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The Iron Room

Page 16

by Sarah Himebauch

  I closed my bedroom door and started to dry myself.

  When I was finally dressed, I raked a brush through my hair and headed downstairs where the smell of meatloaf was already starting to waft through the air.

  Mark’s favorite.

  I wrinkled my nose in disdain. Why my mother decided to reward Mark with his favorite meal was beyond me. He had betrayed us last night, and nearly cost us everything we have built and worked for.

  My mom gestured me into the dining room.

  “Take a seat love. I’m going to grab the rolls. She shuffled into the dining room.

  It was only my dad and I sitting there, and it settled into a comfortable silence. My dad and I were close, but not as close as my mom and myself. I had felt a rift especially between him and I lately, similar to the one with Mark.

  “How was school today Amy?”

  “You know, same old. How was work?”

  “Same old.”

  Someone please save me from this conversation.

  Right on cue, my mom rejoined us in the dining room, carrying a plate of hot rolls fresh from the oven.

  “Sorry about that. You guys can dig in.”

  I took a bite of the meatloaf, and it was wonderful. My mom always used her grandmother’s recipes for the meatloaf, and every single time it turned out amazing. Truth be told, she didn’t exactly cook the meals herself, our chef did. It was still a family recipe though.

  “Did you get your homework done?” My mom was trying to create conversation, even though I had told her earlier I didn’t.

  “Nope. They gave us a free day.”

  “Well, isn’t that lovely?” She smiled and continued eating her dinner. Like me, she was always relieved and in the best mood after a visit to the Iron Room. My dad and Mark were wary when it came to physical abuse of the girls, so visits were always better when it was comprised of only her and I.

  I did feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, but still was mulling over what Johnny said today.

  He has to be feeling pretty confident that we have the girls, or he wouldn’t go to the lengths of following me home. What exactly did he plan to do when he got here?

  He wouldn’t make it past the front gate, let alone be able to get the first, and second door open to where the girls were. Then, how would he make it unspotted with three girls in tow? His plan was baseless, and it would only get him hurt.

  Even though I was still pretty furious with Mark, he always provided great insight. I planned to fill him in on everything that happened with Johnny after dinner.

  Once I finished my food, I excused myself and headed upstairs, straight into Mark’s room.

  “We need to talk.”

  “I don’t really care to speak to you. As far as I’m concerned, you and I are done Amy.” Mark looked angry with me, and I couldn’t understand why. He was the one that turned his back on us.

  “You don’t mean that. We’re family.” I sat down on the edge of his bed.

  He didn’t answer or reply, but just stared at me blankly.

  What was his deal?

  “What is it Amy?!”

  “I was being followed today.” I braced for his reaction.

  “I’m supposed to care?”

  Yeah? You’re my brother!

  “This is serious Mark. It was Johnny.” I knew full well that would set him off, especially since Johnny and Mark had already had a physical altercation earlier.

  “Johnny followed you where? At school?” He looked upset.

  “No. I was driving… my car, and I saw him behind me. I pulled across the road sideways, and he wasn’t able to pass. He got out of the car, so I asked him why he was following me.”


  I rushed into an explanation of everything that was said between Johnny and I earlier this afternoon, trying to not forget a single detail. Rather than reacting, Mark continued to sit there in silence.

  “Say something Mark.”

  “I hope he finds the girls. And I can’t wait to see you get led away in handcuffs.”

  My jaw dropped open, and I delivered a hard slap to the side of his face.

  Mark was out of control.

  “Get the hell out of my room.”

  “Don’t have to tell me twice.” I pushed open the door, making sure I slammed it on the way out.

  Where the hell does Mark get off? I chose to forgive, well sort of, everything that he did yesterday. I chose to put my ego aside and try and confide in him like I used to, but naturally he turned away and acted as if he didn’t give a shit about me.

  Maybe I needed to realize that it wasn’t an act. I have always been someone who wasn’t big on words, but rather actions, and his actions proved my point. He didn’t care about anyone in this family.

  I sat on the edge of my bed and laid my head against the pillow. I put my head in my hands, frustrated at the lack of communication my family had. Usually, we never would talk about what was on our mind or what was bugging us, but now, Mark hadn’t stopped. He had no problem telling me just how horrible of a person he thought I was.

  Fine by me.

  Mark would really hate me after I killed his little girlfriend.

  I had been stewing over the idea of killing Katie for a while now. At first, it was only because she was becoming a liability. Now, it would be even sweeter if I was able to spite Mark in the process.

  I would kill Katie tomorrow.



  It was clear that Mark wasn’t going to come down here anymore, and I struggled with the why. Was it because his family forbade him? Was it because he was angry with me? Or did they do something to him in retaliation for what him and I did?

  Feeling bold last night, I turned towards the camera before bed and mouthed the words “I love you.” It was a lot easier than saying it to his face, because I didn’t have to see his sickening reaction. I had no clue if he would even see it. I don’t know how their camera systems worked and he might not even have access to it.

  Or maybe they killed him.

