesn’t matter, she’s busy tonight. Besides, I didn’t mean to sleep with her last night. It was an emotional day and there are some things we still need to work out. She made it pr
etty clear she only wants a casual relationship, and I’m not sure I can do that.”

  “You’re scared.”

  Kayla narrowed her eyes and glared at Jen. “I’m not running. I just…” Kayla shifted uncomfortably and let out an exasperated breath.

  Jen let up a little. “What is it?”

  Kayla sighed. “Waking up with her this morning was…I wanted too much,” she stammered.

  Jen took Kayla’s hand. “You really like her, don’t you?”

  Kayla nodded, knowing that like didn’t exactly describe her feelings for Jackie. She couldn’t define it to herself, but she knew she wanted to be near Jackie, hear her voice, and touch her, all the time.

  “K, if you really like her, I don’t think staying away from her is really going to help. You’re just going to drive yourself crazy thinking about her.”

  “I know that, and you know that, but she doesn’t have to know that.”

  Taking advantage of a momentary silence, Kayla changed the subject. “How are you doing? Any word from Mike?”

  Jen rolled her eyes. “Oh yes. He’s sent me about a hundred text messages today. He’s mad because I won’t put money in his account and his truck payment is due.”

  “Ouch. Good for you.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ve decided a real break is best for me right now. He’ll just have to figure it out.”

  Kayla smiled at Jen. “I’m proud of you. I know that’s hard for you to do.”

  “You know, it’s easier this time. He’s been so mean to me lately that even I can’t feel sorry for him.”

  Kayla squeezed Jen’s hand. “I’m glad you’re finally seeing him for what he really is. You’ve done everything to try to help him. He’s the only one who can change this. I’m glad to see you taking care of your needs for a change.”

  Tears misted across Jen’s eyes and she straightened. “I just want to be happy. I’m so tired of fighting, worrying, and feeling like I don’t matter.”

  “You do matter. And you deserve to be happy.”

  Jen looked into Kayla’s eyes and leaned forward. “So do you, K.”

  Kayla dropped her gaze and reached for her keys.

  “Come on, I’m tired. Let’s go home.” Kayla didn’t want to think anymore. Her night with Jackie had been wonderful, but she knew better than to expect more.


  Jackie pushed through her run and made it to the office an hour early. She had a long day of patients ahead of her and then she had to get through an office dinner and breaking in a new associate. The moment she entered the office the reality of just how long a day it would be hit like a ton of bricks. Her life had suddenly become very complicated.

  Peter smiled like the Cheshire cat. “Jack, I’m glad you’re here. Come and meet our newest associate, Heather Collins. Heather, this is Jacqueline Phillips.”

  Heather greeted her with a smile. Jackie felt Heather’s dark eyes train on her as Heather took her hand in a firm grip.

  “Nice to meet you, Jack, I’m looking forward to working with you.” A wicked grin curved at the corner of her mouth.

  Jackie swallowed hard and cautiously shook Heather’s hand. “Welcome aboard. And you can call me Jackie.”

  There was no point in hoping Heather didn’t remember her. Heather’s grip tightened as Jackie attempted to extract her hand. She couldn’t miss the blaze that flared in Heather’s eyes as she brazenly trailed her gaze down Jackie’s body.

  Peter’s cheerful voice trilled through the air. “Okay, Jack, Heather can shadow you today. I’m sure you can show her the ropes,” he said with an exaggerated wink.

  Jackie wanted to throttle him, even if he did mean well. How could he know she already knew too many very intimate details about their new associate?

  “Oh, and don’t forget we’re all meeting at Coco Moon for dinner tonight,” Peter called before disappearing into his office.

  “Great,” she answered. “Sounds great.”

  Suddenly self-conscious, Jackie pulled at her sweat drenched shirt. The wet fabric clung to her clammy skin and she was certain she smelled like a goat. “I need to hit the shower before we get started. I’ll see you in a bit, Heather.”

  Heather’s eyes were fixed on Jackie’s breasts. “Looking forward to it,” she said with a wink.

  Jackie fled to the showers. Only a few weeks ago she would have been doing the happy dance to have a beautiful woman like Heather display such obvious interest in her, but not today. What were the chances that she and Heather would wind up working together? They hadn’t exactly talked about much the night they met. Jackie hadn’t even known Heather was a physical therapist. What were the chances of that? Jackie groaned. Complicated didn’t even begin to describe her life right now.

  Jackie braced her hands on the shower wall and let the water cascade across her head and shoulders. It was definitely going to be a long day. She stood there until her skin became tender under the assault of hot water. She shut the water off and ran a towel over her hair and gave the rest of her body a quick swipe before wrapping the towel loosely around her waist. She was halfway to her locker when she heard the door.

