The Fighting Series (Books 1-5)

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The Fighting Series (Books 1-5) Page 77

by Nikki Ash

  Tristan’s eyes go wide in excitement, and Ashley smiles at his excitement. They both make my heart melt and I’m already planning where to take them next.

  After the short flight to Denver International, we grab our bags and head to the car rental area. I get an Audi SUV so we’re comfortable, then we make the thirty-minute drive to my parents’ place.

  “Welcome to Cherry Hills Village,” Ashley says, reading the sign as we enter the community my parents and grandparents live in.

  “Is this where you grew up?” Tristan asks in amazement, looking out the window as we pass by the huge homes. Cherry Hills Village is a community within itself just outside of Denver. It gives people country living without having to drive an hour to get to the main city.

  “I was born and raised here.” Ashley looks at me like I have two heads. The truth is, I once even owned my own home here, until I sold it to have a fresh start away from here. When my parents visited me in Las Vegas they stayed with me but asked numerous times if I’m okay on money and if I need them to buy me a house. I could fit about five of my houses into the house my grandparents purchased for Gabrielle and me for our wedding present.

  “There’s a golf course! Can we play golf, Kaden?” Tristan shouts enthusiastically.

  “Sure, buddy. There’s also a community pool and tennis courts, and if you want, my mom can take you for a ride on her horses.”

  “Wow! I want to ride a horse!”

  “Your parents have horses?” Ashley asks.

  “Yeah, not in their backyard or anything. They board them at the club.”

  She nods softly, a frown marring her beautiful face.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “I just didn’t picture her like this when she came to visit with your dad.”

  “Just because we have money, doesn’t mean we’re snobs.”

  “No! I wasn’t thinking that…”

  I laugh. “Yes, you were, but I get it. I’m a UFC trainer. I make a good living, but nothing like this. I’m lucky. My parents encouraged me to follow my passion. Sure, my father and grandfather would have loved for me to join them in their businesses, but mixed-martial-arts was always my passion.”

  “That’s great, Kaden. I can’t imagine you doing anything else.”

  We pull up to my parents’ house and, before the doors are opened, Sandra Scott is running outside waving her arms in excitement with her husband, Stewart, walking slowly behind her shaking his head, laughing.

  “Oh, Kaden! You’re here!” She gives me a hug not letting go for several seconds. Then she moves on to her next victim, Ashley. “Oh, sweetie! I’m so excited to see you and that precious son of yours.” She looks Tristan up and down. “I swear you have grown a foot since the last time I saw you.”

  “It’s wonderful to see you, too, Mrs. Scott,” Ashley says.

  “Mom, you saw him like seven months ago.”

  “Oh, hush! And Ashley, if I can’t get you to call me Mom, at least call me Sandra, please. Let’s go inside. I made cookies. Your grandparents should be over shortly. We’re going to go to the club for dinner tonight so we don’t have to deal with cooking. Tomorrow, your father has scheduled for you guys to go golfing.”

  Tristan looks over at me and I give him a wink. “Cool, I’m going to bring Tristan with me, and sometime this week, can you take him to meet Shorty and Copper?”

  My mom beams at someone wanting to meet her horses. “Of course! We can go for a ride! Ashley, would you like to join?”


  “And I was thinking tomorrow while the boys are golfing, we can go to the club and have a spa day.”

  Ashley suddenly looks nervous. “Umm… that’s okay. I thought I could just hang out by the pool…”

  “Nonsense, it’s my treat! I’m so excited to spend time with you.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  We’re all sitting in the beautiful family room. Tristan is eating cookies and playing on his iPad while Kaden’s parents play twenty questions with Kaden, trying to catch up on what’s going on in his life. He tells them about Alex’s fight coming up and about Tristan and me moving in with him. I’m thankful he doesn’t tell them the reason why.

  “Kaden, honey?” We all look to the door where we see a beautifully-aged woman waving her cane in the air toward Kaden. He gets up, smiling ear-to-ear, and hugs her.

  “Grandmother, I’ve missed you so much!”

