Page 101
Capone, Al, 378–379, 680n32
Capra, Frank, 624–626
Caproni, Gianni, 125
Carey, John, 63–64
Carmichael, Stokely, 393–396, 410
Carnegie Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Industrial Organization (GSIA), 517
Carnegie, Andrew, 476
Carnot, Lazar, 76–77
Caro, Robert, 446
Carter, Chris, 559
Carter, Jimmy, 443–444, 447–449
Carville, James, 433, 450–451
Castro, Fidel, 399–402
Catechism of a Revolutionary (Nechayev), 276
Cebrowski, Arthur, 217
Celler-Kefauver Act, 497
center of gravity concept (Schwerpunkt), 91–92, 205–209, 239, 243–244
Chamberlain, Neville, 141
Champy, James, 530, 533–534, 536
Chandler Jr., Alfred, 492, 496–498, 539, 545, 559, 608
chaos theory, 198, 658n11
Charles X (King of France), 254–255
Chávez, Cesar, 385–387
Chekhov, Anton, 554
Chernyshevsky, Nicholas, 266–267, 290
Chevrolet. See under General Motors
Chia, Robert, 556–557
Chicago (Illinois)
1968 Democratic Convention protests in, 406–408, 417
Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council in, 380
civil rights campaigns in, 354–355, 388–389
community organizing in, 379–380, 382, 387–388
Hull House and, 310–313, 315
immigrant populations in, 312, 314
labor unions in, 380
organized crime in, 378
Pullman strike in, 313–315
sociological studies of, 315, 378–380
stockyards and slaughterhouses in, 312, 379–380
University of, 315, 355, 379–380, 672n39, 672n41
Weber on, 312
Chicago (Sandburg), 300
Chicago School (economics), 515–516, 576, 580
Chimpanzee Politics (de Waal), 4
chimpanzees, behavioral studies of, 3–8
Communist Party in, 183–185
Cultural Revolution in, 424
guerrilla warfare in, 183–186
Japanese occupation of, 183–184, 186
Kuomintang (nationalists) in, 183–184
Second World War and, 183–184, 186
Warring States period in, 44
Chomsky, Noam, 403
Chong, Dennis, 586–587
Christian Coalition, 452
Chrysler, 481–482, 489
Churchill, Winston, 118, 139–144, 170, 244, 614, 648n14
Civil Disobedience (Thoreau), 347
Civil War in France, The (Marx), 271
civilian-military relationships, 241–243
Class Struggles in France (Marx), 258, 281, 286
Clausewitz, Carl von
on center of gravity concept (Schwerpunkt), 91–92, 205–209, 243–244
on coalitions, 90–92
Engels on, 262
on force, 89–90
on friction, 87–89, 93, 164, 211–212, 540
guerrilla warfare and, 179
Jomini and, 85
legacy of, 94, 106, 108, 117–118, 135–136, 160, 170, 181, 203–204, 221, 237, 250, 252–253, 262, 445, 504, 507–508, 608
Liddell Hart on, 135–136, 204
Marx and Engels and, 252
on military intelligence, 89, 228
military strategies of, 85–94, 118–119, 237, 240, 250, 426, 504, 507–508, 540, 613, xii
Napoleonic Wars and, 82–83, 90–91, 237, 617
on planning, 88–89, 641n21
on politics, 86–88, 92–94
on popular passions, 97
Tolstoy’s response to, 98
on victory, 92–94, 209, 240
von Moltke (the elder) and, 102–104
Clay, Cassius. See Ali, Mohammed
Clay, Jenny Strauss, 26
Cleaver, Eldridge, 403
Clegg, Stewart, 559
Clifford, Clark, 447
Clinton, Bill, 434, 450–453
Clinton, Henry, 232
Clinton, Hillary, 453, 455
Co-opetition (Nalebuff and Brandenburger), 523, 710n6
Carmichael on, 296
Clausewitz on, 90–92
game theory and, 582–583
Hayden on, 376, 380
Napoleonic Wars and, 90–91, 115
Peloponnesian War and, 30, 32–35
Riker on, 581–583
Rustin on, 395
Second World War and, 141–143
Coast of Utopia, The (Stoppard), 265
cognition, hot and cold forms of, 598–599
