Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC

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Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC Page 11

by Grayson, Alivia

  I told him so, and he made a good point about people changing when they meet that special someone. I’m not his special someone. I’m a mess, a fucked-up mess, and I made sure he knew that by telling him about what happened with Brick, and how I was as much of a whore as he is. How all I would do if we were together is cheat on him the way he cheated on Willow.

  God, the way Trace looked at me, so confused, so... Hurt. That look has haunted me ever since. Could Trace really have feelings for me? Could he have been my one?

  That’s fucking stupid, right? There’s no such thing as, “The one.” All the fairy tale crap people talk about, the misty eyes, the pounding heart, the need to be beside that one person always, is all bullshit. It’s just a trick of the mind, kind of like drug addiction. It’s all in your head. No matter how powerful it may seem.

  However, why then do I feel like a better person when I’m near him?

  Why do all the bad things disappear from my mind every time he touches me?

  Why when I’m not with him do I feel the loneliness filling me?

  I don’t want to feel this way about Trace. I don’t want to need him, and I definitely don’t want to love him. Hell, I told the man I’d been sexual with someone else. An enemy of his club! Why the fuck would he want me now?

  That’s why I really said yes to coming out tonight. To try and forget about Trace and what we could have had, had I not been such a stupid bitch.

  There are a few of us here. Me, Elie, Maria, Nova, Willow – cause that’s not weird – Tammy, Tessa, Brooke, Marnie – Don Vidal’s wife! – Marley, Coral, and a couple of others. I’m so overwhelmed right now. I also feel like the odd one out. Each woman here is a wife and mother. I have nothing in common with them. Maybe just Willow, we have Trace in common.

  I’m sick of them all asking me what’s going on with Trace and me. Nothing is going on with us, I saw to that. I’m sick of hearing how much he’s changed since meeting me. How none of them have ever seen him smile the way he does when he’s talking about me.

  I don’t want to hear it; I’m nothing special, they’ll soon realize that.

  Besides... “If he liked me that much he wouldn’t be at the bar with that skank on his lap.” Each woman turns in the direction of the bar.

  Sure as shit, there’s Trace drinking beer with a scantily-clad whore on his knee. Sparkling blue hot pants and bra is all she’s wearing. Her hair is loose, and her makeup is fit for a drag queen. Seriously, I thought this was a nightclub, not a fucking titty bar.

  “I’m sure he’s just talking to her.”

  “Sure, Marnie.” I roll my eyes at the mafia queen. Beautiful woman with long blonde hair, big blue eyes. Sister to Brooke, who looks just like her and is married to Hawk, who’s the brother of Wrench, Elie’s husband.

  Marnie is also sister-in-law to Maria, who is married to Jett, clubs VP, big brother to Willow and Nova. Willow is married to Hammer, who is the half-brother to Maria and Draven Vidal, each sharing the same father. Hammer is also the half-brother on his mother’s side to Tank, who Nova is married to. Marley is married to Roman, cousin to Hawk and Wrench on their mother’s side... Jett, Willow, and Nova are also the kids of Shepard, club president.

  Coral is Stryker’s wife, and Stryker is the foster brother of Wrench and Hawk. Coral is Elie’s mother, making Stryker his own foster brother’s father-in-law. Luckily he isn’t Elie’s birth father, or that would be the fucking weirdest family I’ve ever met.

  Tammy is Red’s wife, my brother’s father, and Tessa is married to Ace, also cousin to Roman, but on his father’s side. Roman is the man who gives me curious looks every time I see him. It’s not creepy, there’s nothing sexual about it, trust me, I know when a man wants me, but I often wonder what he’s thinking when he watches me. It might not be sexual, but it’s definitely in a possessive way, or maybe I’m just reading too much into things that aren’t there.

  But there has to be a reason, right? I mean, he’s the man who came to the hospital and told me that Scott and I didn’t share the same father.

  Maybe I should talk to him, find out what’s on his mind.

  Maybe you should understand when someone doesn’t like you, Fallon. You’ve fucked around with his friend. Ever thought Roman just can’t stand you?

  There is that.