  “Oh, dear boy. You have grown into such a handsome man. Please don’t ever leave for this long again.”

  Kaden nods, giving her a kiss on her cheek. He hugs his grandfather next, and they exchange a few words as well. It’s clear Kaden is loved and wanted here in his hometown. What I don’t understand is why he ever left, and why he hasn’t wanted to come home. The love surrounding him is so strong. His grandparents are still married and clearly in love, and so are his parents. So why doesn’t he want to get married? I remember the name Gabby written on his chest and wonder if maybe he had his heart broken.

  “And who do we have here?” His grandmother turns to face Tristan and me.

  “This is Ashley Myers and her son, Tristan.” Kaden puts his hand in mine, putting on a show for his family.

  “Ashley, Tristan, these are my grandparents, Rose and Victor.”

  “Oh, sweetie. You are gorgeous. And hello there, Tristan. It’s wonderful to meet you both. Let’s go to dinner and get to know each other. Shall we?” Kaden’s grandmother says, heading back toward the foyer.

  “Sounds good, my love,” his grandfather says, following his wife. Their love is adorable.

  “Ready?” Kaden asks.

  “Yep, let’s do this.” Then it hits me. Kaden is going to announce we’re engaged and we haven’t told Tristan! He’s going to be so confused. I didn’t even think about him in all this. What kind of mother am I?

  “We need to explain this to Tristan!” I say, whisper-yelling after Tristan jumps in to the Audi. “We didn’t think about him at all in this. He’s going to think we’re getting married for real. I can’t have him get hurt.”

  “No, you’re right,” Kaden says. We get into the car and Kaden turns around to face Tristan. “Hey, bud. When you’re in school, do you ever play make believe?”

  “Yeah,” Tristan says.

  “While we’re here, your mom and I are going to play make believe. We’re going to pretend to be engaged to be married. So, if you hear the grownups talking about it, it’s just pretend. Okay?”

  Tristan looks at us both skeptically. “Okay, but why can’t you get married for real?”

  His question stumps us both. Kaden says, “Umm…well…the thing is…”

  I jump in to help him out. “Kaden is my best friend.”

  “So, you can’t marry your best friend?” Tristan asks. Damn kid!

  “Well, I guess you could,” Kaden says slowly. “But your mom and I aren’t that kind of friends. She’s my friend like how you and Bella are friends. My grandmother is really old and she wants to see me get married, so we’re going to play pretend to make her happy.”

  “Well, when I get older, if Bella is still my best friend I would want to marry her for real and not for pretend.”

  “You would?” I ask.

  “Yeah, she’s really nice and always spars with me in class. She always shares her Oreos with me and plays UFC with me. She’s good at fighting, too. And she’s not all girly like the other girls in my class. And if I marry her, I could play with her whenever I want.”

  Kaden looks at me with a smile in his eyes, clearly trying to hold back his laughter. What I would give to be able to live my life through the eyes of an innocent six-year-old.

  “That’s very nice of Bella,” I say. “But Kaden and I are just going to be friends.”

  We both hold our breath, waiting to hear what Tristan has to say. “Okay, but if you do want to get married for real, that’s okay too,” he says, grabbing his iPad ending the conversation.

sp; We both turn around in our seats ,knowing my six-year old is probably the most logical one in the car.

  * * *

  We’ve been in Colorado for the last five days and have all had a blast. Sandra and I had our spa day, one I will never forget. I’m considering taking some of Kaden’s inheritance just so I can go to the spa on a weekly basis, after I pay off all my debt of course. The Swedish massage was so relaxing, and the spa pedicure… holy moly! I almost passed out from feeling so stress-free. We had lunch in the club afterward and she introduced me to all her friends.

  The next day, Tristan, Kaden, and I went horseback riding through the trails with Sandra. I rode behind Kaden and Tristan rode in front of Sandra. Tristan started begging me to buy him a horse, but Kaden promised him we would come back and visit. Sandra then recommended to Kaden that he should build a barn on his property and purchase a horse. He laughed her off, but it reminded me how different we really are. I’m stripping to make a living while Kaden comes from a wealthy home with horses that are worth more than I make in a year.

