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Callum's Love [Men of Crazy Angle Ranch: 5]

Page 8

by Bellann Summer

  “I think it’s just a matter of time before the collection farm is shut down,” Callum observed.

  All three men agreed, and the four of them touched their beer bottles together in a toast to that kind of business leaving their area.

  Callum glanced over Ryan’s head and recognized the guy he had seen coming out the new metal building at the old Much farm, on the day they had confronted Schulky. Kissing the top of Ryan’s head, he murmured, “I’ll be right back.”

  Making his way through the crowd Callum walked up to a small, wiry man whose wheat-colored hair stuck out in all directions from under his tan cowboy hat. When he saw Callum, his eyes widened, and he took a step back.

  “I just want to ask a couple of questions,” Callum said.

  “Look, I needed the money. When I saw what was happening I tried to help them,” the man blurted out, and took another step away from Callum.

  “What do you mean?” Callum asked.

  “I can’t help the foals. Schulky keeps too much paperwork on them. I’ve tried a couple of time with other horses, but so far that mare was the only one I could save. Schulky and his foreman were too stupid to realize she was pregnant again. I fudged the paperwork, so he thought she was shipped off. Then I left her at the Crazy Angle. It was her only chance.” The man turned and took off. Quickly the crowd swallowed him up.

  Callum took a sip of beer, thinking that at least some of the questions were answered. Turning to go back by Ryan, he paused, hoping that somehow his mind was playing tricks on him. Horror grew. Ryan was standing near the bar, facing Merick Anderson. And they were talking to each other.

  Pushing his way through the crowd, Callum tried to get to Ryan before Merick did something Callum would regret. The closer he got the clearer it became that the two men were arguing. Ryan’s face was pale, but he was holding his own against the bigger, more aggressive Merick.

  To the side of the arguing pair, Callum saw Steve had observed the commotion and was making his way behind Merick. Good, that way Callum could go help Ryan.

  Callum had just about reached Ryan when he heard Merick say, “I hope you’re happy being sloppy seconds, because that’s all you’ll ever be. Callum and I had a good thing going.”

  Shit. Callum lifted a woman standing in his way and set her to the side, doubling his efforts to get to Ryan. He watched Ryan tilt his head up, look down his nose at Merick, and say, “But you couldn’t keep him, and now he’s mine.”

  “Why you son of a bitch,” Merick said, and lifted his fist. Before he could punch Ryan, Steve caught ahold of Merick’s arm with one hand and wrapped his other arm around the troublemaker’s chest.

  “Enough,” Steve ordered.

  Merick’s face turned beet red, and venomous words spewed out of his mouth. “You’re sloppy seconds. Is he using a green dildo on you? What about a red ball gag? I bought all of them, and he used them on me first.”

  Callum reached Ryan’s side as the last devastating words left Merick’s mouth. Merick’s triumphant cackle rained out when a miserable Ryan turned and looked at Callum. His face must have shown Ryan the answer to his silent question, confirming Merick’s spiteful words.

  Ryan’s face became a blank mask. Callum tried to figure out what to say but was too late when Ryan turned and headed for the front door. A shocked Callum could only observe the spilled drinks, broken glasses, and pissed off people Ryan left in his wake.

  On the other side of the bar, Steve was carrying a screaming Merick out of the back door. Callum saw the interest on Steve’s face. He knew the ex-mercenary could handle the little shit. But there was no way Callum could fathom Merick and Ryan both being on the Crazy Angle if something became of a relationship between Merick and Steve. In the end, it didn’t matter. After what Merick had just done, Callum wouldn’t allow him on the ranch.

  Someone bumped into Callum’s shoulder. Callum looked over, and his gaze collided with Zaiden’s blazing pale blue eyes.

  “What the hell are you standing here for? Go after him. Get down on your knees if you have to.” Zaiden put his hand on Callum’s shoulder. “That man is the best thing that has ever happened to you. You’re a fool if you let something that precious go.”

  Zaiden’s words pierced through the thick wall of shock that held Callum glued in place. As fast as he could he made his way through the crowd. Callum pushed the heavy metal door open so hard it slammed against the outside wall.

