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Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)

Page 11

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  I lay looking at the ceiling as Chloe's breaths became shallow as she drifted off to sleep. She needed to be going as CJ would be back soon but I didn't have the heart to move her and if I was honest with myself, I was just enjoying the closeness. I too was feeling tired and I was fighting with my eyes although my mind was working overtime. It got to the stage where I couldn't fight it any longer and I fell into a deep sleep holding the woman that I loved.

  I woke startled and for a while confused as to where I was. I turned my head slowly towards the table lamp to see CJ smiling back at me.

  "You dirty dog!"

  "What? What you talking about CJ?"

  "You dirty fucking dog, that's Chloe."

  I looked at her still snuggled to my chest and slowly moved her hair from her face. "Your point is?"

  CJ laughed, he'd obviously been drinking and was therefore louder than normal but it was interesting to see his reaction. "You're going to be in so much trouble."

  "Do you think so?"

  "I know so. I don't know who will kill you first though, Hound or Duke."

  I rolled my eyes, why was everything so complicated, why couldn't they all see it for what it was just two people who cared for each other. "I'm going to see Hound tomorrow and ask for his permission to start seeing Chloe."

  "That's a decent thing to do but what if he says no?"

  "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

  "Well I'd start thinking about it rather quickly because I don't think he is going to make this easy for you."

  I lay there stroking the side of Chloe's head as she slept, I loved spending time with her and I knew that she felt the same but the one thing I knew for certain, was that I wasn't giving her up without a fight.

  Chapter 6


  "So we meet again on the curb," I strolled over to Chloe and held out my hands to pull her up.

  She placed her delicate hands in mine and allowed me to gently pull her to her feet.

  Chloe smiled sweetly, "Good morning."

  Leaning towards her I placed a light kiss on her lips, I could so easily take her but the timing wasn't right. I knew that she'd be nervous about today but we needed to get it all out in the open in order for us to pursue with what I knew would be fantastic.

  "So how have you been these last couple of days?"

  She was asking in reference to Duke sending CJ and I on another delivery after the one in Maidstone. Because of this, my plans of telling Hound had been postponed giving me a few extra days to worry about the outcome. I'd unfortunately been too busy with work to contact Chloe and finally only got hold of her last night asking her to meet me here but she understood and I loved that easiness about her as she didn't give me any added pressure.

  "I'm good babe, I just want to get this over and done with as it's been going on for too long." I placed my hand in hers and walked in the direction of the picnic benches. It was shaping up to be a warm autumn day with just the lightest of breezes in the air.

  "Are you sure we're making the right decision?"

  "Please elaborate on that statement because you're confusing me."

  Chloe let go of my hand and sat at the picnic bench, I had too much nervous energy to sit so I paced around waiting for her to explain further.

  "I don't mean right decision in being together, I want this Woods I really do but I just think..." She tailed off not even making eye contact with me which was worrying.

  "Chloe you need to be totally straight with me babe, if you're having second thoughts about the whole situation then you need to tell me now."

  "I just don't want you to make any rash decisions. You know what they may ask of you and I don't want to be that reason as you may later resent me for it."

  My heart lurched in my chest, I was on tender hooks wanting her to explain what she meant and was relieved by her mature answer although she'd got it completely wrong. I made my way over to Chloe and crouched between her thighs, "You mean the world to me. I want us to be together and give it a go to see what may or may not develop. If the club doesn't allow me to do that then I'm prepared to walk away."

  She shook her head, "But will they allow you to just walk away though?"

  I knew full well that they wouldn't just let me leave. Only club members who'd served for a long time were allowed to leave with honours but I didn't want her to worry. "Trust me it will be fine," I heard the words leave my mouth but in the process I was only trying to convince myself also. I just couldn't call it, I just didn't know how they were going to react.

  "How's your dad doing now?" I'd heard from some of the guys that he was still at home recovering but as I'd only arrived home this morning I hadn't seen him since the welcome home party for Paige.

  "Yeah he's good, he just needs to take it easy and then make changes to his lifestyle."

  "Such as?"

  "The amount he eats, drinks and exercises."

  I sniggered, "Well he's had that lifestyle for the best part of thirty years, he'll find it difficult to change."

  "I know so that's why his family and the club need to be supportive. It doesn't have to be drastic, just some simple changes and cutting out certain foods and he'll be on the road to recovery."

  "What about work?"

  "He's been signed off but Cade is stepping in."

  "That's good." Cade had proved himself and he knew his way around an engine.

  "Yeah Cade has turned out to be a good asset and he gets on really well with dad." Chloe sighed, "Do you think this will raise his blood pressure?"

  "If we go about it sensibly, I'm hoping he'll take it well. He may not like it but I just want him to understand and on the plus side, he won't be able to chase me and kick my arse."

  Chloe sniggered, "That's true."

  I glanced at my watch, "Do you want to head over there?"

  "Not particularly but I know that we have to," I could sense the nervousness in Chloe's voice. I stood taking her hand in mine to pull her to her feet again in the process.

  "Trust me!"

