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His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 162

by Michelle Love

  “Thank you.” I whispered.

  His beautiful blue-grey eyes traveled down my front and back to my own. “You should be more careful.” He said.

  I started to say something in return, probably something smart, but he covered his mouth over mine and that heat from earlier surged back through my core. I melted into him, tingles and jolts of excitement racing through me. When he drew back I felt completely breathless, emptied, a yearning consumed me for more. More. More.

  “Now, Ms. Anders, would you like to see my bedroom?” His voice was deeper, raspier.

  My head was spinning, but yes I wanted to so I nodded, not able to form words.

  “I need to hear you say you want it.” He growled.

  I cut my eyes up at him, the sudden ferocity in his voice throwing me off my senses. Those eyes of his, like liquid heat told me all I needed to know. He was asking for permission.

  “Yes. I want to see your bedroom.” I said, voice low.

  He bent down and scooped me up, carrying me up the stairs to his room. I saw his pulse throb at his throat and an urge struck me--I leaned into it and nuzzled him, then flicked my virginal tongue across that soft spot. He responded with a deep guttural groan.

  “You have no idea what you do to me.” He said.

  I kind of had an idea. It was very hard and pulsing against my side at that moment. It unnerved me. I was a little frightened from the size, but also curious.

  He laid me back on the bed and climbed in between my legs, scattering butterfly kisses and nibbles from my throat to my breasts and down between my thighs. I moaned as he covered my panties with his mouth, so many unfamiliar sensations hit me at once and my hips had a mind of their own as they rocked into him.

  With kisses and adept hands, he undressed me quickly. I was bared to him. Naked like I have never been before a man and he kissed me where I had never been kissed before. Delicious, warm and new--I squirmed from it all, too much and not enough at the same time. It was all a blur when he undressed. His strong, muscled chest and abs were carved so perfectly, I could have mistaken him for some Greek statue. All I know is he was there, over me, his very large member standing out hard and strong--and ready.

  His mouth came back down over my wet pussy and he licked dangerously slow. I felt this pressure building, my nipples hard little buds of flesh as his tongue and fingers tasted and touched me. I spread wide for him and clutched the sheet as waves of wonderful sensation flooded through me and I cried out. Heart thudding loud in my chest.

  “Was that your first?” he asked.

  “First what?” I said breathless.


  “Oh. No, I mean, I have had several.” I lied.

  “Don’t ever lie to me.”

  I blinked and bit my bottom lip. “Yes. That was my first.”

  “How was it?” He asked.


  “Good. I am going to do it to you as me times as I can. Until you are begging for me to stop so you can rest.” The look in his eyes told me it was no empty threat and a giddy excitement filled me.

  And he did make me cum, again and again. His magical mouth and fingers drove me into a frenzy. My legs were jello and trembled as he ran a trail of kisses back up to my neck.

  His lips, covered in my scent, came back down on mine as he spread me open with his legs. He pulled back, eyed filled with lust,“Are you ready? We can stop now if you aren’t.”

  I nodded slowly. I really wasn’t sure, but I was so damn horny that I just wanted to do it and be done with my virginity. All I wanted in that moment, was his massive cock to fill me completely.

  He pressed slowly into me at first, and then thrust his hips all the way in as far as he could--until he hit the barrier of my sex and I cried out. Pain and pleasure laced through me. He rested there a beat, allowing me to get used to his girth. It was a fullness I had never known and it felt so wonderful and right. I wanted him to stay inside of me forever. “Are you okay?” He asked. His voice shook a little.

  Biting my bottom lip, I nodded.

  He pulled back and thrust in again, ripping another gasp from me. His movements slow and methodical. Pain gave way to the most exquisite pleasure I had ever felt in my life! That building wave came faster and harder this time. I wrapped my legs around his frame and squeezed as the release rushed over me. My limbs went fluid and my pupils dilated. Every inch of my body hummed from that orgasm, it was wonderfully delicious.

  His self-satisfied smile was so intoxicating.