  Kaden’s parents and grandparents are beyond sweet and have welcomed Tristan and me with open arms. There hasn’t been any talk about us being engaged, for that I’m thankful, but I know it will come out before we leave.

  “Hey,” Kaden says, walking into our room. Tristan has his own room next to us with his own bathroom. I tried to insist on separate rooms, but Kaden said they only have two guestrooms right now because the third is filled with stuff they’re donating.

  “Yeah?” I ask, putting my iPad down. I’m not even concentrating on the book I’m reading anyway.

  “I’m going to go meet my grandmother for brunch. When I get back, want to head into town? Go do something fun with Tristan?”


  Kaden leans down and gives me a kiss on my nose, and then one to my forehead. “I’m really glad you and Tristan came with me.”

  “Me, too. We’ve had a lot of fun.”

  “I’ll text you when I’m on my way back.”


  After Kaden leaves, I go in search of Tristan and find him in the back of the house throwing stones into the pond. Kaden taught him how to skip rocks last night after dinner and he’s become obsessed with seeing how many times he can get his rock to skip.

  “Hey sweetie. Want to go to the pool with me after I make us breakfast?”

  “Yes!” he yells, throwing one last rock. It skips along the pond three times before disappearing into the water.

  “Good job!”

  “Kaden can make it skip like six times.”

  “It takes practice.”

  * * *

  With our bathing suits on, Tristan and I jump into the golf cart and head to the club. We park in the designated parking for members and go straight to the pool. Kaden’s parents added us to their membership as family, so we can utilize the club while we’re here.

  As we are walking to the back, I spot Kaden and his grandmother and decide to stop and say hello—I didn’t realize they were having brunch at the club. Before I get to them, though, a beautiful Hispanic woman, who looks to be accompanied by her parents, taps Kaden on the shoulder. He stands with a smile, and gives her a hug, then a kiss on her cheek. My heart stills. It’s probably just an old friend, but then I think, what if it’s Gabby, the name he has inked on him? His grandmother stands up next, hugging each of them. I watch them all for a moment before thinking it would be best not to intrude.

  “Mom, there’s Kaden,” Tristan says a little too loud before I can get us out of the room. Kaden looks over his shoulder hearing his name. His beautiful happy face morphs into… shock? Or is it guilt? I turn to go to the pool, suddenly feeling like an intruder. Only Rose isn’t having it.

  “Ashley, Tristan, come here you two. I would like for you to meet Juan and Margarita Nievez and their daughter, Danielle. This is Kaden’s fiancée, Ashley, and her son, Tristan.”

  I guess Kaden told her the news.

  Mr. and Mrs. Nievez both look shocked and if I’m not mistaken, sad, at the mention of me being his fiancée but both quickly smile. Danielle, on the other hand, doesn’t even try to hide how upset this makes her. Tears well up in her eyes, and she quickly excuses herself.

  “I should go find my daughter, but it was nice to meet you. I’m glad Kaden has found someone and was able to move on. He deserves to be happy,” Mrs. Nievez says before excusing herself to go after her daughter.

  Mr. Nievez watches her walk away, then says, “I agree. I’m glad you have moved on, Kaden.” Then he turns to me. “It was lovely to meet you.”

  After he walks away, we all stand there in silence until Rose speaks up. “Kaden… Please tell me Ashley knows about Gabrielle and Gab…”

  “No, she doesn’t,” Kaden says, cutting her off.

  “Oh, sweetheart. Why wouldn’t you tell her?”

  Kaden doesn’t say anything, just shakes his head.

  “Why are you guys here?” Kaden asks me, his tone cold enough to freeze hell. This shocks me, because no matter how mad he gets, he’s never cold with me.

  “We were going to the pool. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.” There’s so many questions I have, but now is not the time to ask them, and I’m a bit pissed at the way Kaden just spoke to me. I don’t know what is going on, but I didn’t ask to be brought here nor did I ask for this fake engagement. This was all him, so he better figure his shit out.

