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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

Page 40

by Shawn Conners

  贤人执政,能使人行动顺从,圣人执政,能使人心悦诚服。行动顺从,可以创业。心悦诚服,可以全始全终。使人行动顺从要靠“礼”, 使人衷心悦服要靠“乐”。所谓“乐”,不只是金、石、丝、竹等乐器,而是使人爱家庭、爱宗族、爱职业、爱国家,拥护政令,讲究道德。这样治氏的君主,还要作“音乐”来陶治人们的感情,使其不失和谐。所以有德的君主,是用“乐”来使民众快乐。无德的君主,只知用“音乐”使自己快乐。使民众快乐的,国家才能保 持长久。只图自己快乐的,国家不久便会灭亡。

  The Lower Strategy - Internal Stability and External Expansion

  One who does not ensure internal stability but focuses instead on external expansion, will labor without success. One who focuses on internal stability instead of external expansion, will labor with ease and attain lasting results. A government marked by ease has many loyal ministers. A government marked by labor has many resentful people. Thus it is said that one who concentrates on expanding his territory, will impoverish his state; one who concentrates on spreading his virtue and beneficence will be strong. One who is able to hold what he possesses will feel secure; one who is greedy for what others have is seeking disaster. A government on the verge of being destroyed will burden later generations. The ruler, who enacts policies beyond proper measure, even though successful, inevitably will be defeated.

  不搞好内政而图谋向外扩张的,会劳而无功。不从事向外扩张而只顾搞好内政的,会逸而有成。实行休养生息的政治,是由于有许多忠臣。实行劳民伤财的政治,必然产生许多怨民。所以说,热衷于扩张领土的,内政必然荒废。着意广施恩德的,国家就会强盛。能保持自己所当有的,会得到安宁,贪图别人所有的,会招未祸殃。 残暴的政治,世世代代都将受害。所作所为超过限度,即使成功也终必失败

  The Lower Strategy - Setting the Example

  One who indulges himself while instructing others is contrary to natural order. One who rectifies himself and transforms others is in accord with the Way. Contrariness is summoning chaos; following the Way is the essence of order.


  The Lower Strategy - Way, Virtue, Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety

  The Way, virtue, benevolence, righteousness and forms of propriety are one body. The Way is a common set of principles that men follow. Virtue is what men learn and gain when they follow the Way. Benevolence is love and care among the people. Righteousness is how people should behave. Forms of propriety regulate the behavior of people. None of these can be ignored.

  Thus, everyday our actions should be regulated by forms of propriety. Punishing brigands and stopping injustice are decisions of righteousness. The compassionate heart is an expression of benevolence. To right oneself and gain the respect of others is the path of virtue. Ensuring that all people are equal and do not lose what they have gained, this is the work of the Way.

  道、德、仁、义、礼,这五者是相互联系的一个整体。“道” 是人们所应遵循的普遍规律。“德”是人们入“道”所领悟的心得体会。“仁”是人与人之间的相互亲爱。“义”是人们所应当做的事情。“礼”是人们所应遵守的规范。这五者缺一不可。所以,人们每天的生活行动,都要受礼的约束,讨贼报仇是正义的决定。同情之心是仁爱的发端;正己正人是修德的途径。使人平均,各得其所,是道的教化。

  The Lower Strategy - Commands and Orders

  What proceeds from the ruler and descends to the ministers is termed a command. What is recorded on bamboo strips and silk is termed an order. When rules are initiated and implemented, it is termed governance. When commands are not conveyed correctly, then orders are not carried out. When orders are not carried out, then governance cannot work. When governance cannot work, then the effect of governance cannot extend far and wide. If the effect of governance cannot be extended far and wide, then evil ministers will prevail. If evil ministers prevail, then the ruler's authority is damaged.


  The Lower Strategy - Benefits of Getting the Capable

  To gain the capable, the process is long. To gain the incapable, the process is short. Thus the wise ruler would rather take the long process than the short process, so that he is able to complete his aims by respecting the capable and having his subordinates do their best for him.


