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Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)

Page 12

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  Placing my hands under her thighs, I lifted Chloe. "Hold yourself up," I instructed. Chloe placed her hands either side of the tub holding onto the edge to support her weight as I grabbed my cock and positioned it underneath her. I placed my hand on her hip and brought her down towards my lap making sure she took my cock in the process.

  "Ahhh that's it babe," I placed my other hand on her hip and helped control the rhythm as the water splashed around us. We worked together using our bodies to increase the pleasure and it wasn't long before I was on the edge, never had a woman turned me on as much as Chloe. I gritted my teeth, trying to sustain the momentum and moved my hand underneath her so I could stimulate her clit as best I could.

  "Yeah babe, right there I need you right there," I loved the way she felt comfortable around me enough to be vocal as it was a turn on. She continued to ride my cock at a good pace that I could no longer contain my excitement, "Babe I'm gonna come!"

  "That's it fill me up," her words spurred me on as I twitched inside her shooting my load. I applied enough pressure on her clit to also send her over the edge as I was coming down from my orgasm but I held firm as her pussy throbbed and gripped around my cock. I lifted her off and immediately pulled her back so she was lying on my chest to keep her close. I loved the closeness and I particularly needed it this evening, if the worst was to happen and this was to be our last evening together I needed to have her in my bed and I was hoping that she would spend the night.

  We lay like this for a while deep in our own thoughts but I felt a tightness of my skin. I moved my arm to look at me hand, "Babe we need to get out of here I'm looking like a prune!"

  Chloe sniggered, "Yeah not a good look babe." She sat forward and used the sides of the tub to raise herself and step from the bath. She had a beautiful body, she was slim but also had curves making her more attractive.

  "What you looking at?" she asked without even turning around.

  "Just admiring your arse."

  She glanced over her shoulder rolling her eyes, "Well it's getting covered up now in your robe." Chloe gave me a cheeky wink before taking my robe from the hook on the back of the door and wrapped it around her. It swamped her small frame but she looked cute as if she was playing dress up. I stood in the bath allowing the water to drip from my body, Chloe turned to stare at me and licked her lips unconsciously as she marvelled at my body.

  "What you looking at? I asked mimicking her words.

  "A fine figure of a man, come on you take me to bed."

  Chapter 7


  "I really don't want to go Mark," she sounded like a petulant child which wasn't Lauren's usual style but she'd been protesting all evening about not attending Stoney's party.

  "I haven't seen you properly for ages and I would like you to be there as a little support this evening. Now I don't usually ask you for much Lauren so the least you can do is come with me tonight." By the time I'd finished I was shouting at her which is something I'd never done before but I wanted her there as I knew it could possibly be my last as a patched member. I hadn't been told that I couldn't attend Stoney's party so I was going to the clubhouse until I was told otherwise. The repercussions to my actions regarding Chloe had been playing on my mind for some time now, I knew it was the right decision to make I didn't have any doubts about that, I just hoped that the punishment wasn't so rough and I was able to keep my colours and my life.

  It was unfair that I was taking my temper out on Lauren but I just wanted her there, Duke's plan to keep me away from Chloe had also resulted in me being kept away from Lauren and I was now determined to put everything right starting with this evening.

  "I'm sorry, I'm just feeling a little under the weather but it's fine I'll come." I now felt guilty knowing that I'd forced her to change her mind. Her statement ran true though, she did look a little pale although Ink and Ash had been over earlier to give her a little girlie time by doing her hair and make up. They'd gotten the bug for it now and must've seen Lauren as a pet project. She didn't wear a lot of make up and to be honest she didn't need to but I just thought it would be a nice treat for her and I think they secretly enjoyed it. Their motherly instincts were kicking in and it was hilarious to see them fuss over Lauren as if she was a small child.

  "I know I want you there for selfish reasons but I think it will be good for you also. You can't keep on locking yourself in your bedroom and studying Lauren, you're gonna make yourself ill at this rate."

