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What if you had a tiny pill that could change attraction into love?Straight as an arrow, Cara, is sent on a mission to seduce and deceive the beautiful Lexi, a longtime lesbian, who just lost her father, the only family she had left. When those two women meet, their lives will change in a way neither of them could have imagined.During the course of the book, Cara has to learn the ways to please a woman. She discovers a different side of herself and has to come to terms with her newfound sexuality. But what happens when she forgets to guard her own heart in the process?Opposite of her, Lexi has to come to grips with the fact that she might have finally found love. She struggles with letting Cara in and accepting that her heart wants what it wants.As their story unfolds, the two women dance around each other and the love that is blossoming between them, but neither seems to be brave enough to face it. A beautiful story, no?It would have been, if the love pill hadn't been involved.The Love PillĀ is a refreshing twist on the age old story about finding love.It shows that love can be found during times you never thought were possible, in places you didn't know that existed and mostly, with people you would least expect it with.