  The Lower Strategy - Treating Good and Evil

  If a ruler dismisses one good man, then good people will lose heart. If a ruler rewards an evil person then more evil persons will be drawn to him. When the good are rewarded and the evil suffer punishment, the state will then be secure and multitudes of good people will come.


  The Lower Strategy - Deluding and Creating Doubts in the Populace

  When the masses are doubtful of those in control, the state is unstable. When the masses are deluded, they cannot be governed. When doubts are cleared and delusions are removed, then the state can be secured.


  The Lower Strategy - Implementing Orders and Policies on the Populace

  When one order goes against the will of the people, then other orders will be disobeyed. When one evil act is committed, then other evil acts will follow. Thus if you put a good order into effect amidst compliant people and impose harsh measures on wicked people, orders can be executed without discontent.

  Using laws that incur the wrath of discontented people is contrary to Heaven. Using measures that incur the wrath of the vengeful, to suppress the vengeful will cause an irreversible disaster. The ruler governs the people by making them peaceful. To make them peaceful, governance must be transparent and of high integrity. When the people gain what they want, the world will be tranquil.


  The Lower Strategy - Creating a Well-Ordered Government

  If those who oppose the ruler are honored, while the greedy and uncivilized are enriched, then even if there is a Sage ruler, he cannot realize a well-ordered government. If those who oppose the ruler are punished, while the greedy and uncivilized are punished, then good moral conduct will prevail in the society and evil will be eliminated.

  Pure, incorruptible officers cannot be enticed with rank and salary. Self-constrained, righteous officers cannot be coerced with threats. Thus the wise ruler, when employing the capable, must observe what will attract them. To attract the pure and incorruptible, one must observe strictly the forms of pro
priety. To attract the self-constrained and righteous, one must practice self-constraint and righteousness. Only then can the capable be attracted and the ruler's reputation preserved.


  The Lower Strategy - The Knowledge of Sages

  The Sage perceives the sources of success and failure, understands what causes victory and defeat, understands the crux of governing chaos and knows the measure of going and coming. Though in poverty, a Sage would not hold a position in a doomed state. Though lowly, he would not accept a salary from turbulent state. He would go into reclusion, with his ideas on good governance, and take an official position when the time came. When they meet rulers that have the same ambition and goals, they can accomplish extraordinary ends. Since their goals are lofty, their names will be praised in later generations.


  The Lower Strategy - When to Use the Army

  The wise ruler does not take pleasure in using the army. He mobilizes it to eliminate the violently perverse and punish the rebellious. Using righteousness to execute unrighteous is like releasing the pent-up river to extinguish a torch, or pushing one who is teetering at the edge of a cliff; success is inevitable. The wise ruler does not send troops rashly, because war can cause serious injury and damage to many things. War is not a good thing and it is something Heaven abhors. War should be a last resort and only when it is in accord with Heaven. When the ruler is in accord with Heaven, he is like a fish in water; when he is not, he will perish. Thus the ruler should constantly strive to be in accord with Heaven.


  The Lower Strategy - Powerful Families

  When prominent, powerful families gain control of governance, the ruler's authority is diminished. If the power to decide life and death lies in the hands of the powerful families, the state is near its demise. If the powerful families submit to the ruler then the state can long endure. If the power to decide life and death lies in the hand of ruler, the state is secured. When people of all levels are poor, the state is impoverished. When people of all levels enjoy abundance, then the state will be prosperous and happy.


  The Lower Strategy - Capable and Depraved Officers

  When the capable officers are brought into the government, depraved ones will be left out. When depraved officers are brought into the government instead, capable officers will depart. When those who should be in are not in, those who should be outside are not outside; it is the start of disaster that can last through generations.


  The Lower Strategy - Rules and Officers

  When the senior ministers doubt the ruler, evil will accumulate and gather. If ministers usurp the respect that should be due to the ruler, then there will be confusion in the ranks. When the ruler occupies the position of a minister, the ranks have lost their order.


