Page 104
Politics of Nonviolent Action, The (Sharp), 412
Polletta, Francesca, 377–378
Popper, Karl, 415
Port Huron Statement, 367, 374–375, 378
Porter, Michael
industrial organization theory and, 520, 538
on Japanese firms, 536
management ideas of, 521–524, 539
National Football League and, 522
Potter, Paul, 396–397
Power Elite, The (Mills), 372
Power of Nonviolence, The (Gregg), 344, 358
Practical Guide to Strategy (von Bulow), 75
Practice of Management, The (Drucker), 493, 496
pragmatism, 316–319
Prahalad, C. K., 549, 568
Prato, Battle of, 50
precision warfare, 215–216, 218–219. See also revolution in military affairs (RMA)
primitive warfare among humans, 8–9
Prince, The (Machiavelli), 50, 52–53, 509, 614
Principles of Scientific Management (Taylor), 463
prisoner’s dilemma, 154–155, 585–586, 590, 596
Proctor & Gamble, 570
Progressives (United States), 311, 313, 369, 437, 465, 480
Prohibition Era, 378
propaganda. See also crowd psychology
Cornford on, 618
of the deed (Bakunin), 275–276
First World War and, 337, 339
Lippmann on, 339
Nazis and, 336, 342–343, 414
Propaganda (Bernays), 341
Protagoras, 36
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The (Weber), 302
Proudhon, Joseph, 251, 270, 274, 668n27
Austro-Prussian War and, 105
Franco-Prussian War and, 105–107, 112, 274–275
Napoleonic Wars and, 78–79, 82
Public Opinion (Lippman), 337, 340
Pullman strike, 313–315
Quakerism, 346
quantitative analysis. See also game theory
limitations of, 150, 203
McNamara and, 149–150, 199, 202, 501–502, 546
RAND Corporation and, 147–148, 152–153, 513–514
Quayle, Dan, 452–453, 690n51
Quiet American, The (Greene), 187
“Quiz Kids.” See “Whiz Kids”
radical Islamists, 222, 235–236. See also al-Qaeda
Raff, Daniel, 616
Raiffa, Howard, 161–162, 514
Ramsey, Douglas, 506
RAND Corporation
game theory and, 161–162, 513
nuclear strategy and, 161–162, 168
quantitative emphasis of, 147–148, 150, 152–153, 513–514
rational choice theory and, 575–577
Randolph, A. Philip, 356
Raphals, Lisa, 43
Rapoport, Anatol, 585
Rapport, Mike, 250
rational choice theory. See also game theory
bounded rationality and, 592
brain physiology and, 592
criteria for, 591
economics discipline and, 577, 580
experiments challenging, 594–597
heuristics and, 593
limits of, 575–576, 589–591, 594–597, 599–600, 605–606
political science and, 580–581
RAND Corporation and, 575–577
Rochester School and, 576–581
social contexts and, 594–597, 599–600
ultimatum game and, 594–596
Ratzel, Friedrich, 122
Reagan, Ronald
as California governor, 442–443, 448
political communication strategies of, 442–444, 625–626
presidential campaigns of, 443, 447
religious right and, 443–444
Southern states and, 443, 447
realism doctrine, 30–31
red and blue oceans (Kim and Mauborgne), 537–538
Red Queen effect, 536–537
Reengineering the Corporation (Hammer and Champy), 533
Reengineering Management (Champy), 536
Reflections on Violence (Sorel), 327–328
Reformation of War, The (Fuller), 132, 135
Reid, Brian Holden, 130–131
Republican Party (United States), political communication strategies and, 434–436, 440–441, 443, 447–449, 452–455. See also Atwater, Lee; individual politicians
Reveille for Radicals (Alinksy), 381
revolution in military affairs (RMA)
Afghanistan war (2001) and, 222
cognitive dimension of, 217–219
compared to fourth-generation warfare, 226
definition of, 216
Gulf War and, 214–215, 217, 219
information warfare and, 215, 217, 222
land warfare and, 216
long-range missiles and, 219–220
precision warfare and, 219
“shock and awe” and, 217
United States and, 214–215, 218–219, 222–223
Revolution in the Revolution (Debray), 402, 404
Revolutions of 1848, 253–261
Richard III (Shakespeare), 49–50
Rid, Thomas, 229–230
Ries, Al, 507–508
Riesman, David, 369
Riker, William
on coalitions, 581–583
game theory and, 577–578, 580, 587
heresthetics and, 588
political science discipline and, 577, 579, 587
quantitative analysis emphasis of, 579
rational choice theory and, 589–590
University of Rochester and, 579
Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning, The (Mintzberg), 504
Rizzi, Bruno, 334
Road to Serfdom, The (Hayek), 516
Roberts, Wess, 506
Robertson, Pat, 452
Robeson, Paul, 430
Rochester (New York), 382–384
Rockefeller, John D.
