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The Love Pill

Page 19

by Arizona Tape

  ‘I don’t have “gaydar”, but on the other hand, I’m not gay either. You know that.’ Cara grinned, nudging my shoulder with hers.

  I let out a short chuckle and rested my head on her shoulder. Although it was obvious that Cara liked me and was my girlfriend, I knew she wasn’t gay. She was straight as an arrow and had been into men for her whole life. But like they say, the exception proves the rule. And in this case, I was the exception. Or that’s what she said anyway.

  Was I complaining? Hell no, I was enjoying every moment that I could spend with her.

  I firmly believe that every straight girl has her exception, but how many straight girls stay with their lesbian exceptions? Not much, I can tell you that much.

  But every day, I crossed my fingers and hoped Cara would stay with me for a long, long time.

  ‘You are very quiet.’ Cara interrupted my thoughts.

  ‘I was just thinking…Do you find that Jessica girl attractive?’ I asked, not knowing why I even asked. Cara wasn’t gay, if she left me it wasn’t gonna be for another girl.

  ‘I suppose? I don’t know, I’m not that into blonde.’ she answered, still in a casual tone.

  Cara had no idea how much I had been over-thinking this, not just now, but in general. Some part of me always feared that one day she had enough of the lesbian life and me.

  ‘I think she has brown hair.’ I said, more in a questioning tone. I wasn’t sure either, I had been too distracted by Cara.

  ‘Oh. Could be. I didn’t really pay attention to her. But that’s probably because I was checking you out. You look extremely sexy in that bikini. Extremely. But I also like what’s underneath. Why don’t you let me look?’ Cara flirted, her voice all low and hoarse. I smirked and bit my lip. Tease.

  ‘Hmm, yeah I could.’ I casually answered, taking the string from my top half in my hand. ‘I should take it off.’

  I immediately felt Cara’s hand around my wrist, pulling my hand away from the knot.

  ‘Not here. They are not for anyone else’s eyes.’ she hissed, the jealousy clear in her eyes. Cute.

  ‘What are you saying?’ I inquired, challenging raising an eyebrow.

  ‘I’m saying that you are mine.’ Cara growled, making the hairs on my arm stand up. Massive turn on.

  Cara brought her head closer and I involuntarily licked my lips. I felt her breath on my skin when she let out a chuckle and I noticed how my body tensed up, wanting to be kissed and touched. My attention was shortly drawn to my leg where her fingers were slowly walking towards my core.

  She softly kissed me in my neck, making me suck in a deep breath. I gasped when she started planting feather light kisses in my neck and went completely speechless when she dug her teeth into my soft skin. I bit on my bottom lip, trying to keep my head cool, but I quickly felt myself lose control. Cara gently took my face in her hand and turned it towards her, hovering her lips right above my mouth. She brushed her lips over mine, making me hold my breath. I brought my mouth up, trying to kiss her, but she pulled back. I let my head fall back and her lips immediately followed the movement, almost kissing me.

  Again she teasingly brushed her lips over mine, this time swooping her tongue over my bottom lip. I opened my mouth in an attempt to steal a kiss, but she pulled away again. I let out a frustrated sigh that quickly morphed into a moan when she started nibbling on my jaw. I groaned when she pushed my head up with hers and I shut my eyes in pure delight when I felt her mouth inch closer and closer to mine. She took my bottom lip in between her teeth and seductively sucked on it. Again I brought my body up to meet her lips, but to my frustration, Cara pulled away.

  ‘Come on…’ I begged, not wanting to take more of her teasing. I wanted to feel her lips on mine, I wanted to explore her mouth with my tongue, I wanted to connect my yearning body with hers.

  ‘As you wish, sweetie.’ Cara whispered, before smashing her lips on mine, making me drift away. The way she moved her lips against mine was like heaven. Our tongues fighting for dominance, but our lips gently caressing each other. I still didn’t understand how she fitted me so perfectly.

  Suddenly I felt something very cold, very wet and very sticky drip over my head. I yelped in surprise and immediately disconnected from our heated kiss.

  ‘What the…?’ I shrieked and swept my hand over my forehead, harvesting orange droplets. I looked at Cara, who was shuddering from laughter, her glass completely empty.

  Ooooh. She didn’t.

  ‘You didn’t.’ I growled, not believing what she just did.

  ‘You looked a bit hot and bothered. Payback is a bitch, didn’t I tell you?’ Cara said, howling in amusement.

  Guess I deserved that. Still, didn’t mean I was gonna take it. I emptied my glass over her head too and started laughing when I saw her shocked face.

  ‘You are right, this is funny.’ I cheered, looking at her enraged face.

  ‘You watch it…’ she whispered, her voice all low and dangerous, indicating that she had something in mind. This was my cue to start running.

  I jumped up and started sprinting towards the water, knowing that Cara was gonna gain upon me like she did before. She did, but barely. I was already standing with my feet in the water and I quickly ran in deeper.

  ‘Come here you.’ Cara growled again, turning me on so badly that I felt my nipples prod through the fabric of my bikini. Even if I didn’t want to, my body reacted instinctively to her.