Cohen, Eliot, 141, 214
Cold War
Berlin blockade crisis and, 172–174
communication during, 167, 173
Cuban missile crisis and, 173–176, 190
deterrence theory and, 158–159, 165, 192
nuclear weapons and, 156–159, 167–168
origins of term, 145, 649n2
Cologne Workers Council, 257–258
Columbia University protests, 403–405
Command in the Air (Douhet), 125–126
Committee on Public Information (CPI, United States), 337, 340
communism. See also Lenin, Vladimir Ilych; Marx, Karl; Soviet Union
origins of, 250, 254
permanent revolution and, 256
Spanish Civil War and, 279
Communist International. See Third International
Communist League, 254, 262
Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels), 254, 256–257, 260–261, 270, 329
compellence theory, 163, 190–191
Competitive Advantage (Porter), 522
complexity theory, 197–198
Concept of the Corporation, The (Drucker), 493–495
Condition of the Working Class in England, The (Engels), 252
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), 279
Conger, Jay, 564
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 381, 386, 487
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 355
Congress of Vienna, 249, 255
Congress Party (India), 349
Connor, Eugene “Bull,” 362–363, 389
Conrad, Joseph, 278
“Contract with America” (Gingrich and Luntz), 434
conventional wisdom (Galbraith), 418–419
Copernican Revolution, 419
Corbett, Julian, 115, 118–120, 135
Cornford, Francis, 618
Corp, Nadia, 5
Corporate Strategy (Ansoff), 498, 500
corporate strategy revolution, 498–499
Afghanistan and, 231
Algeria and, 188–189
“hearts and minds” approach to, 188–189, 232–233, 615
Iraq War and, 223–225, 231
Malaya and, 188
theories of, 188–191, 224, 232–235, 241, 247, 615
Vietnam War and, 187–192, 207, 221
Couzens, James, 480
Cowles Commission, 515–516
Crawford, Timothy, 612
creationism, 422–423, 686n19. See also intelligent design
Creely, George, 337
Crimean War, 97–98
Cromwell, Oliver, 58–59
Crowd, The (Le Bon), 326–327
crowd psychology. See also mass publics; propaganda
Bernays’s view of public opinion and, 340–343, 414
Freudian concepts and, 340
Fuller on, 131–133
Lawrence and, 182
Le Bon on, 128, 131–132, 326–327, 336, 467
Liddell Hart on, 138
Lippman’s view of public opinion and, 337–339, 341, 414
management theory and, 473
iebuhr on, 353
Park on, 336–337
Tarde on, 336
Trotter on, 340
Crystallizing Public Opinion (Bernays), 340–341
CSC Index, 533–536
missile crisis in, 173–176, 190
revolution and revolutionary legacy of, 372, 398–404
culture-centric warfare, 231
cumulative strategies, 195
cyberwarfare, 229–230
Dahl, Robert, 372–373
Daley, Richard, 389, 407
Darwin, Charles, 3, 6
Darwinism on Trial (Johnson), 421–422
Davenport, Thomas, 534–535
Davis, Jefferson, 111
De Re Militari (Vegetus), 47
de Waal, Frans, 4–5, 7
Debray, Regis, 402, 404
Decisive Wars of History, The (Liddell Hart), 136
Delbrück, Hans
on attrition warfare, 108–109, 180, 204, 289, 332
on Clausewitz, 204
on First World War, 124
on maneuver warfare, 205
political activity of, 302
Rosinski and, 195
Delian League, 30, 32
deliberate strategies, 554–556
Democratic Party (United States). See also individual politicians
1968 Convention of, 406–408, 417
political communication strategies and, 434–435, 441, 448–455
deterrence theory. See under Cold War; nuclear weapons
Detienne, Marcel, 28, 43