  We walked towards my motorcycle deep in our own thoughts. I'd considered every possibly scenario including the one where I lost my genitals but I needed to do this, we needed to do this otherwise we'd always be thinking what if.

  "You ready?" Chloe had been quiet on the journey over and was equally so now that we were on her parents doorstep. She nodded and tried to let go of my hand but I held firm tightening my grip and knocked on the door.

  I could hear movement beyond the door and after a short time Maggie opened it with a smile. "Hello Woods, how you doing darling?" she stepped forward and kissed both of my cheeks before she realised that Chloe was standing beside me. "Chloe, what you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?" Maggie glanced between us and then down at our entwined fingers, "Oh!" She didn't say anything further she simply stepped aside allowing us access into the house. "Hound is in the living room," she gestured with hand inviting us in.

  Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the hallway knowing that it was now too late to change our minds.

  "Chloe, I wasn't expecting to see you today." Hound folded his newspaper and placed it on the coffee table before opening his arms wide to embrace her.

  "I wanted to see how you were doing." Chloe smiled at Hound as she bent down to give him a hug.

  "You know me, I just wanted a couple of days off work," he swatted his hand making light of the situation.

  "And I hope you are resting up, you gave us all a scare." Chloe stepped back and sat on the sofa opposite where Hound was sitting. It was only when she moved out of the way that he noticed I was in the room.

  "Sorry Woods, I didn't see you there mate. How you been?" Hound shuffled up the sofa and arranged his pillows quickly.

  "Yeah not bad, I've been away again with CJ I only got back this morning."

  "Yeah some of the guy's said, are things under control?" Hound glanced at Chloe knowing that he couldn't say too much in front of her.

good," I decided that now was the best time and walked over to the sofa to sit next to Chloe.

  "So what do I owe this pleasure?" Hound asked looking between us confused.

  "Okay, Dad I want you to listen first..." I placed my hand on Chloe's knee. She turned towards me with a frown and I shook my head lightly. If anyone was going to tell Hound about our relationship it was me, I wasn't going to be a pussy and hide behind Chloe.

  I took a deep breath, "I'm in love with your daughter." The words were finally out and it was up to me to now justify my actions and try to reason with him. I noticed that his facial expression hadn't changed and he continued to sit quietly as if ready for me to explain.

  "I never planned for this to happen Hound and you must believe me because it's the truth but I can't help the way I feel about Chloe. I've tried to stay away, lord I've tried to stay away but I can't Hound, I want her...well I actually need her in my life. Now you have my word that nothing happened between us until she reached eighteen. I have respect for you and Maggie and that's why I'm here today to explain and hopefully you will find it in your heart to allow us to be together."

  I looked up to see that he was sitting in exactly the same position with an unreadable expression. I swallowed hard as I couldn't read where this was going. I thought he may have kicked off if he was totally against the idea but then again he was a calm character when faced in difficult circumstances, the thought of him cutting his brothers own cock off sprung to my mind.

  "And how do you feel Chloe?" he asked turning his attention to her.

  "I love him too Daddy." Chloe squeezed my hand and gave me a tight smile, she obviously didn't know where this was going either.

  "You know you'll be dishonoured and lose your patch if I tell Duke."

  His words stung but I knew what the consequences may be. I nodded my head, "Yeah, I know that."

  Chloe looked at her dad in horror, "You can't do that Dad you know how much he loves the club."

  "Babe it's okay, if that's what I need to do to prove to everyone how much I love you then I'm prepared to do it."

  "I won't let you do it, you can't do that Woods." Chloe's eyes welled with emotion. I wrapped my arms around her and held Chloe tight, smoothing her head in the process as she finally let out her emotions regarding the situation.

  "Come on babe, it'll be fine...I promise it'll be just fine." I continued to sooth her but felt awkward under Hounds scrutiny. I placed a chaste kiss on her head and stood pulling Chloe up with me, "Okay so now you know, I'm going to leave you with that information for you to decide the consequences."

  I took Chloe's hand in mine and directed her from the living room and from the house without any protest from Hound which I thought was a good sign.

  As we arrived at my Harley, I let go of Chloe's hand and passed her the helmet, "Do you need a hand?" I asked trying to gauge her mood.

  "No I'm fine thank you," she stated putting on her helmet and finally securing it under her chin with shaky hands. Her words said one thing but her body language was telling me another, I was afraid that she'd come introvert and lost in her own thoughts. I needed her to open up about the situation and discuss our next plan of action so that she didn't ponder too much on the negatives.

  "Do you want to come back to mine? Lauren's out this afternoon so we have the place to ourselves." I rested my hand on her shoulder and squeezed lightly, "I could give you a nice massage." I pouted giving her my best puppy dog eyes hoping that she'd take me up on my offer.

  "Now how can I refuse?"

  The journey back to mine took longer than expected because of the volume of traffic through town this afternoon but it gave me some thinking time to analyse what was said and Hounds reaction.

  I opened the front door to be greeted by Doris, "Hello girl do you need to go into the garden?" I tapped the side of my leg and she walked beside me knowing where we were going. I unlocked the back door and she ran into the garden stretching her legs.

