Page 103
Sun Tzu and, 135–138
Liebknecht, Karl, 298, 305
Liebknecht, Wilhelm, 284
Lincoln, Abraham, 109–111, 244
Lind, William, 200, 225–227
Lippmann, Walter, 145, 337–341, 414
Lipton, Diana, 12
List, Friedrich, 96–97
Livy, 42–43
Lloyd, Henry, 74–75
Lonely Crowd, The (Reisman), 369
Long March (Mao Zedong), 184–185
Louis Philippe, 255–256
Luce, Duncan, 161–162, 514
Luce, Henry, 491
Ludendorff, Erich, 209–210
Luntz, Frank, 434–436, 688n8
Luther, Martin, 54
Luttwak, Edward, 72, 201–203, 211–212, 215, 704n8
Luxemburg, Rosa, 286–289, 293, 295, 298, 305
Lynd, Staughton, 397
Machiavelli, Niccolo
Florentine society and, 50
on force and guile, 23, 50, 324, 614
on human nature, 52–53
influences on, 43
legacy of, 54, 232, 321, 330, 335, 455, 509
on loyalty, 51–52
on military strategy, 51–52
Milton’s incorporation of, 54, 57–58, 63, 617
Prince, The, 50, 52–53, 509, 614
on rulers’ self-interest, 49–50, 52–53
Machiavellians, The (Burnham), 335
Mackinder, Halford, 120–122
Madansky, Albert, 506
Maginot Line, 199–200
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 116–118, 120–121, 126, 194
Mahan, Dennis, 109–110, 116
Mailer, Norman, 436
Mair, Andrew, 567–569
Malatesta, Errico, 276–277
Malaya, 188
Malcolm X, 391–393
Malkasian, Carter, 209
management. See business management
Managerial Revolution, The (Burnham), 334, 491
Managing for Results (Drucker), 498
maneuver warfare, 199–206, 209–211, 242
Manhattan Project, 147–148
Manichaeism, 56–57
Mantel, Hilary, 607
Mao Zedong
Chinese Communist Party, 183–185
guerrilla warfare and, 183–186, 191–192, 227, 400
legacy of, 186, 404
Little Red Book of, 394
Long March of, 184–185
public relations efforts of, 400
Sun Tzu and, 45, 185
March on Washington, 364
Marcuse, Herbert, 399, 415
Marighella, Carlos, 402
Marketing Warfare (Ries and Trout), 507–508
Marshall, Andrew, 215–216
Martin, Roger, 570
Marx, Karl
on American Civil War, 262
anarchism and, 270
Bakunin and, 268, 270–272, 276, 474
biography of, 252
class struggle and, 253–254, 256–261, 283–284, 325, 583
Communist Manifesto and, 254, 256–257, 260–261, 270, 329
critiques of, 259–263, 284, 323, 329
Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon and, 258–259, 283
on electoral politics, 257, 283
First International and, 269–271
French Revolution and, 259, 617
legacy of, 252–253, 300, 320
Lenin and, 290, 297
on nationalism, 260
on the Paris Commune, 271–272
on petit bourgeoisie, 260
political philosophy of, 247, 251–261, 263, 272–274, 301
Revolutions of 1848 and, 253, 255–259
socialist movement and, 284–285
Stoppard’s depiction of, 267–268
Weber and, 302, 321
mass media and communication
agenda setting and, 417–418
conformism and, 416–417
limits to the power of, 436
nonviolent direct action and, 352, 363–364
political strategy and, 438–439, 450–451
mass publics. See also crowd psychology; propaganda
conservative theories about, 325–326
Mosca on, 326
Pareto on, 323
socialist theories about, 250–251, 253
master strategist, myth of the, 237–244
Matalin, Mary, 446–447
Matthews, Herbert, 400
Mauborgne, Renee, 537–539
Maurice (Emperor of Byzantium), 47–48
Mauss, Marcel, 300, 670n1
Maximus, Quintus Fabius, 47
Maximus, Valerius, 43
Mayo, Elton, 469–472, 543, 563, 566
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 179, 251, 260, 328