  ‘Are you cold or are you just a little bit too hot?’ Cara muttered teasingly in my ear, pressing her body flush against mine. I shivered and shut my eyes, enjoying the contrast of the cold water and Cara’s warm body.

  ‘Let me help you out.’ she seductively whispered, sending tingles all the way down my spine. I tried to compose myself and stay silent, but when Cara’s hand disappeared in my bikini bottom I moaned loudly.

  ‘I like summer, what about you?’ Cara smirked, her talented fingers rendering me temporarily speechless.

  ‘Oh my, oh, I definitely like summer. Oh, yeah, definitely.’ I moaned, relishing in the haze that clouded my mind and made everything disappear but Cara and me.

  37. Happy

  Cara Hemlock

  - 9 Years Later -

  ‘I love you.’

  ‘I love you too, Brent.’ I lovingly said, kissing him on his cheek. He grinned and gave me a kiss back on my forehead. I couldn’t contain the big smile that stretched on my face and pulled him against my side. He wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a tight hug.

  ‘What are we doing tonight?’ Brent asked, looking at me with his beautiful dark eyes.

  ‘What do you wanna do, honey?’ I smiled, knowing that I wouldn’t refuse anything he asked. I always wanted to make him happy.

  ‘We could go to the lake?’ he proposed, a cheeky grin on his face. I nodded in agreement. I liked going to the lake, take a swim.

  ‘That’s alright, honey. I could use a good swim.’ I said, thinking about where I left my swimsuit.

  ‘Can we go now?’ Brent asked, his eyes twinkling with mischief and joy. I laughed and nodded my head again. He loved swimming and it kept me in shape, so I didn’t mind.

  ‘I’ll make us some snacks for afterwards.’ I smiled, making Brent’s smile even bigger.

  ‘Yes, please.’ he grinned, his voice filled with excitement.

  ‘You go find your swimming suit, mister.’ I ordered playfully. He grinned and we both walked into our house. He went to the bedroom and I walked into the kitchen to make us some quick snacks.

  ‘I can’t find them!’ he yelled from the room, making me roll my eyes. He was always so disorganised and dumped his stuff wherever he came first. Sloppy boy.

  ‘First drawer!’ I shouted back, while preparing a couple of sandwiches and some toasties. I grabbed a bag of chips and some drinks and threw them all in a bag.

  ‘Found em.’ Brent shouted and I could hear his rapid footsteps on the stair when he ran back in the kitchen.

��Hold on a second, honey, I need to get my swimsuit and then we’ll leave.’ I said, kissing him on his cheek. He chuckled and sat down at the table, patiently waiting for me to gather up my stuff.

  ‘Let’s go.’ I cheered and we enthusiastically ran towards the car. I started the car and we drove towards the lake, enjoying the sunny weather and the chirping birds. When we arrived we both jumped out of the car and sprinted towards the changing cabins. We quickly changed into our swimming suits and dropped our stuff back into the car. Brent as usual just throwing his clothes over the backseat while I neatly folded mine and carefully placed them on the driver’s seat.

  ‘Race you to the water?’ I proposed, poking him in his ribs. He snorted and immediately ran towards the water. I gave him a tiny head start and then sprinted after him. He reached the water first and smugly waved in triumph.

  ‘You are getting slow.’ he teased and splattered water in my direction. I grinned and splashed handfuls of water back.

  We swim and dove in the water for hours, ate the snacks I made and then drove back home.

  ‘Grrr…’ I growled when another car was blocking me out of the driveway.

  ‘Stupid, stupid. Always. Grrrr.’ I cursed and parked my car on the sidewalk. Brent and I walked into the house and were greeted by a delicious smell that I recognised as hamburgers. That kinda made up for the car.

  Brent stuck his nose in the air, took a big whiff, cheered loudly, dropped his bag and ran into the kitchen, overly excited about dinner. I shook my head in amusement, picked up his bag and followed him into the kitchen.

  ‘Mommy!’ he chirped and gave the woman standing in the kitchen a hug.

  ‘Hey, how is my little boy?’ she lovingly asked, ruffling through his hair as a sign of affection.

  ‘I’m not a little boy anymore!’ Brent shouted, puffing up his chest to make himself bigger.

  ‘I know, but you’ll always be my little boy.’ she smiled, kissing him on his cheek.

  ‘Hey, love.’ she greeted me, making the butterflies flutter in my stomach. I grinned, not understanding how after all these years she still made me feel like a horny teenager.

  ‘Hey, yourself.’ I smirked, leaning in to kiss her softly on her mouth. Like usual the sparks shot everywhere and Lexi smiled against my lips, making me smile in return.

  ‘How’ve you been?’ Lexi whispered, rubbing her nose against mine, making me bite my lip from the excitement that ran through my veins.

  ‘Good. I took Brent for a swim and we had some snacks.’ I murmured, kissing her again.

  ‘Mum took me to the lake and raced me to the lake and I won!’ Brent chirped, making us both laugh.

  ‘Go freshen up and then we can eat hamburgers.’ Lexi grinned, pointing in the direction of his bedroom. Brent nodded and ran out of the kitchen, giving us an extra moment of intimacy.