  Heather rounded the corner a moment later, her tall frame erect, and her jet-black hair pulled back in a ponytail. She stopped abruptly in front of Jackie, feigning surprise. She trailed her eyes across Jackie’s half-naked body. She grinned mischievously and cocked her hip against a locker.

  “Hmm. I like this job already.”

  Jackie continued on to her locker, feeling exposed and oddly uncomfortable. She was used to being naked in front of other women, especially in the locker room, but this was no ordinary woman. This was a woman who had intimate knowledge of her body and what she liked to do with it. The situation was all wrong.

  “I’ll be ready in a few minutes and I’ll come show you around,” Jackie said over her shoulder, hoping Heather would get the hint and leave her alone.

  “Oh, there’s no hurry.”

  Jackie pulled on a sports bra and her company polo shirt. She knew Heather was still watching her, and her discomfort was starting to irritate her. She glanced over at Heather casually. “Can I help you with something?”

  “Hmm. Good question. I’m sure I could think of a few things.”

  Before Jackie could say anything, Heather moved forward and added, “I do enjoy the view, but for now I can wait outside.”

  Jackie watched Heather glide around the corner and listened for the door. She let her head fall against her locker with a heavy thud.


  Chapter Twelve

  “Come on Kayla. Let’s go out,” Jen pleaded. “It’s too quiet around here. Besides you don’t have a hot date tonight or anything, right? We hardly ever get off work this early—let’s enjoy it.”

  Kayla put the book she had been trying to read down on the table. “Where are we going to go on a Tuesday night? And please don’t say Mexican. I can’t do that again.”

  “Don’t you worry. I looked up some new places online. We have options.”

  Kayla could see Jen was going stir-crazy and needed a break from the constant barrage of texts and threatening voicemails she had been receiving from Mike all evening.

  “Okay. You’re right. After this crazy day, we should have a little fun.”

  Jen beamed and bounced up and down on the balls of her feet and let out a delighted squeal.

  Kayla laughed.

  The place Jen chose had only been in operation for a couple of months. “So, what’s the scoop on this place? Is it another gay club?”

  “Well it is gay owned, but I think it’s mostly a restaurant until midnight and then it turns into a dance club in the back.” Jen stopped just inside the door. “Wow.”

  The room was filled with leather-upholstered booths that were really more like small sofas with a table in the middle. A stained concrete bar top stretched three-quarters of the length of the room, and the front wall was all glass with silk string drapes that allowed in light, whi
le obscuring the view into the club from the outside. The waitstaff were mostly men dressed in black slacks, dress shirts with colorful ties, and suit vests.

  Jen’s mouth was agape. “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  Kayla laughed at Jen’s new infatuation with gay men. Kayla stepped up when the hostess came to seat them. “Two, please.”

  They sank into the luscious leather booth, both sighing in pleasure.

  Kayla ran her hand along the sofa and relaxed into the plush throw cushions that added a spot of color to the warm décor. “This place is incredible.”

  “Incredible is right.” Jen purred as a tall, handsome man approached their table. He had beautiful mocha skin and a trim muscular body. He was dressed in the same black slacks and vest as the others, but his tie was an electric baby blue that set off his eyes. His curly dark hair was cut close to his scalp, leaving just enough hair for brushing fingers through. Kayla was one hundred percent lesbian, but even she admired his beauty.

  After much gushing, stammering, and flirting, Jen learned that the waiter’s name was Damian and he was from the Dominican Republic. He was an Iraq war veteran and was—to Kayla’s surprise—straight and, to Jen’s dismay, married.

  Dinner was fabulous. Kayla was relaxed and having fun. Maybe having Jen around was good for her. She was at least leaving the house now and was learning to enjoy being around other gay people on a regular basis. Kayla often craved the feeling of sameness and security that came from being with other lesbians and gays, but there were few places for the local LGBT community to gather that weren’t dance clubs or smoke filled bars. Kayla wasn’t much of a fan of either. This was nice and she looked forward to coming here more often.

  As the night went on, the lights dimmed and a moving projector scattered multicolored pin lights in rhythmic patterns on the walls. The techno music that had always been present rose in volume as the room began to fill up. Kayla’s attention was drawn to a back room that was sectioned off from the dining area by a wall of glass. A group of people lounged in the many sofas lining the walls surrounding a dance floor. People mingled as they swayed and moved to the beat, succumbing to the intoxicating lure of the music enticing them to move their bodies.


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