McCarthy, Eugene, 407
McClellan, George, 110
McDonald, John, 152–153, 491, 495–496
McFate, Montgomery, 231–232
McGinnis, Joe, 439
McGovern, George, 441
McGregor, Douglas, 543–544
McKee, Robert, 623, 628–629
McKinsey & Company Consulting, 497, 544–546
McNamara, Robert
Cuban missile crisis and, 175
Ford Motor Company and, 501–502
Luttwack on, 202
mutually assured destruction theory and, 170
quantitative analysis and, 149–150, 199, 202, 501–502, 546
Second World War and, 501
Vietnam War and, 149, 502
McNaughton, John, 190–191
McNeilly, Mark, 509
Means, Gardiner, 490, 492, 526
Meckling, William, 526
Megarian Decree, 32–35
Melian dialogue, 31
Menand, Louis, 319
Mensheviks, 289, 292–294
mentalization, 598–600
Merriam, Charles, 576
Merton, Robert, 319–320, 416
mētis (cunning), 23–29, 42–44, 555, 613
Mētis (goddess), 24
Metz, Steve, 229
Michaels, Jeff, 235
Michels, Robert, 321–322, 335
Micklethwait, John, 505
Military Strategy (Wylie), 194
military-technical revolution. See revolution in military affairs (RMA)
Mill, John Stuart, 96
Mills, C. Wright
analysis of power by, 372–373
influences on, 371–372
New Left and, 372, 399
on role of sociology, 373–374, 685n4
Milton, John
Arminianism of, 56
on disobedience to kings, 63
on guile, 64
Paradise Lost, 54, 56–64, 617
Mind and Society (Pareto), 324
Mini-manual of the Urban Guerrilla (Marighella), 402
minimax solution, 151–153, 155, 165, 582
Mintzberg, Henry
deliberate versus emergent strategies, 554–555
emphasis on storytelling by, 566
on importance of community, 555–556
on strategic planning, 499–500, 504, 550, 560
Mirowski, Philip, 148, 514–515, 600
Mitchell, Billy, 125
Modern Corporation and Private Property (Berle and Means), 490
Modern Strategy (Gray), 238
Mondale, Walter, 448, 450
Montecuccoli, Raimondo, 51
Montgomery (Alabama, US) Bus Boycott, 357–360
Moral Majority, 444, 452
Moral Man and Immoral Society (Niebuhr), 353
Morgan, Glenn, 558–559
Morgan, J.P., 476
Morgenstern, Oskar, 151–152, 154, 161, 582
Morson, Gary, 102
Mosca, Gaetano, 321–323, 326, 335
Moses. See under Bible, The
Most, Johann, 277
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (Capra), 624–626
Ms. magazine, 430
Murphy Brown,
Murphy, Richard, 488–489
Musashi, Miyamoto, 510–511
Mussolini, Benito, 140, 142, 328
Muste, A. J., 354–356, 412
My Life and Work (Ford), 483
My Years with General Motors (Sloan), 495–496, 616
Burnham on, 335
Sorel on, 327–328
Nader, Ralph, 526
Nagasaki, atomic bombing of, 143, 217
Nagl, John, 224
Nalebuff, Barry, 523, 710n6
Napoleon. See Bonaparte, Napoleon
Napoleonic Wars
Clausewitz, and, 82–83, 90–91, 237, 617
coalitions in, 90–91, 115
France and, 78–81, 116
Great Britain and, 116
guerrilla warfare and, 179–180, 240
international peace movement and, 96
naval warfare and, 119–120
Prussia and, 78–79, 82
Russia campaign and, 78–83, 90, 209
Spain and, 90, 179–180, 240
Tolstoy’s depiction of, 98–102
business management and, 563–567
qualities of, 621–622
different notions of, 427–432
information operations and, 233–234
political campaigning and, 433–435, 437, 449
problems with 615–618
Nash, John, 514–515, 594, 600
Nation of Islam, 391–392
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 351, 357, 360–361
National Football League (NFL), 522
