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The Iron Room

Page 17

by Sarah Himebauch

  I took the opportunity to steal a glance at Kim, who looked exactly like Tara. They were both laid out on the floor, unconscious, as Amy put it.

  I’m so glad they’re not dead.

  Hard beating because of me? Was she nuts?


  No. I wouldn’t allow her to put her atrocious behavior on me. That was her cross to bear. The only reason I was in this situation in the first place, is because her and her sociopathic family decided to kidnap and torture girls in our town. The only actions that caused anything were hers.

  It took the girls longer than expected to wake up. For a second, I was scared that Amy and Sharon had actually killed the girls on accident… or purpose.

  After what seemed like an eternity, they both started to open their eyes. The bruising on their necks was starting to come through.

  I couldn’t see any bruises on myself besides my ankle, but my face did feel tender and I was sure I had the same markings at Kim and Tara.

  “What happened?” Tara seemed very groggy and was grabbing at her throat which was clearly sore.

  “Yeah…” Kim started mimicking Tara’s movements.

  “It was Amy. She was choking you guys and you passed out.”

  “You too?”

  Did I lie… or tell the truth?

  “No, I’m pretty sure she’s waiting until she can complete the job and kill me.”

  “She’s not going to kill you Katie.” Kim tried to be reassuring, but she failed. It wasn’t her fault, but more attributed to the fact that I felt it in my bones. There was a reason she didn’t attack me today, and I really doubt it was because she “had a change of heart”.

  I shook my head.

  “How are you guys feeling?” I tried to change the subject.

  “Sore.” Tara and Kim answered simultaneously.

  “Look, I have a feeling Amy is going to come back for me tonight. If she does, pretend like you’re sleeping, please. I don’t want you guys to get hurt in the crossfire of this. It’s between us.”

  They looked unsure, but finally nodded in agreement.

  We all laid there talking about everything we would do when we got out of here. It was light-hearted, fun, and honestly really nice to finally see Tara getting out of her shell and embracing the future we could have.

  I could hear the upstairs door unlocking, and I motioned for both girls to close their eyes. My heart started to pound a million miles a minute as I heard footsteps cascading down the steps followed by the chain moving around. The door swung open and in stepped Amy.

  “Nice to see you’re awake.”

  “What the hell do you want Amy?” I rolled my eyes, making it clear I didn’t want her here.

  “You should really watch the way you speak to me Katie.” Amy pulled out a gun from her back pocket.

  I’m going to die.

  “What? You’re going to kill me now?”

  “Maybe I will. After all, you spit in my face throwing away how many years of friendship Katie? Oh, and you seduced my brother into betraying his family. You disgust me. I don’t even know who you are anymore.”

  “Is this a fucking joke Amy? My best friend turned out to be someone who kidnaps and tortures people. You let your brother throw me in here and you and your mother take turns beating not only me, but them too. I’m the disgusting one?” My words spit out, dripping with venom.

  “Yeah, you are.” Amy pointed the gun directly between my eyes, cocking the gun.

  I’m sorry dad.

  “Any last words?” Amy smirked.

  I was about to say something, when the sound of the gun went off. Tara and Kim started screaming. I didn’t feel any pain, so I opened my eyes only to find Amy lying in a heap at my feet, bleeding from her head.

  My head jerked up to find someone standing there, pointed a gun at Amy.

  Johnny Antin.

  “C’mon girls. We’re getting you out of here.”



  The plan was simple. Johnny was hiding in the edge of the forest by the house, waiting for my signal. I had my iPad set up with the Iron Room camera on. I would wait for someone to go down there, and then have Johnny rush in and get the girls.

  I had no clue who would be coming down there, but I didn’t care if it was my mom, dad, or Amy. Johnny was instructed to knock out whoever it was and take the girls.

  Those idiots always left both doors open when they came into the Iron Room. They felt it was safe, given that we owned two acres of property which was heavily forested in the back, and guarded in the front by George.

  While there is no gate attendant in the back of the property, there is still a good chunk of forest to sweep through, and I had to talk Johnny through navigating it. We had been using Facebook messenger as our only form of communication, since those idiots also took my phone.

  I waited until someone came in the room, this time it was Amy.

  I let Johnny know it was a go, and he started to head into the room.

  Things started taking a turn for the worse when Amy threatened to kill Katie and kept a gun positioned in front of her eyes.

  My stomach became sick with worry as I waited for Johnny to rescue them, and while Katie remained at gunpoint. My sister was absolutely crazy. How she could go from seeing someone as her best friend, to trying to murder her was beyond me.

  I had no doubt in my mind that if Johnny hadn’t gotten there in time, that Katie would have been dead.

  Instead of knocking Amy out, Johnny shot her point blank. I watched him take the keys off of my sister’s bleeding and lifeless body, and quickly unlock all three girls free of their chains. They all ran out and I’m hoping they ran straight into the forest as I instructed.

  For a few more moments, I watched my sister, patiently waiting for any small sign of life.


  My sister was dead.

