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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

Page 41

by Shawn Conners


  This strategy derives its name from a famous incident that occurred in 354 BC. At this time, one of China's most renowned strategists, Sun Bin, a descendent of Sun Tzu (Sun Zi), was an advisor to the Lord of the State of Qi. Sun Bin had previously been at the court of the State of Wei, but another minister, Pang Juan, who is believed to have had the same teacher as Sun Bin, became jealous of his cleverness. He had Sun Bin framed as a spy, sentenced to the mutilation of having his kneecaps removed, and imprisoned; but Sun Bin escaped and fled to the State of Qi.

  Several years later, the Lord of the State of Wei appointed the same Pang Juan as commander of the army, and sent him to attack the capital of the State of Zhao. The Lord of Zhao, Han Dan, appealed to the State of Qi for help. When the Lord of Qi consulted his advisors, they all spoke in favor of immediately sending aid to their ally. Only Sun Bin recommended against attacking immediately. Sun Bin advised: “To intervene between two warring armies is like trying to divert a tidal wave by standing in its path. It would be better to wait until both armies have worn themselves out.” The Lord agreed to wait.

  The siege of Zhao had lasted more than a year before Sun Bin decided the time was ripe to come to Zhao's aid. The King of Qi appointed prince Tian Ji as general and Sun Bin as military advisor. Tian Ji planned to attack the Wei forces directly to lift the siege of Zhao, but again Sun advised against direct intervention saying: “Since most of Wei's troops are out of the country engaged in the siege, their own defenses must be weak. By attacking the capital of Wei, we will force the Wei army to return to defend their capital; thereby lifting the siege of Zhao. This will provide the opportunity to destroy the Wei forces.” Tian Ji agreed to the plan and divided his army into two parts, one to attack the capital of Wei, and the other to prepare an ambush along the route to the capital.

  When the Wei general, Pang Juan, heard that the capital was being attacked, he broke off the siege of Wei and rushed his army back to defend his capital. Weakened and exhausted from the year long siege and the forced march, the Wei troops were caught completely by surprise in the ambush and suffered heavy losses. Zhao was thus rescued, while Pang Juan barely escaped back to Wei to recoup his losses.



  3. Kill with a Borrowed Knife

  When the enemy has been identified, and the intentions of one’s allies are unclear, it is advisable to use the allies to attack the enemy. This will establish the loyalty of the allies and fight off the enemy without incurring any costs.


  Toward the end of the Spring and Autumn Era, Lord Jian of the State of Qi was preparing to send an expedition against the State of Lu. The State of Lu was no match for the State of Qi. Therefore, the State of Lu was in a panic. Zi Gong, a disciple of Confucius, analyzed the situation and came to the conclusion that only the State of Wu was a match for the State of Qi. Thus he thought of using Wu to attack Qi.

  Zi Gong went to see Tian Chang, who was then one of the highest ranking officials in Qi, one who wished to obtain more power from the Lord of Qi. Zi Gong advised Tian Chang that since he was opposed by the Commander of the Army, he should make things difficult for the Commander. Instead of having the Commander of the Army gain credit by defeating Lu, why not get him to attack State of Wu instead, which would be more difficult. Tian Chang liked the idea, but since Qi was prepared to attack Lu, he wondered how he could change the mind of the Lord of Qi. Zi Gong said, “This is easy. Let me persuade the State of Wu to save Lu. This will give the Lord of Qi reasons to change the target.”

  So Zi Gong traveled to the State of Wu. There Zi Gong said to the Lord of Wu, Fu Chai, “When the State of Qi has defeated Lu, their next target will be State of Wu. Why not make the first move and attack the State of Qi now?” Fu Chai agreed but was worried about being attacked from his rear by the State of Zhao. So, Zi Gong went to the State of Zhao, and managed to persuade them to join in the battle, thus securing the rear for Wu.

  After travelling to the three states, Zi Gong had apparently achieved his goal, but after further analysis, he realized that the future of Lu was still not secure. So he went to the State of Jin and spoke to Lord Ding. He told Lord Ding, “If the State of Wu manages to conquer Qi, their next target would be State of Jin, so please make preparation for an expedition from Wu.”

  In 484 BC, Lord Fu Chai of the State of Wu led his army of 103,000 men on an expedition against State of Qi. The Qi army was ambushed by Wu, and several generals including the Commander of the Army were killed. Qi suffered huge losses and brokered for peace. As expected, Lord Fu Chai, after winning the battle, wanted to use his momentum to attack Jin and then Lu. However, on the advice of Zi Gong, Jin was prepared, and managed to fend off Wu. Zi Gong had finally achieved his goal by using the strategy twice: First by using State of Wu to save Lu and second by using the State of Jin to fend off the State of Wu.



  4. Conserve Energy while Exhausting Enemies

  Put the enemy in difficult situations; avoid a direct attack in the initial stage. Reduce the advantages of your enemy; turn him from strong to weak


  At the end of the Warring States Period, the State of Qin sent an expedition, with Li Xing as the Commander of the Army, to attack the State of Chu. At first the aggressive Li Xing was able to capture several cities in Chu, but then met with strong resistance from the Chu army, which was headed by Xiang Yan, who was able to ambush Li Xing’s army and dealt them heavy losses.

