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The Love Pill

Page 7

by Arizona Tape

  After our heated make out session we sat next to each other, panting. My head still dizzy from the overload of Lexi, my senses on high alert from trying to take in everything that was Lexi and my stomach and groin heated up, although with a different sort of heat. I slung my arm around her and she slumped down, nestling her head on my shoulder.

  I heard her let out a contented sigh. I smiled, this was going in the right direction. It had just been a make out session but I experienced feelings that, at this moment, I couldn’t fully comprehend yet.

  ‘Cara? Can I ask you something?’ Lexi started, her head rotating and I felt that she was looking at me. I simply nodded.

  ‘What exactly do you do for a living?’

  I felt my stomach clench together again, the familiar feeling I had when I had to lie about my work, my house, my life.

  ‘That’s random. Where did that come from?’ I stammered, trying to conceal my surprise and buy myself some time.

  ‘I’ve been meaning to ask you, but I kind of got distracted when you kissed me.’ Lexi pointed out while rubbing circles on my thigh with her index finger.

  ‘Can you stop that?’ I asked, taking her hand in mine, stopping the circular motion. ‘This, this is distracting me.’

  She smiled and started rubbing her thumb over my hand.

  ‘That too, is distracting, sweetie.’ I said again, trying to come up with a believable answer without lying too much. She pulled her hand back and removed her body from mine.

  I immediately missed her warmth but felt the haze in my head disappear. I straightened my back and looked her in the face. Her dark eyes stared back, like they were begging me to tell the truth.

  ‘I work for a company that works with the government.’ I cautiously started, not yet lying.

  ‘What we do is mostly paperwork.’ Still, not a lie. Technically.

  ‘My colleagues and I work for one boss, who works for a minister, so technically I’m one of the lowest in the work chain.’ I told her, saying more than I had ever told anyone.

  Most of my friends didn’t even know what I did for a living. Oh wait, I barely had any friends outside work. Problem solved!

  Lexi nodded before cupping her head and asking what exactly I did. Shit.

  ‘We work with classified information from the government, so I can’t really tell you.’ I told her, just letting out the part that it was us who gathered the information.

  Nothing I told her was a real lie, more an omission, so my stomach unclenched and I could breathe properly once more. Lexi nodded and stood up from the couch, stretching her lean body. Her shirt rose up and exposed the small of her back. Her skin was lightly tanned and looked extremely soft. It looked like it would taste very good on my taste buds, if only I could run my tongue over it. Plant soft kisses down, that would start on her lower back but end somewhere completely different. I bit on my lip, trying to stop the lustful thoughts.

  ‘You want some dessert?’ Lexi asked while she turned around, her shirt lowering and hiding her desirable skin.

  I nodded speechless, not trusting my own voice. How the hell did I get turned on by one small strip of flesh?

  Lexi disappeared into the kitchen and came back, holding two bowls with lemon sorbet and a small pitcher with what seemed like water. She handed me the bowl and grabbed a lighter from her pocket. She lit it up and held it by the pitcher. The fluid, which apparently wasn’t water, started burning, while Lexi poured it over my sorbet.

  I must have had a questioning look on my face.

  ‘Vodka.’ she explained, giving herself a generous shot. I nodded, looking strangely at my sorbet. I took a spoonful and couldn’t contain the smile spreading on my face.

  That was a good combination, damn!

  ‘You like?’

  ‘Yes, that’s amazing. Is the sorbet homemade?’

  ‘Yes, it is. A recipe from my father…’

  So she started about her father. That was a first. The best thing to do was probably to just let her talk and listen.

  ‘…He was an amazing cook and made lovely desserts. This sorbet is made from a mixture of cured lemons and limes. And the vodka just makes it a bit more fun.’ Lexi went on, reminiscing about her father.

  ‘How long ago…?’ I trailed off, trying not to ask the question.

  ‘Two months and 7 days…God, I miss my dad.’ Lexi whispered, her voice so sad that I felt my heart break. My mouth went dry and never in my life did I resent my job more than now.

  Without saying anything I pulled Lexi closer and gave her the warmest hug I had in me.

  ‘I’m so sorry, sweetie. You wanna talk about it?’

  She shook her head. ‘No.’

  At that moment I told myself to let it slide and forget my mission. Just for tonight. I wanted nothing more than to just comfort her, so that’s what I did. I pulled her on my lap and wrapped my arms around her waist, embracing her fully. I felt her slowly relax, her body melting into mine, fitting perfectly. Not being able to do more, I just held her, nuzzling into her hair, smelling her alluring scent. Even at this moment, I couldn’t help myself from being attracted to her.

  We just sat like this, in a comfortable silence until I felt her breathing slow down. Not long after that, I heard a soft snoring sound, indicating that Lexi had fallen asleep. I picked her up and started walking towards her bedroom. I lifted the sheet and placed her underneath. She immediately snuggled into her pillow, crawling up into a ball.

  I placed a soft kiss on her forehead and started walking towards the door.