  My parents were going to go absolutely ballistic, and I didn’t know what they would do. We needed to get off this property and fast. I had no doubt that the gunshot woke them, or alerted George, and there would soon be a manhunt on this property conducted by who other than my savage mother.

  The next phase of the plan was for Johnny to come up through the back of the house with Amy’s keys, and freeing me. I knew the ins and outs of this house and could probably get out with Johnny virtually undetected.

  Johnny coming in to get me, was another issue.

  I had guided and instructed him as much as I could through the messaging service. Now, all I could do was wait.

  I hid the iPad under my leg where it wasn’t easily detected, or in a direct line of sight of the door.

  I heard my parents up and about, loudly thrashing throughout the house. My mother let out a high-pitched thrill, and I figured she was watching the same footage I was. I heard the back door swing open loudly crashing into the frame. There were heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, which I identified as my dad’s.

  He’s coming to make sure I’m still here.

  Still alive and kicking Dad. Wish I could say the same about Amy.

  She tried to kill Katie.

  Yeah, never mind.

  My door swung open, and my dad’s eyes were wide and streaming with tears. I tried my best to feign a similar reaction.

  “Dad! What’s going on?!”

  “Your sister has been shot. The girls are gone. Come on.” He came towards me, and unlocked my chains, freeing me. I slid off of my bed, and his eyes darted to the unlocked iPad sitting there.


  He grabbed it swiftly before I had the chance to do so. His eyes scanned the Facebook messages, and he dropped the iPad on the floor in anger.

  “What the hell have you done son?!” He began to charge me, but the lamp I was now holding connected with the side of his head, sending him in a slump to the floor.

  I’m sorry.

  I dropped the lamp and picked up the iPad that had a visible crack running across the entirety of the screen. />
  Please work.

  I pressed the home button, unlocking it. Thank God. I open Facebook Messenger and there was a message waiting from Johnny.

  Johnny Antin: Girls are safe and hidden at the very edge of the forest. I am coming to get you now.

  It was sent two minutes ago. I still had time to warn him.

  Mark Puntzer: No, stay with the girls. I’ll find you. My dad unlocked me, and now he’s unconscious. Will explain later. Stay where you are but be careful. My mother and George are probably out searching.

  I threw the iPad under my bed, it being no more use to me. I couldn’t carry a big iPad while I was running through the forest.

  I pulled on a pair of shoes, and a large hoodie. I lightly closed my door, in the rare case that my mother was still in the house. I started heading downstairs when I heard her voice.


  She rounded the corner. I thought she would be upset, or angry that I was freed. But she looked relieved, and I could see the tears fresh on her face.

  She found Amy.

  “Mark! Oh god, I’m glad your dad freed you. Did he tell you what happened?”

  “Yes… and we need to find them right now. Dad already went searching after he unlocked me.”

  “Unlocked you… baby I’m so sorry. We should have never done that to you.”

  “It’s okay. Let’s go find Dad.”

  She grabbed my hand pulling me outside. She handed me a tranquilizer gun.

  “We’re going to need all the manpower we have. There are three girls somewhere on this property as well as some stupid vigilante. Don’t touch him. He killed my baby. He’s mine.”

  I nodded in agreement, knowing full well that I wasn’t letting my mother near Johnny or any of the girls, especially Katie. She needed to escape. I wouldn’t allow her to spend another day trapped here.

  We headed towards the forest.

  I held fear in my heart at the possibility of my mother actually seeing and tranquilizing someone. I comforted myself in the sense that there was only a one in three chance of it being Katie. I have to admit that I hated the fact that the other two girls were getting off scot free.

  They were horrible, nosy, greedy, and the list goes on and on. Society as a whole was much better without them in it. I had done the world a favor in taking them. Katie though, she never belonged here, and thanks to Johnny, she would never have to spend another day treated as a prisoner.

  We just had to overcome the obstacle that was Sharon Puntzer.

  I knew that George was somewhere on this property, lurking, hoping he could catch one of them and then use it to his own cash benefit. It didn’t matter if he caught one, or two, or three. As long as one person escaped, they could go to the police and blow the lid off of this whole thing.

  I knew we would all be put in prison. That was fine. I didn’t think it was fair to be charged for the other three girls, especially since they were menaces to society. Katie though, taking her was wrong. I deserved to be put in prison for kidnapping her and taking time out of her life like that. I had faith that if I did, when I did, serve time that when I got out, Katie would see all that I have done for her since my mistake, and realize we are magic together.

  Game time.

  My mom and I stepped into the edge of the forest.

  “Let’s split up Mom. I’ll try to find Dad. I know he’s out here somewhere.”

  “Okay.” She turned and headed in the opposite direction. I continued straight. I knew if I continued straight, I would reach the edge of the forest line which turned into a main road. Once I was out there, it would be much easier to find Johnny and the girls and then run as fast as we could.

  Once I was out of earshot of my mother, I started whispering their names by every bush I could. I only said either Katie or Johnny because those were the only two that mattered.

  Kim and Tara could rot for all I care.



  No answer. I kept walking ahead, repeating the same process. I gained more confidence with each passing moment they didn’t respond. I hoped that meant they were as far away from the house as they could get.