  Lauren rolled her eyes, "That's fine listen to me don't listen to me, it makes no difference but when you crash and burn I will be the first to tell you I told you so." I smiled smugly as I knew this would ignite the fire inside her as she was given a challenge.

  "I'll just find my shoes," I smiled as she strolled to the under stairs cupboard to collect them. I was also pleased with her attire this evening. The last couple of times we'd been at the clubhouse she chose to wear figure hugging outfits and attracted unwanted attention, this time her white jeans were complimented with a baggier top that didn't outline anything which made me feel more comfortable.

  "Are you going to moan if I take the Harley?" Lauren frowned, "Helmet hair?"

  "Like I care about that," she scoffed taking her helmet off the cabinet by the front door.

  She'd been riding pillion for years and had her own helmet but things had just been so chaotic lately that we hadn't spent any quality time together let alone taken the Harley out but I was going to change that. If I weren't thrown out of the club today or worse, I'd be talking to Duke about easing the amount of nights that I'd been staying away from home in order to enjoy some free time with Lauren. She needed me, she would never admit to needing anything as that was just the way she was but she enjoyed other peoples company and I needed to make her a priority.

  The journey didn't take long in itself, we had our mics turned on but Lauren wasn't in a talkative mood. I slowly pulled up and parked in the far corner of the yard, if everything went according to plan then I'd be having a drink tonight and have to get a taxi home anyway. The thought made my heart accelerate because I also had the nagging feeling that it may kick off but was reassured that they wouldn't do anything major with so many young kids around as it was a family party.

  "I'm going to sit with Chloe," I glanced over my shoulder and smiled as my eyes met hers. She was looking stunning as usual but had a concerned look on her face. I mimicked drinking using my hand and she held up a glass of wine that was nearly empty. With a quick nod of my head, I walked to the clubhouse to get the three of us a drink.

  "What can I get you Woods?" Cade asked as he took the lid off a bottle of Kronenbourg for Recon.

  "A Carlsberg, a glass of wine and a diet coke please," I leaned on the bar awaiting the drinks as Cade busied himself to get my order.

  I turned as someone patted my back, "My office now!" Duke didn't wait for a response he stalked towards the back of the clubhouse.

  Recon lifted his beer, "Nice knowing you mate!"

  "Fuck off prick!" He sniggered as I pushed from the counter and reluctantly took a slow walk across the bar and up the corridor that led to Duke's office.

  I took a deep breath and walked to the open door to be greeted by Diesel, Duke and Hound as they waited for me to arrive.

  "Take a seat!"

  "I'd prefer to stand Duke."

  "That wasn't a request," he raised his brows waiting for me to respond. I let out a sigh and sat on the chair positioned in the middle of the room making sure to take in my surrounding. This was uncharted territory for me. I was usually the other side giving out the orders when I wore my colours not the other way around.

  I swallowed hard, "Look let me start by trying to explain."

  "You don't need to say shit, Hounds brought us up to speed." Duke's tone was unreadable at this stage and I did my best to look at his body language hoping that he'd give something away.

  "But I feel that I need to tell you that I haven't gone about this lightly."

/>   "Okay, you've started so you may as well finish." Duke folded his arms across his chest and leaned back in his chair waiting for me to explain further.

  "I just can't stay away from her. I've tried, god help me I've tried but there's some kind of pull between us. Now I thought it was lust but it's deeper than that."

  Duke unfolded his arms and leaned forward to place his elbows on the desk and rest his chin on his clasped fingers. "Are you telling me that you love her?"

  "Yes and I understand the repercussions of telling you this. If you want my colours because I've fallen in love with the wrong girl, I won't be happy but I'm prepared to hand them over because I don't think that I could perform my duties properly for the club or even concentrate if she wasn't in my life."

  "Do you know how that makes you sound?" Duke spat.