  “I was careful to begin with, it being your first time and all, but now I am going to show you how a real man is.” He growled, his voice tickling my ear.

  Gulping down whatever remaining strength I had left I laid and back let him completely dominate my body from the inside--out. His strong arms wrapped around me and he picked me up, bending me forward on the frame and sinking in deep. He wasn’t kidding. He pounded me hard. Relentless. His body smacked into me from behind and I never wanted it to stop.

  “Oh my God!” I cried. I clutched the headboard like a lifeline. My body shivered from the intense sensation and pleasure as he stretched and slammed into me hard. Warm hands cupped my breasts and he pinched my nipples, tearing another gasp from my lips.

  “Do you want me to fill you up?” He asked.

  In that moment, my head wasn’t clear to think. It was clouded--intoxicated with every jolt of pleasure. I didn’t care what he did as long as his cock pulsed deep inside of me. “Yes.” I whispered.

  “Louder.” He growled and thrust so hard the bed squealed from the burst.

  I bit the pillow as another, earth-shattering orgasm hit me and screamed “yes!”

  His hands found my curves and he held onto me as he gave one last push, rocking his hips and thrusting as far into me as physically possible.

  His body tightened up and he fell back on his heels as his hot cum filled me and that dull ache remained behind, ticking away. He rested inside of me for a moment, trying to catch his breath. My body vibrated and pulsed, a wonderful calm wiped away any and all tension from before. I had never felt so good in my life and I had never experienced an orgasm before tonight. Now I’d had multiple with my first time. Since I had nothing to compare it to, I just assumed they were always so wonderful.

  We curled up into each other, his arms locked around me and it all seemed so perfect. Almost, too perfect. I fell asleep against his chest, cozy and satisfied. Happy for the first time and almost certain I was in love, regardless of how fast I had fallen. Shit, Rainey is going to kill me. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was I was there in his bed, entwined like lovers and I never wanted to leave.



  She snored softly in my arms. It was wonderful to have the warmth of a woman, curled up and asleep. I didn’t mean to get so aggressive earlier but she didn’t seem to mind. She seemed to really enjoy it from my angle. It made me wonder how she would be in my special room. My phone buzzed in my pants and I sighed. The fairytale had to end eventually.

  Pissed for the interruption and not too happy about leaving the warmth of her body, I slid my arm out from under her and rolled off the bed. I reached down into the crumpled clothes and pulled out my phone. The number was my son’s nanny. My heart began to race and a knowing panic hit me in the chest, making me nauseous. They never called, so I figured it had to be an emergency.


  “Hey Sam, it’s Trish. Donavan and Keith were playing soccer, when they crashed into each other. I think he might have broken his leg. I am taking him to the emergency room now.” Trish was Keith’s mom, Donavan’s best friend.

  “What the hell Trish?” I roared.

  I shouldn’t blame her. Kids do stupid shit and they get hurt, that was life.

  “Sam, I know you are upset, but try to calm down before you get to the hospital. You might just upset him worse.”

  She was a mom of four, so I imagined she had some
experience in the E.R. trips. I apologized for my outburst, but she was very understanding. As I dressed, I heard Liv stir and I looked at her. She was beautiful. Her naked form outlined by the sheets. In that moment, I would have loved for everything to be right in the world so I could curl back up against her, but it wasn’t. My son was hurt.

  What am I doing? I got distracted, like I said I wouldn’t. Still, she looked so peaceful in her sleep. My cock started to grow hard at the thought of what I had done to her earlier. Her beautiful flesh had bruises and bite marks. I was sure if I looked in a mirror at my own back, imprints from her fingernails would be there still, if not full blown scratches.

  “Liv. Liv, wake up.” I shook her awake.

  “You gotta go. I will have my driver take you home.”

  She looked up at me through sleepy eyes. It hurt, but this was best. She would probably hate me forever, but I really didn’t have time for this. I had a business and a son that had to come first before anything else--even my own carnal explorations.

  “What’s going on?” She asked.