  ‘Hey, sweetie.’ I greeted my lover again by kissing her. She responded by opening her mouth and sweeping her tongue over my bottom lip. I smirked and nipped on her bottom lip in return, making her softly moan. I pushed her against the counter and sucked on Lexi’s tongue, making her shiver under me. She just drove me crazy and made me lose my mind whenever I was around her.

  And the fact that she made delicious food was a big plus. Saved me from burning our kitchen down.

  ‘Is there something burning?’ a little voice chirped behind us, making us jump apart.

  ‘Oh, crap, the burgers, shit!’ Lexi cursed, focusing her attention back to the dinner she was making. Seems that even when I wasn’t cooking anything, I could still ruin dinner. I should stay away from the kitchen, but no chance in hell was that happening if my lovely wife was in there.

  ‘Sweetie, language.’ I warned her by lightly tapping her on her ass. She was faced towards the stove top, but I knew she was rolling her eyes. After all, we both slipped up way too often around our son, even though we tried our best.

  ‘Brent, why don’t you set the table for us?’ I asked our son, giving him a task to keep him entertained. He enthusiastically nodded, pulled open the drawers and took the plates and cutlery.

  ‘It’s ready.’ Lexi smiled, placing the buns, vegetables and burgers on the table. Brent grabbed a bun and a burger, squirted too much sauce on top and placed the top back on.

  ‘Oh, honey, aren’t you forgetting anything?’ I asked, pointing at the vegetables.

  ‘No, I don’t think so, mum.’ he cheekily answered, taking a big bite from his vegetable-less burger, a smug grin on his face. He even dared to look me right in the eye as he chewed.

  Even though we didn’t share any DNA, he was my son through and through. He took after me in so many ways, sometimes it freaked us out how much he resembled me. But we loved it, of course. After all, he was our kid.

  I looked back in his dark brown eyes, like always melting. I never could resist the owners of these eyes, nor Lexi’s, nor my son’s. But I was so glad that of all the things, Brent inherited Lexi’s eyes.

  ‘I wonder where he got his smart mouth?’ Lexi snorted under her breath, winking in amusement.

  ‘Shut up.’ I whispered back, kicking her under the table.

  ‘Take some lettuce and tomatoes.’ I said to Brent, placing the greens on his plate.

  ‘Fine…’ he groaned, placing them on his bun, looking at me with a sour face.

  Lexi and I were standing in the door opening, peering in the dark bedroom where our son was sleeping.

  I still couldn’t believe how lucky I was. I had a beautiful, healthy son and a loving, hot, funny wife.

  What did I do in my past lives that I got this perfect life? I grinned and reflected back on our story so far.

  Manuel jumping in the air when he heard that Lexi and I got together.

  Lexi and me taking our relationship to the next level.

  Me telling her that I loved her.

  Surprising her for our anniversary with the boat trip she had been dreaming about since she was a little girl.

  Lexi saying that she loved me back.

  Buying a house with Lexi.

  Giving her the cat that she always thought she owned when she was drunk.

  Me becoming a godmother when Ruben got one of his one night stands pregnant and became a single father.

  Proposing to Lexi under a beautiful blossoming tree.

  Marrying Lexi under that same tree.

  The birth of our baby boy.

  Even with all the bumps in the road, a perfect life up till now.

  ‘Why are you smirking like a weirdo?’ Lexi whispered, nuzzling in the crook of my neck.

  ‘Because. Just because I’m happy. You make me happy.’ I admitted, kissing her on the top of her head, not able to describe how utterly content and satisfied she made me.

  ‘You make me happy too.’ Lexi mumbled lovingly, sending the usual chills down my spine.

  I turned towards her, finding her lips and kissing her tenderly. She softly moaned and her hands wrapped themselves automatically around my body, where they belonged. I nipped at her bottom lip and suggestively tugged her towards our bedroom. She grinned, not objecting one bit and we hastily, but quietly ran towards our bed.

  Lexi dove into the bed, smiling suggestively at me and I could feel the air around us getting hotter by the second. With no time to waste, I pulled the bedroom shut behind us.

  I joined her in bed, kissing her thoroughly, making her whimper underneath me in desire and wanton.

  ‘I love you, Lexi.’ I whispered in between my kisses.

  ‘I love you too.’ she sighed, surrendering under my touch.

  Even though she had said those words many times before, the more I heard them, the better they became. As always, they filled my heart with love, light and excitement.

  I grabbed the covers and pulled us both under it, submerging us into a little world that was our very own.

  — The end —

  About a Sleeping Cat

  Lexi Zellichman

  I shivered when I stepped ou
t of the car into the dark night. It had become very cold and in the beams of light from the streets lamps, you could see a very faint drizzle finding the ground.

  Autumn had taken summer’s place, that was for sure.

  ‘You should wear your coat.’ Cara spoke, handing me the jacket I had left on the backseat.

  ‘We are ten meters from the door.’ I stubbornly answered, staring angrily at the balding trees. I didn’t want summer to end yet and I figured that as long as I kept walking around in t-shirts, it was technically still summer.


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