  Out in the parking lot, he looked for any sign of Ryan. Besides a laughing group of people making their way across the lot heading toward the door, the place was deserted. Callum combed the lot, searching everywhere. Ryan was gone.

  Chapter Ten

  He was not going to cry anymore. Many times in his life, Ryan had been made to feel like a fool. But Callum using sexual gifts from an old lover on him was more than humiliating. Tears started rolling down his face again. They stung the fresh split in his lip.

  He had woken up crying this morning. When Ryan made his way to the bathroom for a fresh tissue to blow his nose, he had tripped over his shoes and hit his lip on the end table. It was just one of many injuries he managed to get during the week since his heart was broken.

  The only good things that had happened this week were that the ranch was somewhat back to normal, as Tyler’s family had all gone home. Tyler’s dad was home from the hospital and doing great. It was obvious to anyone looking that Tyler and his dad had grown a lot closer since the heart attack and his mother’s death.

  The biggest, most wonderful thing of all that had happened was Ryan’s dad was visiting the ranch. If Ryan’s dad hadn’t been here this week, Ryan knew he would have left the ranch.

  Besides his dad, the only other thing that kept him sane was that Callum had been traveling to other ranches delivering foals. It would have been unbearable if he had had to face him during the few times he’d venture out of his rooms. At least that was what Ryan kept telling himself.

  Ryan would have been worried that Callum had gone back to Merick if everyone couldn’t stop talking about Steve claiming the nasty man and how he was thoroughly putting the man in his place. At least that was what Tyler told him.

  A knock on the door had Ryan jumping. Half of him buzzed with excitement that it might be Callum. The other part of him dreaded the thought that it might be Callum.

  “Ryan, it’s Dad, can I come in?”

  Ryan’s shoulder’s slumped with disappointment. It had been a whole week, and Callum hadn’t called or tried to contact him. Maybe it was time to man up and go on. He would find a way to live without Callum Leeman in his life.

  A flip of the lock, and Ryan opened the door of his rooms off the kitchen of the ranch house. Now he was glad he hadn’t moved all his stuff in with Callum. Come to think of it, Callum never asked him to move in with him. Ryan had just been there, always available.

  “Come in, Dad,” he said. He made sure he kept his face out of his father’s line of sight.

  Ryan watched his dad walk in and survey his room. He knew it was a mess, but he hadn’t felt like making any effort to keep it clean.

  “It’s time to pull yourself together, son. You need to take a shower, get dressed, and at least spend some time in the office. You have responsibilities, and Graham is depending on you.”

  Ryan didn’t think he could feel any lower, but now he did. Turning to face his father, Ryan stood there and waited for his dad to look at him.

  “What happened?” his dad asked quietly.

  He went to touch a finger to his lip, but his hand was swollen from falling in the bathroom the day before, and he couldn’t hold back a wince. “I tripped over a shoe this morning,” Ryan admitted.

  His dad sat down on the edge of the bed, a look of resolution on his face. “Ryan, I love you.”

  “I love you, too, dad,” he responded.

  “Men do stupid things sometimes. We don’t think things through,” his dad said.

  “Are you defending him, Dad?” Ryan was myst
ified and hurt by his dad’s statements. He should be on Ryan’s side.

  “No, believe me, I hate that he hurt you. But if you dig past all that hurt and anger, do you still love him, Ryan?” his father asked.

  Tears trailed down Ryan’s cheeks. His throat closed with emotion, and he couldn’t force any words out. Sadly, he nodded his head. Because in the end, he still loved Callum.

  Emotions overwhelmed him. Ryan collapsed onto the floor and curled up into a ball of misery.

  * * * *

  Callum now knew how a leper of the olden days felt. There was no doubt everyone on the ranch was pissed at him. Adam and Graham had called him and asked what the hell he did that had their office assistant locked in his rooms. Apparently Ryan was refusing to let anyone in and wouldn’t come out. Tyler had called him and bitched him out for hurting his friend.