business strategies of, 475–478
Sherman Antitrust Act and, 477
Tarbell and, 477
University of Chicago and, 312
use of trusts by, 476, 565
Rockefeller, Nelson, 441–442
Roe v. Wade, 444
Rogers, Clifford, 47
Romney, George, 438
Ronfeldt, David, 229–230, 431
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 409
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 141, 356, 482–483, 486–488
Roosevelt, Theodore, 120, 477
Rosenzweig, Phil, 569
Rosinski, Herbert, 195
Ross, Fred, 385
Roszak, Theodore, 370
Rothenberg, Gunther, 103
Rubin, Jerry, 406–407
Rudd, Mark, 404–405
Rules for Radicals (Alinsky), 382–383, 408
Rumelt, Richard, 570–571, 708n51
Rumsfeld, Donald, 222–223
Runyon, Damon, xii
Russian Empire
emancipation of serfs in, 267
First World War and, 123–124, 296
general strike (1905) in, 287–288, 293
Napoleonic Wars and, 78–83, 90, 93, 209
nihilists in, 266
revolution (1917) in, 294, 296–297
Rustin, Bayard
biography of, 356
Black Power movement and, 395, 408–409
Chicago and, 389
Democratic Party establishment and, 395, 455
King Jr. and, 358–361, 389
labor organizing and, 356, 395
March on Washington and, 364
Montgomery Bus Boycott and, 358–360
nonviolent direct action and, 358–359, 362–363
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and, 360–361
Sadr, Muqtada al-, 223
Safire, William, 433
Sally, David, 605–606
Sandburg, Carl, 300
Sartre, Jean-Pa
ul, 371, 392
satyagraha (Gandhi), 348, 355
Saunders, Clarissa, 625–626
Savio, Mario, 366
Saxe, Maurice de, 48, 51
Scales, Robert, 231
Scammon, Richard, 441
Schank, Roger, 599
Schelling, Thomas
Berlin blockade crisis and, 173
compellence theory of, 163, 190–191
on focal points, 166–167
game theory and, 160–162, 166–167, 515, 529, 585
Nobel Prize in Economics, 160
nonviolent direct action and, 412
on nuclear weapons, 164–165, 167–173
progressive risk and, 164–165
RAND Corporation and, 162
strategic theories of, 162–173, 190, 198, 515
Vietnam and, 191
Schlieffen Plan, 113, 198, 210
“Scholarship and Social Agitation” (Small), 315
Schwarzkopf, Norman, 215
Schwerpunkt. See center of gravity concept
“Science as a Vocation” (Weber), 303–304, 307
Science of Revolutionary Warfare (Most), 277
Scott, James C., 716n21
cognition and, 598–599, 619
dramatic conventions and, 623–629
honor script, 619–620
plots and, 623–624, 626–627
strategy and, xiv, 619–623, 627–629
Seale, Bobby, 394
Second International, 295, 297, 329
Second World War
air power and, 129, 140, 143, 157–158
China and, 183–184, 186
France and, 139–143, 199, 210, 617
Germany and, 134, 139–143, 157–158, 199, 210, 213
Great Britain and, 134, 139–144, 147, 157–158, 349, 648n14
information warfare and, 228
Italy and, 142–143
Japan and, 143, 184, 186
nuclear weapons and, 143, 156, 217
Soviet Union and, 139–140, 142–143, 145, 210, 213
tank warfare and, 143
United States and, 139–145
Secret Agent, The (Conrad), 278
Sedan, Battle of, 106, 112
Seeger, John, 520
Selling of the President (McGinnis), 439
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 222
Seven Pillars of Wisdom (Lawrence), 181, 186