  I shrugged, "What you think I sound like a pussy? That may be the case but what I'm trying to tell you is that I haven't made this decision lightly." I looked at all three of them, "I love this club and I'd die for every single one of you but I feel I've been given an opportunity to pursue something special and I'd like to do just that. I'm not about regrets, I'm about taking chances and learning from them but I know my own mind and heart and Chloe is the one for me."

  I noticed the three of them exchange glances, which worried me. Their expressions weren't giving anything away and I was starting to think the worst.

  "Did you stop seeing Chloe when I asked you to?"

  I nodded, "Yes, it was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do but I did. We've only just started seeing each other again recently at the welcome home party for Paige."

  Diesel sniggered and I sent him a glare.

  Duke nodded his head pleased with the response given and stood to pace the room. "Well at least you didn't totally defy me." He perched on his desk directly in front of me.

  "The one thing that I respect about you Woods is the fact that you came to tell me regardless of the consequences. That proves to me that you love my little girl." Hound stood to lean on the desk beside Duke. "Now Duke, Diesel and I have discussed your little predicament and I'm happy for you to continue seeing her, in fact I couldn't think of a more deserving individual."

  His words choked me, I hung my head and let out a loud sigh knowing that everything was going to be okay. The room was silent as I composed myself taking deep breaths to control my breathing and try not to come across too emotional. I eventually lifted my head, "But?"

  "No buts Woods, you know the consequences if you fuck her about." I smiled and Hound frowned at my response, "I threaten to kill you and you smile boy!"

  "Well I ain't going to fuck her about so it's ok!"

  "What took you so long to tell us anyway?" Diesel asked.

  I narrowed my eyes, "What do you mean?"

  Diesel sniggered, "Well we've all known since Maggie's and Hounds anniversary that there was something going on."

  My eyes widened under the scrutiny from the guy's, I hadn't realised they were aware of our attraction for each other.

  "Yeah and don't think we don't all know about the shed," Duke joined in laughing at my expense. "We were just waiting to see what you'd do about it and whether you thought it was worth fighting for."

  "Fucking wankers." I stood from the chair and it fell back hard onto the floor.

  The guys roared with laughter, "Now fuck off and enjoy the party." Duke managed to say among giggles as I stomped from the room.

  I entered the corridor hearing the cackling behind me and walked into the bar in need of a stiff drink. I couldn't believe that the fucking cock suckers had been winding me up for their own sick gratification. Fucking games I hated playing fucking games.

  "Get me a large Jack Buster, in fact leave the bottle coz I'm gonna get wasted." Buster smiled and reached for the bottle and a clean glass and placed it in front of me. "You've still got your beer here."

  "Fuck that I need something stronger."

  "Are you celebrating or commiserating?" I glanced to my right to see Spike join me. He held out his glass for me to fill.

  "Don't give me all that you must've known." The corners of his mouth turned just enough for me to know that I was right. "You're a fucking wanker as well, why didn't you say anything?" I wiped my brow and ran my hands over my head, I was having a hot flush after beating myself up over what the outcome may be.

  "It wasn't my place and they wanted to teach you a lesson," he sniggered.

  "A fucking lesson, I nearly put myself into an early grave trying to play it down to Chloe." I shook my head as I still couldn't believe that they were okay with the situation.

  "Dad can I have a drink please." I looked down to see Devon pulling on Spike's cut. It was so sweet to see that the twins had taken to him. Some people were born to be parents and Spike was one of those people.

  He bent down and lifted Devon so she could sit on the bar, "What do you want poppet?"

  "What you drinking Woods?" Devon asked looking at my glass.

  I smiled and picked up my glass and swirled the contents, "Something that little girls can't have I'm afraid."

  Devon rolled her eyes, "Well I'll have a diet coke like Lauren had at the pizza restaurant."

  Devon's words caught my attention but it was the guilty expression on Spike's face that I didn't like. "Oh, did Lauren go to the pizza restaurant with you then?" I asked casually.

  "Lauren and Ramsey sat with us." She kicked her legs back and forth innocently as if she didn't have a care in the world as my blood started to boil.