  “That’s okay, dear,” Rose says. “Kaden and I were just finishing up our brunch. I’m going to have my driver take me home. I’m feeling a bit tired. Kaden, you should join them in the pool.”

  “Yeah, Kaden! Will you come swimming with us, please? You know my mom never gets in unless you throw her in.” Tristan bounces up and down, completely oblivious to the adult tension in the air.

  “Sure, bud. Let me walk my grandmother out, and then I’ll meet you guys at the pool.”

  “Okay, bye, Grannie,” Tristan says. She smiles at his name for her. The first time he called her that I tried to correct him, but she just chuckled and said she loved it.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My past and my present are colliding and the guilt that’s eating away at me is causing bile to rise into my throat. I never imagined in a million years that Ashley and Tristan would be meeting Gabrielle’s parents and twin sister, which is stupid seeing as we’re all members at the same damn club. I clearly didn’t think any of this out properly.

  When my grandmother introduced Ashley as my fiancée to Danielle and her parents I felt like a piece-of-shit. I wanted to warn them, but I didn’t have time. As I watched Danielle run away, I wanted to chase after her so I could explain it’s not real. I didn’t want her thinking I would ever hurt her sister like that.

  The look Ashley gave me was one that said she knew something was up. I’ve managed to keep my past separate from my life, but I’m going to have to explain it to her. I owe her that much.

  “Why wouldn’t you tell that sweet girl about your wife?” my grandmother asks while we wait for her driver to pull up.

  “I haven’t told anyone.”

  “Oh, dear! Does she know about your son?”

  “No, nobody knows anything.”

  “They’re not your dirty secret, Kaden. What happened was horrible. A horrific tragedy. But that doesn’t mean you pretend it didn’t happen.”

  “I’m not pretending it didn’t happen. I live with the guilt of what happened every damn day, Grandmother.”

  “Kaden…” my grandmother takes my hand in hers, giving me a look of sympathy. “It’s okay to move on. It’s okay to remember your past and still embrace your present, as well as look forward to the future.”

  When I don’t say anything, she takes a box out of her purse. “This is my engagement ring your grandfather bought me. I want you to have it to give to Ashley.”

  Taking the box from her, I open it up to find a beautiful vintage diamond ring in a simple platinum b
and. In the center is a large circle diamond and accented on each side are several single cut round diamonds. There are six in total, three on each side. I remember my grandmother wearing this ring years ago. I look down on her hand and see a simple platinum band.

  “Why are you giving me this?”

  “I’m getting older, Kaden. I haven’t worn the ring in many years. I can see the way you love Ashley and her son, and it makes me so happy. I would be honored for her to wear the ring your grandfather gave me sixty-two years ago on my eighteenth birthday.”

  “The way I love her?” I ask. I know I love Ashley, but she can see it as well?

  “The way you look at her, like she’s the only person in the room. And the way you treat her son, like he’s your own. It’s beautiful to watch. I can’t wait for the wedding. I hope you will consider having it here, so I can attend. I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle flying. I’m not the young woman I once was.”

  “Of course we’ll have the wedding here.” I give her a kiss on her cheek, helping her into the car. Then I jump into my rental and head to the first place that comes into mind. My brain is foggy and my heart is pounding. I love Ashley. I’ve always known it, but I’ve refused to accept or acknowledge it, because loving Ashley would mean replacing my wife with her and I can’t do that.

  “She’s not here,” Margarita says when she opens the door. “Why don’t you come in?”

  “Thanks, I just wanted to apologize. There’s something you guys need to know. I should have warned you. I didn’t think my visit through and how it would affect you and your husband… and Danielle.”

  We sit on the couch, Juan joining us. “Kaden, you don’t have to feel bad for moving on.”

  “That’s just it, I didn’t. I wouldn’t do that to Gabrielle. My grandmother is getting older and my grandfather asked for me to marry to make her happy. It’s all fake. I would never marry again, I swear.”


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