  I wouldn’t put anything past this sick family as this point, but I knew without a doubt that if anyone could kill one of their own children, it would be Sharon and Paul. She was truly messed up in the head and justified all of her horrible actions.

  In any case, I wanted to make sure that if Mark is alive, that he thinks I am still loyal and in love with him. I need him to help me out of here since there is really nothing that I can do with the chains still on me.

  As much as I wanted to break out and free the other two girls on my own, it was simply impossible to do so. If I was breaking out, I needed to actually get away this time or I was afraid that it would be the last thing I did. They had seemingly looked the other way both times, when Anna was shot to death over her second escape attempt.

  These people kidnapped and tortured the Sheriff’s daughter. Maybe they were just afraid that if they killed me, and people found out, they would be imprisoned or sentenced to death.

  Isn’t that a scary thought?

  The all too familiar sound of doors and chains unlocking forced me to sit up straighter. I hated the effect these people had on me. I wasn’t usually one to scare easily, but after all I had been through, put through, by this family- I felt terrified at all hours of the day. Every minute, second even, was spent waiting in dread for the moment they would come down the stairs and hurt, or even kill one of us.

  They would probably kill me next.

  Amy was the one to walk in, carrying our breakfast. She only had two plates today, unusual considering there were three of us. She carefully placed a plate in front of Kim, then Tara, and when it got to me, she just shrugged and walked out.


  I wouldn’t have guessed starvation would be my way to go. In fact, it’s humorous. These people were barely feeding us enough to stay alive, and while I wasn’t about to waste away on the spot, if this turned into a routine- I would be dead.

  Maybe that�
�s what they want Katie.

  Amy, sure. But Mark? At this point I was sure he would die for me. But they would never let him of course. I needed to get the hell out of here.

  I missed my dad so much, that some days it felt as if there was a constant ache in my chest. Not only was I aching from missing him, but I knew how much he is hurting with me gone, and that makes it even worse. All of this- the torture, the starving, the beatings, the treatment of my dad… it only adds fuel to the fire and creates a fight in me that I have never had before.

  I was ready to get out of this place and was willing to fight like hell to do so.

  “Here.” Kim pushed her plate towards me, and it was half full of her food.

  “I can’t. Finish it.”

  “I can survive on half a plate Katie. You can’t go without anything in your stomach…especially if you’re going to get us out of here.” Kim laughed.

  I pulled the food over and couldn’t help myself as I ravaged the plate. I was really hungry, as the portions given were already teetering on the smaller side.

  I finished the entire plate in under two minutes, and I used my sleeve to wipe my face. I coiled back from the smell of my clothes. I smelled absolutely disgusting, and I had this family to thank for that. I hadn’t changed my clothes, or showered in days, not to mention that I was caked in dried blood.

  “Thanks Kim.” I cracked a smile.

  She just nodded at me and looked over at Tara who was quiet per usual.

  “I’m trying to think of a new game plan. Mark hasn’t come down since the escape. Either he’s dead or they have done something to him, so we can’t base our plan on him anymore.”

  “Our plan? Since when has it been “our plan”?” Tara looked irritated.

  “What are you talking about Tara?”

  “You and Mark made it all the way to the forest, and you didn’t once try and come back for us. They could have killed us for your retaliation, but you didn’t care, did you?”

  I tried to keep my cool, but I was sick to death of Tara’s behavior.

  “What the hell is your problem? You have been a massive bitch ever since I arrived. Oh, and do you know why I arrived? Because I got in over my head trying to find you and Anna! Everything I do is to try and get us ALL out of here. Being in this room is no fucking walk in the park, but you and your fucking attitude DO NOT HELP. If you can’t attribute anything nice, then shut the hell up.”

  Tara stared at me openmouthed but recovered quickly and shut it.

  Finally. I was getting tired of Miss Negativity on a constant loop.

  “Okay I think we’re all feeling a little worn out. Let’s just take it down a notch.” Kim was attempting to smooth things over between Tara and I, but it was no use.

  Tara didn’t care about getting out of here, and she didn’t care about Kim or myself. The only person she seemed to get along with was Anna, and in Tara’s mind and mine, I was the reason Anna was killed.


  I turned away from both of them, making sure my back was facing them. I was feeling so emotionally and physically drained. Our bodies were physically being put through trauma day after day, with no real nourishment, or relaxation.

  Sure, we were locked down here, but mentally we were being put through the ringer. We were forced to live in constant fear worrying when they would torture us, and who would do it.

  Mark, where are you?

  I looked towards the camera, and for a split second missed him. I didn’t support or like the person he was, but he was kind to me. Kindness and warmness go a long way in a cold, dark place like this. While the pretending was hard, having Mark there for me brought me a sense of comfort that I so desperately needed.

  I needed to get out of my own head for a while and decided to take a nap. Being asleep was better than being awake and knowing I was still prisoner in this hell hole.

  I closed my eyes and drifted off to better times.

  I was running up and down the beach, absolutely elated. My dad was taking pictures, laughing while my mother chased me trying to put more sun block on.

  “Come here Katie!”

  “Got to catch me mom!”