  Chloe came up behind me and wrapped her arms tightly around my waist, "What do you think is going to happen?"

  "I haven't got a fucking clue babe but I feel relieved that it's now out in the open." I turned around to face her to see her surprise.

  "Do you?"

  "Hell yeah, why don't you?" I asked surprised by her response.

  "You saying those words to my dad made me the happiest girl alive but I'm just worried that they'll still stop us from seeing each other."

  "They can try but it's not going to happen." Chloe stood on tiptoes so she was the perfect height to take my mouth. I loved the way it just felt so easy and natural between us, I'd been with plenty of birds over the years but most of the time it felt force or nothing at all but my time with Chloe was spectacular on so many different levels.

  "Let's have a bath," Chloe raised her brows with a naughty smile on her face. "You know what I mean," I slapped her arse playfully. "Get your arse upstairs and naked in my tub while I make a quick phone call." Chloe eagerly left my side and made her way through the house in the direction of the stairs and I liked the way it felt having her here in my house.

  I took my iPhone from my pocket and searched for Spike's number.

  "Woods, how you doing man?"

  "Not bad, look I need a favour." I had something that had been playing on my mind and needed to ask Spike as I knew he'd do it for me.

  "Anything, all you need to do is ask."

  "Have you heard anything yet?" I think my direct questioning surprised him.

  He sniggered, "Yes, the jungle drums have been banging."

  I rolled my eyes, I fucking knew it. Hound couldn't even give us time to spend together before speaking to Duke. "Ok, it's a huge ask but if anything should happen to me I want you to look after Lauren." It was killing me inside to say this, she'd been through so much in her short life and I just felt like I'd let her down. "She doesn't have anyone else Spike, I need to know that she'd be looked after."

  Spike let out a low whistle, "You know I would man but if you're talking in reference to this situation with Chloe I don't think it will come to that."

  "How long have you been associated with the club Spike?"

  " whole life coz my dad was a member."

  "And how many blokes have fucked a club member's daughter?" I needed to be blunt to get my point across.

  "Erm...none to my knowledge."

  "And how many have ever just left the club without any repercussions?" I knew the answer to the question but again I was just putting it out there.

  "Again none to my knowledge."

  "I rest my case, I just need to know that Lauren will be looked after."

  "You know she will be Woods but I think you're worrying about nothing and over reacting. Duke can be an arsehole but he has a heart."

  I let out a sigh, "I'm yet to fucking see it."

  "So what's the plan?"

  "Well the balls in their court. I've told Hound how I feel and that I'm not staying away from her so they need to make a decision as to what to do but if you know about the situation already, then I'd say that the balls already in motion."

  "You know I won't be involved in decisions but Diesel messaged me to say that the shit had hit the fan."

  "Anyway, Chloe's upstairs naked waiting for me and if it's possibly our last encounter, I'm going to make it good one."

  Spike sniggered, "A little too much information Woods but make it a great one."

  "Oh I will," I ended the call and placed the phone back into my pocket contemplating his words. I needed to forget about the situation for now and show Chloe just how much she means to me.

  "I couldn't have pictured that anymore perfect than what it is." I removed my clothes in record time wanting to be close to her.

  Chloe smiled at me from the tub as I walked towards her, "Shuffle forwards a bit." Chloe did as she was told and scooted up the bath so I could nestle behind her. She had pinned her hair up exposing her neck, I smiled as I knew I'd be feasting on that
soon enough. I took the body wash and squirted a small amount in the palm of my hand and brought the two together so I could work the cream into a lather and applied it to Chloe's shoulders.

  "Mmmm that feels good babe," Chloe relaxed as I rubbed and kneaded her skin. I worked my way from her shoulders towards her neck, Chloe hung her head forward giving me better access as she enjoyed my touch. I removed my hands to apply more cream and started again at her neck working my way down her spine to apply pressure with my thumbs. Chloe made noises of approval when I hit a good spot and these sounds were my encouragement to continue. I moved my legs hooking them around hers and pulled them to the side of the tub spreading her further in the process. Wrapping my arms around her, I was able to touch her breasts with my soapy hands and pull her nipples as I cupped her mounds.

  "Don't stop babe," Chloe let herself go rolling her head enjoying my touch. I leaned forward and sunk my teeth into her neck, not enough to mark her but enough for her to squirm as she become putty in my hands. I moved my attention from her breasts and worked my way down her flat stomach towards her bald pussy. I pressed my palm against her and worked it back and forth feeling her flaps open under my scrutiny. Her breathing became shallow, I increased my tempo and Chloe let out a satisfying moan. I bit her neck again, Chloe tried to move forward but I held her firm with one arm around her waist and the other working her pussy. I slid one finger along her slit finding her hole easily and pushed it inside her. Her moan was louder this time and on the second push I inserted another finger stretching her further.

  "Do you like that babe? I've got two fingers inside you now." Chloe tried to move again, she was starved and wanted me to give her more. I slowly removed my fingers and released her legs, she glared over her shoulder and I shot her my best smile, "All good things come to those who wait."


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