  The next thing Callum knew, Graham had him running all over the country on animal emergencies and picking up supplies from different towns. Callum never picked up supplies. That was when he knew he was being punished. As if he wasn’t disgusted enough with himself for what he’d done.

  It was Ryan’s father of all people who brought Callum back to the ranch. Of course, once he was within the man’s grasp, the older man had nearly skinned him alive with his razor-sharp tongue.

  After he was done threatening Callum with horrible tortures before death, if he ever hurt his son again, Ryan’s dad had ordered a word-battered Callum to stand next to the doors of Ryan’s rooms. Callum had heard every word Ryan said and felt every tear like a knife to his heart.

  When Ryan’s dad asked Ryan if he still loved Callum, he had held his breath and peeked into the room. His heart started to beat again when he saw Ryan nod. Ryan collapsing on the floor was the last straw, and Callum had had enough. It was time to remind Ryan of their agreement and to beg the man for his forgiveness.

  Callum walked into the room and scooped a weeping Ryan up into his arms. Maneuvering through all the crap littering the floor, he climbed onto the bed and arranged Ryan on his lap. Holding Ryan close, he rocked him back and forth hoping to calm the storm of tears tearing the small man apart. From across the room, Callum heard the click of the door shutting behind Ryan’s father.

  It took a while but finally Ryan relaxed in his arms. Callum handed him a tissue from a pile sitting on the corner of the bed. So far Ryan was letting Callum take care of him. Somehow he didn’t think that was going to last. Ryan blew his nose and settled back down, laying his head against Callum’s chest. Callum tightened his arms. He was not going to give Ryan a chance to get away. Only then did Callum start talking.

  “My heart just about stopped when I saw you and Merick talking in the bar. I know how spoiled and bratty Merick can be. I didn’t want him to hurt you.”

  Ryan stiffened in his arms, and then started to struggle to get away. Callum wasn’t going to let that happen. They ended up with Ryan lying on the bed with Callum on top of him.

  Callum looked down at Ryan and said, “The only toy that I used on you that wasn’t brand new was the ball gag. I bought it years ago. It was dumb keeping it, but in my defense I always thoroughly sanitize it after using it in play. When Merick said you were using something he had used first, I couldn’t deny it. I’m sorry.”

  “Get off me,” Ryan ordered.

  Irritated and frustrated, he said, “We had an agreement that we are in a relationship. You agreed that I wasn’t ever letting you go.” Okay, he was stretching the truth a little, but Callum was starting to feel desperate.

  “Get off me,” Ryan ordered. His emotionless expression never changed.

  Callum got off Ryan but pulled him back onto his lap. Ryan sat there for a moment before saying quietly, “You can’t always get your way.”

  “I’ll have you know nothing went my way this week. I was sick about what happened at the bar. I searched the parking lot for hours and couldn’t find you. When I came back here, Tyler was standing in front of your rooms threatening me with a baseball bat and calling me an asshole.”

  He felt Ryan laugh although no sound escaped. This gave Callum hope, so he went on with his sorry tale and hoped to get some sympathy from Ryan so he would forgive him.

  “This whole week Graham sent me all over the country picking up supplies in between emergencies. I’ve never had to do that before, and I figured out real quick that he was not happy with me. Then there were the phone calls. Adam, Tyler, and Elliot reamed me out a new one for treating you so bad. Thank goodness your dad called me and told me to get my sorry ass home so he could help me make things right with you. I have two new speeding tickets sitting in my truck because I drove back here as quickly as possible.”

  Ryan tipped his head up and looked at Callum. “Why didn’t you call me?”

  “I did,” Callum answered.

  “No, you didn’t. I kept waiting for you,” Ryan said.

  “Check your phone.”

  Callum allowed Ryan to lean over and pick his phone off the end table but then pulled him close again. He had already seen the bruised split lip and the swollen hand. He wondered what else Ryan had hurt during their week of separation.

  He wasn’t surprised that Ryan’s phone was turned off. And it didn’t surprise him that the battery was dead either. Ryan leaned over, unrolled the phone charger and plugged the phone in. Seconds later the screen revealed that Ryan had forty-two text messages, and twenty-five phone messages.