  Before long, the Lord of Qin replaced Li Xing with Wang Jian, an old and experience general. Wang Jian had no intention of launching further attacks right away. Instead he concentrated on building up his defenses. The Chu army was on high alert and anxious to ward off further attacks by the Qin army; but for a year there were no attacks. The Qin army had dug in and was resting and eating well.

  When the Chu forces saw that the Qin had no intention of attacking, but were merely prepared to defend, they begin to let their guard down, and Xiang Yan began to pull back the Chu army to their capital. On seeing the Chu army's movement, Wang Jian seized the opportunity to let loose his army onto the unsuspecting Chu. Being well-rested, the Qin army was unstoppable. They dealt a huge blow to the Chu. Riding on the momentum, the Qin army marched into the heart of Chu state and, in 223 BC, the Qin annexed Chu.

  以逸待劳,语出于《孙子.军争篇》:以近待远,以佚(同逸)待劳,以饱待饥,此治力者也。”又,《孙子.虚实篇》:”凡先处战地而待敌者佚(同逸),后处战地而趋战者劳。故善战者,致人而不致于人。” 原意是说,凡是先到战场面等待敌人的,就从容、主动,后到达战场的只能仓促应战,一定会疲劳、被动。所以,善于指挥作战的人,总是调动敌人,而决不会被敌人调动。


  5. Loot a Burning House

  When the enemy is in a difficult situation, one must seize the opportunity to attack, and use the momentum to obtain victory.


  During the Spring and Autumn Era, the State of Wu and the State of Yue were constantly fighting each other. After many years of fighting, Yue finally succumbed to Wu. The Lord of Yue, Gou Jian, was captured and sent to the Wu as a slave. He vowed to resurrect his state. So, on the surface, he pretended to be obedient towards Lord of Wu, Fu Chai and ultimately managed to gain his trust. Finally, Gou Jian was released back to Yue as its administrator. At Yue, Gou Jian continued his presence, paying tribute to Wu every year. This behavior relaxed Fu Chai's guard against Yue, and allowed its military and economy to be strengthened.

  In the meantime, Fu Chai was so impressed by his repeated victories that he became very arrogant. He began to build lavish palaces and appointed deferential and incompetent officials. He suppressed advice and opinions against him, causing great disarray in Wu. In 473 BC, Wu suffered poor a harvest. During that time, the stronger lords would attend an annual celebration that was, in actual fact, a show of strength of each state. Wu being one of the strong states was no exception. Although provisions were scarce due to the poor harvest, Fu Chai brought most of his army to the ceremony. Gou Jian took the opportunity to launch an attack on Wu and managed to seize it without much effort.


  6. Feign East and Attack in the West

  By feigning in one direction and attacking in another, the enemy will be in chaos and will have no idea what might happen next. This is similar to the Cui sign in the Book of Changes. One should seize the opportunity to attack the enemy when he is thus unprepared.


  During the period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ban Chao was sent to Xiyu with the goal of persuading the smaller countries to join forces with the Han forces to attack Xiongnu. In order for the alliances to work, the Han forces, together with their allies the Yu Tian, would have to create a north-south corridor, which cut across the small country of Sha Che. No friend to Han, Sha Che had been trying to rally the other smaller countries to succumb to Xiongnu and go against the Han. So, Ban Chao decided to attack Sha Che.

  On becoming aware of the situation, Sha Che sought reinforcements from Gui Ci, who sent a force of 50,000 men. Ban Chao, together with his ally, the Yu Tian, had only 25,000 soldiers and, thus, was no match for Sha Che. So, Ban Chao hatched a plot to achieve victory in spite of the numerical inequity.

  Ban Chao spread rumors within his camp that he was contemplating a retreat because they were seriously outnumbered. This rumor was intentionally spread to the captured Sha Che soldiers. That very night, the Han troops started to retreat to the east together with their allies the Yu Tian. As they retreated, they pretended to be retreating hastily and in disarray. The Sha Che prisoners took this ‘fortunate opportunity’ to escape and reported the matter to Gui Ci.

  Gui Ci was pleased to hear the news and was confident that the Han and Yu Tian forces were afraid of him. Gui Ci led his 10,000 of his men on a chase after the retreating Han and Yu Tian forces. But, Ban Chao had merely used the darkness of night to help him hide his forces. Gui Ci, being very eager for victory, rushed his soldiers to find Ban Chao and, thus, very soon they were some distance away from Sha Che. Once Gui Ci had gone far enough, the Han and Yu Tian armies turned back and launched an attack on Sha Che. The troops def
ending Sha Che were caught by surprise and the King of Sha Che surrendered to the Han. After an unfruitful night, Gui Ci heard that Sha Che had suffered huge losses and had surrendered to the Han and Yu Tian forces. Knowing he was fighting a lost cause, Gui Ci gathered what remained of his army and returned home.



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