Book Read Free


Page 15

by Donna K. Ford

  Jen drew Kayla’s attention by waving a hand in front of her face. “I have to go to the little girls’ room—I’ll be right back.”

  Kayla nodded. She was happy to take advantage of the few minutes alone to people watch. A burst of laughter from the front of the room drew her attention to a large table near the bar. A tall woman with long jet-black hair stood next to a group of men and women. Her head was thrown back in laughter, allowing her lustrous black hair to cascade down her back and shoulders. Her laughter was hearty and she was obviously very comfortable with the attention she commanded. She was very attractive and she knew it.

  She watched the woman’s self-assured movements, listened to her bold laughter, and observed the way the rest of the group seemed to hang on her every word. What would it be like to have such a commanding presence? A waiter carrying a tray of drinks made his way through the throng of people and they parted to give him room. Kayla’s heart froze the instant she saw the tall slim figure step from beside the laughing woman. There was no mistaking the warm brown hair that curled slightly along the pale blue collar, or the perfect curve of jaw framing kissable lips. Kayla’s palms itched as the memory of Jackie’s strong body pulsed beneath the skin of her hands.

  Kayla flinched when the dark-haired woman reached out a hand and brushed Jackie’s hair back and draped her arm around Jackie’s shoulders.

  The sound of Jen’s voice pulled Kayla out of her stunned shock.

  “Oh my God, I can’t believe there are so many gorgeous men here. You won’t believe what I saw on the way to the bathroom.” Jen froze the instant she registered the change in Kayla. “What’s wrong, K? Are you all right?” Jen turned her head and looked around the room.

  “I think I need to go now, Jen.”

  Jen turned back to Kayla. “What did I miss? What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, I just had some questions answered, that’s all.”

  Jen frowned. “Well, that’s vague. Come on, tell me what happened.”

  Kayla knew Jen wouldn’t let it go, so she gave in. “Look to the table at the front near the bar.”

  Jen followed Kayla’s instructions and studied the mixed group of men and women gathered at the long high-top table.

  “Okay, that guy looks familiar, but I don’t remember from where.” Her gaze continued to move across the group until her eyes landed on the tall woman holding court.

  “Damn, she’s hot.”

  Kayla glared at Jen. “Keep looking.”

  Jen studied the group a bit longer. “Hey, there’s Jackie,” she said, then frowned. “Oh, shit,” she said as the tall brunette brushed her hand across Jackie’s chest along her collarbone before looping her arm around Jackie’s. Jen looked back at Kayla, her eyes wide with concern. “K, this doesn’t mean anything. Don’t jump to conclusions. Maybe you should go say hello.”

  Kayla took a deep breath and tried to calm the storm of emotions that thundered around in her brain. Her head throbbed. It was difficult to breathe and she thought she might be sick. She drew a steadying breath and thought about the evidence. Jackie had told her she was going out with her work group and she was with a large group of people. They were not in a relationship and Jackie had the right to be wherever, with whomever she wanted. Kayla gave herself a mental kick for being so impulsive and for jumping to conclusions. But the sight of another woman touching Jackie had upset her more than she expected or wanted to admit.

  “You’re right. She did say she was going out with people from work tonight, and those are the same guys she was with at the bar the night we met.”

  “See. There you go. This is a work thing. Kind of like us.”

  Kayla wasn’t convinced, but she wanted to believe it was true.

  “Let’s get the check and we’ll say hello on the way out,” Jen offered.

  Kayla nodded. “Okay.”


  Heather proved to be very good at her job and to Jackie’s relief had been totally focused on her work. There had been no more of the flirtations that had started the day. Maybe she had overreacted to Heather. Maybe she had read more into things than were really there.

  That thought was shattered when Jackie strolled into the restaurant. Heather and Peter were already seated at the table having drinks when she arrived. Jackie cautiously made her way over, purposefully sitting next to Peter and across from Heather.

  “Hey. About time you showed up,” Peter said giving her shoulder a shove.