  “This is typical of Trace,” Willow interjects as the girls all turn to face me.

  Isn’t it just fucking typical that I’m in the seat facing the bar? I bet that fucker saw me sitting here and deliberately sat there with that slut just to hurt me.

  It shouldn’t hurt, but it does.

  “He hasn’t done that in a while.”

  I don’t even give a shit. These women, dressed up, like, they belong in a movie, can talk all they want about what Trace has and hasn’t done in a while, it won’t make a difference to me.

  Their voices fade around me; my eyes are burning holes in the back of the sluts head. I hadn’t noticed the other bikers near the bar before now — two of them. I’m not looking directly at them, so I have no clue who they are. I don’t even care about them. However, I’ll make that bitch care if she doesn’t get her hands off my man!

  Yes, he’s mine! There’s no way I’m losing him to a whore like that. I did a bad thing with Brick, and I’m terrified of what he’s going to do to me when he catches up with me next time.

  However, that man over there at the bar, skank on his knee, his arm around her waist, hers stroking the back of his hair, is mine. I may have tried to push him away because I’m no good for him, but I’ll make him forgive me. I want him back, he’s mine, end of story.

  I don’t want to sit here and watch this. I know Trace is doing it to hurt me, and he’s succeeding, but I don’t want to be without him. As scared as I am to be with him, I’m more terrified of not having him in my life. I don’t care that he’s a biker. I don’t care that he’s hurt, even killed men before now. Trace is the man who makes my heart beat faster. He is who makes me forget everything I don’t want to remember.

  Trace owns my heart.


  Oh, god. I’ve lost my heart to a lowdown dirty biker, and I have no hope of getting it back unscathed.

  I knock back the vodka in front of me, my eyes never leaving the bitch in my man’s lap. Whore thinks he’s going to fuck her tonight. The only thing that’s going to be fucking her is my fist in her face.

  I’m not a shy girl, and I’m not a weak one either. Yeah, I’m a fuck-up, but who isn’t? That’s not to say I’ll sit here and wait for one bitch or another to take what’s mine.

  I’m out of my seat and making my way over to the bar, one of the girls yelling, “Fallon, where the hell are you going?” I don’t answer whoever it was. It’s very fucking obvious where I’m going.

  What do you suppose I do when I get to the bar?

  Tap her shoulder?


  Ask her nicely to move away from my man?

  Maybe she’d just say sorry and move away quietly?

  Yeah, right!

  My hand winds around her hair at the back of her head. Her hands automatically reach for mine to try and prize me off of her. I drag her from Trace so hard a bunch of her cheap hair extensions come out in my hand.

  “What the fu...” Is all she says before I punch her in the damn mouth, and knock her to the floor. Then I’m on top of her, beating the fucking shit out of her. I don’t even give a fuck right now if I end up in prison for this. I’m going to kill her!

  There’s so much noise going on around me, so much yelling, words I can’t make out in my murderous state. Why the hell am I even beating her like this when I doubt it’s her fault? It’s Trace’s. He’s the one who made her think she stood a chance. He’s the one who probably whispered what he wanted to do to her in her ear, turning her on, making her think she could be his.

  He’s not the one I’m angry with, though... well, I am, but she’s the one who shouldn’t have touched what didn’t belong to her. Sh
e’s the one I want dead in a damn pine box!

  Sluts hands are covering her face defensively, not that I give a crap. However, someone grabs me around the waist, and everything zooms back in, all the noise I’d blocked out hits me at once. “Calm the hell down; you’ll kill her!” Oh, I’ll kill him too!

  I wriggle out of Trace’s arms, spin on the spot and slap him right across the face so hard my hand is stinging like a bastard. “Don’t you fuckin’ touch me!”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?!” He can yell all he likes; it won’t bother me. Bigger men than Trace have yelled at me before now.

  “What’s wrong with me? Are you serious?” Is he really this dumb? Dumb and beautiful. “You knew full well I’d be here with the girls, so you sit there, knowing I can see you with that slut!” The one now being helped up by Roman. I didn’t know he’d get involved, and I’m starting to find it creepy that he follows his wife everywhere she goes.