National Liberation Front (FLN, Algeria), 392
National Liberation Front (Vietnam), 397
National Organization of Women (NOW), 409–410
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Berlin blockade crisis and, 173
continental European defense and, 199–200, 203, 210
free-rider problem and, 583–584
Turkey and, 175
Nazis. See also Hitler, Adolf
ideology of, 122, 335, 343
propaganda and, 336, 342–343, 414
Nechayev, Sergei, 276, 392
neo-Machiavellians, 321, 329, 335
netwar, 229–230
neuroscience. See human brain, studies of
New Deal, 334, 441, 482, 487, 489–490
New Industrial State, The (Galbraith), 492
New Jersey, unemployment study in, 472–473
New Left. See also Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
1968 Democratic Convention protests and, 406–408
Alinsky and, 388, 408–409
attitude toward electoral politics of, 436
campus protests and, 403–406
challenge to Western democracies by, 415
civil rights movement and, 375
community organizing projects and, 376
conservative reactions to, 440
Cuba and, 398–399, 402
existentialist philosophy and, 368, 370–371, 375–376
Foucault and, 426–427
France and, 403, 428
gay liberation and, 411
Guevara and, 402
hippies and, 405–406
legacy of, 411–412
liberation emphasis of, 367, 369–370
media and, 417–418
Mills and, 372, 399
orthodox Left and, 367–368, 370
participatory democracy and, 376–378
Port Huron Statement and, 367, 374–375, 378
Third World and, 398–399
Vietnam War and, 396–399, 405–407, 411
views of “technocracy” and, 370
Weather Underground and, 403–405
women’s liberation and, 409–411
Yippies and, 406–407
New Politics, The (Perry), 438
New School of Social Research, 415
New State, The (Follet), 468
Newman, James, 156
Ney, Michel, 84
Nicholas II (Tsar of Russia), 296
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 352–354, 358
Niederwerfungsstrategie (strategy of annihilation), 108
Nixon, Richard, 436, 439–441
Nono, Luigi, 176
nonviolent direct action. See also pacifism
American civil rights movement and, 350–351, 354–365, 386
critiques of the limits of, 349–351, 355–356
Gandhi and, 348–351, 354–355, 358–359, 385, 412
King Jr. and, 344, 358–359, 362–364, 677n28
labor relations and, 352
media aspect of, 352, 363–364
Niebuhr on, 352–354
Rustin and, 358–359, 362–363
suffragette movement and, 345–346
Tolstoy and, 348
North Vietnam. See under Vietnam
Northern Alliance, 222
Norton, David, 561–562
nuclear weapons
arms control and, 169
Cold War and, 156–159, 167–168
deterrence theory and, 157–160, 168, 176–177, 194, 241
escalation and, 176
first-strike capability and, 167–169, 171
game theory and, 155
Manhattan Project and, 147–148
massive retaliation doctrine and, 157
mutually assured destruction theory and, 170, 218
Schelling on, 164–165, 167–173
Second World War and, 143, 156, 217
second-strike capability and, 168–170
Soviet Union and, 156–157, 168–169, 177
stalemate and, 177
strategic impact of, 134, 145–149, 155–160, 163–165, 167–171, 176–177, 217, 219–220
submarines and, 169
thermonuclear weapons and, 156
United States and, 147, 156–157, 168–169, 171–172, 177
O’Reilly, Jane, 430
Oakland (California), 394
Obama, Barack, 453–455
Ochs, Phil, 406
Homer’s description of, xii, 22–27
Sophocles’ description of, 27–28
Virgil’s description of, 24, 42
Odyssey, The (Homer), 24–27