  “Sorry.” Jackie glanced up at Heather briefly before looking away. She could feel Heather staring at her, and when their eyes met, Heather was looking at her like she was the main course.

  “Everything okay?” Peter asked.

  Jackie shrugged, thankful to talk about work. “I had a few things to follow up on, nothing to worry about.”

  “Good.” Peter lifted his glass. “What are you drinking?”

  Jackie shrugged. “I’m not sure yet.” She looked at her watch, then the door, wondering where the rest of the group was.

  “Well, everyone else is running a little late too,” Peter said as if reading her mind. “But that just gives us more time to get to know each other better.”

  Jackie knew by the sharp pinch at the back of her arm that Peter was referring to her and Heather. Jackie smiled and nodded, resisting the urge to strangle Peter.

  “So, Heather, how was your first day? Did Jackie take good care of you?”

  A spark glinted in Heather’s eyes as she flashed a bright smile that should have had Jackie’s heart racing.

  “Oh, I definitely like what I’ve seen so far.” Heather reached across the table and placed her hand over Jackie’s. “I’m sure I can learn a thing or two from Jackie.”

  Jackie’s face was on fire. She pulled her hand away and pushed out of her chair. “I’m going to get a drink. Can I bring either of you anything?”

  Heather pursed her lips in what could have been either a pout or acknowledgment of a challenge. Jackie wasn’t sure which, but both made her uneasy.

  “The waiter has our drink order already,” Peter said. “You can give him your order when he gets back.”

  “That’s okay. I want to say hello to Antwon at the bar. Please excuse me for a moment.”

  Jackie leaned on the bar to get Antwon’s attention.

  “Hello, gorgeous. What are you drinking tonight?”

  Jackie smiled, letting some of the tension slip from her shoulders. “Hendrick’s and tonic.”

  “Hmm, going for the good stuff tonight?” He glanced over his shoulder toward Jackie’s table and waggled his eyebrows.

  Jackie laughed. “Any other time, I’d agree with you, but—” Her words were cut short as a long slender hand cupped her arm and she felt firm breasts press against her back. Jackie stiffened. Warm breath brushed across her ear as Heather spoke. She replayed the memory of tasting Heather’s lips and warning bells clanged loudly in her head. Don’t go there. This is supposed to be a work thing not a get-laid thing.

  Heather set her glass of wine down on the bar top. “This wine is not to my taste. Do you think I could have another glass?”

  Jackie was trapped between Heather and the bar and was acutely aware of Heather’s breasts pressed against her.

  “What would you like instead?” Antwon asked.

  Heather brushed her finger down Jackie’s glass. “I’ll have what she’s having.”

  “Sure thing. Coming right up.” Antwon swept the glass away and was gone, leaving Jackie to deal with Heather.

  Jackie shifted, trying to put a little distance between them. “That’s a big switch.”

  Heather smiled. “I know what I like.” She leaned close to Jackie until her lips brushed the edge of Jackie’s ear. “I like my wine dry and my women wet.”

  Jackie shivered as the faintest brush of tongue slid over her ear. Uncomfortable with where this was going, she pushed back from the bar and stepped away. “Look, Heather, I think you’re beautiful, but I don’t mix business wi
th pleasure.”

  Heather smirked. “There’s a first time for everything,” she said, running a finger along Jackie’s jaw.

  To Jackie’s relief, Antwon sat the fresh drink down on the bar in front of them, interrupting the exchange.

  “Anything else, ladies?”

  Heather picked up the glass and stepped away. She looked at Jackie over the rim of her glass as she took a drink. “This will do…for now.”

  Jackie watched her walk away and let out an exasperated breath before downing half her drink. “Maybe you should pour me another glass, Antwon.”

  “Okay, Jack, but you might want to go easy. It looks like you’re going to need your wits about you tonight. She might be a little more than you can handle.”

  “I think you’re right about that,” Jackie said finishing her drink and reaching for the fresh glass.

  By the time she made her way back to the table, the rest of the group had arrived and were engaged in conversation. Jackie was glad she could stand since the high-top was full. When she scanned the group, she realized with some relief that Heather was missing. Restroom maybe.