  Irritated and in a hurry, I snapped at her. “It doesn’t matter, just get out.”

  Her hurt brown eyes turned on me with a gaze that burned and she collected her clothes and headed for the door. With one last look back, I could see the pain and confusion in those puppy dog browns. I looked away--hoping the cold shoulder would seal the deal. It must have, because the door slammed shut and the room grew silent and heavy like my heart.

  No time to worry now. I grabbed some clothes for Donavan and myself, just in case we had to stay at the hospital overnight and ran out the door.

  I rushed to the hospital and skidded to a stop in the emergency room lobby when I saw Trish and Keith. Keith had his arm in a sling and a bloody nose.

  “He is okay Sam. Fractured tibia, but he is okay.” She assured me.

  “Sorry again for earlier Trish. I panicked.”

  “I know dear. It happens when something happens to your babies. You go into fight mode.”

  A nurse came out and Donavan followed behind her on crutches. His leg in a lime green cast.

  “Hey man, this sucks.” I said.

  “Tell me about it.” He grumbled.

  “Okay, Donavan, take your pain meds every four to six hours as needed and try not to put any weight on it. We will see you back in three weeks.” The nurse said and handed him his discharge paperwork before heading back to the nurses station.

  On the way home I offered to get him ice cream, which he eagerly wanted. We stopped at a fastfood place and picked up burgers, fries, and ice cream and spent the rest of the evening watching movies, playing video games, and pigging out on junk food.

  When he passed out on the couch, I tossed his hair and kissed him on the forehead, missing the days when he was a baby and a toddler. Of course, those days Emma was there and they were dark days--full of fights and screaming. She might have been his mom, but she was never his mother.

  I swore to myself then that I wouldn’t let a woman get in the way of us ever again. I had broken that promise tonight and Donavan got hurt. I had changed the plans last minute and now he had to wear a cast for several weeks. Shaking my head, I decided that at least for tonight I would only focus on him and tomorrow I would dive into work and this contract with Jessop.

  I doubted that Liv would understand now, even if I tried to explain. I shouldn’t have snapped at her. Oh well, it didn’t matter now. All that mattered was getting Donavan healed up. Even if these feelings for Liv won’t go away. It had been ages since I cared for someone besides Donavan. It hurt to think about how she was handling earlier, but I was where I needed to be--beside my son.



  Pissed didn’t cover how I felt. I was floored. Who the hell did he think he was anyway? He used me up and spit me out. I should have known better. I did know better, but it still stung. I was still fuming when I walked into the classroom five minutes late.

  “Don’t be like your new teacher class. Tardiness is not acceptable for teachers, as it isn’t acceptable for you kids either.”

  “Thanks Mrs. Lavigne. Sorry for being late. I had a bad...night.”

  I started to call roll and when I was close to Donavan’s name I hesitated. When he didn’t respond with a here, I looked up to find his desk was empty. “Has anyone seen Donavan?” I asked.

  Mrs. Lavigne spoke up. “He broke his leg. If you had been on time you could have read the email before class started.

  My mind raced to the night before and I felt a pang of terror. No wonder Sam kicked me out, he was in shock about his son’s injury. I shot sam a text, asking if Donavan was okay, but he didn’t respond. I had my first infatuation, first sexual encounter, and now my first heartache. It was all too much and I ran from the classroom to the bathroom, I bent down and puked that morning’s burrito into the short children sized toilet.

  If he had just told me what was going on...I could be there for him now. Instead, he kicked me out--literally. It hurt, but I was more upset about Donavan. I wanted to know how he had a broken leg and what I could do. If anything. I cleaned my face and rinsed my mouth out at the sink. Everything was so damn small. I was short, but this was even shorter. I normally would have used the teacher’s restroom, but I didn’t want to throw up in the hallway. My year had started out, alright, I didn’t need that on my list.