  “I guess you did call.”

  “Yep. Why don’t you look at the texts first?”

  Ryan pushed a few buttons, and Callum’s messages popped onto the screen. They all said the same thing. I’m sorry. I Love You!

  “The voice mails say the same thing,” Callum said. “Except for a few that said ‘forgive me’ and ‘I’m not letting you go.’”

  Red, swollen, mismatched eyes glistened with tears as they looked up at Callum. He lifted his hand and pushed Ryan’s messy hair away from his face. Gently, Callum ran his thumb over the bruised, torn skin of Ryan’s bottom lip. Carefully, he leaned down and softly kissed it.

  “It hurt when he said I was sloppy seconds,” Ryan said.

  In one motion, Callum had Ryan lying on the bed and was stretched out on top of him. Callum held Ryan’s face between his palms and looked him straight in the eye.

  “First of all, I’m sorry Merick hurt you. Believe me, one way or another, he will be apologizing to you,” Callum stated.

  Ryan looked like he was going to object, and Callum touched his finger to the cutie’s lips to silence him.

  “Secondly, you are not and never will be second in my life. I was going to prove it that night after we left the bar. I paid Elliot to make some chocolate-covered strawberries. I had them and a bottle of champagne in my truck. I was going to drive out back by the pond and lay a blanket out under the stars. I thought if I fed you strawberries and champagne I could soften you up enough, so you wouldn’t run when I told you I loved you and asked if you would wear my ring.”

  “Oh Callum,” Ryan whispered. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

  “No more tears, Ryan,” Callum ordered. “Tell me you forgive me for hurting you. Tell me you remember our forever agreement. Tell me you’ll move your stuff into my suite. And please, tell me you love me.” This time it was Callum’s cheek a tear ran down.

  “I love you, Callum Leeman.”

  “I love you, Ryan Timmons. Will you forever wear my ring as a sign of our commitment to each other?”

  “Yes, I will wear your ring,” Ryan answered.

  “Forever. It has to be forever.” Callum planned on doing this only once in his lifetime. And Ryan needed to understand this was it for both of them. Plus, Callum wasn’t letting him go. He had been clear about that from the beginning.

  Ryan laughed, his battered face so pretty that Callum’s love-filled heart melted into a pile of goo.

  “I will love you forever and ever, Callum.”

  Finally satisfied he had everything
fixed and any loophole the cutie could think of filled, Callum slid off of Ryan and sat up on the bed. Ryan scooted up until he was sitting. Reaching into the pocket of his vest, Callum took out a black leather ring box. Flipping it open, he turned it so Ryan could see the two rings nestled in a bed of snow white.

  “They’re white gold. When I saw them, I liked how those diamond shapes are connected to each other and run around the center of the whole ring. The lady at the jewelry store said they etched them on there, that’s why they are whiter than the silver color of the ring. I hope you like it.” Callum couldn’t move or hardly breathe, he was hoping so hard he had picked right.

  The next moment he was lying on his back with Ryan raining kisses all over his face and shouting, “I love it,” over and over.

  “Let me put it on you,” Callum said.

  “Okay.” Ryan put his hand out.

  Callum slid the ring onto Ryan’s finger. It looked perfect to Callum, and, of course, permanent. At least that’s what Callum had etched on the inside of the rings. If Ryan ever took the ring off, which he better not, he would find the words, This relationship is forever and permanent. Love Callum, written inside.

  Ryan took the other ring out of the box with trembling fingers and dropped it. Callum easily caught it in midair and held it out to Ryan. Ryan slid it on Callum’s finger. Then the man who owned his heart picked up Callum’s hand and kissed the ring.

  Holding Ryan’s gaze with his, Callum slowly undressed them both between gentle kisses. Just as carefully, he prepared Ryan to accept him into his body.

  This time there were no toys, just two men who loved each other. By the time Ryan was crying out and releasing in passion, Callum was right there with him. More soft kisses followed until Callum was forced to deal with the condom and clean them up a little.

  When he was finished, Callum pulled Ryan into his arms and lay back on the bed, holding his precious love.



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