  “I get that you’re trying to pay me back, but did you honestly think I’d sit there and watch you act like a cunt with her and do nothing?” I fold my arms around myself, the short red dress I’m wearing gets tighter with the movement.

  Why the fuck did I dress like this? It’s too short, too tight. I thought I looked classy, especially with my hair pinned up, my makeup light. However, right now, I feel stupid.

  “What the hell is it to you who I’m with? That slut,” He points to her, I don’t even entertain the thought of looking at her. “Or you. What’s the difference?” He’s comparing me to her! Seriously?

  I guess that’s the impression I gave him. Especially after what I said about Brick and me. Did I deserve to be spoken to like that in front of all these people? Probably.

  “The difference is that I have class.”

  “Class? You? Don’t make me laugh, Fallon.” Trace throws back, and it hurts. Stupid son of a bitch! I don’t need him; he can go fuck himself.

  I drop my arms by my sides, my head held high, fake smile on my face. “You’re right. I have no right to tell you anything after what I did. Enjoy yourself. You might want to trade up for one without a battered face.” I turn to leave, but I remember myself and turn back. “If she wants to have me charged, you know where I live.” It would be no more than I deserve, I’ve messed up her face. She’ll have a black eye to go with her split lip and bruised cheek.

  “Fallon, wait,” Trace reaches out to grab my arm, but I move away and shake my head. There’s nothing for us to say. I messed us up before we even had a chance to begin. Now it’s time to move on.

  “I’m sorry I ruined your night, girls. You probably shouldn’t invite me again; I’m trouble.”

  “We’re all that, sweetheart.” Nova smiles. I don’t, I just nod, turn, and rush from that damn building. I need to get out of here. I need to get out of this damn town before it chews me up completely.

  I need to forget about Trace.

  Chapter Sixteen


  That was fucking awkward, to say the least. I knew Fallon would be here tonight. Knew it when Roman and Ace said they’d be here. Pair of fuckers are obsessed with making sure their wives are safe. Plus, Vidal always sends two bodyguards everywhere with his wife. He’s always been protective of her, but ever since the day an enemy of theirs tried to kill Marnie, Vidal’s protectiveness went into overdrive. No one could blame him for that. However, I pushed out of my head that Fallon might be here because I didn’t honestly think she’d come. Shows what I know.

  The whore on my arm tonight, Mandy, Mindy, something beginning with an M was nothing but a prop. I had no intentions of sleeping with her. Okay, I did, but I wouldn’t have gone through with it.

  All right, I would have. However, once I saw Fallon walk through the door, I really just wanted her to see me with the girl, I wanted her to be jealous. I wanted to hurt her the way she hurt me when she told me that she’d let that piece of scum touch her.

  Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine she’d flip out so violently. Every fucker in the room was frozen to the spot as Fallon beat the hell out of Mandy- Mindy. It wasn’t ’til Ace yelled at me to drag Fallon off of the girl that I snapped out of it.

  Should I have said what I said to the woman who obviously feels something for me? I don’t know. I’ve been way too angry these past few days. Angry with her for doing what she did. For saying what she said.

  The thought of that cunts hands on my woman... Jesus, fuck! It’s really fucking got to me. Prez even gave me a piece of his mind in church yesterday, again, but he was right to do so. How the hell can I do the job he gave me when I can’t keep my mind on anything but Fallon?

  However, she was the one who spat all that stuff at me about not wanting to be with me, about us being nothing but cheats. What the hell did she expect me to do? Hang around in hopes she might change her mind?

  What kind of idiot does she take me for?

  “You and I need a word. Now!” Ace doesn’t give me a chance to argue. He’s already walking toward the exit, but not before he kisses his wife.

  Everyone is looking at me like I’m the one in the fucking wrong here. I have no damn clue where Mandy-Mindy went, but I think the bartender took her out back to clean her up. She won’t tell the police what happened. Bitches like her never do. Not if that want to keep hanging around men like me.

  “What do you want, Ace?” I ask as soon as I’m out front. He’s pacing, hands together by his mouth.