  Jackie wanted to excuse herself and go home, but Peter would kill her if she bailed on him this early. She was even more flustered when Heather returned and made some joke that made everyone laugh. She had been so preoccupied with trying to figure a way out of the evening that she didn’t hear what was said.

  When she didn’t laugh, Heather reached over and brushed Jackie’s hair off her collar and then wrapped her arm around Jackie’s shoulders. “Hmm, looks like someone’s not keeping up. I wonder what’s on that mind of yours?”

  Jackie cleared her throat. “Nothing, just tired.”

  Heather leaned closer to Jackie and brushed her hand along her chest, tracing the ridge of collarbone through the thin fabric of her shirt. “I know just the thing to help you relax.”

  An awareness permeated Jackie’s senses. The tiny hairs at the back of her neck tingled and she had the undeniable feeling that she was missing something.

  Heather looped her arm around Jackie’s and squeezed possessively.

  Jackie lifted her head and scanned the room, searching for the source of this strange sensation. Her eyes fell on the vague figure of a woman in the crowd. Although she couldn’t see the woman’s face, her body cried out with knowing. Her lips parted as the name slipped out on her breath. “Kayla.”

  At that moment the throng of people parted and she saw the one person she longed to see. She felt the smile blossom at the corners of her mouth and reach her eyes as Kayla and Jen stepped up to their group.

  “Hello, Jackie,” Jen said standing close behind Kayla.

  Jackie felt a sudden flood of tension rise in her belly as she registered the cold note in Jen’s voice.

  “Hi, Jen, good to see you again,” Jackie said meeting Jen’s eyes momentarily before turning her gaze to Kayla. She smiled at Kayla. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  Kayla held Jackie’s gaze believing the sincerity she heard in Jackie’s voice. “I’m sure you didn’t.”

  Jackie frowned. “Would you like to join us for dinner or a drink? I could introduce you to the team.”

  “We don’t want to intrude,” Kayla said, her voice sounding soft and wounded to her own ears. She tried to hide the prickle of pain that pierced her chest. She wanted to be wrong about Jackie. “We had dinner already, and we’re just on our way out. I wouldn’t want to interrupt.” Kayla couldn’t help but glance toward the woman who had been pawing at Jackie earlier.

  “You wouldn’t be interrupting anything,” Jackie answered quickly.

  Kayla studied Jackie’s face trying to read beyond her expression. Was Jackie nervous that she had seen her with the other woman? Or did she really want her to stay?

  Jackie smiled and reached out a hand to Kayla, her fingers brushing lightly along Kayla’s arm before closing around her hand. Kayla felt warmth spread through her fingertips.

  Jackie opened her mouth as if to speak but stopped when a hand snaked around her waist. The woman with the long black hair draped her arms around Jackie as if she owned her.

  “Hmm, who are your friends?”

  Kayla flinched.

  The woman extended a hand to Kayla. “I’m Heather.”

  Kayla took Heather’s hand calmly. “Hello, Heather. I’m Kayla and this is my friend Jen. Don’t let us keep you from your evening, we were just leaving. It’s nice meeting you.”

  Kayla dropped Heather’s hand and stepped around the group without another word to Jackie. She felt Jen close behind her as they reached the door.


  Kayla sat in the porch swing allowing the gentle rocking motion to soothe her. She wouldn’t cry. Jackie had tried to tell her she wasn’t ready. She should have listened. It was better to know things now than waiting till she had deeper feelings for Jackie.

  Jen leaned against the porch railing watching her.

  “I’m okay, Jen. You can go on to bed.”

  “Sweetie, I don’t know what happened tonight. I don’t even know how to make out what I saw with my own eyes. But I think there’s more to this story than we know. Jackie didn’t seem to be into that woman. Maybe they’re just good friends. Like you and me.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure you’re right.”

  Jen sighed. “Can I get you anything?”

  “No. I’m fine. Really, you should go to bed.”

  Kayla’s phone buzzed. She didn’t have to look to know the message waiting for her was from Jackie.