  ‘Hmm…Cara? Stay with me?’ I heard her ask, making my heart stop before racing rapidly. She just asked me to stay the night. Oh dear, I didn’t think this far ahead. Should I stay? Should I go?


  That literally stopped me in my tracks. Honey? That was the very first time she had called me by something else than my name.

  Was I staying? Hell yeah.

  ‘Don’t worry, sweetie, I’m not leaving.’ I whispered, turning the light off and walking back to the bed. I slipped under the covers, laying down next to her. She turned around and nestled her body against mine. I let out a contented sigh and wrapped my arms around her tiny frame. She started snoring softly, which made her even more cute, if that was possible. I laid my head down and embraced the thrill running through my body.

  I never knew laying with a woman would satisfy me that much. I sleepily smiled and closed my eyes.

  20. The Morning

  Lexi Zellichman

  I woke up like I did every morning, but for some reason, it felt different than other days. It had been a while since I felt so relaxed and well rested. I tried to stretch, but something restricted me. Something warm and incredibly soft. I opened my eyes and noticed the gorgeous woman sleeping next to me.

  I shot up, my heart racing. Shit, did I bring someone home last night? That wasn’t possible, I didn’t go out yesterday. I rubbed the sleep grains from my eyes and took a better look at the woman in my bed. I smiled and felt myself relax. It was just Cara.

  Thank God.

  ‘Hmm. What are you doing, sweetie?’ she mumbled, her voice a tad lower than usual, due to her just waking up.

  ‘Nothing.’ I whispered, trying to ignore that all my butterflies had already woken up too.

  ‘Lay back down, sweetie.’ she sleepily muttered, her arms sneaking back around my waist and pulling me back under the covers. I slumped back down and snuggled into Cara her warm body.

  ‘Hmm. Better.’ she softly breathed in my ear, making my heart flutter. She easily manoeuvred her thigh between my legs, pressing it against my core, making me flame up in about a second. If I had been sleepy before, now I certainly wasn’t.

  I sighed and tried to stop my brain from imagining how it would be if we were naked and she was laying on top of me, her hands caressing my body and her mouth placing kisses all over and her fingers…

  Stop. Stop.

  I tried to pull away and create some distance but w
ith every movement, I created more friction. That definitely wasn’t helping…

  ‘What are you doing?’ Cara sleepily asked, pushing herself up and removing her leg, giving me some breathing space.

  ‘I’m not tired anymore…Wanna have breakfast?’ I awkwardly suggested, slowly sliding away from Cara. She stretched her arms and made the cutest yawning sound. Okay, now I really needed to get out off this bed before I jumped her bones. I tried my hardest not to move away too obviously, but I am quite sure I failed miserably.

  She nodded and pushed herself up, making the covers glide down. She stood up and reached for her shirt. I quickly turned away, but I couldn’t un-see her voluptuous breasts and her cute butt in her sexy lingerie. I felt my cheeks heat up from arousal and tried to calm myself down.

  Still turned on I sat down at the table and kept staring at my plate, trying to ignore the lust I felt. They say cold showers help, well, they don’t.

  ‘Sweetie, is there something wrong?’

  I shook my head in denial but kept peering down.

  ‘Why won’t you look at me? Did I do something wrong?’

  Again I shook my head. God, this was torture.

  ‘Then look at me, sweetie.’ I heard, her voice barely a whisper. I slowly lifted up my head and looked in her eyes.

  ‘Why are you upset? Is it because I stayed the night?’

  I extended my arm and grabbed her hand, gripping it tightly. She sounded so sad, so I couldn’t do anything else but confess.

  ‘No, of course not! It’s just that I can’t get the picture of you in the morning out of my head.’ I explained, embarrassed that I was so easily turned on. Cara nodded slowly and she exhaled audibly.

  ‘Yeah, I know, I’m not very attractive in the morning…’

  Are you kidding? Not attractive? One quick peek had my loins aching for her.

  ‘No, that’s not what I meant. It’s just…Well…You looked very edible.’ I quickly added, again looking down as if there was something incredibly interesting in my lap.

  ‘Edible?’ she snorted. ‘No I don’t. I look horrible in the morning.’

  I stood up and sat down on her lap, trying to prove how edible I found her. I swept my tongue over her bottom lip and as soon as she opened her mouth, I deepened the kiss. She swiftly manoeuvred the gentle kiss in a hot, flaming one, which didn’t exactly help my situation down there.

  I also became very aware of our sitting arrangement, where our cores were basically pressed together.

  I began sucking on the smooth skin under her earlobe and let my hands glide to her firm breasts and started gently massaging them.

  Cara softly moaned and I felt her hands firmly grip my butt, turning me on even more. I started unbuttoning her shirt, exposing her bra, which I slowly unclasped, making my hands tremble. I had been with my share of women, but I had never felt so dazzled by one. She quickly lost the shirt and I let my hands run over her naked back.