  When I stepped out of the bathroom, I jumped and squealed. Principal Lambert was leaning against the wall. He braced himself with one leg up on the wall and the other on the floor--his arms crossed out in front of him. “Using the kids bathroom isn’t really allowed. We tend to grow concerned when a teacher wants to be in such a private space.”

  “Oh my god. I didn’t even think of it that way. I just had to...blow my nose.” I said.

  He uncrossed his arms and leaned in close to me. Which, I wish he hadn’t. He smelled like soured milk and broccoli and cheese casserole. I tried very hard not to gag as his hot breath slammed me in the face. “It’s okay, this time. Don’t make a habit of it!”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Hey, fall fling is next week. Were you planning on chaperoning? Surely, you will be.”

  Was it an option? The way he said it made me think it was not optional and I was being told I would be be “volunteering”. “Is it optional?” I asked.

  “Well, it is, but it is highly encouraged that first years attend these events. You need to get out and socialize with the other teachers. I think you will find that they aren’t so bad. Even Mrs. Lavigne is a sweet old bat...if you ply her with some chocolate and booze, she is more agreeable.”

  “Ah.” I think anyone is more agreeable with chocolate and booze.

  “Anyways, you have been a great addition to the Star family. I have heard nothing but rave reviews. I was wondering, if, maybe…”

  Please don’t. No. Do NOT ask.

  “...You would like to go to the dance with me? You know, as my date?” He asked.


  “To the dance. The kid’s middle school dance, meant for the kids?” I asked, to clarify.

  “Well, yes, but you can be my date, helping me chaperone.” He said. He looked down at nothing on the floor and skated his shiny shoe over the clean surface.

  Clearly he was nervous. I felt bad for the little man. Sure he was slimy and he gave me the heebie jeebies, but he was obviously lonely. This was the only reason I agreed and to try and ensure he knew it was only as friends I stuck my hand out for a very formal shake.

  “Okay, but on one condition. We go as friends. A friend’s date, not a romantic one.” I said.

  The smile that spread from ear to ear on his face was not charming in the least. It was kind of comical, like when a child just caught their first fish or when the boys snuck under the bleachers to sneak a peek up some skirts. Very foolish and not at all a smile I could get used to. Instead of just shaking my hand, he clasped it in his own and brought it up t
o his lips, bowing at the waist in a very formal, medievalesque way. I cringed at the smacking sound his lips made against my flesh and the slime of drool that pooled in their place.

  More mental vomiting and I excused myself quickly.

  “Well, I have to get back to class. Thanks...for the sweet invitation and I will talk to you later.” I said. I left before he could say anything else to make it awkward and had the strange sense he was staring at my back side the whole time. While I thought I was doing someone else a favor and being kind, I also felt like I was walking into something I didn’t want to be. Oh well.

  It was all Sam’s fault. I was so pissed at him again, just thinking about everything.



  I heard her voice before I saw her face. She beat on the door of the mansion.

  “Where the hell is my son! Donavan. Donavan! Samuel, you better open this fucking door and show me where my son is before I call my lawyer!” Emma shouted.

  Greg, looked at me and shrugged his shoulders as if to say do I let her in?

  I nodded slowly. “Go ahead Greg. Let the hound of hell in.”

  “Samuel Raven, you have some explaining to do! What the hell happened to my baby boy? Are you so incompetent that you couldn’t watch him before he was horribly maimed?” She screamed.

  What no hello, how have you been the last year?

  I had to do a double take when she walked into the room. Emma. My ex. The bane of my existence. The reason I had turned to alcohol and went on a fuck binge with every woman that walked into the studio for two months after catching Emma with her panties around her ankles and bent over the mixing board in my studio. Emma. Beautiful, loud, bitchy Emma.

  How the hell did she even hear about Donavan? I would have to look into that one later. For now, I was just concerned with what she wanted and why she was in my parlor screaming at the top of her lungs.

  “Hello Emma. You’re looking...well. Donavan was resting but then you came in.”

  I know. Poking the bear isn’t always smart, but she deserved it.

  “Screw you Sam. I am here to see my son.” She said.


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