  We ran until we dropped on the sand, exhausted. My dad walked over with two ice cream cones in his hand. One chocolate for me, and the other mint chip was for my mom.

  “Got your favorites girls.” He passed me a cone, smiling down at me and my mother.

  I woke up in a cold sweat, with a single tear running down my cheek. I missed my mom so much.

  I wished more than anything that she was still alive. I didn’t want my dad to be alone, especially right now. He needed me, and I hadn’t realized how much I still need him.

  A big part of recovering from the sudden loss of my mother was being able to have my dad as my support system. We leaned on each other in more ways than one and found comfort in the mutual feelings we both shared whether it be grief, anger, or sadness.

  I wiped the tear from my face, feeling eternally grateful that I was not facing the cameras, or the other girls for that matter. I didn’t want them to see me like this, vulnerable. I tried my hardest to put on a strong front, especially in front of the other girls.

  I was struggling beyond belief, and missing my dad only furthered my pain.

  I can’t do this anymore.

  Someone who has never gone through a situation like this- one where you’re ripped away from everyone you love, kept in a secluded, dark, and dismal place, beaten, treated like dirt, and abused mentally… you began to break down. Mentally and physically, I felt broken and I didn’t know that I would be able to put myself back together again even after all this blew over.

  If it blew over.

  “I’m tired.” I spoke to no one in particular, but rather putting it out into existence.

  “Take another nap hon.” Kim had such a soothing voice, that for a split second I actually felt that if I were to take another nap, all would be healed.

  “Not physically tired. Mentally. I feel broken.”

  “Me too.” This time it was Tara that spoke, and she sounded genuinely empathetic.

  I breathed a sigh of relief, glad that my true feelings were put out there. Facing and dealing with all the emotions that I had recently was hard enough on its own but hiding them from the two people I see all day, every day, was a real struggle.

  I had no clue what time it was, but it must have been dinner time already because I heard doors being unlocked.

  Oh joy.

  I secretly hoped it was Mark who was about to walk in the door, but I knew there was no way of that happening.

  Instead, it was Paul.

  He carried three plates this time, and I felt myself visibly relax. I didn’t want Kim to have to eat an even smaller portion yet again, simply because Amy had a hard vendetta against me.

  As usual like clockwork, he carefully set the plate in front of Kim, then Tara, and last but not least me. He turned without another word and headed outside. He started locking the first door, then the second, and then it was quiet only interrupted by the noise of all of us chewing our dinner.

  We ate in silence, devouring every last morsel. It was far from good, but a turkey sandwich wasn’t the worst meal in the world.

  It was better than nothing.

  I looked over at Kim, and really took in everything about her face. She was starting to form bruises under her eyes and had a pretty badly cut lip. Her arms were covered in bruises and her wrist looked a little bent out of shape. I glanced over to Tara, who looked even worse. She had a large chunk of her hair missing, as if it had been ripped out. She had two black eyes, a bruised cheek, and more bruises up and down her arms as well as her chest.

  Courtesy of Sharon and Amy Puntzer.

  Those two were sick.

  Right on cue, the door swung open and who else would it be but Sharon and Amy?

  They both had wicked gleams on, and they didn’t even hesitate before heading to Tara. Recently, they both ha
d been starting with Kim, but maybe they were trying to switch up their “torture tactics”. I rolled my eyes and prayed that it would be quick. I couldn’t bear to watch either girl suffer at the hands of these maniacs.

  Amy was the first to deliver a blow to Tara’s right eye. Tara leaned over, crying in protest, to which Sharon took as an opportunity to knee her in the face. Sharon grabbed her hair yanking it back with such force that she ripped out another small chunk of hair. Amy began choking Tara, and I started to see her lose consciousness.

  Oh my god… they’re going to kill her.

  “No! Stop!” A strangled sob escaped my throat, as I watched this unfold right in front of my eyes.

  “Please!” Kim started pleading with Sharon and Amy, but to no avail.

  Tara’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she fell backwards. Sharon released her hair as she fell, and Tara’s head made a sickening thud as it hit the cool metal.

  They turned to Kim and started again. They both were going in on Kim so mercilessly: punching, biting, kicking… you name it. It was horrendous to watch, and I decided that I couldn’t. I turned away and shut my eyes, leaving it all to my imagination.

  I could hear Kim’s cries, followed by the sounds of low laughter coming from both Amy and Sharon.

  Please God, make it stop,

  Almost immediately, the beating ceased. I braced for them to hurt me and turned around. Last thing I needed was to get hit from behind.

  Sharon started stomping towards me when Amy grabbed her arm. She pulled her mother close to her and whispered something into her ear. I struggled to hear but wasn’t able to.

  Sharon looked at her daughter.

  “Are you sure?”

  Amy nodded, and her mother shrugged, heading towards the door.

  Amy looked at her mother, then to me, and came towards me.

  Oh, she wants you all to herself. Fuck.

  “Don’t think that all is good and well. In fact, it’s the opposite. The hard beating that they received today? Your fault. Make sure they know that when they regain consciousness. Don’t sleep too well either… never know who will be showing up.”

  She winked, laughed, and headed outside,


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