  Spike could see that I was annoyed, he grabbed Devon around the waist and placed her onto the floor, "Go and see your mum and I'll bring your drink out in a minute."

  She furrowed her brows confused by the change in mood and turned quietly to walk from the clubhouse.

  "Before you have a fucking hissy fit it's not like that."

  "Like what exactly Spike? Hmmm because from where I'm standing, the little cunt has already had one warning and he's still sniffing around her."

  "Have you listened to yourself?"

  "Don't fucking question me Spike, it's not happening."

  "And nothing is happening, you just need to chill. You weren't around and she was lonely, he was just looking out for her."

  "The only thing I need to do is find the little cunt." I pushed from the bar and went in search for Ramsey, he couldn't be far.

  I stomped through the clubhouse looking in every direction hoping to find him in a private location as there were kids around today but I knew one thing for sure, he wouldn't be walking out of here today.

  I reached the door that led out into the yard and scanned the area, "Bingo!" I saw the little scrotes talking to Lyric and headed straight for him. His eyes met mine mid conversation and he stepped back panicked as I surged forward.

  Grabbing him by the scruff of his neck, I yanked him backwards and threw him onto a bench. The glasses and bottles scattered onto the ground smashing in every direction. This caught the attention of numerous people and the group stopped what they were doing to watch the altercation.

  Ramsey raised his arms to try to defend himself, "Woods I haven't done anything man." He shouted still confused as to why I had hold of him.

  I grabbed his throat harder, pulled my fist back and swung for him. It made contact and the sound echoed before I pulled it back and punched him again.

  "I told you to stay the fuck away!" I screamed in his face. He groaned as my fist made contact with his cheek, I pulled my fist back for a third and fourth time before I felt someone on me.

  I turned to see Recon as I scrambled in his arms trying to get free but he had me in a bear hug and pulled me off with ease. Ramsey rolled to his side and coughed up blood, his face was a mess but that wasn't the last of it that was for sure.

  "You brought this on yourself, I told you to stay away you fucking arsehole." I shouted struggling to release myself from Recons hold, Ramsey needed to learn some respect and it was up to me to teach hi

  A considerable crowd had now gathered and my eyes met Lauren's as she joined the group. My heart sunk at her disapproval but she needed to know that I was acting with the best intentions. She was my little sister, I didn't want anything bad to ever happen to her. She pushed through the crowd making her way to Ramsey's side, I fought again trying to get free but Recon had a firm hold.

  "Easy tiger, calm down and I'll happily let you go but this is a family party and you've caused enough fracas for one evening."

  I looked up to see Ink grab Laurens arm and pull her back so she couldn't comfort Ramsey. I couldn't hear what they were saying but Ink was talking quite animatedly and glanced over in my direction. Lauren tried to free herself getting distressed with the situation. I noticed her facial expression change dramatically and she held her side before doubling over in pain. Ink bent over and wrapped her arm around her and Laurens shrieks of pain echoed around the yard.

  Recon automatically let go of his grip and I ran to her side. Her light coloured jeans quickly changed colour as the material soaked up with what looked to be blood. Lauren was in agony trying to deal with the pain and I felt helpless.

  "What the fuck's going on? Someone get James for fuck sake and hurry up."

  Ink and I moved Lauren so she could sit on the bench. "Mark make it go away please make it go away," she took my hand and squeezed tightly.

  "Lauren I'm trying babe, come on it's alright James will be here soon to take a look at you." I touched her brow, she was clammy and had a shortening of breath. I held her hand as I straddled the bench and she leaned into my chest.

  "Please make it all go away," she whispered.

  "Right Lauren you need to tell me exactly where it hurts?" Lauren pointed to her side and moved her finger across to the centre of her stomach. "Okay, good girl. Is there any chance that you could be pregnant?"

  "Of course she isn't pregnant James, don't ask such stupid questions and help her." I shouted frightened that I was going to lose her. I felt her body slump, "Lauren! Lauren baby!" I slapped her cheek but she wasn't responding.


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