Dewey, John
cause-effect relationships and, 320
democracy and, 318–319, 338, 371, 467
Du Bois and, 351
educational philosophy of, 316
First World War and, 316
Hull House and, 315
League for Industrial Democracy and, 367
legacy of, 371–372, 374
political philosophy of, 315–316
pragmatism and, 317–319
Pullman strike and, 315
on social reform, 316
Tolstoy and, 318
University of Chicago and, 315
Weber and, 318–319
“Dilbert” (Adams), 552–553, 705n23
directive strategies and, 195
Discipline of Market Leaders, The (Treacy and Wiersema), 535–536
Discourse on Winning & Losing (Boyd), 196
discourse traps, 235
Disney Studios, 565
Doctor Strangelove (Kubrick), 160
Donham, Wallace, 469–470
Douhet, Giulio, 125–129, 646n4
Dowding, Hugh, 126–127
Downs, Anthony, 577, 589
Dresher, Melvin, 154
Dreyfus Affair, 336
Drucker, Peter
on business process reengineering, 533
General Motors and, 493–495
on “gurus,” 548
on the management class, 493
management theories of, 491, 493–496, 498, 546, 608
on planning, 493–494
on scientific management, 464, 493
on workers, 495
Du Bois, W.E.B., 350–352
Du Picq, Ardant, 112
Dühring, Eugen, 284
Dukakis, Michael, 445–446, 448–451
Dulles, John Foster, 157–158
DuPont family, 484, 495–497
Durant, William, 484
Durkheim, Émile, 300, 670n1
Dylan, Bob, 404
Eastman Kodak, 382–384
Eccles, Henry, 194
Echevarria, Antulio, 86–87
Economic Research and Action Project, 376
Economic Theory of Democracy (Downs), 577
economics, academic discipline of
behavioralism, 576–577, 593
business management’s incorporation of, 516–517, 519, 540–541
Chicago school and, 515–516, 576, 580
compared to other social sciences, 517–518
Cowles Commission and, 515–516
foundation funding for, 576
game theory and, 514–515
industrial organization and, 520
rational market theory and, 526
strategic management and, 513
Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon (Marx), 258–259, 283
Einstein, Albert, 575
Eisenhower, Dwight, 150, 157–158, 502, 609–610
Eisner, Karl, 305
Elements of Pure Economics (Walras), 323
Elmes, Michael, 622
Elster, Jon, 591
Emancipation Proclamation, 111
emergent strategies, 554–555, 566
Emerging Republican Majority, The (Phillips), 440
Engels, Friedrich
on American Civil War, 262
Communist Manifesto and, 256–257, 260–261, 270, 329
disappointments of, 268
on electoral politics, 281–283, 285
on general strikes, 287–288
on guerrilla warfare, 180, 187
on insurrection strategy, 263–264
on military affairs, 261–262, 282
on petit bourgeoisie, 260
political theories of, 252, 254–255, 258, 272, 281–283, 286
Social Democratic Party (SPD, Germany) and, 281–282
“Engineering of Consent” (Bernays), 341
England, Hundred Years’ War and, 48–49. See also Great Britain
Enlightenment, The, xii, 72–73, 77, 249, 308, 609
Enron, 531, 550–551
Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, 409
Erfurt Program, 284
Ermattungsstrategie (strategy of exhaustion), 108–109
escalation, 94, 170–171, 176, 652n44
Essai général de tactique (Guibert), 73
Essay on Liberation (Marcuse), 399
Etudes sur le combat (Du Picq), 112
Evolution of Cooperation, The (Axelrod), 584–585
Evolutionary Socialism (Bernstein), 285
ExComm (Cuban missile crisis), 174
Fabian Society, 313
Fall, Albert, 624
Falwell, Jerry, 444, 452
Fanon, Frantz, 392
Farmer, James, 354–355, 361
Fathers and Children (Turgenev), 266