  This is good.


  My mom.

  “Yeah? Over here…”

  She came into view, looking dismal and defeated.

  “I haven’t found your father.”

  “Me neither. I actually thought that he maybe went back to the house to look for us.”

  “Damn it. Have you seen the girls?”

  “No. I thought I should head out to the open road and work my way in.” I prayed that she didn’t want to come with me.

  “Well, I’ll probably go towards the house first. That gives me a chance to search for your father, and that way, you and I can be working at opposite ends inwards.”

  “Sounds good mom.” She reached out and squeezed me in a tight hug. I knew she was trying to stay strong and focused despite grieving immensely over Amy’s sudden death.

  Amy had it coming.

  I let go, giving her a reassuring squeeze. I headed towards the way I was originally heading. I could still see my mom walking the other way and thought it best to not try and call Katie or Johnny until she was out of earshot.

  I continued walking straight, until not only was my mom out of sight, but I could see the edge of the forestry. I could see the main road.

  “Katie… Johnny…”

  Johnny stood up from behind a large bush.

  Thank god.

  Tara and Kim were huddled together by the bush, and Katie was standing up, wobbling slightly in an attempt to not put any pressure on her ankle.

  My girl…

  “Hey man. What’s going on?” Johnny looked around, probably still wary of me.

  “My mom headed back towards the house to look for my dad. Hopefully he’s still unconscious. But we need to go. Now.”

  “Which way should we head?”

  I looked around. The main road was right here, and I debated whether we should take our chances trying to walk it or if we should find somewhere to hide and call Sheriff Johnson.

  I had a better idea.

  “Let’s get the hell away from the forest. We can run up the main road and find a good spot to hide by the highway and call Sheriff Johnson. He can bring cops and backup in case my parents find us.”

  “Good idea.” Johnny pulled out his phone and started dialing the number for the police station.

  I looked at Katie, who despite all she had been through, and thoroughly caked in bruises, still looked like a dream. Her brown hair was blowing in the wind, and she was looking back at me.

  “Hi…” I reached out and squeezed her hand.

  “Hi.” She smiled and squeezed my hand in return.

  I knew we were okay.

  “Okay, I just called the Sheriff. He wanted all the details, but all I said was to meet us under the highway- and to bring backup. That’s about half a mile from here. We need to run.”

  We all nodded in agreement, and Johnny and I each took one of Katie’s arms to help her run without putting pressure on the foot further injuring the ankle which I was positive was badly broken.

  We started into a low sprint and were running for about five minutes. Katie needed a break, so we took a breather, and stood there in silence for a few moments.

  I encouraged her that it was best if we kept going. Who knew how close my parents were?

  We began running once more, and within a few more minutes, the highway underpass came into view.


  My mom.

  I turned and was immediately jolted with a shooting pain in my chest. I was knocked onto my back, and everyone stopped and turned to look at me. It was a tranquilizer dart. Damn it.

  I reached into my chest to pull it out but noticed blood on my fingertips when I pulled back. I touched my chest once more, and felt the shiny bullet now lodged in it.

  No, not a tranquilizer… a
bullet. My mother shot me.

  I looked over and my mom and very angry father were heading this way.

  I couldn’t risk them getting caught again.

  I looked at them, at Katie, and then at Johnny.




  Johnny, Tara, Kim, and I were practically sprinting the remaining distance to the freeway overpass. I couldn’t help but steal one final look at a bleeding Mark laying in the middle of the road. I could hear the police sirens in the distance, and my heart soared.


  I turned around to look at Sharon and Paul, who upon hearing the sirens, dashed back into the forestry.

  We finally reached the underpass, and I found myself collapsing onto my knees due to the amount of sheer pain I was in. My ankle was practically useless and felt as if it was hanging on a small shred.

  Johnny held my shoulders and tried to comfort me, right as my dad and five other squad cars pulled in.

  The car was immediately thrown into park, and my dad came bolting out, beelining for me. He grabbed me in a huge embrace, and I burst into tears. I missed him so much, and there were definite times where I didn’t know if this reunion would even be possible.

  My dad held me at arm’s length, surveying my probably badly bruised face and torso. He shook his head, tears visible in his eyes, and he looked at my ankle which looked absolutely horrible. He made an audible gasp, and then seemed to remember that there were two other survivors with us.

  He looked over at Tara and Kim who were also crying.

  My dad motioned for two other officers to help them out.

  He looked at Johnny, and broke into a huge grin.

  “I suppose I have you to thank for my daughter’s homecoming. Thank you. Especially for saving Tara and Kim. I have to ask… where’s Anna?”

  Johnny looked somber, and I knew it was the question on his mind as well. Running through a forest didn’t exactly provide you ample time to talk about things. They both looked to me for an answer.

  “Sharon killed her.” I looked at both of them.

  “Sharon? Puntzer? Amy’s mom?” My dad looked shocked, and I realized that Johnny hadn’t filled him in on all the details when he called him.

  “I’ll tell you the details later, but right now, you need to go to the Puntzer house and arrest Sharon, Paul, and their gate attendant George before they try and bolt.”


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