  I’m really tired of this shit with him. The constant looks he throws at Fallon. The way he goes off if she’s upset. Anybody would think... I cock my head to the side, looking at him, really looking at him. Jesus, how did I not see this before now?

  “I want you to stay away from Fallon. You bring out the fuckin’ worst in her, Trace.”

  “What concern of yours is that?” I fold my arms over my chest. I’ve known this man for years. Years. I went to school with his wife. Yeah, Tessa’s younger than him, ten years younger. You might be able to tell the men of this MC like their women younger. However, never once has he mentioned anything to anyone. Does Tessa even know? They have four younger kids, do they have room for Fallon?

  “Don’t push me, Trace!”

  “Does your wife know?” He eyeballs me, I’ve cornered him. He knows it, I know it. “All this time and you’ve said nothin’. You knew she was searching for her father. You knew it when Red realized who she was. How the fuck could you keep it to yourself, Ace?!”

  “Shut up, Trace! You have no clue what you’re talkin’ about!”

  “You’re her father, you jackass!”

  “He’s whose father?” Shit! Fuck!

  “Tessa,” Ace reaches for her, but she holds up her hands and shakes her head. “Baby, let me explain,”

  “Tell me who the hell you were talking about, Ace!” Hands scrubbing over his face, Ace turns away from Tessa and looks up to the sky. “You have three seconds to tell me who you cheated on me with and knocked up, or I’m leaving you!”

  “I didn’t cheat on you! I never have, Tessa. Fuck!” He takes her face in his hands, and I feel like a cunt for the second time today. I should have sensed Tessa standing there, should have known she’d follow us out here. She follows Ace everywhere. She’s as protective of him as he is of her.

  “Then what the hell is he talking about?”

  I watch Ace kiss Tessa’s forehead before telling her, “He means Fallon,” Her eyes bug out. “But he’s wrong. She’s not my kid.”

  “She’s not?” I was fucking sure I’d got it right. “You know who he is, though, don’t you?”

  Ace nods reluctantly, and turns to his wife and whispers something in her ear. She turns and walks back into the club. “Meet me at Roman’s in ten minutes.”

  “Roman’s?” What the fuck has Roman got to do with anything?

  “Just meet me there if you want to know the truth.”

  * * *

  We’re all sitting around Roman’s table. Him, Marley, Ace. Tessa, and me.
Roman isn’t happy; the angry look on his face gives that much away.

  Marley grabs Roman’s hand and entwines their fingers, and he smiles at her. She’s good for him, always has been. He loves her, and he fought hard for her, to make her realize he was the one for her. They have a beautiful little girl, Romany, and a tiny little boy just a couple months old, Colt. They’re in bed right now. Roman’s Mom was babysitting. She left just as I arrived.

  Ace and Tessa are side by side. Ace has his arm around his wife as always, and I’m sitting at the end of the table facing them all.

  What the fuck is all this about?

  “Somebody gonna talk, or what?” I finally ask. I’m not interested in the beer or coffee or whatever the fuck Marley keeps offering; it’s a damn stall tactic. What the hell are these people, my brothers, hiding from me?

  “You had no right to do this, Ace.” Roman all but hisses at Ace.

  “What did you expect me to do when the man thinks I’m the girl’s father?” He hisses back.

  I am so fucking sick of this push and pull crap!

  “Just fuckin’ tell me what the hell you fuckers brought me here for!” Yeah, I’m yelling, but I’m sick of this shit, I just want to know what’s going on!

  I watch Marley squeeze Roman’s hand before turning to me and smiling. He’s not saying anything, keeping his head down. “I want to show you something,” She tells me. She’s a beautiful woman, Marley. Tight body, big tits, long legs, long blonde hair, and she looks amazing in that little white dress. You wouldn’t know she’d not long given birth.

  Focus, Trace, don’t be lookin’ at another brothers wife that way, you fuckin’ perv.

  Marley slides a photograph over to me, one she took from the photo album in front of her. I look down at it. It’s quite old, a little boy about a year old, smiling wide. She then slides another picture over, a picture of Romany. I smile at how beautiful she is. She’s smiling just as wide as the little boy in the other picture.


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