Fawkes, Guy, 65
Fear of Freedom (Fromm), 369
Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), 354–356
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 409
feminism. See women’s liberation
Ferdinand, archduke of Austria, 278
Ferguson, Alan, 173
Field Manual 100–5: Operations, 200
Field Manual 90–8 Counterguerrilla Operations, 201
First International, 269–270, 295
First World War
air power in, 124–129, 647n11
Arab rebellion (1916) and, 181–182
Archduke Ferdinand assassination and, 278
France and, 114, 123–125, 127, 131
Germany and, 114, 123–125, 127, 130–131, 210, 333, 619–620
Great Britain and, 114, 118, 123–125, 130–131, 182
naval warfare in, 120, 123
pacifism and, 347
propaganda in, 337, 339
Russian Empire and, 123–124, 296
socialists’ response to, 295
tank warfare in, 124, 129–130
United States and, 123–125, 337
Fisher, Franklin, 528–529
Flacks, Dick, 375–376
Flint (Michigan) sit-down strike, 381, 487–489
Flood, Merrill, 154
Florence (Italy), 50
FMFM-1 (U.S. Marine Corps), 201
Foch, Ferdinand, 112
foco, Guevara’s concept of, 400–402
Follet, Mary Parker, 466–470, 473
Ford Foundation, 513, 516–517, 576
Ford II, Henry, 501
Ford Moto
r Company
antitrust case against, 489
competitors to, 481–482, 484–486
labor relations and, 479–483
mass market strategy of, 479–480, 486
mass production strategies of, 480, 483
Model T and, 479, 485–486, 519
“Whiz Kids” and, 501–502
Ford, Edsel, 482, 501
Ford, Gerald, 441–443
Ford, Henry. See also Ford Motor Company
early business career of, 478–479
management strategies of, 481–483, 486
successors to, 501
Taylorism and, 483
Forman, James, 377
Forrest, Nathan B., 108
Fortune Magazine, 491
Foucault, Michel
discourse and, 426–427, 430
epistemes and, 424
Kuhn and, 424
New Left and, 426–427
power systems and, 424–427, 558–559
sexuality and, 423–424
strategy and, 425–427
Foundations of the Science of War, The (Fuller), 132
fourth-generation warfare, 225–227
Fox, Justin, 526
concept of, 39, 415–416, 418
decision-making and, 593
political communication and, 422, 434–436, 454, 461, 593, 615
air power and, 127
Algeria and, 188–189
Dreyfus Affair in, 336
Fifth Republic and, 403
First World War and, 114, 123–125, 127, 131
Franco-Prussian War and, 105–106, 112, 274–275
Hundred Years’ War and, 48–49
Napoleonic Wars and, 78–81, 116
naval power and, 116
New Left and, 403, 428
Revolution of 1848 in, 254–256
Second Republic of, 258–259
Second World War and, 139–143, 199, 210, 617
student protests in, 403
Third Republic of, 271
Vietnam and, 186, 188
Franco-Prussian War (1870), 102–103, 105–107, 112
Franco, Francisco, 142, 279
Frankfurt Institute for Social Research (“Frankfurt School”), 372, 399, 415
Frazier, Franklin, 351
Frederick the Great (Frederick I, King of Prussia), 75–76, 84, 109
Frederick William (crown prince of Prussia), 106–107
Free Speech Movement (Berkeley), 366, 406
free trade, 96–97
free-rider problem, 583–584, 595–597
Freedom is an Endless Meeting (Polletta), 377
French Revolution
levée en masse conscription and, 76, 425
Marx and, 259, 617
military impact of, 70, 240
populist aspects of, 97
professional revolutionaries and, 249–250
Freud, Sigmund, 339–340, 602
Friedan, Betty, 409
Friedman, Milton, 515–516, 526
Fromm, Erich, 369
Frontinus, 43, 64, 72
Fujisawa, Takio, 567
Fuller, John Frederick Charles “Boney” on crowd psychology, 131–133