Shakespeare, William, 49–50, 64–65
Shapiro, Carl, 529
Shapiro, Ian, 581
Sharp, Gene, 412
Sherman Antitrust Act, 477
Sherman, William T., 111, 446, 506
Shridharani, Krishnalal, 355–356
Shrum, Robert, 433
Shy, John, 84, 185
Silberman, Charles, 383
Simon, Herbert, 517, 520, 544–545, 587, 592, 598
Sinclair, Upton, 312, 379, 437
Sloan, Alfred P.
compared to Ford, 486–487
DuPont family and, 484
management strategies of, 474, 484–490, 494, 496–498, 608
successors to, 502
writings of, 495–496, 616
Small Wars (Calwell), 181
Small, Albion, 315, 336
Smiley, Glenn, 358
Smith, Adam, 492
Smith, Jefferson (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington), 624–626
Snow, Edgar, 400
Social Democratic Party (SPD, Germany), 281–286, 291, 293, 298, 322
Social Democratic Workers Party (Russia), 292
social equilibrium (Pareto), 323, 471
social networking, 229–231
Social Psychology of Organizing (Weick), 544
social science. See also economics; sociology
aspirations for, 320, 338–339
Lippman on, 338–339
origins of, 301
Weber and, 303–304
socialism. See also Marx, Karl
attrition strategy and, 289
class consciousness and, 326
critiques of, 322
electoral politics and, 285, 295, 322
First World War and, 295
general strikes and, 287–289
gradual approach to, 285
Kautsky and, 285, 288–289
Lenin and, 289–291
Luxemburg and, 286–289, 293
Marx and, 284–285
origins of, 250
revolution strategy and, 289–290
Russian Revolution’s impact on, 299
scientific socialism and, 285
Trotsky and, 288–289
Sociological Imagination, The (Mills), 373
sociology. See also social science
business management’s incorporation of, 542–545
Mills on, 373–374
post-Second World War United States and, 369
as response to Marx, 300–301
Tolstoy on, 309
University of Chicago and, 315, 380
Socrates, 38–40
Solow, Herbert, 491, 694n1
sophists, 23, 36, 39
Sophocles, 27–28
Soprano, Tony, 508–509, 697n12
Sorel, Georges, 279, 327–328, 333, 335
Sorenson, Ted, 174
South Vietnam. See under Vietnam
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 360–361
Soviet Union
central planning in, 465–466, 501
Cold War and, 145, 158–159, 168–169, 172–177, 203
collapse of, 214
conventional military forces of, 172, 203, 215
formation of, 298
international left-wing politics and, 299
nuclear weapons and, 156–157, 168–169, 177
operational-level military strategy and, 202–203
Russian Revolution and, 180
Second World War and, 139–140, 142–143, 145, 210, 213
Stalin’s purges in, 334
Taylorism and, 465–466
anarchism in, 279
civil war in, 279
Franco regime in, 142
guerrilla warfare in, 179–180, 240
Napoleonic Wars in, 90, 179–180, 240
Second World War and, 143
Sparta, 30–35, 38, 42
Spartacist League, 298, 305
Speier, Hans, 576
Spinney, Chuck, 226
Stalin, Josef
Chinese Civil War and, 184
purges by, 297–298, 334
Second World War and, 142–143, 213
Taylorism and, 466
Stalk, George, 511, 568
Standard Oil, 475–477, 494, 523, 565
Stanton, Angela, 595
State and Revolution (Lenin), 297
Steffens, Lincoln, 312
Stewart, Matthew, 498, 523