Offer, Avner, 619–620
Ogarev, Nicholas, 266
Oglesby, Carl, 397
Ohmae, Kenichi, 545
Olson, Mancur, 583–584, 586
On Escalation (Kahn), 176
On Thermonuclear War (Kahn), 160–161
On War (Clausewitz), 82–83, 86, 118, 179, 203–204, 237, 445. See also Clausewitz, Carl von, military strategies of
One Dimensional Man (Marcuse), 399
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (Lenin), 293–294
OODA loops (observation, orientation, decision, action), 196–199, 201, 217–218, 225, 451, 511–512
Operation Desert Storm. See Gulf War (1991)
operational level of war, 202–203, 205, 207, 214
operations research. See quantitative analysis
Oppenheimer, Robert, 145
Ordeshook, Peter, 580
Organization Man (Whyte), 369
Orwell, George, xv, 145–146, 433, 543, 674n26, 688n8
Other Side, The (Hayden and Lynd), 397
Ottoman Empire, 181–182
Overy, Richard, 158
pacifism. See also nonviolent direct action
First World War and, 346–347
Gandhi and, 347, 352
Gregg on, 352
Pankhurst, Christabel and Emmeline, 345–346
paradigms, Kuhn’s notion of, 419–424
Paradise Lost (Milton)
Adam and Eve in, 54–56, 58, 61–63
Beelzebub in, 61
Belial in, 60
free will questions in, 55–58
God in, 54–60, 62–64, 617
/> guile in, 64
Jesus (The Son) in, 58–59, 62
Machiavellian aspects of, 54, 57–58, 63, 617
Mammon in, 60–61
Moloch in, 60–61
Pandemonium in, 60–61
Satan in, 54, 56–64, 617
Paret, Peter, 86, 204
Pareto, Vilfredo
circulation of elites and, 325
legacy of, 335, 471–472, 515
lion and fox analogies of, 324–325
logical conduct and, 324
Pareto efficiency and, 323
residues and, 324
social equilibrium and, 323, 471–472
Paris Commune, 106, 269, 271, 474
Park, Robert, 336–337, 378
Parks, Rosa, 357
Parris, Matthew, x
Parsons, Talcott, 471
Pascale, Richard, 545, 566
Patton, George S., 506
Peloponnesian War, The (Thucydides) Athens in, 31–38
Attica in, 35
coalitions in, 32–35
Corcyra and, 32, 34, 38
Corinth in, 32–34
Diodotus in, 37–38
Megara and, 32
Megarian Decree and, 32–35
Melians in, 31
Peloponnesian League, 30, 32, 35
Pericles in, 32–37, 39
Sparta and, 31–35, 38
Penrose, Edith, 496, 570
Pericles, 23, 32–37, 39, 244, 614
Perroni, Amadeo, 463
Perry, James, 438
Person, Harlow, 462
Peters, Ralph, 227
Peters, Tom
emphasis on storytelling by, 564, 617
management theories of, 545–548, 556, 564
McKinsey & Company and, 544–545, 547
Petraeus, David, 224
Petrograd Soviet, 296
Pfeffer, Jeffrey, 558
Phelan, Jim, 433
Phillips, Kevin, 440–441
Philoctetes (Sophocles)
Herakles in, 27–28
Neoptolemus, 27–28
Odysseus in, 27–28
Pierce, Charles, 317
Pinker, Stephen, 435
Pirates of Penzanze, The (Gilbert and Sullivan), 69
Plague, The (Camus), 371
Plan 1919 (Fuller), 130
Plato, 22–23, 36, 38–41, 602, 617
connotations of, 65
scripts and, 623–624, 626–627
Plouffe, David, 453–454
Poetics (Aristotle), 623
poker, 151–152
political strategy
campaign consultants and, 437–439, 445
communication and, 433–439
demographic analysis and, 440
framing of issues and, 422, 434–436, 454, 461, 593, 615
limits to, 456
media elements of, 438–439, 450–451
negative campaigning and, 451
permanent campaign and, 449
polling and, 437
primary elections and, 438–439
television and, 438–439
voter emotions and, 434–435, 448
“Politics as a Vocation” (Weber), 303–307, 413
“Politics of 1948” (Clifford), 447