  “Why don’t you talk to her and get some answers about what happened tonight.”

  “You’re right. I need to put this to rest. I’m being childish.”

  Jen leaned down and kissed Kayla’s cheek. “I’ll be inside if you need me.”


  She played the message. Kayla, give me a call. This wasn’t what it looked like. We should talk.

  Kayla knew she was wrong for judging Jackie without hearing her out, but she had been hurt and wanted to be home. She was sure Jackie hadn’t meant to hurt her, but she couldn’t bring herself to talk to her just yet. The one thing she knew without a doubt was that Jackie and Heather had slept together. She could see it in the way Heather touched Jackie. But she hadn’t once seen Jackie touch Heather back.

  Kayla rubbed her temples. Jealousy was a new emotion for her and she didn’t like it. After listening to Jackie’s message for the fourth time she scolded herself for being so pathetic. Since when did she play the victim?

  She wiped her face with her hands and sat up. She took a long shaky breath and dialed Jackie’s number. It was getting late, but she had to face this. Besides, this way she would know if Jackie had gone home alone. If so, they could talk. If not, then Kayla would have her answer and there wouldn’t be anything left to talk about. It was as simple as that.

  Jackie answered the phone on the half ring. “Kayla?”

  “Hey.” Kayla’s voice was tight and flat.

  “Thanks for calling me back. I’m sorry. I know how bad things looked, but it wasn’t what it seemed.”

  “Really?” Kayla cut Jackie off. “Explain it to me then. Because what I saw looked a lot like another woman’s hands on your body. And I realize I don’t have any right to be upset about that, but humor me.”

  “I just want to explain. I’ve been honest with you about everything. Just hear me out.”

  Kayla sighed. “I’m listening.”

  She heard Jackie expel a breath.

  “I met Heather a couple of months ago. Today was the first time I’ve seen her since then but she seemed to have the idea that we could be more than work partners. I had no idea she was the new associate Pete brought on board until I walked in the door this morning.”

  “When you say you met her a couple of months ago, you mean you slept together.”

  Jackie sighed. “Yes. I’m sorry you had to see that. I didn’t know how to handle the situation because tonight was a work thing.

  “So why aren’t you still there?”

  Jackie hesitated. “It didn’t seem so important anymore.” There was a long silence on the line. “Look, I don’t know what this is between us, but you should know that I haven’t been out with anyone else since we met. I’ve been honest with you about everything from day one.”

  Kayla didn’t have any reason not to believe Jackie. She wanted to believe her. “I know I don’t even have the right to be upset about this. It isn’t like we’re together or anything. But seeing that woman’s hands on you was too much for me. How do I know you won’t change your mind next week and decide she’s what you want, or some other woman?”

  “You don’t. I told you I don’t have any promises. I just didn’t want you to think I had been dishonest.”

  Kayla thought of the tenderness in Jackie’s touch, the lingering of her eyes on her body as if she was memorizing every detail. She had felt how carefully Jackie trailed her lips across her skin, savoring the feel, the taste of her. But more than that, she had felt Jackie open herself to her. She had shown her vulnerability and she had slept in Kayla’s arms.


  Kayla closed her eyes and let her heart guide her. “123 Sea Brook Lane.”


  “That’s where I live.”

  She heard the catch in Jackie’s breath when she realized the significance of that simple statement.

  “Is that an invitation?”

  Kayla considered for a moment. She was about to risk everything. “Yes.”


  Kayla sighed. “Because I’m tired. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I want to feel alive. And that’s how you make me feel.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The warm glow of lights flickered into view as Jackie made her way down the quiet residential street to Kayla’s house. She swallowed hard but couldn’t calm the butterflies swimming in her stomach. No matter how this turned out, she didn’t want Kayla to believe she had lied to her. As soon as she killed the engine she pushed the door open and jogged around the car. She was about to ring the bell when she heard Kayla’s soft voice say her name. She peered into the dim light and shadows to the end of the porch, trying to see beyond the darkness to the silhouette of a woman.


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