Stonewall Inn (New York City), 411
Stoppard, Tom, 265–268
Strachan, Hew, 85, 92, 114, 209, 610
Strange, Joe, 208
Strategematon (Frontinus), 43, 72
stratēgike episteme (general’s knowledge), 72
Strategikon (Maurice), 47–48
stratēgōn sophia (general’s wisdom), 72
definitions of, x–xi, 72–75, 88, 607–608
etymology of, xii, 72, 635n12
limits of, 609–612
Strategy and Structure (Chandler), 496
Strategy in Poker, Business and War (McDonald), 152
strategy of annihilation, 108, 204–205, 215, 264, 332
Strategy Safari (Mintzberg), 560
Strategy: The Indirect Approach (Liddell Hart), 136
Stride toward Freedom (King Jr.), 360
Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kuhn), 419
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Black Power doctrine and, 393–394
Freedom Rides and, 361–362
King Jr. and, 391
militancy and, 366, 378, 393–395
nonviolent direct action and, 391
participatory democracy and, 377–378
women’s issues and, 410–411
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Gitlin on, 412–413
Port Huron Statement and, 367–368, 374–375, 378
radicalism in, 398
Vietnam War protests and, 396–397
violence and, 366
Weather Underground and, 403–404
suffragette movement, 344–346
Sumida, Jon, 613
Summers, Harry, 221
Sun Tzu
business managers’ use of, 508–511, 549
compared to Athenians, 46
on deception, 42, 45–46
on foreknowledge, 45
Liddell Hart and, 135–138
Mao and, 45, 185
political consultants’ use of, 445–446
strategic theories of, xii, 44–46, 136–138, 185, 193, 382, 445–446, 508, 549
Sun Tzu and the Art of Business (McNeilly), 509
Supreme Court (United States)
abortion rulings and, 444, 452
antitrust rulings of, 477
desegregation rulings of, 356–357, 359, 362
SWOT analysis (Andrews), 499, 521, 561, 564
System 1 mental processes, 602–605, 612–614, 620, 622
System 2 mental processes, 602–605, 612, 614, 620, 622
tactics, definitions of, 72–74
Taleb, Nassim, 617
Taliban, The, 222
Tarbell, Ida, 464, 477
Tarde, Gabriel, 336
Taylor, Frederick. See Taylorism
Drucker on, 493
efficiency emphasis of, 463–465, 470, 546
Ford Motor Company and, 483
“Great Taylorism” and, 499
labor unions and, 465
legacy of, 132, 546, 551
origins of, 462
Progressives and, 465
Soviet Union and, 465–466
worker as machine principle of, 462–463, 470
Tea Party, 455
Teapot Dome scandal, 624, 626
Techow, Gustav, 263
Templer, Gerald, 188
anarchism and, 276–279
assassination and, 277–278
asymmetric warfare and, 222, 227, 230
Far Left and, 412
September 11, 2001 attacks and, 222
theories of, 402
Tetlock, Philip, 604
Thaler, Richard, 593, 596
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, The (Morgenstern and von Neumann), 151–152
Theory of Political Coalitions, The (Riker), 579
Theory of the Firm, The (Penrose), 496
thermonuclear weapons. See under nuclear weapons
Thiers, Adolphe, 271
Third International, 297
Thirty Years’ Peace, 32–34
Thomas, William, 337
Thompson, Robert, 188
Thoreau, Henry David, 347, 358
Thorton, Charles Bates, 501
Thriving on Chaos (Peters), 548
Thucydides, 23, 30–38, 46–47, 50, 115