  The Lower Strategy - Treating the Capable

  If harm is done to those who are capable, such action can harm three generations. If the ruler does not use those who are capable, he himself will suffer. If he is jealous of those who are capable, his reputation will be tarnished. When those who are capable are promoted or recommended, blessings will flow to future generations. Thus the wise would seek out and advance those who are capable, thereby making his name illustrious.


  The Lower Strategy - Treating the Populace

  If the ruler profits one person at the expense of a hundred, hundreds of people will leave the city. If the ruler profits one person at the expense of ten thousand, the whole populace will be in chaos and consider fleeing. If the ruler deposes one person and profits a hundred, the people will remember his munificence. If the ruler deposes one person and profits ten thousand, the government will be secure.


  The Thirty Six Stratagems


  The Thirty Six Stratagems (三十六计) is a text used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in conflict, politics and war, often through improvised or deceptive means. The stratagems are divided into six groups: stratagems of advantage, opportunity, attack, confusion, deception and disadvantage. Each individual stratagem is presented with examples from Chinese history. The stratagems were originally taken from the Book of Qi, and formally written during the Southern Qi Dynasty (c. 400 CE).

  Chapter 1 – Stratagems of Advantage

  1. Deceive Heaven to Cross the Sea

  We tend not to be suspicious of familiar things that we see often. Therefore secrets should be made to look like familiar things and not like something that is incompatible with the obvious. In this way, the obvious can be used as a vessel in which to hide secrets.


  In the year 643 BC, seventeen years into his reign, Taizong, the Emperor of Tang, received a request for military assistance from a small country. The Emperor decided to personally lead his army of 300,000 men. His loyal advisors tried to dissuade him from going, as the trip required them to cross the sea, but the Emperor was adamant. On seeing the immensity of the sea however, the Emperor lost courage to make a crossing. He then summoned his subjects to think of an alternative way, but none was able to offer a good plan.

  When the Emperor asked again, it was reported that an old but rich peasant living by the sea had requested an audience. The old man claimed that he would be able to provide food for the entire army for their journey across the sea. On hearing this, the Emperor was delighted. The old man invited the Emperor to his house for entertainment. Emperor Taizong happily agreed and went with his men.

  After traveling for a few miles, the Emperor and his men were then led into an enormous tent. The tent was beautifully decorated inside and there were many servants. There the feasting began with fine wine, food and music. After a while, the Emperor and his subjects heard strong winds blowing and the thundering sounds of waves. The Emperor was suspicious and ordered some of his men to open the tent. He then realized that they were not in the house of the old man, but on a boat out at sea. The old man was actually Xue Ren Gui in disguise, and the creator of the strategy, “Deceive Heaven to Cross the Sea.”

  见《永乐大典—薛仁贵征辽事略》。唐太宗贞观十七年,御驾亲征,领三十万大军以宁东土。一日,浩荡大军东进来到大海边上,帝见眼前只是白浪排空,海茫无穷,即向众总管问及过海之计,四下面面相觑。忽传一个近居海上的豪民请求见驾,并称三十万过海军粮此家业已独备。帝大喜,便率百官随这豪民来到海边。只见万户皆用一彩幕遮围,十分严密。豪民老人东向倒步引帝入室。室内更是绣幔彩锦,茵褥铺地。百官进酒, 宴饮甚乐。不久,风声四起,波响如雷,杯盏倾侧,人身摇动,良久不止。太宗警惊,忙令近臣揭开彩幕察看,不看则已,一看愕然。满目皆一片清清海水横无际涯,哪里是什么在豪民家作客,大军竟然已航行在大海之上了!原来这豪民是新招壮士薛仁贵扮成,这”瞒天过海”计策就是他策划的。

  2. Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao

  To defeat a stronger enemy, one should try to make the enemy spread out his forces and then attack each of the small units separately. Instead of making a direct attack into the enemy’s strength, one should attack in places like the rear, where the defenses are weaker.


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