  If fingertips could have an orgasm, they probably would have achieved one right now. Her hands lifted up my blouse and her fingers tenderly caressed the small of my back. I pulled out off the kiss to catch a breath.

  Luckily Cara was also panting.

  ‘Believe me, you always look edible.’ I whispered, trying not to sound like a horny teenager, although that’s how she made me feel.

  ‘You are pretty delicious too.’ she grinned, her fingers still roaming over my bare back.

  I brought my head closer to hers for another kiss when her cell phone started ringing. She looked at the caller and declined the call.

  ‘You’re not gonna answer?’ I asked curiously. She shook her head and placed her lips on mine. Her teeth nipping on my lower lip made me completely lose interest in her caller until her phone went off again. She groaned and again pressed the red button. Five seconds later, the phone lit up again and she declined it again.

  ‘Maybe it’s important?’ I suggested, while looking with hatred at the damn thing. It ruined a perfectly good moment with Cara. Who knows where we would have ended up if that stupid thing didn’t make that sound. Stupid phone and stupid caller.

  ‘Yeah, maybe, no…No, it’s not.’ she sarcastically said, but I saw the doubt on her face.

  ‘Take the call. I’ll clean up in the meantime.’ I sighed, standing up from her lap because the moment was ruined anyway. Cara nodded, stood up and walked towards the living room.

  ‘Hello, what do you want?’ I heard her coldly say, making shivers run down my spine and not the good kind for once. I never heard her so cold and distant. It was quite unsettling and couldn’t help but wonder who managed to turn this warm, caring woman into an ice queen and what they had done to deserve that kind of treatment.

  I also made a mental note that I hoped she would never speak to me in that tone of voice.

  Intrigued by this change, I eavesdropped a little and here and there I overheard some pieces of the conversation.

  ‘Good for you…’

  ‘…‘ I’m sure you did…’

  ‘…Wrong with that?’

  ‘‘ I’ll get back to…’

  I heard Cara walked back to the kitchen, so I quickly turned to the sink and grabbed a cup, pretending I was drying it. She let out a heavy sigh and let herself fall down on the chair. I cocked my head to the side and sat down next to her. Her hand grabbed mine and she intertwined our fingers.

  ‘Work. I have to go to the office.’ she breathed out, a dull look on her face.

  I nodded. ‘Okay. Same here, so…’ I trailed off. This was our first morning together, and although it started out just fine, it had kind of a lousy ending.

  ‘Yeah, I should get going.’ Cara said, while standing up and awkwardly looking around.

  ‘I'll walk you out.’ I offered, grabbing her purse and handing it to her. She gratefully smiled and started shuffling to the door. I opened my front door and she stepped outside. The cold wind immediately hit me square in the face.

  Autumn was definitely turning into winter.

  ‘When am I seeing you again?’ she asked, making the butterflies flutter.

  Very soon I hope.

  ‘What do you propose?’ I calmly said, trying to hide my eagerness.

  ‘Well, you cooked for me. How about I cook for you?’ she offered, while her fingers lightly ran over my arm. I nodded, knowing that my voice would give away my excitement.

  ‘Are you free this Saturday night?’

  ‘Yes, I’m free.’ I managed to blurt out, without sounding too much like my insides were jumping around.

  ‘Sweet. I’ll text you the details later, but say around 7 pm?’

  I nodded again, still trying to hide how keen I was to see where she lived. She smiled and connected our lips, giving me a last kiss before she turned around and stepped off my porch.

  ‘Bye, have a nice day at work, sweetie.’

  I grinned and watched her walk away before I closed the door and went back to my bedroom. Waking up next to Cara made me almost forget that I also had work to go to. And if I didn’t want to repeat the time I was horrendously late, I really should start getting ready. I gathered up my work utilities and I took a quick glance at my closet and decided that after work I should hit the stores for a new dress.

  If I wanted to impress Cara, I definitely needed something new.

  21. Change

  Cara Hemlock

  ‘Come on, I apologised about a million times, what else can I do?’ Ruben begged, sitting in my office, where I was blatantly ignoring him. I knew deep down that he didn’t rat me out on purpose, but I was still mad about Lisa hitting on my girl and I had to take it out on someone.

  ‘Cara Hemlock, you are being unreasonable. You know this is not my fault.’

  I rolled my eyes and looked at him. He really did look like he was sorry.

  ‘I know. I’m just mad that no matter what I do or tell Lexi, there will never be a future.’ I sighed, deciding to just let him off the hook and forgive him. Holding a grudge di
dn’t do me any good anyway.

  Besides, his apologies and begging started to get on my nerves and I wasn’t sure how long I could take it before I clobbered him on the head.

  He looked curiously at me. ' You are actually thinking about that? Having a future with Lexi? You do know that she is a woman and you are straight, right?’

  ‘Really? I hadn’t noticed that she was female. Thanks for pointing that out, Captain Obvious.’ I sarcastically snorted, shaking my head in annoyance.

  He shrugged his shoulders. ‘Just saying. You really like Lexi that much, huh?’


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